i-editz · 10 years
Neil Oseman’s Stop/Eject is a fantasy short film telling a very real, human drama. This rare combination hits you from the beginning, when our protagonist, Kate (Georgina Sherrington), enters a fairytale-like antique store but still jokingly disputes with her boyfriend, where today’s shopping experience should end. The atmosphere in here feels loving, mysterious and unidentifiably ...
Nice review of a short I edited last year. The shopkeeper's role and insinuating the five stages of grief were the biggest challenges.
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i-editz · 10 years
It's good advice but I would also add that you need to watch, read and deconstruct! Even if you have access to an editor, do you know the right questions to ask? Editing is first and foremost storytelling: construction of a compelling narrative. That comes from an understanding of performance, rhythm and time and how to use different editing techniques to deliver them appropriately. Many editors find these concepts hard to explain unless questioned correctly, so my advice is to get a jump by becoming a student of film and the art of editing.
Where do you work? And do you have any advice for people that want to become editors?
I currently work in Reality TV, but I’ve worked in scripted TV (briefly), advertising (movie trailers) for a few years, and on one feature (as a Post PA). So I’ve been around the Post World in almost every way possible. Ha. 
As for advice in becoming an editor…BEFRIEND YOUR EDITOR(S)! Honestly, that’s the easiest thing to do, if only to pick his/her brain for information. Ask questions. Most editors (at least in my experience) are usually willing to talk about what they do, have an AE sit with them (if there is time to do so, ha), or take a look at stuff you’ve edited yourself. I have been fortunate enough to have worked at places that encouraged a mentoring sort of environment amongst the editors and the AEs and/or were really good about promoting from within. A good friend of mine became an editor simply through staying late after his shift and just editing anything and everything.
Not every place is like this. And if it isn’t, talk to other people you know who work in Post to see if they can connect you with an editor.
Watch your favorite editor’s movies/TV shows/movie trailers to see how he/she cuts. And edit, edit, edit. Anything and everything you can. No better way to learn the craft than by just doing it (or as I like to say, “Just Nike that $*%&!”). 
Er, that’s all I’ve got to say about that. :)
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i-editz · 10 years
Gamblers and Academy Award handicappers have long known that there'€™s a strong connection between editing and the best picture winner. Since editing became an Oscar category in 1...
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i-editz · 10 years
Beautifully shot & edited film by Thomas Collardeau of Amsterdammers going from a to b by bicycle. Chapeau.
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i-editz · 10 years
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Tour de France 2013
(via Team Sky | Pro Cycling | Photo Gallery | Tour de France stage 21 gallery)
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i-editz · 10 years
I can be in Wales from my house in England in 30 seconds. And don't dare say that's not the same!
i am so jealous of europeans
three hours of travel and they’re in a whole different country, a whole different culture like seriously
three hours of travel and i’m in another town that’s just like mine
except three hours away 
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i-editz · 10 years
The Dutch are exporting their cycling strategy. Thank goodness for that.
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i-editz · 11 years
The day had to come.
Of course I am a little saddened but I celebrate the life of one of the greatest men, not just of the last century but of all time. My love and wishes go to the people of South Africa, black and white, that you may continue to celebrate his life in your continued peaceful and prosperous story.
"To be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others." - Nelson Mandela
We’re sad to hear of Nelson Mandela’s passing. To honor his legacy, we’ve gathered a few talks inspired by his extraordinary approach to peace amid the violent South African apartheid:
Fighting with non-violence, on the philosophies that power peaceful protests. In defense of dialogue, on how honest conversations can solve global problems.  Thula Mama, a soulful song by a crucial artistic voice in the fight against apartheid.
May he be remembered for many years to come.
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i-editz · 11 years
Damn good for cycling too
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i-editz · 11 years
...to consolidate a sequence and it takes me 3 hours to figure out there is just one corrupt title
When Avid refuses...
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i-editz · 11 years
How Editors Shaped The Story of Star Trek: Into Darkness
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i-editz · 11 years
One of the best things Tumblr has given me thus far is the photography of Dushime. Beautiful work, most accompanied with appropriate quotes. 
Check him out at
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i-editz · 11 years
When my AAF export keeps failing and I can't find out why even after going through every single track of audio
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i-editz · 11 years
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i-editz · 11 years
The government needs to bail out the Co-Op Bank, rather than see it swallowed up by US hedge funds
The Co-operative bank is about to be swallowed up by two giant US financial speculators after it got into financial difficulty. If they get their way, the US hedge funds will soon own up to 70% of the Co-operative Bank and force it to float on the stock market. This will end over 140 years of independence and is a huge threat to the values of the co-operative movement.
The deal isn’t done yet, so we have a chance to stop it before it goes through. George Osborne and the government could step in and bail them out, just like they did for the Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds. If there is enough money to save giant banks like RBS then there is enough to save the Co-op.
If enough of us demand that the government save the Co-op then they will have to consider saving the bank. Can you help save the Co-operative Bank by clicking the link below?
http://action.sumofus.org/a/save-the-coop-bank/?sub=taf Thank you
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i-editz · 11 years
They really do admire your work, just not enough to pay one cent for it.
This is why I'm retraining. Being creative just doesn't pay any longer. I'm going to fix things instead.
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i-editz · 11 years
It's transfer season in the cycling market and here are GCN's top ten rider transfers for the 2013 - 2014 season. 
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