hrleon-blog · 5 years
Leon sighs as he continues down the street, he had decided to get some fresh air as he had been cooping himself up in his dorm for the past few days. He has a tight stream schedule especially on days without lectures so when he finally gets some time off he catches up on shows, anime and series that he has been missing, sometimes to the detriment of his social life. He is impressed that he has managed to shower and make himself presentable.
When he takes a walk he just allows his mind to wander, it starts to go towards the anime shows he has been watching, there were several he had managed to catch up with, the most recent one being ‘My Hero Academia’ a great superhero anime with a slight unique twist on ‘powers’ or quirks. It was anime like this that made the boy wish he was more creative, to make his own hero with a unique quirk but he had never done well in that department.
As he was deep in thought he looks to the wall beside him, it was a poster for a movie of ‘My Hero Academia’. He smirks at the irony and gazes at the poster picking out several different parts of the poster hoping to find a secret clue in any of it that may give him an idea of what is happening in the movie. “god! way to remind me that i’m even more behind,” He chuckles as he hears the female, he knew the feeling well, due to all of the university work, streaming and other commitments he was often behind on his favourite shows. Funnily enough, he is in a rare situation where he is all caught up.
“Don’t worry, I was observing the poster to see if I could pick out any easter eggs.” he looks at the female “I think I might go and watch it, it’s always depressing going to the movies on your own though. So how far behind are you?”
☆ .*・。゚ FOR YOU » ( @hrleon​ )
she’s been mournful of her loss of free time the past few while. between juggling her school projects and homework along with rushing after class to go practice her skating, karin hasn’t had proper time to simply sit down and watch things on her computer. she did thrive with being with people, the relationships around her a compounding proof of that — but karin’s missing her anime binging days!!!
the yearning only increases when she is on her way home. it’s as if there’s some outer force mocking her, for she is doing her best to get home on time and lay in her bed for a few minutes of rest. but when hazel hues cast themselves to the side, she notices a giant poster advertising for a movie. an airing of the my hero academia movie that she has yet to even realize had been out already.
❝ god! way to remind me that i’m even more behind, ❞ she whines while staring at the poster, only noticing a split second too late that there’s a boy there. a boy who also happened to be staring at the poster and was probably not pleased by her sudden outburst. ❝ i’m sorry! didn’t mean to interrupt your peace…you planning to go watch it? ❞
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hrleon-blog · 5 years
Personal Stylist
Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.
The alarm beeps as Leon just stares at the figures it shows on the display. He had agreed to go shopping with someone he had met and now he is deeply regretting his sudden burst of extrovertism. This means that he has to get up, get dressed and look marginally presentable rather than just enjoy his lie in for the weekend. It also meant he has to delay the start of his stream which his followers will not be happy with but it’s the price he pays to go outside and actually do something.
He grabs his phone from the bedside table, taps the small bird icon and starts to typing ‘Stream will start late today. Being sociable for once. Not sure what time but I’ll keep you all updated.’ He sighs as he drops his arms and stares at the ceiling, trying to build up the motivation to go outside. Slowly he rises from the bed and throws the bedding off of himself. He walks around the dorm and grabs items of clothing that he has lying around, he flicks through the notifications on his phone, most dms from random followers on twitter and a few friendship requests on various mobile games (a guilty pleasure of his). A pause.
‘What was the guy's name again?...um...it begins with a D?’ He slips on the clothes finishing off with an orange hoody and face mask. A quick look in the mirror before he heads out ready to face the outside world. As he walks out of the dorm room, out of the building and towards the shopping district he continues his trail of thought ‘D...a...Daa?’ he felt like it was on the tip of his tongue and he couldn’t remember, it would be slightly embarrassing if he couldn’t figure it out before the other arrived.
After several minutes Leon arrives at the meeting place. deep in thought, as he tries to remember the name. 
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hrleon-blog · 5 years
Leon sits down on in his new gaming chair, it was a lesser-known company that had given it to him but he wasn’t too bothered about the brand, it wasn’t fashion. A free gift is a free gift and it melds to his body perfectly keeps his back straight for optimal comfort and support. He cracks his knuckles and starts to type on the mechanical keyboard ‘clack clack clack’ as he composes the 150 character message. ‘Only a few more boxes left and then I'll finally be able to do a tour of the new place... only several months late. Stream incoming, got a few friends together to try the new Tetris Battle Royale (or Tetris 99)'.
He sets up his OBS software, makes sure his overlays are working properly and opens up the game. He speaks into the microphone a few inches from his face “ Okay guys, we’re going live. ” He is in a small discord group that is formed from a few of the local gamers. he has played games here and there but this is the first time he is going to be playing more than just one on one. he is really happy meeting the group. They had introduced him to a larger variety of games than just the fighting genre.
The stream goes live and after introducing his guests he starts to load up a lobby for the game. He is quite experienced with standard Tetris as the arcades that had the old school street fighter games also contained old school arcade games like space invaders, Pac Man and Tetris. He isn’t used to the competitive side of the game though so he doesn’t give himself great odds to win. “ Thank you ZangiefRulz7 for the sub. ” Leon checks over chat while they wait in the lobby. There wasn’t anything interesting, the stream had only just started so it was a lot of people arriving and saying hi. he responds to as many people as possible before the game started.
When the game starts Leon feels in his element, it is a classic game of Tetris. in the first minute, he starts to see lines appearing and at first, he is confused but then his twitch chat explain that the lines represent people who are ‘attacking’ him. he starts to understand why people were nicknaming this Tetris battle royale. He switches his targeting system from random to attackers and then to kos once the attackers calm down. he seems to be doing well when the music starts to speed up and a banner appears across the screen declaring only 50 people were left. he smirks as he hears seungjoon complaining “ Don’t worry man, it’s the first game or would you prefer apex? So who do we still have? ” 
— battle royale;
@hrleon, @hrkarin, @hrdabin (in this order)
     seungjoon’s oddly used to being on camera now. between junho’s videos and leon’s streams, he might as well start his own video series at this rate, call it ‘watch a programmer stare at a screen for five hours in silence’. that’ll get the views coming.
     all jokes aside, he’s not here to pick apart code. he’s on camera to compete in one of the most competitive sports known to man: tetris. more specifically, the latest addition to the battle royale roster, tetris 99. truthfully, he’s never been too good at games so he doesn’t expect to beat a professional at it (namely, leon), but he still sees himself on equal playing ground with the other two.
     that is, until the music picks up.
     “top fifty? why did the music just get so fast?!” he exclaims in a panic. he doesn’t do well under pressure, quite visibly, and ends up quickly misplacing a block in his frenzy. “shiiiit…” why his initial reaction is to look around for people to sabotage? he will never know. “i’m just being unfairly targeted now…” he knows he’s whining, but can’t find it in himself to care, especially with garbage lines coming in faster than he can keep up with.
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hrleon-blog · 5 years
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pug(s) here again with my second muse leon ku; an avid fighting gamer, twitch streamer and kate college student. he is in his first year of college studying computer science. if he isn’t on campus you’ll normally find him on his computer. if you manage to get him out of his room he is fairly sociable but due to his hardworking nature he does sometimes become a workaholic and will not leave the room without some force. aside from gaming leon has two loves caffeinated beverages and manga/anime. when you’re as heavily invested in the gaming industry as leon the only way to survive through countless hours of sessions is with some sort of energy boost. being new to the area he is unsure of what delivery services are available but he is sure to try most of them out, maybe a local would be willing to help them out. 
i’ve linked his pages here so feel free to pop over for plots and bio. it’s currently under construction but there are a few ideas scattered around. please if you want to discuss like this post. I don’t mind flexing to other ideas.
plots | biography | profile
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