house-sauveterre · 7 years
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Emmett smirked faintly. Had he found what he needed? He knew nothing was free and he would have no issue helping Taskill if it meant being rid of Calvin Barklay for good. He crooked a finger to his manservant who silently delivered him another sheet of parchment,
T. Salko,
They’ve taken well enough care of me, though with a head injury it’s usually just a bunch of ‘wait-and-see’. A visit would be fantastic, I’m beginning to feel well enough to travel and I could use a little pick me up after everything she’s put me through. Krytans always know how to stick it right where it hurts. 
If you send for a carriage, I will gladly take it and as they say, I will help you if you can help me. You and yours were always good to me, after all.
A letter
Specialist T. Salko,
It has been quite a long time since we last spoke, it pleases me to know that the more wholesome of Ascalon have joined the Ebonguard. I thought perhaps, in light of my recent embarrassment, I ought to reach out to an old friend. I received word recently that the man who assaulted me has been released. Perhaps, you would be willing to discuss with me what might occur now that he is free to attack me again. Truthfully, you know how barbaric Krytans can be at times… I can’t think of what he might do next out of his jealousy over my Lady fiancee.
I have been on the mend at your clinic for a little over a few weeks now and if you don’t mind, perhaps you could come by and we’ll have a brandy and talk about it.
Warmest Regards,
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house-sauveterre · 7 years
A letter
Specialist T. Salko,
It has been quite a long time since we last spoke, it pleases me to know that the more wholesome of Ascalon have joined the Ebonguard. I thought perhaps, in light of my recent embarrassment, I ought to reach out to an old friend. I received word recently that the man who assaulted me has been released. Perhaps, you would be willing to discuss with me what might occur now that he is free to attack me again. Truthfully, you know how barbaric Krytans can be at times... I can’t think of what he might do next out of his jealousy over my Lady fiancee.
I have been on the mend at your clinic for a little over a few weeks now and if you don’t mind, perhaps you could come by and we’ll have a brandy and talk about it.
Warmest Regards,
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house-sauveterre · 7 years
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Wedding Day - Part 2
Trigger Warning: Some Manipulations and Alluding to Abuse.
Hours later, the door banged open and Emmett stood there holding a box. Astrid was sitting at the vanity. She crossed her arms as she looked over at him. She hadn’t changed clothes or done anything to get ready.
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house-sauveterre · 7 years
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Wedding Day - Part 1
Trigger Warning - Physical Violence and Emotional Abuse
It was a couple of hours before dawn, when Astrid suddenly jolted awake, sitting upright in bed. She blinked sleepily in confusion for a moment as she looked around the room. Her mind started to reel as the attempted to recall the events that led up to her being here. Everything felt foggy. Then, a sinking feeling started to settle in the pit of her stomach and she suddenly saw vague flashes of memories move through her mind.
She paled and sat there frozen for a moment before she quietly swung her legs out of the bed. She tip-toed around the room and changed into a simple pair of pants and a blouse, tugging a cowl around her neck. She turned the doorknob, trying to open it as quietly as possible, and she tip-toed down the hall towards the staircase. She exhaled slowly, relieved that she hadn't been caught, so far. The front door creaked as she opened it, making her cringe a bit. She stood frozen, waiting to see if her movements woke anyone up.
No one seemed there yet, but the moment she opened the door the butler was there on the outside of it. He stared at her with a wide grin. He didn't speak, he never spoke, he just continued to stare. He knew what was happening and he was absolutely loyal to Emmett.
Astrid froze and stared at him a moment. Suddenly, she disappeared in a poof of purpley/pink magic, only to reappear a few yards behind the butler. Once she materialized again, she didnt waste any time; she started to run.
But he was behind her in the same second, his long spider like fingers grabbing her by the middle and then clapping over her mouth should she scream; not that anyone would hear her.
She flailed, jabbing her elbow at his midsection to try to break his grasp on her.
He didn't speak, for he couldn't but a rasp came from him and instead of letting go he only threw her onto the cold hard courtyard with surprising strength for someone who seemed quite elderly.
She let out a small mixture between a yelp and a grunt as the man threw her onto the ground, feeling the wind get knocked out of her and cause her to cough.
He opened his tongueless mouth and grinned at her before leaning over and grabbing her by her hair to drag her bodily back into the rotting red house where Emmett stood in the door silently.
Astrid winced as he dragged her by the hair, attempting to pry his fingers of and sinking her nails into his hand. She paled as she saw Emmett in the doorway, all color draining from her face.
He dropped her a few feet near the door and Emmett leaned over, putting the barrel of a gun to her head and said, "...get in the fucking house, Astrid," in a low and deadly voice.
Her lower lip started to tremble fearfully as she stared at the gun, her breath caught in her throat. She wordlessly got to her feet and went into the house.
He walked in after her, slamming the door behind him. "Today is our wedding day, pet," he said, "You wouldn't want to ruin that, would you?"
"I dont want to marry you," she replied with surprising firmness, though there was a bit of shakiness in her voice. She still was thinking clearly and right of mind.
He laughed coldly, moving silently behind her so she could feel the cold metal against her lower back. "You're going to and you are going to bear my child or I will kill the one that grows within Amelia," he whispered.
"You're a monster," she replied back through gritted teeth.
"You love me, you told me yourself," he said, grabbing a hand full of her hair and slamming her into the wall. He pressed himself against her and breathed against her neck, "...Don't you love me, Astrid?"
Astrid tried to pry his hand off of her. "Dont. Touch, Me." Though she spoke forcefully, she was shaking with fear.
He laughed at her, letting her go. "...your dress is waiting in your room, pet, I suggest you get ready. Our guests will arrive in a few hours," he said, pushing off her. "You are so happy to marry me. Aren't you?"
"No," she snapped back at him. "I am not happy at all."
He grabbed her shoulder, spinning her around so he could look her over. "...I see," he said.
Astrid tried to swat his hand off her. "I said, don't touch me," she said, practically snarling.
He mashed his hand against the side of her face, banging her head against the wall in the process, "You will be my wife, Astrid," he said, leaning in and breathing against her face again. "Tell me you love me, or I'll slit your throat."
She cried out in pain, the blow making her vision dizzy. "If you kill me, then you'll never be able to have House Glass."
"If I kill you, I will have total control. I'm a necromancer, silly girl." He laughed at her.
She staggered away from him, still a bit dizzy from the blow to her head. "You wont get away with this," she said simply before making her way up the stairs.
"Yes, Astrid, I will. I always do." He said, turning towards his wing.
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house-sauveterre · 7 years
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It was the graveyard shift at the hospital. Most, if not all, of the doctors had left for the night and Astrid had been left with a nurse and another volunteer when a dark suited man with short black hair that was slicked back over his scalp limped into the hospital with the assistance of a cain. His undershirt and tie were both the same crimson color that gave him a vampiric look to his pale, drawn face. Most of all, he seemed kind of tired. He was quite tall, in fact, nearly 6'3" and willowy as he loomed in the dim lantern light. Astrid was exhausted; she hated doing the graveyard shift but she knew it was part of the experience. She rubbed at her eyes a little and then looked over towards the hospital entrance. She quietly walked over and spoke in a hushed voice, as to not to disturb the patients. “Can I help you, sir?” Emmett leaned towards her like a hawk bending towards prey and offered a placid smile, “Are you Astrid Glass?” He asked, “I was told I might find you here.” Her brow rose. “Yes, I am…why? Who sent you to find me? Especially at this time of night.” He smiled, not unkindly, it was simply that the expression appeared quite odd on his face. “I don’t travel in the day, I have a sensitivity to the sun that makes it some what difficult,” he told her, his tone even. “I see…” she said slowly. “So, what can I do for you?” He bowed his head to her, “My name is Lord Emmett Sauveterre,” he said in his hushed voice, looking over her with his black, pitless eyes. “…I would like to discuss with you the possibility of an arrangement.” “What sort of ‘arrangement’?” she said, her eyes narrowing slightly.
He looked her over, “Your nana told me quite a bit about you,” he said, “I admit…. I would be fascinated to get to know you better.” He said, waving his palm. A green waft of magic fell on her and suddenly she found herself…. enamored by him.
Her eyes took on an almost dazed expression and she looked up at him. “I’d like you to know me better, Lord Sauveterre,” she said smoothly, inching closer to him.
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He leaned towards her with a salacious grin, “In fact…. you want to marry me, don’t you….” He whispered to her.
Astrid’s head nodded. “I..I do..” she whispered back.
“Why don’t you write your cousin and tell her the happy news?” She asked, brushing his thumb over her lips.
“I’ll write to Aurora…she’ll be so happy…” Astrid replied with a smile to match her dazed expression. 
“Very good, my love. Now, kiss me,” he instructed her.
She moved closer and tilted her head up, pressing a kiss to his lips.
He cupped her chin with his slender bony fingers and kissed her chastely. “Go on then, pet,” he told her, gesturing her on.
Astrid nodded obediately and turned to almost robotically walk away, sitting at a nearby desk and reaching for paper and a pen. 
Dearest Aurora,
I must tell you the happy news. Lord Emmett Sauverterre has asked me to marry him and I have accepted. How wonderful it will be to be married to him, dont you think? Such a kind and caring man. I can’t wait to be his wife. 
It was clear, though it was Astrid’s handwriting, that the letter did not sound like her. It sounded as though a lovesick teenager wrote it. Smiling happily, Astrid folded up the letter and addressed it to her cousin, sending it of with a carrier pigeon.
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house-sauveterre · 7 years
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Seraph Captain Arrested After Assaulting Groom
Drama. Naturally what we expect at any noble soiree but, when the House Glass is involved, naturally a splendid time is guaranteed for those of us who hold out for gossip like it’s all that keeps us going.
Corresponding for the Tyrian Times, fresh off the drama train and ready to spread the story like wild fire during the dry season, I’m Rox Flambe bringing you this thrilling story about a Lady Glass and the disastrous wedding that happened just two days ago. 
Now, if I were a betting man, I would’ve said nothing could top the owl that relieved it’s bowels on Blanche Vanderbilt at the Glass/Kent event last year, but ever at our beck and call for a taste of their silly engagements the House of Glass has delivered again and we are never quite sure what stirs young men to quiver before it’s Ladies but alas, an alter brawl has left the relationship of the couple in shambles.
An unusual event to begin with, the Lady Astrid arrived wearing a dress of embroidered red velvet that looked as though it had been dug out of the bargain bin at the Amity House and it went well with the heart-shaped ruby the Lord Sauveterre had given her. She was all eyes for him and everyone attending had to fight the bile in their throat from what we could only call puppy love. Boy, were we wrong, however. This writer is pleased to report that half way through the ceremony a young man by the name of Calvin Barklay stood up and charged the altar to deliver a thunderous fist into the face of the groom. The guards on stand by quickly removed him from the scene and he is now in holding. As if that wasn’t enough, Mister Barklay’s own mother and cousin stole the bride from the room and ushered her out in what looked like a hostage situation rescue only hilarious. The rest of the House Glass swarmed out the door in a titter and dragged the bride out while the groom lay unconscious; though we are told he is currently seeking medical attention in Ebonhawke at the clinic. Despite our best efforts and breaking in, they seem to have him well under wraps and he refuses to take an interview.
Keep with us as we pursue the meaning of this scandalous broken nose and... poor Lord Sauveterre’s broken heart. Is the little Glass hussy shacking up with a disgraced Seraph Captain whose own faults killed his entire battalion? Our sources, say yes. After all, it was she who told her own family not to come to the wedding.
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house-sauveterre · 7 years
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house-sauveterre · 7 years
A letter, by owl.
The following memo was sent not only to the entirety of House Glass but it’s friends and allies as well:
I, Alouette Louise Glass, being of sound mind do here swear fealty to the House of Glass in the name of House Sauveterre. I release my rights and claim of it’s headship to my cousin, Lord Aramis Glass whom henceforth shall go by the title of Count, the title bestowed upon the House of Sauveterre. The remaining member of the House of Sauveterre will submit his loyalty to the House of Glass as it’s cousin and friend and will be allowed to keep his title and name so long as he chooses to abide by the practices and customs set forth by the House of Glass. Furthermore, I intend to keep my lesser title of Lady in recognition of my submission to the Count Aramis of the House Glass.
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45 Zephyr, 1330
@crusader-glass @rynbadger @jmariegw2ooc @mikaelabotha  @veegreene @luxelen @raine-rp @cavallifamily
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house-sauveterre · 7 years
Another letter.
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A black envelope, stamped with a red hawk seal.
To the so-called Count of the House Glass and Sauveterre,
Before she left, your cousin Alouette left in my care the young lady Alivia. As you are now the leader over the House of my fathers, it will now be your responsibility to continue to furnish her stay here. Since her stay has put much strain on my remaining staff, if she wishes to keep her sanctuary here, she will now take on chores within the house hold as helper. However, interference with my personal chamber will mean punishment and here in Ebonhawke we do not spare the rod that the weaker nobles of Kryta seem fond of.
This is your warning to obey my demands or you will find me a very unfriendly cousin to your house.
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46 Zephyr, 1330
@crusader-glass @rynbadger
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house-sauveterre · 7 years
The Story of Emmett
{Part 1}
Madam Royce was out to today; she’d come down with a terrible stomach virus and was confined to her room until she got over what ever it was that plagued her. In truth, Evie and I had put a large amount of laxatives in her evening tea, their grandmother declaring it wonderful they wanted to bring it up ourselves. We told the servants we needed no help at all.
Though it was unseasonably warm for Zephyr, with a whole day’s worth of fun ahead of us, we decided to visit the pond out beyond the house’s high-walled garden where they were bade never to leave. With no one watching us that day, we slipped over the wall where the woodpile made a nice ramp up to the edge. We came upon the pond and it still frosted over though the powder had long melted and Evie was the first to have her skates on. She shot across the ice on one foot with grace. In my memory, I really admire her talent; watching her twirl about the ice as I put my own boots on a bit slower. I was just about to step out onto the ice when something rustled in the trees behind them and out came Pops with a look of anger on his face. “I told you kids not to leave the yard!” He shouted at us both. I was scared of him, so retreated instantly, but Evie, was on the ice already a loud giggle coming from her. “Daddy! It’s fine! We’re fine!” Pops wasn’t having it, he marched out onto the ice. We both knew what he’d do if he caught her so she tried skating away. I was counting his steps… the noise when the ice broke was like a gun shot as he fell through and was swept under the ice.
We were terrified, running through the woods back to the manor to find help. They tried to resuscitate Pops… they really did, with my Canthan grandmother standing in the snow with her hands over her face buried in my grandfather’s jacket as she howled how she would lose her only son today. She was right.
The horror on his face when he fell still plagues my dreams… the unrelenting dread that caused bile to rise in my throat as we had watched them slide the heavy stone over his coffer beside my mother in Ebonhawke and the words bold and black that I will never forget.
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house-sauveterre · 7 years
The Tyrian Times
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Attack at Parliament Hill!
Seraph were called from Ascalon Settlement last evening, when gun shots were heard coming from the second floor of the Parliament Hill campus late in the evening. Sources say no students were harmed, however this morning the Academy Fleet is at the school, evacuating students from the campus that is now officially shut down until further notice.
Professor Quillan Wendelin briefly spoke with us this morning, detailing just what happened and why the Lord of the House, Aramis Glass is now on the run from Seraph. According to first respondents of the Glass guard; they were called to the campus at nearly ten in the evening and happened upon the scene. Thirty-five year old veteran and noble, Emmett Sauveterre was discovered laying in a pool of his own blood, bleeding profusely from an animal bite on a bed of broken glass that had come from the second floor window above. Lord Sauveterre claims that Glass viciously attacked him when he came for a meeting with the Lord pertaining to a request to marry the Lord’s cousin, Lady Alivia. He tells officials the two quarreled and Glass sic’d his hound on him forcing him to shoot the dog to defend himself. Then, Aramis shoved him out the window, damaging his shoulder. Further digging into the incident has eared us the discovery that taking over in Aramis’ place as head of the house, temporarily, is Lady Aurora Kent. Lord Sauveterre is currently being looked over by House Glass nurses. Doctor Auric Glass declined to comment on the state of Lord Sauveterre, but did say this, “I know my brother… there has to be a mistake.”
Emmett lay in his hospital bed, overlooking the paper with a small neutral smile. He had veiled the body for now and would return for it later. And then… he would dispose of anyone else who stood in his way.
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house-sauveterre · 7 years
Emmett Sauveterre
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PLACE IN SOCIETY ♦ Financial : wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty. ♦ Medical : fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged. ♦ Class or Caste : upper / middle / working / slave / unsure. ♦ Education : qualified / unqualified / studying. ♦ Criminal Record : yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet.
FAMILY ♦ Marital status : married - happily / married - unhappily / engaged or betrothed / partnered / single / divorced / separated / widowed ♦ Children : has a child or children / has no children / wants children.   ♦ Relationship with Family : close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings /sibling is deceased. ♦ Filiation : orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s).
TRAITS + TENDENCIES ♦ extroverted / introverted / in between. ♦ disorganized / organized / in between. ♦ close minded / open-minded  / in between. ♦ calm / anxious / in between ♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between. ♦ cautious / reckless / in between. ♦ patient / impatient / in between. ♦ outspoken / reserved / in between. ♦ leader / follower / in between. ♦ empathetic / unemphatic / in between. ♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between. ♦ traditional / modern / in between. ♦ hard-working / lazy / in between. ♦ cultured / uncultured / in between / unknown. ♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown. ♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown.
BELIEFS ♦ Faith : monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic. ♦ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care. ♦ Belief in an Afterlife : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care. ♦ Belief in Reincarnation : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care. ♦ Belief in Aliens : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care. ♦ Religious : orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious. ♦ Philosophical : yes / no.
SEXUALITY & ROMANTIC INCLINATION ♦ Sexuality : heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual (bicurious) / asexual /pansexual. ♦ Sex : sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favourable. ♦ Romance : romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favourable. ♦ Sexually : adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious. ♦ Potential Sexual Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all. ♦ Potential Romantic Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all.
ABILITIES ♦ Combat Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none. ♦ Literacy Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ♦ Artistic Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ♦ Technical Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none.
HABITS ♦ Drinking Alcohol : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. ♦ Smoking : trying to quit / never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. ♦ Other Narcotics : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. ♦ Medicinal Drugs : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. ♦ Indulgent Food : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. ♦ Splurge Spending : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess. ♦ Gambling : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
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house-sauveterre · 7 years
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A card sent to every member of the noble class.
OOC: This is not an IG event. Instead, a story will be posted and if you’d like you may respond to what happens!
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house-sauveterre · 7 years
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