hudson-wright ¡ 6 years
“what extreme inequality? what highs?” he said with a raised brow, “why would we be allowed to live our lives in purgatory? to go to work and build a home, fall in love, start a family, why would any of that be possible if we were all just dead and in limbo?”
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He level an unimpressed stare at Andrews like he was some kind of idiot. “If this were Heaven or some kind of alien ranch designed to keep us happy, there wouldn’t be any poverty.” Hudson shrugged. “ And getting high. Y’know, drugs. It’s all creepishly text book. None of it feels as... I don’t know, not as rich or as real. “
Okay, so Jax had a point on the whole family bit. “It’s purgatory. It’s the middle ground. Pretty much the same old usual stuff. Nobody’s actually happy and nobody’s miserable.” The bum scratched at his beard, tongue swiping across the edges of his teeth. “And yeah, I haven’t figured out what the kids are doing here. But there’s still no women. I mean, adult women, not little girls. If this were a real place, especially in the US, there’d be women. Lord knows they would have sued and gotten the right to move in by now.”
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hudson-wright ¡ 6 years
Johnny knew there was nothing on his face, and this hobo was just being a hobo. “Funny.” He remarked, though it was obvious there was no humor. In Johnny’s mind this man was just drying to get closer. “I’m sure there’s someone else that will fall for your funny games elsewhere.”
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“Games,” Hudson grunted, taking a sip from his to-go cup. “I’m betting it’s games that landed you here, huh? What’d you do? Contract AIDs, some kind of car or plane accident, maybe a drug overdose? For me it was a drug overdose and... I guess a fight? I got into a fight while high. That’s all I remember.”
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hudson-wright ¡ 6 years
Jax grunted a bit, not all too satisfied about thinking that he was in gay hell as though to confirm all his possible fears. “You think so?” he nodded before leaning away from the wall, the lights returning and everything going back to normal. “what part of this is hell?”
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“Uh, aside from the fact that there’s no fuckin’ escaping this town, how about the extreme inequality? Or how the highs are so fuckin’ textbook. Besides, I didn’t say this was Hell, I said this was purgatory.” Hudson ran a hand through his tangled locks, sighing loudly. “If Hell operates on levels, why wouldn’t purgatory or even Heaven for that matter?”
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hudson-wright ¡ 6 years
Jax leaned against one of the walls as he watched Hudson. It was clear that the man thought he knew far more than he perhaps actually knew; the rest were just a few idiots who were just tagging along for the ride. “no, things would be different if this was just the after life. The women thing, just wouldn’t work.”
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“Yeah, it could if it all worked similarly to Dante’s Inferno.” Hudson pointed out, brows rising. “You know, different levels for different sins. We could just happen to be on one specifically for... gay men?”
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hudson-wright ¡ 6 years
The Turtles: It Aint Me Babe
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hudson-wright ¡ 6 years
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Hudson had very purposely bumped into the guy, swiping the guy’s wallet in the process. He attempted to discreetly hide the slender leather object from sight. “Watch where you’re going buddy. Rumor has it there’s some nut job out there murdering people.”
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yassin was in one of those moods when he needed to do nothing but ignore everyone he walked past, earphones stuck into his ears, purely enjoying the experience of being outside without having to deal with people. he was in a designing slump, and he hated admitting it. so, a walk with a strange variety of music would have to do. that was - of course - until he almost walked straight into someone. “shit. sorry.”
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hudson-wright ¡ 6 years
Not even three hours out of jail and he’s already out picking pockets and scouting for potential home hits. He must have been glaring too hard at one flamboyant asshole, because the guy turned around and looked right at him. “There’s something on your face...” Hudson stated, taking a few steps closer as he pointed at the man. He paused, face dropping in mock realization. “Oh, no it’s just face, never mind. Carry on.”
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Things were finally going well for the club and he’d found some impressive strippers. Not that he watched them or anything. No, he made that mistake once and was not going down that road again. Though, it was getting difficult living in a town with only men and so many of them looking….. He didn’t need to think about that. Instead he just sipped his coffee and then glanced at someone that appeared to be staring at him. “Do you normally stare like that? Or do you actually have something to say to me?”
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hudson-wright ¡ 6 years
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hudson-wright ¡ 6 years
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hudson-wright ¡ 6 years
Jax’s head bounced around like a ping pong ball as he tried to figure out what the hell they were all talking about. Between the different theories, none made much sense that the other but it didn’t matter, the message was clear and Jax’s wheels were turning. 
“so what do you think? You think you’re all headed to die or something? Why would you be kept here if that was the case? Doesn’t make much sense that it’s all so…mundane.”
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“What? No.” Hudson scoffed, ignoring the other two men’s ‘yeahs’. ”We’re being kept here because Steve over there is a facist Nazi fuck who beat the shit out of some guy because he wasn’t white.” He pointed towards the skinhead, then towards the other prisoner. “And this douche bag exposed himself to a group of high schoolers.” Sniffing the air, Hudson pressed his face against one of the bars. “And what do you expect purgatory to be like? Heaven’s got the rainbows and kittens, Hell’s the fiery horror show. Purgatory’s obviously the boring middle space.”
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hudson-wright ¡ 6 years
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hudson-wright ¡ 6 years
“You broke into someone’s home, just because you can’t find it in you to get a job and earn your own home, doesn’t mean you have a right to everyone else’s hard work, asshole.” he stepped back, “well if nobody is going to talk, then I guess there’s no reason for me to try get your cases settled so you can all avoid these uncomfortable conditions.”
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“No! Wait, wait--” The skinhead stood, rushing to the corner closest to the officer, meeting Hudson’s scathing glare before he leaned over to whisper to him. “It’s-- they’re--”
“Oh, here we go.” Hudson turned around, leaning his back against the bars as he folded his arms across his chest. “You asked for this.”
“They’re not human.” Steve hissed out, lips thinning. The thief glanced over to check Jax’s reaction, a single brow arched. “None of this is real. They’re using us. They’re--”
“Harvesting our organs,” Hudson interjected in a mocking sing-song voice. “Dude thinks we’ve been abducted by aliens.”
“Well, what else could it be?” The other man finally pitched in, standing to join them. “You say the wrong thing to the wrong person, suddenly poof, bro is gone. Makes more sense than the purgatory thing.”
“Uh, no- no it does not.” Hudson grumbled. “We were all doing something really fuckin’ profoundly stupid before we woke up here, man. So the whole us-being-dead thing makes a whole lot more sense than aliens.” 
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hudson-wright ¡ 6 years
“test? What do you mean another test, what the hell are you talking about?” he raised a brow quizzically as he banged his flashlight to hudson’s cell, “there’s nothing that you get out of keeping secrets from me so you might as well talk. I might be the closest thing to an ally you’ll have here.”
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Hudson squeezed his eyes shut, pulling his head away from the metal bars as they vibrated from the force, the sound piercing through his ears. “Bitch, you broke my fuckin’ nose,” he slurred out. “Not like you’d believe anything we’ve got to say anyways, princess.”
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hudson-wright ¡ 6 years
“Sorry for giving a fuck about you trash.” he rolled his eyes and walked slowly down the halls, there was a weird sound, almost like a wave, a sonic boom? Jax couldn’t tell. “Is it true this happens every night? Have any of you been around for it?”
“Just about.” A skinhead two cells down drawled out, lying flat on his back on the hard cot in one corner. “It’s them--”
“Steve,” Hudson interjected, voice low, edged with a warning.
The cell block grew quiet, with only the odd rumblings and blasts filling the air around them.
“You new or something?” Another cellmate asks. “You’re askin’ an awful lot of questions for an oinker.”
“It’s just another test guys,” Hudson let his arms dangle out of his cell, resting his bruised face against the cold bars.
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hudson-wright ¡ 6 years
“You guys doing okay?” A voice parroted back to him, mocking him in a high, nasally, fairly slurred tone. There were several hushed chuckles echoing through the dark cell block. Hudson practically threw himself at the cell door, the sound of his body colliding against the hard metal reverberating. He was on something, body swaying despite the fact he was resting all of his weight on the metal bars. “Buddy. S’it look like we’re doing okay?”
Jax had been working late on the case he was in charge of shadowing. There was some extra shitty paperwork to fill out and as the new guy he was designated to do so. There were a few jail cells in this precinct but usually reserved for people with minor petty crimes such as his recent catch–hudson. 
As Jax continued on there was a weird bang and the lights went out, emergency lights immediately going on but there was still an odd sound coming. Jax stood up and headed over to the front where he was told it was probably being fixed soon as it was a recurring problem recently.
“hello?” he asked as he walked down the hallways, “anyone still here?” he said as he unlocked the door towards the cells. “you guys doing okay?”
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hudson-wright ¡ 6 years
I wanna be in love but also yikes
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hudson-wright ¡ 6 years
Anti-Flag - The Press Corpse - For Blood and Empire
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