hplehkonen · 4 years
It’s a me!! The Finn!
This is true + combine it with the gloomy Christmas songs
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hplehkonen · 5 years
When the Right accepts the reality of Climate Change
This is going to be a long post and it’s not a fun story. In fact, it might take away hope in an already difficult time. But I think it’s an important thing to talk about:
When the political right fully accepts the reality of climate change, we’re f*cked.
The common narrative is this: Scientists and climate activists on this left are facing the reality of climate change and have the solutions. To save us all, what they need to do is defeat the (mostly right wing) climate change deniers and convince everyone of the severity of the problem. If they convince enough people about the reality of climate change, they will also have enough people on their side to create the big changes necessary and climate collapse will be averted.
Now, to be honest, I don’t think climate collapse can still be averted. We can do something to slow climate change but we are clearly nowhere close to achieving the radical changes that could prevent climate collapse (if that is even still possible) and I don’t see a revolution on the short term horizon. It sucks but it’s time we started facing that climate collapse is really coming. But that’s not actually what I wanted to talk about. Here’s a (kinda-democratic-law-and-order-blah) article with more on that: https://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/what-if-we-stopped-pretending. If you disagree with me on that, do keep reading, the rest of this post will still be relevant.
Back to the topic: in the years to come we will see more and bigger climate disasters and at some point anyone still denying climate change will look absolutely ridiculous. The political right could dig themselves in deeper and lose all sense of reality and some might do that but at some point most on the right will turn around and accept that climate change and likely climate collapse is a real and urgent threat.
And here’s the shitty thing: they will come up with different solutions than those that the political left is suggesting. Because they work by their own logic based on competition, authority and control. So here’s the 4 most likely answers they would come up with:
Keep reading
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hplehkonen · 5 years
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Happy Birthday Paju!! To celebrate his birthday we’re publishing a collection of the best of Paju’s diary comics on Queerwebcomic .com!
 The Fifteen Diaries is only 1€+! Paju wanted it to be a gift to you too! So thank you and congrats @seittilelu
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hplehkonen · 5 years
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we are looking after a family friend’s cat who is the dumbest and the sweetest and I love him
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hplehkonen · 5 years
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hplehkonen · 5 years
A particular distinction I often wish got made in discussions of privilege (and those who have it, and those who don’t) is the difference between privileges which, in a fair and just world, everybody ought to have, vs the privileges that nobody ought to have.
Many things in the world qualify as privilege.  Being able to marry the person you love is a privilege.  Feeling safe in your own neighborhood is a privilege.  Having the space and security to put down a task, a fight, a social justice issue, and walk away for a while and rest, is a privilege.
And also: being able to hurt somebody else and get away with it is a privilege.  Knowing that others are likely to take your side in an argument, whether you’re actually right or not, is a privilege.  The ability to horde or destroy common resources like water and rainforests is a privilege.
Exercising an everybody-ought-to privilege isn’t wrong.  Using it in such a way that it interferes with another person or people having access to everybody-ought-to privileges is.
Having access to nobody-ought-to privilege is a flaw of the system, not the individual who has access to those privileges.  Using a nobody-ought-to privilege is a fault of the person.
Refusing to use your everybody-ought-to privileges “until everybody has them”, or demonizing their existence, so rarely helps anybody.  Straight people refusing to get married didn’t contribute too terribly much to gay marriage; you don’t make somebody else’s neighborhood safer by deliberately making your own more dangerous.  Insisting on never putting down or walking away from a social justice fight because other people can’t isn’t a recipe for progress, it’s a recipe for burnout.
There’s a difference between helping yourself and hurting other people.  We should talk more about finding ways to do one and not the other.
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hplehkonen · 5 years
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Only 4 days to preorder the Make Webcomics NOW!!! It’s a set of 8 ebooks that teach you how to make webcomics, how to market them, how to use social media as an indie artist, how to manage your time and more! Only 15€ is preordered, real price 30€! So be fast! Only 4 days to get the cheaper price!!
Get it here: https://gum.co/makewebcomicsnow
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hplehkonen · 5 years
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Only 5 days to preorder the Make Webcomics NOW! set of 8 ebooks! Get it NOW! And tell your friends!! The set is only 15€ during the preorders and when they’re gone, it’ll be 30€!! It’s a real bargain!
Includes these ebooks: 1. Introduction - What is it that you REALLY want? 2. Social Media and Your Online Presence 3. Pitching to Publishers and Negotiating Your Contract 4. Crowdfunding from Kickstarter to Patreon 5. How to get seen? Marketing Tips to Small Creators 6. Go where Webcomics have never gone before. 7. Networking for the Shut In Cartoonists 8. Time management and Self Care.
Tag your friends who make webcomics!
Get it here: https://gum.co/makewebcomicsnow
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hplehkonen · 5 years
My new ebook is almost ready to launch. Read the first chapter for free here!https://hplehkonen.com/blog/makewebcomicsnow/
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hplehkonen · 5 years
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Many many years ago this day, this exact hour, I was born.
It's my BIRTHDAY!!
To celebrate that I put my comic After the Fog (chapter 1) on Queerwebcomic .com!
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hplehkonen · 5 years
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Did you like the previous Monthly OneShot so much that you want to own the physical version? Well, you just got lucky! Follow this link to get Outo Queer Identities by @sarasade and @hplehkonen
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hplehkonen · 5 years
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Hugo Simberg, The Garden of Death, 1896.
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hplehkonen · 5 years
In the 1960′s Legally a woman couldn’t
Open a bank account or get a credit card without signed permission from her father or hr husband.
Serve on a jury - because it might inconvenience the family not to have the woman at home being her husband’s helpmate.
Obtain any form of birth control without her husband’s permission. You had to be married, and your hub and had to agree to postpone having children.
Get an Ivy League education. Ivy League schools were men’s colleges ntil the 70′s and 80′s. When they opened their doors to women it was agree that women went there for their MRS. Degee.
Experience equality in the workplace: Kennedy’s Commission on the Status of Women produced a report in 1963 that revealed, among other things, that women earned 59 cents for every dollar that men earned and were kept out of the more lucrative professional positions.
Keep her job if she was pregnant.Until the Pregnancy Discrimination Act in 1978, women were regularly fired from their workplace for being pregnant.
Refuse to have sex with her husband.The mid 70s saw most states recognize marital rape and in 1993 it became criminalized in all 50 states. Nevertheless, marital rape is still often treated differently to other forms of rape in some states even today.
Get a divorce with some degree of ease.Before the No Fault Divorce law in 1969, spouses had to show the faults of the other party, such as adultery, and could easily be overturned by recrimination.
Have a legal abortion in most states.The Roe v. Wade case in 1973 protected a woman’s right to abortion until viability.
Take legal action against workplace sexual harassment. According to The Week, the first time a court recognized office sexual harassment as grounds for legal action was in 1977.
Play college sports Title IX of the  Education Amendments of protects people from discrimination  based on sex in education programs or activities that receive Federal financial  assistance It was nt until this statute that colleges had teams for women’s sports
Apply for men’s Jobs   The EEOC rules that sex-segregated help wanted ads in newspapers are illegal.  This ruling is upheld in 1973 by the Supreme Court, opening the way for women to apply for higher-paying jobs hitherto open only to men.
This is why we needed feminism - this is why we know that feminism works
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hplehkonen · 5 years
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hplehkonen · 5 years
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Get Silly Ghost, a cute family comic of two moms raising a kid and a ghost, for FREE on Queerwebcomic .com!
(There’s a tipping option if you want to support the authors!)
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hplehkonen · 5 years
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Get Silly Ghost, a cute family comic of two moms raising a kid and a ghost, for FREE on Queerwebcomic .com!
(There’s a tipping option if you want to support the authors!)
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hplehkonen · 5 years
Hey peeps! I have a new masterpost to share with you all, but this one is a bit different. I collaborated  with @queerwebcomic to make some really fun masterposts. This first one is covering 10 romance webcomics with trans folk all across the spectrum.
There’s a few more masterposts coming out soon! I’m really happy to share these comic with yall and if you have the time come check out these amazing stories!
Want to learn about more webcomics? Check out The Webcomic Library here!
Do you create a webcomic? Submit your comic to the library by emailing me at [email protected]
(Also here’s a template for peeps to submit their comics with!)
Want updates on what I’m up to between masterposts? Follow me on Twitter here! You can also follow me on Pillowfort!
Did I miss anything in my list? Have a masterpost you wanna see? Just wanna say hi? Send me an ask here!
Like my work? Want to help me expand what I’m doing? Buy me a Ko-Fi here!
If you enjoy any of these webcomics I encourage you to reblog this post or reblog their works. Most if not all of the comics mentioned rely on word of mouth to grow their audiences. All of these wonderful creators deserve to have their stories seen and heard and you can help by spreading the word!
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