i-love-glados · 6 years
Even when I'm not active I get discourse on my posts.
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i-love-glados · 6 years
is this blog still active?? tumblr doesn't have anything that says when people post something so i dont really know the last time you posted. but if it's still alive, then i hope to send more asks n stuff!
I'm not feeling well these days so it's not active, but I'll come back to it someday. In the meantime, feel free to come off anon if you want my main blog.
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i-love-glados · 6 years
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i didnt feel like colouring this right now but have the bad lineart anyway
might colour it after finals @aperturescience
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i-love-glados · 6 years
Rick and GLaDOS are mlm/wlw solidarity and they gush about their significant others together.
rick is on team glados is gay
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i-love-glados · 6 years
How did you tracked that anon's IP?? I mean can I know?
I use a thing called statcounter which you can install on your blog. It’s pretty useful. I originally installed it to make sure my ex didn’t find this blog and start lurking, but then I found out it was documenting the anon who was sending me antisemitic stuff, and they ended up being the same person who was sending me other weird stuff and creeping on my blog several times a day and going through my archive. I don’t check it anymore though, unless I get anon hate.
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i-love-glados · 6 years
You answer everything with glados is gay... Sowhy is glados gay?
The scientists accidentally installed too many respecting women cores and it turned her into a lesbian.
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i-love-glados · 6 years
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i-love-glados · 6 years
imagine if one day the Combine broke into Aperture and raided the technology and disassembled GLaDOS, then they find Chell and stalker-ize her.
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Oh my god it’s you. You used to visit my blog every day and send me weird asks like this and I’ve had your IP labeled since May but you’ve been gone for a while and I thought you dropped off the face of the earth. You’re back. Please be the best man at my wedding. I’m begging you. I missed you xoxo
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i-love-glados · 6 years
ok so we all know that Glados is a huge fucking lesbian but here's a concept; trans glados
This is a good headcanon and I love it.
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i-love-glados · 6 years
chelldos hcs masterpost GO
they probably keep up with their tumblrs better than i do for starters. i’m sorry i’ve been dead guys it’s a health issue thing
1. chell goes up to sleep on top of GLaDOS and uses her as a heat source while she sleeps
2. when GLaDOS gets really flustered she gets overheated and her fans start running really loudly so chell can always tell and GLaDOS gets really embarrassed about it
3. when GLaDOS is sad chell makes her a cake even though she cant eat it
4. chell goes up to the surface sometimes with a little live camera so GLaDOS can see the sunshine and the flowers and stuff. she always brings GLaDOS back a little surprise. she gets something for orange, blue, and the baby birds too
5. on very special occasions chell will do a test for her but she swears “oh this is the last time i’m going to do this for you” but they both know its not true
6. gay
7. chell still doesnt talk at all but the two know each other so well that chell could give her the most unreadable expression and GLaDOS would be like “oh yeah i know exactly what you’re talking about”
8. big lesbians
9. when chell is really sad, GLaDOS writes songs for her to cheer her up. they can be serious love songs or some really goofy stuff. she writes both for her
10. chell goes and paints over all of doug’s murals that paint GLaDOS in a bad light and remakes them so they’re her singing with her turrets or her making cake or anything that represents how she knows GLaDOS now
11. GLaDOS is actually really sweet and sentimental and loving underneath her cold shell but whenever confronted about what a softie she is she acts like its not true
12. they play a lot of pranks on each other
people can add on if they want
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i-love-glados · 7 years
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i-love-glados · 7 years
Hey man I just wanted to say that I love your blog and I am so happy to find other people that love GLaDOS just as much as I do because after I played the first game I basically fell entirely in love but I was scared not a lot of people would love her too but you are here and we love this amazing robot together. I get happy every time you post something because I never have enough GLaDOS content in my life and I get some here. Thanks mate.
im so glad!! A lot of ppl hate her so much which is so sad. Give Her A Chance
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i-love-glados · 7 years
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i-love-glados · 7 years
Hey everybody please help out my friend!!
My abusive ex disputed all of the PayPal money he sent to me as punishment for trying to run away. (I used to be financially dependent on him.). He won them, and it was his bank he disputed with, so not even PayPal can do anything.
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I’m 470 dollars in debt to PayPal right now and I can’t use my PayPal account until it’s cleared. I need the PayPal account to work. Even a dollar helps.
I talked to PayPal collections, who kind of hurt me a bit bc their only advice was (and they literally told me this flat out over the phone) to break no contact with my ex and do what he wanted to get the money back which is…not good advice. PayPal disputes was a bit nicer and I could tell the dude fucking hated his job but they couldn’t do anything either, so that’s why I’m asking you guys.
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i-love-glados · 7 years
GLaDOS: I don't care how dangerous it is, I'm going to protect Aperture Science and its inhabitants with my wife!
Wheatley: Don't you mean your life?
Distantly: *sound of portal opening followed by loud crashing sound*
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i-love-glados · 7 years
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it has been YEARS since ive drawn lesbians
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i-love-glados · 7 years
Expanding brain meme that’s completely blank except for the cosmic brain that just says “chelldos is canon”
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