illuminatixeye · 4 years
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The kid has got a dark side…
Best believe it’s the last trick up his sleeve
The kid has got a dark side..
That you don’t wanna meet at all…
Reblog this post.
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illuminatixeye · 5 years
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(Selective Beetlejuice rp blog must be 18+ to interact)
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illuminatixeye · 5 years
Reblog and follow.
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All these thoughts running through my head,
Blinding my sight in a curtain of red!
Frustration is getting bigger,
Pull my devil trigger…
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illuminatixeye · 5 years
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“I am an antichrist….
I am an anarchist…
don’t know what I want, but I know how to get it”
Fandomless OC blog Promo
Mortimer Collins
Please Reblog.
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illuminatixeye · 6 years
Reblog if Gravity Falls is still alive to you
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illuminatixeye · 6 years
Please reblog when you’re an active Gravity Falls Roleplayer!
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We making a masterlist of all active Gravity Falls roleplayer on tumblr!
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illuminatixeye · 6 years
I’m fucking dying
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illuminatixeye · 6 years
The Not Knowing Triangle
Dipper sat on the bus with his sister Mabel waiting for it to pull over to the bus stop. He was excited to see his friends and uncles. He looked at Mabel as the bus pulled over at their destination, “Excited to see everyone?”
He got up from his sit and grabbed his bag from the top before handing Mabel her bag, “I wonder how everyone’s been since we left.”
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illuminatixeye · 6 years
Bill laughed at Max’s reaction to him bringing up his teddy bear. He then watched the kid think about what he wanted. After hearing it Bill snickered,
“Yeah whatever, kid. Sounds like you’re a bit of a trouble maker. Not that I didn’t know that, but I like your moxy!”
He suddenly conjured up a card from thin air before rolling it over his fingers. He handed it to Max with a grin,
“Here ya go!”
{ @illuminatixeye }
Bill smirked at Max before rolling his eyes he then made a cane appear so he could lean against it just so he could show Max him materializing something. He then explained,
“Alright kid! Jeez, nothing gets passed you now does it? Ask for something small for now. At the moment I’m kinda lacking sorts. You can thank two brats for that. One of them might be the key to getting my powers up to snuff. The ones I want you to bring to me. So what do you want me to pull out my thin air kid? Mr. Honeynuts? Ice cream?”
The youth holds his breath at the mention of his stuffed toy. It’s a little demeaning to know that this guy knows so much about his private life. Max narrows his eyes defensively and grinds his teeth. “You keep him outta this, you.” He hisses, pointing a threatening finger at him. 
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 Max pats his foot on the ground as he contemplates. His knuckle rests under his chin. What does he want that’s small? What is worth his labour? 
It hits him. 
 “Alright, Bill. I want…a fake ID.  One that will get me access into clubs, illegally drive cars, buy whatever shit I want…look at boobs-” He coughs, attempting to somewhat cover up that last part.“ - and purchase fireworks. Think you can do that?”
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illuminatixeye · 6 years
Bill smirked at Max before rolling his eyes he then made a cane appear so he could lean against it just so he could show Max him materializing something. He then explained,
“Alright kid! Jeez, nothing gets passed you now does it? Ask for something small for now. At the moment I’m kinda lacking sorts. You can thank two brats for that. One of them might be the key to getting my powers up to snuff. The ones I want you to bring to me. So what do you want me to pull out my thin air kid? Mr. Honeynuts? Ice cream?”
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{ @illuminatixeye }
Bill chuckled as he placed his hands on his hips and towered over the child,
“What do I want? I just want a favor!”
His eyes turning an a fluorescent blue briefly. He smirked at Max as he walked over and leaned against a nearby tree,
“You don’t have to be afraid of me Max. The favor doesn’t involve you. Not in the way you think. I just need you to bring me some people. If you do I can give ya anything you want! ANYTHING!”
The tiny boy, cranks his head up to stare into Bill’s lemon eyes. Despite how intimidating the strange being is, Max keeps his nerve like a jack russel standing against a great dane. 
“A favour? Some people?” Now he is curious. Who are these people in which Bill speaks of? What is his problem with them,? Why does he need Max to do the dirty work? Everything about this situation is unsettling and the sudden change is Bill’s eye colour is surely not helping things. 
“Listen, Bill, you obviously don’t know me, but I don’t do favours for fr-…Anything, you say?” Okay now that is slightly alluring. “You can give me whatever I want, huh?” The dark haired boy queries, his voice sounds curious but doubtful.“Prove it. It’s not enough to have creepy eyes, prove you can give me anything and then maybe I’ll help you out." 
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illuminatixeye · 6 years
Bill chuckled as he placed his hands on his hips and towered over the child,
“What do I want? I just want a favor!”
His eyes turning an a fluorescent blue briefly. He smirked at Max as he walked over and leaned against a nearby tree,
“You don’t have to be afraid of me Max. The favor doesn’t involve you. Not in the way you think. I just need you to bring me some people. If you do I can give ya anything you want! ANYTHING!”
{ @illuminatixeye }
A rather tall young man stepped out of the trees with a grin. He walked casually over to the boy before greeting him,
“Well, well, well, well well well well! Hello there Max!”
There was definitely something off putting about this man. For one was how his eyes seemed to glow an ominous yellow.
“Long way from home! New to town?”
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“…” That was pretty horrifying; hearing his name being used by a total stranger. It’s not as if anything he has on his person is labelled or anything. Somehow this man had taken this information out of nowhere. Unless it was somehow a lucky guess… Either was this guy seems like a creep and despite not wanting to be here, he didn’t want to be kidnapped either. Max stands back up properly, his face giving away his concern; an unusual display for the usually dead pan boy.
“What the actual fuck? You just sneak up on me and greet me like a complete psycho and now you want to make idle chitchat with me?!” Max’s eyes narrow suspiciously. 
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This town really is full of freaks.
“Seriously. Who are you and what do you REALLY want?”
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illuminatixeye · 6 years
A rather tall young man stepped out of the trees with a grin. He walked casually over to the boy before greeting him,
“Well, well, well, well well well well! Hello there Max!”
There was definitely something off putting about this man. For one was how his eyes seemed to glow an ominous yellow.
“Long way from home! New to town?”
{ Starter for @illuminatixeye }
Max and his parents had moved into this small town in Oregon about a week ago. This gave the dark haired boy enough time to go out exploring his new neighbourhood. Of course, he is desensitised to the stupidity of some of the town’s folks and hasn’t really been impressed by anything he’s seen so far. With such a pessimistic outlook on life Max is very hard to impress.
However, to say that this town, ‘Gravity Falls’, wasn’t strange would be a lie. The cynical little lad could swear that he’s seen a few shifty figures wearing pointy hats. The way they moved and how tiny they were, made him wonder whether they were even human at all.
Now, Max didn’t believe too much in the supernatural but things here were defiantly weird. It was only a few moments ago that he could have sworn that he was being followed by a tall shadow, which made a shaking sound whenever he turned his back. Such a presence made him sprint through the woods, ultimately causing him to take a break after sometime.
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However, even now he is not alone. There is someone approaching. How many weirdos is he going to run into in this God forsaken town?
“Fuck. Okay, whoever you are…what the fuck do you want?” He pants, his small palms resting on his knees as he catches his breath.Hopefully he isn’t going to get mugged for what little change he has.
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illuminatixeye · 6 years
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illuminatixeye · 6 years
Bill narrowed his eyes at the woman. He did not like being stood up to. He scowled as the flames in his hand disappeared. He cocked his head at her,
“You’ll lucky I haven’t my strength up yet, but when I do... you’ll be sorry little girl.”
Into the Trees ; Closed
It was a beautiful evening. Lara could not deny that the view from her small perch above the city was breathtaking, the slowly setting sun warming her skin for the last few moments before sunset. It felt like time never properly passed while she sat on the ridge just feet away from the dense forest of the Falls, even after living in the small town for the almost year she’d been here.
After the sun had set and the moon glowed in the sky, the witch finally rose from the grass and yawned, rubbing at her aching eyes before making her way back through the forest. After what felt like a good half hour, Lara frowned as she came out into a clearing.
“I must have taken a wrong turn…”
She glanced around curiously at the strange grassy patch, the leaves of the trees around it creating an almost perfect circle of moonlight. Shivers ran up her spine as the vibrational energy changed and she whirled around, eyes narrowing as she peered into the dark.
“Who’s there? Reveal yourself.”
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illuminatixeye · 6 years
He grinned at her. He then began to circle around her. His eyes studying her as he smirked.
“How do I know you? I know everything!”
He chuckled as he stopped a few inches from her, his head cocking with a Cheshire grin.
“I know your on the run. I know you’re afraid to go back home. I know you’re on someone’s hit list! So I’ll tell ya what! We’ll make a deal! I won’t rat ya out, but ya gotta do a favor for me first!”
Again his eyes flashed that ominous blue. He then snickered a bit. His right hand suddenly engulfed in blew flames. It then extended to the girl,
“Shake on it.”
Into the Trees ; Closed
It was a beautiful evening. Lara could not deny that the view from her small perch above the city was breathtaking, the slowly setting sun warming her skin for the last few moments before sunset. It felt like time never properly passed while she sat on the ridge just feet away from the dense forest of the Falls, even after living in the small town for the almost year she’d been here.
After the sun had set and the moon glowed in the sky, the witch finally rose from the grass and yawned, rubbing at her aching eyes before making her way back through the forest. After what felt like a good half hour, Lara frowned as she came out into a clearing.
“I must have taken a wrong turn…”
She glanced around curiously at the strange grassy patch, the leaves of the trees around it creating an almost perfect circle of moonlight. Shivers ran up her spine as the vibrational energy changed and she whirled around, eyes narrowing as she peered into the dark.
“Who’s there? Reveal yourself.”
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illuminatixeye · 6 years
Up ahead from the clearing was a strange looking statue. It was rather out of place, but it was of a triangle with a broke hat and arms that reached out toward whoever approached it. From behind the statue a rather tall man walked out. He cocked his head at the newcomer his eyes glowing yellow in the dark night.
“Well, welll welll... well well welll welll well!”
He leaned against the statue, his eyes narrowing with curiousity,
“Awful late for a stroll in the woods Laura...~ Or should I say Nina.”
How did this man know her name? Her real name? That was the question of the ages. What was he doing in the woods? It might’ve been the trick of the light, but at the mention of her real name the man’s eyes seemed to glow an ominous fluorescent blue.
Into the Trees ; Closed
It was a beautiful evening. Lara could not deny that the view from her small perch above the city was breathtaking, the slowly setting sun warming her skin for the last few moments before sunset. It felt like time never properly passed while she sat on the ridge just feet away from the dense forest of the Falls, even after living in the small town for the almost year she’d been here.
After the sun had set and the moon glowed in the sky, the witch finally rose from the grass and yawned, rubbing at her aching eyes before making her way back through the forest. After what felt like a good half hour, Lara frowned as she came out into a clearing.
“I must have taken a wrong turn…”
She glanced around curiously at the strange grassy patch, the leaves of the trees around it creating an almost perfect circle of moonlight. Shivers ran up her spine as the vibrational energy changed and she whirled around, eyes narrowing as she peered into the dark.
“Who’s there? Reveal yourself.”
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illuminatixeye · 6 years
Greg didn’t listen and continued walking. He pointed to one of the arrows, “It’s says the mystery shack is this way! I can’t wait to see it! It’s probably gonna be filled with fun stuff!” He looked to Wirt, “Don’t worry Wirt! There’s arrow so we can’t possibly get lost!” Up ahead was a rather short person dressed like a question mark.
He was holding an arrow to point in the direction of the shack, “Well, howdy there fellers! Come t’see the mystery shack! It’s right along with way! Oh! Are you new to the town! How delightful!” The chubby boy twirled his arrow.
Over the Gravity Wall!
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