i-dont-know-what-i · 2 years
Hi there, hello, uh… hi
I am now, for the first time, seeing space for what it is.
An objective concept created by our simple, deceived minds to perceive a saneless fight between stars and the end of an emptiness we can not comprehend.
We suppress this truth to keep a solid line between happiness and madness, uncaring of the real problem which is the internal dread of our utter pointless existence.
For our species, and any species, does not survive to live.
Instead life is there to expand population.
Or rather, to keep the astute conflict of time and void steadfast so it may suffer as us in it’s refused relinquishing of battle of an endless suffering of endless recourses.
We are in hell and our god is the devil.
War is inevitable, history is irrevocable and peace is devitable. When you make no sense so you have to use brackets and comma’s to try and make a half consciously written rant/vent/can’t (stop me won’t stop me) readable/understandable to beings with no concept of insanity besides some underrated theory about ants which are driven insane once realizing the meaning of a mother board, the meaning of a higher life form which created things more intelligent than them and therefore defying their bounds of their reality.
It’s crazy how people can be a god to one species, yet so clueless to our own.
If we are gods to the ant, does that mean our gods are like us?
Flawed beyond our understanding?
Seeking a higher power themselves?
Seeking knowledge they can not comprehend?
Insanity is a word we have no understanding of, yet it’s flaunted by those who suffer from it most, repeated by generations who claim to know better.
They know better, they do, but they don’t know they aren’t ‘better’.
Always the same mistakes, the same conflicts, the same words but in different languages and with different names
Peace isn’t safety, nor is war violence. Both are the anticipation of something bigger, badder and worse.
True evil is subjective
Subjective is subjective
We cannot be free.
Therefore we fight for the concept of choice.
Now we can choose what we want to be trapped in, a life of work, contemptment and unfulfilled or a life of play, suffering and longing.
Choose pain or neutrality, the only real freedom is that of no need and thereby, death
People are god, people are mortal, people are insanity
Thank you for coming to my Mental Breakdown™
This was EdgyFucker69, coming from down town
Have a lovely sleep, I’m passing out
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i-dont-know-what-i · 2 years
Do you ever stay awake until 6am and then post random shit because you’re bored?
Yeah haha, me neither.
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i-dont-know-what-i · 3 years
So uhm... I just posted a fic/short story in someone comment section on Pinterest. It was a very detailed explanation of the recent changes in our company (it was a meme about an evil organization like hydra) and how our secret agents were doing thus far (we had a lot of them and in a lot of countries, very influential people (I may have chosen real famous people’s names to look cool ._.))
Now... They’ve cleared the entire thread and I can’t comment on the post anymore lol. They’ve also looked through my account and deleted comments which could have hinted at me even knowing of said famous people or countries or whatever. I think they’ve also checked all my other accounts on different platforms? (Probably including this one lol)
Should I be worried? Cause I’m really not.
I just feel bad for the people that are actually stressing over what I’ve said, I thought I made it pretty clear whatever I said was fake/a short story I was writing in my spare time but idk
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