imcomedic-sans · 4 years
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Redraw of a shitpost
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imcomedic-sans · 4 years
// hey! i’m super sorry for all of the OOC lately but me, rae and teo have really gotten into a bad situation and well, needless to say, we’ve made a gofundme.
the TLDR is that we’re being made aware we need to be out of this apartment on the 28th of August (so, a month away) and with basically $60 dollars to our name and requiring a lot more than $60, we’re making a last ditch effort to try and have enough to cover costs so that we’re not on the street.
if you can’t donate, please spread this around. it means a lot. we also have paypal information and cashapp if need be, so there’s more than one option.
the link to donate is down below:
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imcomedic-sans · 4 years
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“It Was My Cat’s First Birthday Today”
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imcomedic-sans · 4 years
Re Sans battle, if I remember correctly, the reason you don't get invincibility frames is because his attacks don't deal any regular damage, they just convert HP to KR. Like if you touch an attack for only a few frames, you accumulate KR, but you don't lose overall health if you don't account for KR draining. The exception is when you're out of regular HP and your KR drains at 30 per second.
[SPOILERS] Now that’s an interesting point! That would definitely explain how KR and INV-skip are connected and why Sans has the INV-skip in the first place - he skips your INV frames because he’s not actually hitting you, he’s just poisoning you! All the damage you take in his battle is solely due to you accumulating KR! Which would again fit the theme of your sins coming back to haunt you and the messages you get in the battle about death from KARMA - it’s your own evil deeds that kill you, and nothing else!
It’d fit his role as judge too - the power of KR becoming in itself an implicit judgment of you and your actions, he himself only a vessel for that judgment’s power. AND relying solely on KR for damage would match Sans’s pitiful stats and the text saying he’s the easiest enemy, AND it’d explain why he’s so incredibly reluctant to fight you until you pretty much force him to. It alters the subtext of his early warning in the run - “if you keep going the way you are, you’re going to have a bad time” meaning if you keep doing these terrible things, you will fuel the KR that will eventually kill you. Even his gloating when he keeps track of how many times he’s killed you then takes on a different light - it’s not him that’s killing you, it’s you in a sense, no wonder he’s so smug about it.
The idea that KARMA is something that YOU created and is something YOU brought on yourself through your own choices and determination fits with the themes of responsibility and consequences that run through the whole murder run. And it also fits the definition of karma to begin with. This all hangs together surprisingly well! All this points to a neutral/pacifist run Sans being… pretty much a non-threat, just like I joked, haha. Maybe Sans not doing anything when Flowey grabs everyone at the end of the pacifist run makes sense after all.
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There is the very very end of his battle though, when he starts throwing you into the walls in desperation. In the no-hit run, you can see that he can do 36 damage in that last frantic burst of energy, damage that isn’t KR damage. Previously in the battle, he throws you into walls the same way during certain attacks and it does no damage, so obviously this is different somehow (it’s also one of the few times during the battle you see his eye glow, the other being the very first time he throws you down in his opening barrage… though he does no damage there either). But interestingly, he can’t kill you with that attack, he can only bring you down to 1 HP. So if you got to that point with like 2 HP, he’d hit you for one damage, then all the rest of the strikes would do no damage at all (as seen here). So what exactly does that mean? Could he do that attack in a neutral/pacifist run and be threatening that way? Would he? I get the impression that that’s really his last resort and he’s burning everything he has to do it - he wouldn’t do it if he had any other options. But even if he did do it in a neutral/pacifist run… he couldn’t kill you with it.
This fits with the description saying he only does one damage… each strike against the wall only does one damage to you, and it’s the only non-KR damage he does. And even then, it literally can’t kill you. :he and Papyrus are the same.
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imcomedic-sans · 4 years
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I would normally never make a post like this, but I’m increasingly desperate and running out of options.
If you’ve seen this hat, PLEASE CONTACT ME IMMEDIATELY!
I can’t tell you how much I love this Luigi hat, I got it at Otakon like fifteen years ago from someone in the artist’s alley and I’ve had it ever since to the extent that it’s become something of my trademark. It’s incredibly valuable to me, it’s been with me through so much, and I pinned a lot of things to it that I never wanted to lose because I never thought I’d lose it! Especially that tiny handmade Samus hairclip I got in an art trade… and I also got the inside of it signed by Steve Purcell and Jeff Smith because I never thought in a million years I’d ever forget it somewhere…
But while I know I brought it with me on my last trip (since that last picture was taken while I was there), I can’t find any evidence that it made the trip back, and I’ve looked EVERYwhere. I’ve filed lost item reports with the airline, called each of the airports, gone to every place I can remember going to to ask if anyone’s seen it to no avail. I’ve tried so hard to take care of this hat over the years and I’m incredibly upset and mad at myself for losing something that means so much to me, it’s like I lost a part of myself or my identity in a way as ridiculous as that sounds. So I’m hoping against hope that one of you out there might have seen it and can help me.
The airports I stopped in on my way back home were the Albuquerque airport in New Mexico, the San Jose airport in California, and the Burbank airport in California. If you live in those areas, or were in either of those airports around the beginning of November or anything like that, PLEASE keep an eye out for my hat! It’s hard to miss, as you can tell from these pictures. I remember eating at a place in the San Jose airport during a layover, it was near Gate 26 and served a blue cheese burger, but I can’t remember the name of the restaurant itself. It’s possible I might have left it there, or somewhere around there, or someone picked it up, or something… I don’t know. I can’t remember anything more and I know how frustrating that is, believe me.
It doesn’t have any contact information in it or on it, but it DOES have two signatures on the inside in permanent marker, as mentioned above! They’re from Steve Purcell and Jeff Smith and are signed to Zar, so if you see the hat and all the pins are gone for some reason, you’ll know it’s my hat for sure by the signatures on the inside.
Please, if you see my hat somewhere, please let me know! Contact me any way you can! I just want it back so badly, and I actually need to wear hats when I go outside now because of a recent medical thing I don’t want to get into right now, and it’s killing me that when I really need it, I lost it like an idiot. Please please please, if you can, please keep an eye out for it. And if there’s anyone you know that you think might have seen it, please show them this post. I’m hoping for a miracle here.
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imcomedic-sans · 4 years
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WIPS for class
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imcomedic-sans · 4 years
Fundraiser Post
I know some people won’t want to see this so I’ve added a title for those who want to keep scrolling.
For everyone else! Hi, it’s Ginger here looking for assistance from the greater spectrum that is the internet. 
As many of you know, I’ve had a series of unfortunate events back to back where my desktop broke in 2018, then my tablet malfunctioned in 2019. Stacking enough medical bills for my existing conditions and a new heart condition discovered in September (2019) on top of this, I’ve hit an extremely rough patch now for a couple of years that only keeps getting worse. As most of you following me here know, my medical conditions prevent me from working and leave me housebound; I’ve exhausted every option up to this point but I’ve reached a spot where I desperately need to regain my source of income again.
I don’t like asking for help, but I’m desperately in need at this point. Without my tablet, I’ve lost all sources of income that I had and it’s been a very bad time here to put it lightly. I’ve started a Ko-Fi fundraiser with a more detailed post about this situation, and I’m hoping that I can manage to raise enough to replace my old tablet as soon as possible. 
You Can Find My Ko-Fi Here!
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imcomedic-sans · 4 years
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based off of the composition of an anatomy flashcard
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imcomedic-sans · 4 years
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(( i know i still have a couple commissions to finish up and i'll be focusing on those today but i'm really starting to get in a tight spot. taking a couple character sketches to help ease the pressure. ))
(( discounted price at $100 for a full body, single character. ))
(( only taking two or three. ))
(( i can also do half body and busts for a lower price. ))
(( any help is needed and appreciated. ))
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imcomedic-sans · 4 years
Hey ya'll
I'm going to be making a in depth post soon, but sinply for now: I'm in need of some financial help.
In the short, I have to move in the next month and a half, and while we originally thought we'd be able to stay in our current place, that fell through.
Thankfully, we found an apt in budget that meets most of our newds. Unfortunately, I wasn't planning on paying overlapping rent for one month, or paying move in fees.
We need to apply asap so it doesn't get taken by someone else.
The costs that I currently need are a $250 move in fee, a $50 credit check, and first months rent ($750).
Obviously, I'm covering as much of this as I possibly can in my own, but my main job just got cut from 20-30 hours a week, to 0-16. Even with a second job and selling my art as well, I barely had enough to pay rent for feb.
SO if anyome is ABLE to donate ANYTHING I have a paypal. I also have all my available adopts posted with sale prices. I'll be opening commissions soon, but if you're interested now, DM me and I'll send you prices. I'm also going to be selling clothes and PLAYBILLS, so DM me about that if you're interested.
Thanks! And remember, only donate if/what you can, and signal boosts are GREATLY appreciated :^)
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imcomedic-sans · 4 years
hey so a pipe burst in my house and it's kind of an emergency, i'm opening up 15$ clean icon sketch with some decent flats, because i'm kind of desperate at this point, email me at [email protected] with a reference of the character you want and a paypal donation of 15 bucks to the same email. you can also DM this blog with the reference, whatever works.
and please reblog this.
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imcomedic-sans · 4 years
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class project about an exquisite corpse
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imcomedic-sans · 4 years
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It has been a month.
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imcomedic-sans · 4 years
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hey, name’s storm and i’m taking commissions. interested? click Here for my prices and terms of service. like what i do but cant afford a commission? support me elsewhere! or just reblog this so i can get some views! thanks.
ko-fi ~ patreon ~ twitter ~ pillowfort
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imcomedic-sans · 4 years
Draw me like one of your french wolves
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imcomedic-sans · 4 years
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finally did it lads… here’s my official commission price sheet
hedjeroo commissions
All rates are USD$ Extra Characters +5$ (per character) PSDs available on request
Sketch - $20 Rough lines Basic colours/shades may be included
Flats - $25-30 Inked lineart with flat colours $25 for bust $30 for ¾ - full body
Full - $50 Fully coloured & shaded Price includes up to ¾ - full body if desired Extra $10 for detailed BG
some extra things to note:
things i draw a lot: supernatural humans, anthros, skeletons, pokémon
things i may struggle to draw: blocky robots, outdoor backgrounds 
things i will not draw: explicit nsfw, hate art, fetish art
i am in full time employment, have other commitments and struggle with physical and mental illness, so please be patient as i work on your commission
i will keep you up to date with progress as much as i can! please give me a way to contact you regularly - tumblr or twitter DMs is ideal, but email can also work!
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imcomedic-sans · 4 years
okay i give up
playing forager, at endgame; had all the skills, all the heart and energy upgrades, most of the structures, most of the gear, was on the second-to-last tier for almost everything
then the computer froze when i happened to be exiting out of the game and when i turned it back on i got a message ‘an out of date config file was found’ and then something about clearing it out?
it deleted my fucking save of thirty four hours
tried this method to restore it; didn’t work
gave up to try again; computer froze again while i happened to be playing and AGAIN killed my save file
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i can see it right there; the almost finished one has got to be the one that’s 34 kb and the one i just started would be the one that’s 8 kb; attempts to open the file just generate a blank notepad page, but there’s clearly data on it or it wouldn’t be labeled as 43 kb
does anyone have any idea what the fuck to do? i could start over a third time and i probably will because i literally just bought this game and if i do nothing with it now it’s functionally like having not touched it at all and i’m not wasting my money, but i want my first save back
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