imdakotabrown · 4 months
Race in Social Media
It’s crucial to acknowledge that while social media has given a voice to many, it also reflects and sometimes amplifies real-world inequalities, including those based on race. It's a space where racial issues are both highlighted and sometimes mishandled. The anonymity can lead to both support and harm. Positive movements and awareness campaigns gain momentum here, but so do trolls and hate speech. It’s about balance and continuous effort to foster respectful dialogue, educate, and stand against racism. Always good to remember the human behind the screen. Social media can sometimes be a breeding ground for racism, often because it mirrors the biases found in society. People can hide behind their screens to spread harmful stereotypes or engage in cyberbullying. Algorithms can also unintentionally reinforce racism by promoting certain content over others, creating echo chambers that can intensify prejudiced views. Plus, there's the issue of uneven moderation, where content from marginalized groups gets unfairly restricted. #MCO335
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imdakotabrown · 4 months
Black social media users (68%) are roughly twice as likely as whites (35%) to say that at least some of the posts they see on social networking sites are about race or race relations. #MCO335
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imdakotabrown · 4 months
This video goes into the topic of racism in the social media world. This video goes into detail about how social media plays a role in racism. #MCO335
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imdakotabrown · 4 months
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This shows a diagram of social media users who see most of their feeds that are about race. #MCO335
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imdakotabrown · 4 months
This article deep dives into how politics in social media can get complicated, with examples of multiple studies about social media - and its power. #MCO335
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