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Education is the key to success. Some students may think that this is the most cliche’ line that the parents/teachers commonly used but, its simplicity could help remind thousands of students who are struggling right now that no matter how buried you are, just always remember to motivate yourself for there’s a tomorrow waiting for you.
Motivate yourself with LOVE. Love can harness us to do things that we haven’t done before. It would give us courage to finish up our duties with the support given from your families, friends and loved ones.
Motivate yourself with KNOWLEDGE. The more knowledge you have, the higher the grades you get. So, it’s better if you read and read and read than you fail and fail and fail.
Motivate yourself with your AMBITIONS. Your future self is waiting for you! It’s time to choose who are you going to be and make that as your finish line because life is like a race, its either if you end up losing or winning. Nobody wants a failure, right? Success is what we need so, you better get you plans right.
Always keep this in mind and share it with your classmates. Together, you can motivate each other’s back.
-Krystelle Kudera 
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Study Tips just for you ;)
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I am known as quite the Productive type, so here are some of my tips just for you guys! 
Tip 1: plan ahead  If you have a planner that is not time managed… Get one that is time managed. Right now I use my bullet journal in an altered way, when I want to spend a day properly getting THINGS DONE.Make sure you know how long you will need for a certain task and be specific in what that task is. 5 pages. A chapter. A certain subject. Now plan it into your time table, and take the time spaciously. Will it take 15 minutes? Plan 20. You will feel more rested and accomplished! ( also don’t forget breaks ) 
Tip 2: sleep. What? Sleep? Why sleep? Studyblr’s don’t sleep? Let me tell you. If a studyblr is advertising not taking care of your body because that’s hardcore? They are not doing it right. Sleep is essential. Make sure you have 8 hours of sleep, so you have enough energy for the day and start the day EARLY.   
Tip 3: Don’t take hours getting ready  2 hours to get ready in the morning? You can use that time better. Go from bed straight to the shower so you will be fresh, get yourself some breakfast, chill for a bit and then 10 minutes before you planned to start studying, go grab your stuff and Do the job. 
Tip 4: minimize your distractions  Don’t put things on your desk that you won’t be using. It’s distraction and you don’t want that. Music with lyrics is a big no go for me. Spotify does some GREAT playlist just for this and also coffitivity.com (available in the appstore too) is a savior. Listen to that with headphones on and you immediately get into that productive state. 
Tip 5: keep track of time  I have used Pomodoro and those types of apps but they didn’t do the job for me. What I like to do is put the stopwatch of my Iphone next to me and every time I finish a “task” I start a new round. When I go for a break, I stop the stop watch, and in that way at the end of the day, I will see how many hours of real productivity I had and what I can do better next time. 
Tip 6: Social media does not exist No, not even tumblr while searching the studyblr tag and aspecially not during small breaks. There are apps that won’t let you have access to social media your laptop or phone, but I just use my second iphone with no apps on there so twitter, tumblr, Facebook, non of it is available at the tap and luckily I am not that desperate to go on web to those sites haha! 
And those are the Productivity tips I got for you as if now, Any questions or suggestions? Feel free to fill up my ask box!
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Getting nervous for an upcoming exam. Don’t worry! Here are some study tips in order for you to prepare your precious mind. Read, Study and Chill :)
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Problems faced mostly by some students
As some students, they believed that the word studying is an abbreviation to STUDENT DYING. Well, I’m one of those students who believed in that. I’m not that typical Top A’s-student and not that responsible when it comes to academics. Especially when some teachers loaded us with a bunch of homeworks and projects that are to be passed on a shorter time. When this happens, PROCRASTINATION adds up in the situation. Exhausted and clueless, as most students encounter, they procrastinate and leave their responsibilities to finish their work. 
The more tasks being given, the shorter the time they have with other important stuffs. This would lead to students to sleep late at night. Some students would choose to sleep in school instead of listening to the teacher in class discussion. 
Problems like this should be avoided. Overcoming procrastination is a daily struggle that often requires students to take action–even when a specific activity is the last thing that you feel like working on. Let’s beat it for our future is waiting for our action.
-Jan Horace Ramos
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When I wake up, I hang about for a few minutes and see if anything specific needs to be done. I usually wake up to hear the radio music. After 15 minutes, I take a bath. Right after, I eat my breakfast. My clothes are usually ready from the night before. Then, I go out to the room and walk into the street and wait for a pedicab. A few minutes later, I will wait again for a jeep because it’s a two ride trip to my university. I meet new people everyday. Friends of friends and talking to new people in my classes and its really interesting.
No matter what circumstances you have faced, don’t forget to believe in yourself that you can make it to the top :)
-Alvin Almendras
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