as a German I do not support her pronunciation of bei mir bist du schön. i don't support them in general, I WANT TO SEE THE DANCERS
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yes, and if they are forced to do it again, maybe have the juniors go first.
Petition for minis to not have to do this again next season
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how can they pick up that choreography so fast 😭
It's so detailed
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hoooly moly the teen division was soooo stacked with talent.
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if anyone needs sammis finals solo, message me
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the teen line up for radix nationals is going to be crazy...
I'm already planning out what year my favorite dancers should win so they all win at some point...
Petition to have multiple winners
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She's been having a really great season. I'm really rooting for her to win at nationals!
Izzy Howard vegas youth Grand Prix winner...so true besties
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what do you want to know? I'm part of the sub to stalk their weird hate/obsession with that family (I DO NOT TAKE PART OF IT OR SUPPORT IT, I just find it fascinating how weird people can be)
sometimes I really wonder why people put so much time and work into spreading hate. I mean, I'm not necessarily a fan of the LaBrants (because I don't like the idea of sticking cameras into young childrens faces), but I find it completely uncalled for to create a hate, anti labrant community.
they are aware that by doing so, they probably give the LaBrants even more views? are they?!
it's one thing to comment on a person's behavior or actions, but it's wrong to attack them regarding their appearance. the amount of times I've read something hateful and disgusting about their looks is horrifying. if you really need to criticize something, at the least criticize something they can change, not their looks...
how do people read labrant family snark I'm so so curious but their subreddit is private or something
you have to wait for it to go public again
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oh my gosh guys, the talent at 24/7 long beach is going to be INSANE!!! The Rock, Project 21, Westside, Danceology, Pave, Master Ballet Academy and so much more!
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y'all, someone in my history course asked who hitler was... it's an intensive course... we've discussed the second world war like three times in history in my 11½ years of school... i live in germany😭
my teacher left the room and came back 20 minutes later with three additional history teachers who asked the kid to ask the question again because they didn't believe my teacher.
sadly enough he had had enough time to google who hitler was so he refused :(
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a symptom for hyper mobility is pain in your joints, which is how i got diagnosed. usually you do not have to go to treatment, although I had to go to physical therapy because my knee pains got so bad.
there are different tests i had to do, for example bending my fingers over by 90° or touching my hands to the floor. i think these kinds of tests are in the internet and you can like compare your flexibility to given examples.
does anyone have any sort of hyper mobility disorder/condition type thing?? like what were your symptoms bc i really do think i have smth
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stupid question, but what dances did abby miller copy? i know about blush and bashful, that she probably stile the theme from roses, but what other dances?
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boy, the quiner sisters sure took home a clean sweep
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that girl is really rocking it rn, I'm so happy for her!
Crystal Huang is one of the radio city Claras this year!!!
go girl! thanks!
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ooh i love somewhere over the rainbow, it's such a pretty song
Favorite lyrical song?
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hi, my name is elsie, I'm 17, and i first was introduced to competition dance through (god help i regret it) dance moms about 4 years ago, but didn't really start watching normal competitive dance until the first lockdown. my favorite dancers are gracyn, savannah m and k and like all the larkin dancers because larkin is frickin amazing.
im from europe and and I absolutely am not a dancer in any way shape or form (I've tried, you can compare me to a elefant by the way I was stomping around), and I'm absolutely in awe when I watch dancers do their thing...
so uhm i hope this introduction helped a bit, as i don't want to come of as a weird creep who suddenly followed 20 accounts :)
have a nice day and stay safe!
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