immunify1 · 2 years
BIG DATA in Healthcare
Big data not only has the potential of revolutionizing healthcare from top to bottom, but healthcare organizations are increasingly relying on big data to provide better patient outcomes, save on costs, and build efficiency across all areas of the healthcare spectrum.
More importantly, big data will help clinicians and hospitals provide more targeted medical care and achieve better results at more optimised costs. For pharma companies, it is also a driving force that’ll help the design and build more innovative drugs and products. Healthcare stakeholders are now even relying on big data and predictive analytics to tackle major global issues and address future challenges and the immense costs linked to global events such as a pandemic.
As the healthcare industry is making incredible scientific advances and leveraging technology like never before, data has become one of the most sought-after outputs now akin to a precious commodity.
Furthermore, governments spend up to 10% of their GDP on health and NGOs and development agencies billions of dollars a year in medical aid to emerging economies, nevertheless, access to reliable sources of data remains poor due to non-existent or inefficient data collection frameworks. The potential cost-savings for these institutions of gathering large volumes of quality data is therefore significant.
The global Big Data in Healthcare Market is now forecast to be worth USD 78.03 billion by 2027, according to a current analysis by Emergen Research
The growing adoption of big data in healthcare is also revolutionizing how the industry delivers much more precise and personalized care. Data analytics tools have been developed that provide better clinical support, cost of care measurement, and at-risk patient population management with the potential to predict outbreaks of possible epidemics, avoid preventable diseases, and enhance the quality of life in general.
However, despite the increasing growth and demand for this sought-after commodity, the incorporation of big data capture and analytics in healthcare has fallen behind other industries, not only due to the lack of reliable data collection frameworks but also due to rising concerns over health information privacy, security, budget constraints, and siloed data.
This is all about to change with the integration of the Blockchain to Electronic health records. The Blockchain now provides critical privacy and security to enable the gathering and integration of large-scale data at very low costs and the interoperability of Blockchain data with other existing sources.
Immunify.life has developed a unique and game-changing ecosystem. Powered by an AI driven electronic health registry it enables the capture of large amounts of quality health data, secured on the blockchain. The ecosystem has been designed to operate efficiently in both high and low-income settings and at a minimal to no cost, whilst protecting patient identities, securing the data, and ensuring wide-scale adoption and optimal interoperability and integration with other data sources.
Big Data in healthcare is about to become even bigger, and data more secure with the numerous healthcare benefits shared more globally and equitable than ever before.
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immunify1 · 2 years
How Blockchain, Crypto, and Big Data on Health can transform Global Healthcare for everyone?
Universal Health Coverage (UHC) as shared by The World Health Organization (WHO):
“Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is a vision where all people and communities have access to quality health services where and when they need them, without suffering financial hardship. It includes the full spectrum of services needed throughout life — from health promotion to prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and palliative care — and is best based on a strong primary health care system.
For many UHC is literally a life-or-death issue, and individuals without health coverage face the prospect of untreated sickness and premature death for themselves and their children. It can also mean the difference between financial survival and destitution. For countries as a whole, increased coverage of health services has been shown to not only improve health indicators but also contribute to stronger economic development, including the reduction of poverty levels. For political leaders, supporting a UHC agenda can deliver considerable political benefits for the simple reason that the majority of people (and of the electorate) wants access to affordable, good quality health services.”
Already in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights enacted that:
“Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.”
The vision of UHC, therefore, paves the path to achieve greater equity in our world and sets the stage for UHC2030, a global movement to build stronger health systems to enable UHC.
The road ahead however requires access to a very basic and technologically available resource, that of data. Reliable and large-scale global health data on which to build a global health insurance framework for the generations to come, which we have come to call the BIG DATA on Health.
As for every form of insurance, the very foundation of a scalable model relies on the numerical understanding and analysis of large amounts of relevant data to ensure the ability to predict, monitor and measure, to then fund and scale the needed changes and implementations. UHC, therefore, requires BIG DATA to scale very significantly, and above all, rapidly.
Big Data has already started to be considered as an essential commodity in all areas of business and society but in lower-income nations, with little to no reliable health frameworks to gather and compile relevant and quality data, it remains a pipe dream to attain UHC by 2030.
This is all about to change with the arrival of Blockchain and its inherent ability to store, transfer and compile large amounts of data. With its universally recognized and rapidly growing technology, it is already making its way into all areas of society and of the economy.
The challenge, however, remains capturing the valuable and quality health data that will take UHC from a vision to reality where it is most needed.
Immunify.Life is an organization that has taken on this challenge and not only sought to leverage the immense power of the Blockchain but along with AI and crypto has created a simple yet powerful user-friendly interface to gather quality data. The interface, in the form of a simple mobile app, empowers the patient to both own and share their data as well as manage essential health-related formalities such as the issuance of an essential vaccination certificate. To encourage the rapid adoption and scaling of the data gathering, as well as reward the patients for sharing their anonymized data, the app also enables a token incentivization feature to provide additional benefits to the participants.
The Immunify.Life ecosystem therefore not only creates a basic and scalable framework to gather data, but it does so respecting the patient’s identity and rights to information. With the support of their dedicated cryptocurrency called the IMM token, it fuels a unique incentive model rewarding patients for their healthcare diligence and the sharing of their data and does so with the utmost respect of their privacy and identity via the security of the Blockchain.
The ecosystem is unique and a true game-changer that has the potential to rapidly turn the bold vision of Universal Health Coverage and access to quality health services for all, into a global reality.
To learn more about Immunify.Life, its projects and progress, follow them on the below media channels, or to invest, support or partner with them, reach out directly at [email protected].
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immunify1 · 2 years
Immunify.life — Smart contracts and Architecture
Each actor in the platform will access the IMM ecosystem using a native mobile app (Android / iOS) with a built-in IMM wallet (multi-crypto) or a web browser connected to the actor’s wallet of choice compatible with Ethereum and Cardano.
The current state of the blockchain tech. stack does not allow us to deliver the vision in a truly DAPP way, hence we define a hybrid architecture to provide a cache layer for real-time access and cost efficient storage of large chunks of information.
We plan to mint the IMM tokens on the Ethereum blockchain and then burn them and clone the copies in the Cardano blockchain which allows for better tech. specs to support the massive flux of information we will be exchanging.
Our architecture also contains cross chain plugins to other potential networks in case we need to connect to other blockchains to leverage some feature that will be standard at the moment we release each iteration of our roadmap.
Immunify.life high level architecture.
Each actor will be uniquely identified via the abstraction of SSI (Self Sovereign Identity), using NFTs (Non Fungible Token) following the ERC721 standard or similar, in Cardano CNFT or any other current industry standard.
The SSI implementation provides the right level of empowerment and incentives for the weaker actors in the ecosystem to become active players by leveraging access to their private information in a secure, fair way arbitrated by market prices.
Each actor will have one or many roles (hence incentives) in the system: Person/Patient, Physician, Clinic, Government, Travel Regulation Agency, Research Lab, NGO (Donor), Insurer.
Smart contracts architecture:
Router Contract
Required to route requests to the right versions of the contracts (all the contracts we will design are upgradeable in order to keep improving them during the project’s lifecycle).
Factory Contract
Template contract containing the base code for the creation and upgrades of all other contracts.
Patient Contract
Contains the pointers to all personal / private information related to the patient, including the list of treatments, vaccines, certificates and future records we will be storing.
Negotiator Contract
Business logic that arbitrates the information flow between actors.
The ‘Negotiator’ Smart contract is where all the key logic happens, making sure that the ‘game theory’ of all the multiple actors in the system align towards the best outcome that maximizes
Information rewards.
To leverage the impact knowledge of the ecosystem we are connecting it to the centralized backend AI engine which will be powering all the intelligent decisions that once defined will be automatically coded by the engine and persisted in different versions of the Negotiator contracts.
The Negotiator Contract will hence be a truly digital organism, mutating and evolving its code by improving iteratively as the information and power structure change in the complex ecosystem with only one hard-coded non-upgradeable goal:
Optimize information rewards for all participants.
A key aspect of how we plan to preserve the privacy of all the information belonging to each actor while making it public ‘on demand’ is by using the private key in the actor’s wallet to encrypt large chunks of data ‘client side’ and persisting it in the decentralized system (IPFS or similar) in a way that will only be able to be decrypted by using the end user’s explicit permission and only storing pointers of aggregated data: ‘hashes’ at the blockchain layer.
At the moment of any exchange between two or more parties, new key pairs will be generated client side and exchanged asynchronously between them using a messaging broker (Whisper alike or centralized RabbitMQ) for the private information to be exchanged securely and decrypted only at client-side endpoints.
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immunify1 · 2 years
How will $IMM revive Healthcare Industry Capability?
An active & trending word being thrown around the field of medical technology is “blockchain.” This is for good reason. Simply put, blockchain holds the potential to revolutionize healthcare. With its full deployment, patients can be truly focused on at the center of all operations, which in turn will also be entirely overhauled with better security, privacy, and accessibility. But how exactly does blockchain enable all this? How is the health industry fully utilizing this vastly capable cutting-edge technology?. Immunity.Life has not just taken a spotlight in the healthcare sector but also synergized with the Blockchain industry to revitalize some key features of the space.
With smart moves to optimally utilize good platforms, Immunify.Life enables the convergence of existing, but fragmented systems, and creates the basis for healthcare 4.0. Immunify.Life uniquely prevents the proliferation of isolated applications by combining all medical interaction and information in one’s self-sovereign identity and comprehensive de-identified disease register. This comprises medical treatment records, disease immunizations, information about chronic conditions, and associated communications.
Why Immunify.Life
Immunify.Life is a transformative & self-sustaining healthcare ecosystem secured by blockchain. Its primary use is to strengthen global health systems and access to health data via an incentivized data capture tool developed for Immunify.Life disease register. It provides an all-in-one platform and ecosystem to capture full, transparent health records of secured patient medical information.
It offers the patient direct access to personal data via a unique health identification tag with the ability to consolidate this data to enable Big Data for Health. The platform integrates a sustainable ecosystem allowing for the incentivization of health campaigns and rapid scaling of its deployment, seamless integration of peripheral health-related data and data management tools.
Reviving Healthcare Industry Capacity
Taking the frontier in being a transformative, highly secure, and self-sustaining healthcare ecosystem secured by Blockchain as it eliminates geoeconomic barriers to treatment and enables sustained compliance through an innovative token rewards program at no cost to patients and providers, Immunify.Life hopes to revitalize the healthcare system, deploying good strategies;
Immunify.Life will reduce the risk of drug wastage and theft by validating users and replacing outdated paper systems which have been very archaic.Without compromising, it will improve health outcomes by rewarding patients and doctors to follow health priorities as well as ensure they follow best practice guidelines.It will also enable fast & reliable technology to access medical data anywhere, any time.The system will save time and lost information by eliminating incompatible systems, processes, and paper records.It will also enhance the value of existing clinical data through intelligent integration of non-medical and medical data analyzed via our AI.Another key move will be to empower its patients by giving them a central role in the management of their private data and clearly demonstrating their vaccination status.Another key feature which Immunify.Life will deploy will be in the aspect of addressing vulnerabilities of healthcare by putting accuracy of medical data and secure transfer as the core element.Immunify.Life also has a Unique token reward system that it believes will drive positive health outcomes for healthcare workers and patients. As these goals are achieved, patients are incentivized with meaningful rewards applicable to daily life so the barrier to patients taking time off work is removed.
About Immunify.Life
Immunify.Life is a transformative and self-sustaining healthcare ecosystem secured by blockchain with the mission to transform the landscape of health management and data utilization. The project enables the power of Big Health Data and Artificial Intelligence to ensure seamless capture of de-identified patient healthcare data.
Immunify.Life has established a strong presence in Africa with a team that has over 60 years of combined experience in the relevant industries. It is a world-first solution to help solve global health management crises and data collection challenges.
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immunify1 · 2 years
Introducing Immunify.life
In recent years, team members from the Immunify.life team have conducted critical research opportunities in improved healthcare, specifically infectious diseases in Africa and Asia. Activities have included participating in government strategy workshops and developing and field testing Cloud based medical record systems.
Africa’s challenging healthcare system:
Billions of dollars in international aid and Government funds are provided annually to fund healthcare in emerging economies
Management and tracking this huge investment is an ongoing challenge
Life expectancies are less than 65 years in some countries with treatable conditions
Average incomes are around $2 per day, so people are often reluctant to spend on a visit to a medical clinic.
The healthcare system records are still paper based leading to inaccuracies and lost patient information.
diseases like HIV Tuberculosis and COVID 19 are poorly managed.
Theft, stock outs and inappropriate prescribing reduce the impact of investment in some countries.
Lack of transparency in recording, duplication of treatment, poor coordination between clinics and pharmacies.
Shortage of skilled healthcare workers leads to inconsistent treatment and poor patient follow up.
Paper based systems are static, non shareable.
Electronic systems can be expensive, difficult to learn and maintain and hard to access in smaller clinics.
The recent COVID19 pandemic created additional challenges and urgency:
How do we quickly track and report the spread and management of the disease?
Who has been vaccinated?
Is it an authentic vaccine and can it be verified?
Has the patient had the correct treatment regimen?
What are the long term health outcomes and complications?
How can we show who is safe for travel and employment?
The Solution
Immunify.Life has created a Health Management system that will replace paper based systems and remove the major barriers to improving health and wellbeing. This system will change the healthcare landscape entirely and empower emerging economies to utilize cutting edge technology to revitalise archaic healthcare systems.
Immunify Life is a health management system used by healthcare workers at the point of care to collect accurate treatment data that can be tracked over time. It is developed at no cost to the patient.
At the heart of the system is the unique patient identifier. The medical record is captured at the time of a medical consultation and can store a digital identity, health certificates and medical health records with a wallet function.
Anywhere a patient goes: to the pharmacy, hospital, clinic or the laboratory, the record readily is accessible anywhere in the world.
The system is funded by the sale of valuable medical data to governments and NGOs with permission of the patient. It is underpinned by the Cardano Blockchain and data will be accessible as one of the world most powerful Artificial Intelligence (AI) engines to provide participating NGOs and governments with unprecedented insights into health data and trends.
Features of the System
Easy to learn for health care workers and can be used on smartphone, ipad and laptop.
Easy to utilize for patient, all they need is a cell phone.
Designed as a simple replacement for paper systems with little or no typing required. Integrated with medical workers, pharmacies, pathology clinics and hospital with a central record repository.
Integrates with other health management systems including any Vaccination Passport system.
Secure immutable and unhackable blockchain application. (Meets all healthcare privacy and security standards, HIPPA compliant).
Informed patient consent given at time of enrolment. Incorporates local medical practices and formulary.
Multiple languages.
NGOs, Governments and other organisations can access de-identified data through the AI interface for a fee.
Immunify Life TOKEN Reward System : a real life token use case!
The system incorporates a revolutionary behaviour change module that automatically monitors and rewards healthcare workers and patients for desired behaviour. Every patient is automatically issued a reward wallet when they have their first consultation.
Tokens will be able to be redeemed for mobile phone credits, food and other consumables
When a healthcare worker achieves predefined goals (for example completing a certain number of diagnostic tests), they are rewarded. When a patient who is vaccinated returns for the second shot they are rewarded. Patients are issued a reward wallet after initial consultation (automatically via mobile phone). Tokens can be redeemed with local partners eg: telcos for cellphone credit or general retail purchases.
The reward system can drive improved patient compliance and could help not only ensure COVID 19 vaccination programs are effectively implemented but could also address the emerging challenge of Multi Drug Resistant TB (MDR-TB) which is a serious and rapidly emerging problem, resulting from patients not completing their medication.
Patients: will receive IMM token as rewards when they do the right thing like completing their COVID 19 vaccination course.
Health care workers: can receive IMM token rewards when they meet a defined goal like completing 10 COVID tests or filling out medical records accurately.
Governments and NGOs: can buy tokens to drive desired behaviours to improve health outcomes.
How will data be collected ?
Patient visits the clinic.
A record is created with a unique identifier.
The system issues a SMS with a one time password and consent offer.
Patient agrees to participate and is issued a wallet.
IMM tokens issued when goals are met.
Tokens redeemed for goods or services.
Data (de identified) collected and sold to governments and NGO.
Who will use the system?
Patients: will be able to access their record wherever they are, the clinic or hospital pharmacy. If there are concerns about COVID they can produce an immutable NFT that shows incorruptible evidence of when and with what they have been vaccinated . This can be used with employers or international travel agencies and governments.
Healthcare workers: can access and update the complete medical history of any patient at any time. It can never be changed or lost.
Governments: can access completely accurate real time medical data, to track outbreaks like COVID 19, then evaluate the impact of treatment programs and identify areas of need.
NGOS: can at last have accurate real time data to show what has happened to the medicines that have been donated, reducing the risk of theft ,loss and mismanagement of data to give donors confidence that their funds are being used effectively.
Successful implementation of new technology systems requires not only the understanding of cutting edge technology but also years of on the ground experience. Immunify.life have used their years of experience within healthcare to build a system that is easy to learn and easy to use. It’s aimed at healthcare workers that are not necessarily proficient at using computers so the system can be run on a smart phone from any location that has a cellphone signal.
The rollout plan has several phases:
Piloting phase: to field test and fine tune the technology, capture success stories and show the technology in action.2. Smaller scale implementations phase: partner with NGOS and Cardano to roll out into other countries and demonstrate the value and power of real time data collection.
Wide scale roll out phase: leverage the success with NGOs and their influence with governments to gain wide scale acceptance and adoption.
Mumbai Pilot detail.
The Immunify.Life system POC was successfully field tested at Masina Hospital, a 270 bed facility, run on a not for profit basis. Located in South Mumbai the hospital provides clinical services covering all areas of General Medicine. Doctors who used and were used to a paper based system were trained quickly and easily to use the system to diagnose and treat tuberculosis.
Activity in Kenya
Kenya sas instigated planning discussions with a prestigious research focused university MMUST, (Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology based in Kenya.
MMUST is the premier Science technology and innovation University in Kenya. It has approximately 17,000 students. The university has a focus on international collaboration and has previously executed agreements with Save the Children Fund a world leading NGO with 25,000 dedicated staff across 117 countries, and as such is an excellent research partner www.savethechildren.net
The study is to have two key objectives.
To demonstrate the usability and acceptance of the Immunify.life health management app in collection real time COVID 19 testing and vaccination records in field conditions. 2 . To scientifically assess the impact of providing IMM token rewards on patients returning to receive their second Covid-19 vaccination.
The aim is to recruit a minimum 200 patients into the study and seek publication in a reputable international journal.
Activity in Cameroon.
Immunify.life has finalised plans with Local NGO BWAC Blessing Associates for Woman and Children to conduct a pilot in two health districts in the Limbe region of Cameroon.
The goals are to collect information on the health administrative system and personal health data to enable a baseline study for the full EHR project in Cameroon and to demonstrate a success story for other NGOs. Medical data will be sought from at least two health units with capacity to provide health information for at least 500 persons. Private medical units will be targeted in this phase because of ease-of-access. Governmental authorizations shall be needed to collect data from government health units.
IOHK Cardano is in the final stages of a government contract in Ethiopia to bring several million users onto the Cardano blockchain. They are working with five “focus countries” in Africa and will onboard 100 million users within the next year or two. Immunify.life plans to utilise the Cardano blockchain to optimise its rollout plans in Africa. Cardano is actively looking for viable value add apps to utilise their blockchain.
Larsen Toubro Infotech. (LTI)
We have recently signed a partnership agreement with LTI A US 1.5 billion international IT company operating in 32 countries with clients including J&J, Unilever, and built the blockchain solution for Citibank. They are partnering with Immunify.life to provide one of the world’s leading Artificial Intelligence engines for data analysis and will provide the technical team to build the Immunify.life.
The Immunify.life team have been in consultation with Stop TB, the world premier organisation to eradicate Tuberculosis since 2018. The organisation committed to using technology to assist in monitoring and managing Tuberculosis in emerging economies.
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) supports aviation with global standards for airline safety, security, efficiency and sustainability. They are spearheading the development of international travel pass initiative Immunify.life plans to partner with IATA to collect accurate in-field treatment data so that travel passes that are issued can be relied upon.
The team.
Guy Newing ( Sydney Australia) CEO. Provides overall leadership and oversight of all Immunify life activities.
Daniel Kenny : Chief Of Staff, ( Sydney Australia) Drive the company to achieve the strategic objectives for both token price and the collection and sale of health data.
Diego Cruces : Chief Technical Officer. ( Buenos Aires, Argentina) Designs and implements the digital ( crypto) ecosystem and manages the development of the Immunify life health management platform.
Sanjoy Dsousa: Chief Scientific Officer ( Sydney ,Australia) Ensures all in field health management programs are designed to deliver effective programs driven by science based approaches.
Kinza Win: Director Strategic Partnerships ( Geneva, Switzerland) Building strategic partnerships with NGOs, private donor organisations and international healthcare bodies to assist in achieving corporate objectives.
Mbi Tabetendo: Director of African Operations ( Toronto, Canada) Lead the identification of target countries and the subsequent implementation of data collection/ disease management programs in the field.
Dola Idowu: Implementation manager ( London, England) Provide tactical support to countries who are implementing Immunify life programs.
Jameel Ben Hassin: Middle East and North Africa Relations Manager (Sydney, Australia). Identification and development of partnerships with the countries of the Middle East and North Africa.
Greg Nathan: Compliance, Administration and Data Officer. (Sydney, Australia) Manages all compliance activities to ensure effective management systems and implements our data collection strategy.
Hugh Wakefield: Professional Development Manager. (Sydney, Australia) Develops a strategy and materials for learning and development in our country. Blockconsult: (Auckland, New Zealand) Provide critical research and guidance for our IMM launch and maintenance phases.
Develop strategic relationships with exchanges and crypto advisors. Immunify.life is a transformative and self-sustaining healthcare ecosystem on the Cardano blockchain powered by self-identity artificial intelligence.
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