idkwhatthistbh · 4 months
you guys know that “she likes a boy i’m not a boy” trend in tiktok? so i’ve seen a lot of of it and a bunch include wenclair most with enid first then wednesday but honestly i think it can so easily be the other way around too! depends on what point of the season
think of the ANGST of enid immediately liking wednesday. love at first sight for her. she tries again and again to get along with wednesday asking her to join her for the poe cup, defending her without her even knowing, accepting her weird creepy ways with very little, if any, hesitation, etc. she thinks their getting along well!
just for wednesday to start talking to the random normie even using HER laptop call him. then wednesday goes to the goes to the rave’n with him too. pan to enid at the dance watching wednesday “she likes a boy but i’m not a boy”
so enid moves on and starts genuinely liking ajax, up to that point she wasn’t sure cause she still liked wednesday he was just a distraction, and they become a thing
cue wednesday realizing her feelings cause she’s jealous watching enid and ajax be all couple gross. now she’s in the exact same spot enid was.
“she likes a boy but i’m not a boy”
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idkwhatthistbh · 1 year
personal head cannon:
Enid is actually a really good student. It comes from her wanting to empress her Mom as a kid since she couldn’t transform. But as time went on she learned she actually liked learning a lot as an escape. She takes extra electives to learn more, in all honors/ high level classes, always puts in extra effort for assignments and ESPECIALLY projects, super friendly with the teachers ect. But she is also definitely a procrastinator just an effective procrastinator.
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idkwhatthistbh · 1 year
personal head cannon:
Enid loves linking pinky’s. She thinks it’s the cutest thing in the world and it always makes her all gitty. Especially when Wednesday initiates it.
Wednesday loves when Enid grabs her arm. It makes her feel extra protective and proud like she’s showing Enid off.
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idkwhatthistbh · 1 year
personal head cannon:
at the beginning of their relationship it was a struggle for Enid to figure out when/ what was ok with Wednesday. so at first it’s a little awkward but after a little Enid realizes all she has to do is ask (i mean it makes sense they are both very straightforward people so just straight up asking was the most logical answer) So before initiating anything Enid thinks Wednesday could be even the tiniest bit uncomfortable with she always asks if its Okay. Of course after a while Wednesday caught on and gave her a better set of boundaries and what she did or didn’t have to ask before doing (ex: handholding is always ok. cheek kisses are ok just signal before doing it. etc etc)
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idkwhatthistbh · 1 year
personal head cannon:
Enid ADORES Wednesdays freckles and loves tracing them with her fingers and connecting them like constellations or peppering little kisses to them every chance she gets.
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idkwhatthistbh · 1 year
Wednesday would throw knives at anyone who’s TOO close to Enid till Enid asks her to stop (it was killing her social life) so now if she thinks their too close she’ll march up to them out of NO WHERE and go full blown gomez and makes a show out of kissing enid
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idkwhatthistbh · 1 year
Personal Head cannon:
Enid is the surprisingly smart kid. the kid you never see studying yet has almost perfect grades. (she study’s super late at night into the morning hours) the one teachers expect do do horribly because all she does is talk in class and are surprised when she turns in work better than most of her peers. Always gets her work done before the due date (at the very last minute but still) the one everyone thinks needs to be tutored only to find out she IS a tutor. Enid doesn’t necessarily hide her intelligence she just doesn’t flaunt it and lets people make their own assumptions.
Wednesday is the annoyingly smart kid. She is always correcting the teacher and shouting out answers and the teachers can’t get all that mad because she’s always right. always finds a loop hole to make whatever the assignment is gory/ dark/ macabre in some way. she’s gotten kicked out of multiple classes because teachers couldn’t/ wouldn’t deal with her but even they admit she’s smart as hell. Wednesday doesn’t flaunt her intelligence on purpose she just always knows the answer and doesn’t have the patience to wait for other people to answer.
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idkwhatthistbh · 1 year
Wednesday and Enid would be mutually obsessed but in different ways.
Enid shows it in ways that are normally explicit and physical or tangible in some way (1. because that’s just how she is and 2. cause otherwise she’s afraid Wednesday won’t understand)
Always trying to be as close as she can to Wednesday at all times (ofc while respecting her boundaries)
Leaves her sticky notes (bright pink ones) in the most random places with little complements just cause
Would make gum wrapper hearts and writes things in them (Wednesday has kept all of them along with the sticky notes)
Texts Wednesday her every thought through the day just random things (“if a siren eats sushi is it cannibalism?”) because if they can’t be together she needs to have some sort of contact to feel grounded
Noticing when Wednesday doesn’t wanna socialize anymore and making a quick excuse so they can leave as soon as possible
Wednesdays are more a little more subtle but just as thoughtful
Finishing tasks for her because she got distracted half way through
Brings her the most random things simply cause she things Enid would like it (like a raven)
Stabbing Lovingly poking Enid in her side and reminding her to eat at lunch since she talks so much she forgets to
Writing little poems from time to time (they are really gory but cute in a Wednesday way (Enid adores them even if she’s almost fainted a few times))
Is the queen of covering corners so Enid doesn’t hit her head
Flowers!!! Sometimes their only the stems of roses, sometimes their the prettiest colored hydrangeas, sometimes their weeds she found in the woods. she’s just always giving Enid flowers to the point of Enid has always had at least one vase of flowers at all times since they started dating (When the flowers start dying Enid always drys them out and has them all in a box and refuses to get rid of them)
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idkwhatthistbh · 1 year
Enid uses Barbie movies to threaten Wednesday
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idkwhatthistbh · 1 year
personal head canon:
Enid is the ultimate student council kid shes involved in every school event and drags Wednesday with her every time without fail
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idkwhatthistbh · 1 year
There is no way Wednesdays braids don’t hurt and she doesn’t get that “my hairs been up all day” headache and yea there is a high chance she’d just enjoy that pain but i can’t help but think of Enid using her claws and running them through her scalp/hair and giving her a head massage
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idkwhatthistbh · 1 year
personal head cannon:
Anytime Enid asks Wednesday if she wants to do something later she responds with “I’ll think about it” knowing full well she’ll most likely say yes because she loves the smile Enid gives her when she tells her she’ll go along with whatever Enid has planned
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idkwhatthistbh · 1 year
I cant ship Xavier and Wednesday
if the genders were reversed (with Wednesday being a guy and Xavier a girl) we’d all be yelling at our screens how Xavier needs to get a grip and realize Wednesday is horrible for him/ treating him badly, so why is it different just cause Xavier is a guy?
when Bianca asked why was he so obsessed with Wednesday when she JUST got there he says cause she wasn’t manipulating him right? but then she does! and he’s still obsessed!? like sir she is using you AND KEEPS ACCUSING YOU OF MURDER
And i’m all for a man being obsessed with his gf it’s cute but that’s my issue with Xavier. it would be cute and attractive if it was reciprocated but Wednesday literally PUTS HIM IN JAIL and he’s still obsessed it’s more off putting than attractive also sorta worrying cause uhh sir are you ok?
also not trying to say Wednesday is a horrible person in this dynamic. Xaviers is also at fault
Wednesday literally said she’s not a good person and yet Xavier expected her to become a better person and like him back simply because he liked her.
she seemed so uninterested when talking to him sometimes or would give no response and he’s all smiley like what..? are you seeing the same signs Tyler said he was? she wasn’t leading you on YOU lead YOURSELF on and then got mad at her
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idkwhatthistbh · 1 year
personal head cannon:
Enid has pretty bad anxiety
she used to bite her nails but then started painting them so she couldn’t (which is why her nails are perfectly painted all the time) so she only really fiddled with her hands most of the time.
But after the whole Crackstone thing it gets bad again and she starts picking at the skin around her nails instead till they bleed without even noticing
However Wednesday noticed and started carrying around bandaids and let’s Enid play with her hands when she feels anxious so she doesn’t pick at her skin
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idkwhatthistbh · 1 year
I know Enid was probably making up the whole mani pedi party thing but like what if she wasn’t and she was genuinely looking for her nail polish? Because if that’s the case I feel like Thing hid Enids nail polish. BECAUSE WHY THE HELL WAS IT AT THE FEET (..?) OF THE FLAMINGO?!? that’s such a weird place for nail polish to be unless someone put it there! or maybe it rolled there? but the flamingo is near their window so idk where it could’ve rolled from.
Plus Thing would know where Enid kept her nail polish and everything AND also it looks like he’s wearing that nail polish
he probably wanted them to talk it out so hiding the polish forced Enid to come back to the dorm but then they fought like a petty married couple instead
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idkwhatthistbh · 1 year
“maybe Enid is just in love with Wednesday”
she fell into the TRENCHES and does not plan on leaving anytime soon
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idkwhatthistbh · 1 year
personal headcanon:
Wednesday can cook but can’t bake
she can make literally any dinner dish you can think of with ease. but if she tries to bake cookies? or worse A CAKE she can’t it always ends up wrong. one time she tried to make chocolate chip cookies and they came out hard as rocks and almost chipped her tooth
Enid can only bake
her cookies are the best and for everyone’s birthday she makes them cakes frosted perfectly with little designs however if she tries to cook even just pasta she always burns herself and forgets about the food leading to the food burning and has almost started a fire on multiple occasions
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