i-not-robot · 6 years
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i-not-robot · 7 years
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i-not-robot · 7 years
‘The Mechanics of History’ by Yoan Bourgeois
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i-not-robot · 7 years
War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.
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i-not-robot · 7 years
head on down to my other tumblr to check out stuff on drawing machines
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i-not-robot · 7 years
This course was a gem. Never would I have ever thought of becoming a data scientist or analyst, but little did I know, as a designer, I've been visualizing data all of the time. A total eye-opener and mind-blower, it has given me new perspectives and outlook on the world, and a heightened sense of awareness for the constant swarm of data around us. Data is everywhere. It's boils down to what we want to do with it, the possibilities are endless. And marrying it with technology, the capabilities are limitless. I am inspired and in awe, and my curiosity piqued to explore this new frontier. The information relayed through the seminars and workshops challenged our mindset and usual perception on things like time and sound. I did not know what to expect come out at the end of the course but it was phenomenal to see everyone's diverse range of works each exploring different narratives. Also, the technical skills bestowed upon us would greatly benefit us even for design work. I realized too that using data to drive design adds a whole new dimension and depth to the works. In conclusion, this course was a total ripper.
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i-not-robot · 7 years
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Task Failed Successfully
What is life? One of life’s biggest mysteries, the ever unanswerable existential question that has always been an enigma in every human being’s life. But have you ever wondered, does the same question haunt machines while they sleep. Do they query the meaning of their existence, and try to make sense of the binary world around them. Or do they learn from experience as well, picking up faint notions of their purpose as they analyze data and work jointly with others. Will there be a time when intelligent machines would suffer from the same crippling existential dread as human beings do.
“Task Failed Successfully” is pseudo artificial intelligence, a playful depiction of humankind. The basic setup consists of a computer with access to the internet, microprocessors, a servo, a temperature sensor and a battery in its case. Three programs run on the computer, namely Python, Arduino and Processing. The Python script goes into the archive of a library for Processing scripts, “https://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/'” and scrapes the HTML of each page. All while parsing them and acquiring the size aspect, symbolizing how humans read and absorb other people's’ experiences and selectively learn from it. This data packet is then passed over to the Processing script, representative of the human brain, and visually presents each data by creating a window of the same size. This continues for the whole process. With each passing script, the Arduino turns the servo arm holding a wire from one end of the battery, till it touches the other end. The battery, portraying a human’s life force, slowly starts to deplete and heats up. In turn, triggering the temperature sensor to change the colour of the window, going from a pure black to lily white. Like the colour of hair, this transition also depicts how as humans grow older, the experiences learned influence the personal experience. When the window reaches pure white, the processing script dies.
Computer, internet, microprocessors, micro servo, temperature sensor, battery, balsa wood, digital screen
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i-not-robot · 7 years
The Abelian sandpile model / Bak–Tang–Wiesenfeld model
This was seen in a seminar that combined mathematics and magic.
To me this is one of the most naturally occurring and automated visual pattern and natural is beautiful. It is amazing how nature could produce such intricate and elaborate patterns. Just like the patterns produced by the cosmic spirograph by two rotating planets, this is purely made by gravity incorporating a good dose of physics and mathematically systems. No man can create beauty that matches up to nature, as we ourselves come from it.
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i-not-robot · 7 years
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i-not-robot · 7 years
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The suicidal baby is born. Of a battery and its holder, a micro servo, a temperature sensor and two Arduinos.
That regular expression guide up top was my saving grace while trying to code the scraper with the beautiful soup library after giving up on using selenium and CSS selectors. 
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i-not-robot · 7 years
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i-not-robot · 7 years
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week 11
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i-not-robot · 7 years
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i-not-robot · 7 years
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week 9 
Class was held at the Kathleen Syme Library today and it was great to have access to half a dozen 3d printers. This massively expands our options for output and takes away many limitations. It is a great asset to have and the university should seriously consider getting more facilities for students. We went onto thingiverse.com and found a customizable music box to fiddle around with. We came up with our own system of recording data for our music box cylinder, taking into account all of the previous 24 hours and splitting them into different tasks. There were 12 teeth, each a task, every 15deg of the cylinder, so it would play 24 lines of notes in one full revolution, symbolizing the full day. After logging our data in it, we printed each our own cylinder. It was such a wholesome project. The library is such a gem for the community. 
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i-not-robot · 7 years
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i-not-robot · 7 years
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manual sorting of processing sketches to test out the idea and assist in teasing out an algorithm to use to obtain the results collected in the second image
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i-not-robot · 7 years
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A list of options for generating ideas for the visualization. I explored and tried to cover all options with this compilation so that I could mix and match input and output to a fitting narrative. But quickly realized this was not the best way to go, as the ideas were not strong in its core. I switched instead to thinking of a question that I was strongly passionate about and a strong narrative naturally birthed from it. 
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3 ideas, absolutely impossible, something doable and nah not happening.
but I had two that was impossible and one that was actually something I wouldn’t mind doing.
1. (impossible) Beauty Machine
I wanted to build a machine that would take out all subjective bias and perception so it could redefine an international standard of beauty and hence, at the same time exploring what a robot would perceive as beauty. It would first have machine learning capable of going through images tagged with #beautiful on Instagram and with HAAR cascade, develop a system of recognizing beauty, whether it be colour or feature locations on a face. Then when a person goes up to the machine, it will print out a beauty scorecard, rating the person’s face on what it has learnt. What would be fun about this is that #beautiful tagged images aren’t limited to just faces, it could very well be a banana or a dog. What then would be the new standard of beauty for the world. Below is an excerpt taken from @thehumanuseofthehumanface‘s work which this idea very much aligns with. I hope you don’t mind me sharing this here.
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2. (nah) @contemptuousDonaldTrump
Inspired by reddit.com/r/subredditsimulator, I wanted to build a bot that takes all of trump’s tweets and jumbles them up and retweets an amalgamation of complete nonsense, akin to his original tweets. And even maybe publish a whole manifesto using the the bot or the tweets.
3. (impossible) Victims of our own demise(tentative)
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Lastly, an image of the collated inputs and outputs of the class’s ideas. A fascinating diverse array of possibilities leading up to exciting projects to be done.
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