idkmyblogname · 10 months
I'm gonna find you if its the last thing I do
i was walk home with Vance one day and he was very happy and I mean very happy because he just beat is pinball high score. Well it had come that time where me and Vance had to go our separate ways. "Make sure to call me when you get home okay asshole" I said, Vance respond and said "Will do dip shit". We went our separate and i finally got home but after about an hour I didn't get a call from Vance, huh that's funny. Well I thought that he must have juts got tired and went to bed as soon as he got home so i didn't thing anything of it and went to bed. I woke up the next day and I was already late to school damn it you stupid fucking alarm clocks they never work. I got dressed as soon as i could and got to school and thank god I had my first class with Vance but when i got there class had already started and of course i was late damn it.
I decided to ask Matt where Vance was. "Matt do you know where Vance is by chance because i haven't seen him all day' "No i haven't seen him either, maybe he got grounded again" "Yea maybe thanks though" "No problem Y/N". Really even Matt hasn't seen him Vance is always with Matt. I decided not to think about it to much until 5th period. I was sitting in science and the principle had walked in and said that he needed to talk to me for a little bit. When i tell you i had no clue why i mean that.
I went to her office and they stood two officers and they told me to take a seat. "Hi Y/n i'm officer Copper and this is my partner officer Smith we want to ask you a few questions about Vance" "Why what happened to Vance" "Well Vance was kidnapped and everyone says you were the last person he was seen with" "Where were you two right before you went home yesterday" "We were at the grab'n'go he was playing his pinball machine and i was watching" " Okay was he at all acting weird or anything" "No he was plan old Vance Hopper" "Okay well if we have anymore questions we will come back and get you thank you for your cooperation" "Yeah no problem anything to help you guys find Vance"
I walked out of that office and i ran to the bathroom and i broke down i can't believe that my best friend was taken by the grabber. I cried for good half an hour then the bell rang to go to 7th hour, i can't believe i missed a whole class period. I made my self look presentable and went to class. I went home and i cried more and more until i couldn't breath. Next thing i knew i feel asleep and i had the weirdest dream you could ever imagine. I saw him Vance and he was sitting in a basement on a really dirty looking mattress and he was...crying?
I woke up and i realized that i need to go to school. I went to school and just kinda kept my head down the whole day because by now everyone knew that Vance had been taken and everyone kept asking if me and Matt were okay because we were his closest friends. During 5th period everyone was called down to the gym for an assembly. They talked about setting a curfew for the town to make sure that no one else got taken. At the end of the assembly i decided to tell the officers about my dream i had about Vance. They sat me down and had me describe what the basement looked liked. "This is all really good information miss Y/n because Gwen Blake came in saying she also had a weird dream saying she could see Vance sitting in a basement on a dirty mattress" " She did, did she see anything else like the house or maybe caught an address" "I'm sorry but unfortunately that kind of information is not to be shared with anyone else" "Not to be rude but i think that i deserve to know because i am like one of Vance's only friends and i'm worried sick about him so please please tell me" "Miss Y/n i'm sorry but i can't, if i could i would really but i juts can't. "Fine whatever you ass hats don't tell me but i will find something and when i do i'm going after that son of bitch who took Vance."
After I got home from talking to the officers it was already pretty late like around 10-ish so i got dressed for bed brushed my hair and teeth ect. When i was done i climbed in bed and i did one thing i never thought i would do i prayed. I prayed that Vance would be safe and that i could find him...alive hopefully. After about 10 minutes of trying to find a comfy position i finally fell asleep and i had another dream but this time i was riding on a bike down a street that look very familiar and then all of a sudden the bike stopped in front of a house that i know i have definitely seen before then it hit me i pass this street and house every day to walk home. I went and walked around the house and found a small window like looked down into a basement, the same basement i saw in my other dream and there he was Vance sitting on the same old dirt mattress. I woke up in a panic and i ran to the phone and called the police. By the time they arrived it was already early 9 in the morning and i drove in their car fr a good 10 minutes to the house i saw in my dream. In the car ride i explained what my dream was about. " I saw the house this exact house in my dream and i saw a little window that you can peer into and see the basement and i saw Vance" "Okay miss Y/n just tell us when you see it" " Stop its right here" " You heard her go get the boy go get Vance"
I sat there by the side of the road for a good 10 minutes and then i saw him the person i had missed for so long. I ran up and hugged him, this is the hug i have been waiting for for 4 days now and yes he smelled and look disgusting but i didn't care i just needed to be in his embrace. 'Vance i thought i was gonna lose yo- and i that i was cut off by Vance kissing me and that kiss lasted a little bit. When he finally pulled away he said "You're never gonna lose me Y/n and i wanted to tell you that i liked you for so long but i never had the confidence to do it because i was...scared of rejection" "Well i'm telling you that you don't need to be scared of rejection anymore because i like you too Vance" and with that he kissed me again and this time the kiss was full of passion and love. Never thought that i would actually end up with the guy i like.
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