icecream1d4l · 7 months
Struggles of the Pink Tax
I wanted to talk about something many of us women go through but rarely get to talk about – the sneaky pink tax on period products. The topic itself has been considered taboo, and many people feel uncomfortable talking about periods. Personally, I am super comfortable talking about the menstrual cycle as it takes up a lot in my life as a woman. Today, I just want to focus on what is called the Pink Tax, which isn't an actual government tax; it refers to discriminatory pricing that inflates the cost of goods marketed to women. In my experience, I spend at least $30 every month on menstrual products, which include pads, tampons, liners, and pain medications for cramps. This adds up to about $360 a year. It does not seem like that much but it is a huge reminder of gendered pricing.
Imagine (or relate) to this: I carve out a little bit of money from each paycheck specifically for these essentials, which acknowledges that each monthly visit isn't just a routine but a regular financial burden. Even though it is something that we can't go without.
I think these taxes on menstrual products should be kicked to the curb. Tampons and pads aren't extra items that we want; they're must-haves. It’s time to say goodbye to the tax on these essentials. It's not just about dollars and cents; it’s a call for gender fairness and leveling the playing field. Period hygiene is basic, it is time that something is done about it.
I want to discuss this pink tax. How do you handle it, if you even have to? Do you ever notice the budget routine tied to period products? It's also worth mentioning that cis-men usually don't deal with the same monthly spending unless they're grabbing these items for someone else. Periods already take such a huge toll on women's bodies, to alleviate some of the stress, the tax should be eliminated. It’s a step towards gender equality and saying yes to practicality in our monthly expenses. Dealing with this monthly visit shouldn't mean our wallets take a hit.
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