hottiee777 · 5 days
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hottiee777 · 5 days
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hottiee777 · 5 days
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African Waist Beads 
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hottiee777 · 5 days
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eng/jpn)+゚*♡̷̷*.+゚🎀갸루! 메이크업🎀 +゚*♡̷̷*.+゚gyaru makeup
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hottiee777 · 5 days
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hottiee777 · 5 days
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hottiee777 · 5 days
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hottiee777 · 5 days
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hottiee777 · 5 days
hyper femininity⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🎀
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im super excited to write this post because my relationship with my femininity has been something that i remember rly well and im super grateful for. i feel like embracing my hyper femininity has made me grow and glow so i wanna share ways that i embraces and strengthened my femininity 🎀
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we have gut feelings for a REASON. most of the times when we have gut feelings about someone or a situation we are nine times out of ten RIGHT. something that i've learned to do is listen to my body and my gut intuition more.
and to add onto this, TRUST UR OWN JUDGEMENT. a lot of the time we are used to being preached to about how we should feel and respond to certain things, and something important to always prioritize is discernment.
but please trust ur gut and trust ur own principles and judgement because no one knows u better then you. at the end of the day u know whats best for u and u are responsible for doing whats best for u so dont put that responsibility/power in the hands of others.
having women that u look up to is so so good for u because it gives u a role model. some women that are my role models include ; kimora lee simmons, jang wonyoung, bella hadid, megan thee stallion, jia song, alexa demie, paris hilton, and SO much more.
also having lots of female friends, watching female influencers etc i think all contribute to my girlyness. my absolute favorite female influencer is manifestelle because shes so smart and wise and AMAZING to listen to.
know ur worth and own it. as a woman, make sure that u keep company that uplifts you and keeps ur confidence high because in this world everyone is so obsessed with "humbling" women.
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do lots of confidence and self concept work to the point where absolutely NOTHING can phase u because ur so secure within urself and ur femininity. confidence is important for everything but especially important for women.
being super in tune with and aware of my emotions has helped my femininity bcuz i used to have a bad habit of repression because i thought that being sensitive was something that i had to be ashamed of. but i learned that its NOT true and i learned to embrace it through doing lots of journalling and shadow work.
i found that my femininity was strengthened when i allowed myself to express and be creative. doing things like dancing, song writing, journalling, keeping a blog etc has just been so good for my girlyness as a whole.
being able to express urself in how u speak and advocate for urself is also immensely important because no one is gonna speak FOR you so u need to speak for you and express urself clearly. you can do so by starting to practice saying no and saying when u like something and when u dont like something.
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hottiee777 · 5 days
girly morning and evening rituals⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🧁
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the rituals that i do in the morning are PREPARATION for the day ahead. i like to get up early so that i have plenty of time to just be present and cater to my own needs and preferences.
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morning supplements and cleanse drinks
first thing in the morning i like to drink a glass of chlorophyll water and i'll take all my supplements like collagen, vitamin C and D and magnesium. doing so is me taking care of my health and putting first.
morning sweat session (a rly rly good workout session)
working out in the morning is so so GOOD. it gives me so much energy and rly helps me start off my days on the right foot. i'll do either a light workout or pilates depending on how my body is feeling.
the rituals that i do to unwind and prepare myself for a restful night. some rituals are for preparing for another successful day and some rituals are simply to take care of me in that specific moment.
drinking a cup of tea
i always drink the same tea every night (peppermint/spear mint tea). sometimes i'll add other tea bags to my teas and do a cool blend, but something about a simple cup of tea always brings me the most comfort.
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evening reading time
reading every day is so good for ur mind and it makes for such amazing entertainment. buy urself a rly juicy and interesting book and commit to reading before bed every single night instead of scrolling on ur phone.
having a show to look forward to watching at the end of the day
having a juicy show to look forward to at the end of the day is so much fun and lowkey like a reward system/form of comfort. i've just finished all eight seasons of desperate housewives and im going to start a new show soon, but sometimes i watch my comfort shows.
having a set routine or ritual that u do not only ROMANTICIZES ur life, but it also keeps u in check and gives u the sense of control over ur life. they provide comfort and show love towards ourselves which is what we aim to do ✨
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hottiee777 · 5 days
girl exorcism⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🎀
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i've been seeing this popping up all over my feed and i wanted to make my own and add some things in my own girl exorcism. all credits to @flowerflowerflo ✨
take an everything shower so that u can feel like a completely new person
do a face mask for lustrous skin
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do the more meticulous beauty regimens such as getting ur lashes done, teeth cleaned, or a professional facial/dermatologist appointment.
follow along with a pilates youtube video or go for a run
schedule a massage appointment
floss and use teeth whitening strips (oil pulling too)
sleep for 8+ hours a day
start saying ur affirmations again everyday if u fell out of it
write in ur journal/healing journal religiously (weekly)
do some daily meditation for soundness of mind
rewatch videos from the wizard liz’s youtube channel to give urself a wake up call if u feel u need it
let urself cry if u need to (release)
analyze the positive and negative aspects of ur behavior and reevaluate ur mindset to keep urself sharp
do a deep cleaning of ur space because a clean space = a clear mind
clean beneath ur bed
clean things that u use daily but forget to clean (ur electronic devices, door knobs, water bottles and things of that sort)
delete apps that u no longer use and are taking up unnecessary space
change the theme of ur phone
clean out and go through your emails
organize ur pinterest boards
create and delete playlists
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hottiee777 · 5 days
building ur dream life⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🥂
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so since i think we all know about manifesting by now, we know that we can absolutely manifest our dream lives in one shot and in fact that is ENCOURAGED. don’t feel like u have to bust ur back to live the life u know u deserve. 
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what comes out of ur mouth has SO much power. thats why affirmations work so well. literally we affirm our lives through what we say and what we think. they work together.
sometimes when i feel lazy or i feel like not affirming i remind myself WHY i do what i do. like, GO LOCK INN. your the only thing holding urself back and once u remember that ur in control the whole game changes so make sure to remind urself of that a lot.
now that we know what we say has power, dont speak negatively about urself, or make urself the but of jokes. dont put urself down to get a laugh out of others, and dont say things that u dont want to perpetuate into ur reality!
get urself on a strict mental diet because without mental diet, you can affirm until ur blue in the face but it wouldn't even do anything and thats because it matters more what u think about for the majority of time instead of just affirming for like 5 seconds.
if u do not know what a mental diet is i'll link the post i made about it right here because its really really important on ur loa journey. having control and discipline over ur mind is the most important thing ever so start exercising ur mind.
when ur mind is disciplined -> it directly translates to ur actions and ur reality. when u start to create a belief you'll act accordingly bcuz thats whats going to be reflected in ur reality.
when u catch urself falling back into old patterns whether thats thought patterns or behavioral patterns STOP yourself and remind urself not to go back to the old story! because you cannot serve two masters. flip-flopping between two stories is like walking in circles.
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hottiee777 · 5 days
lets talk skincare⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🎀
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disclaimer i am NOT a dermatologist so to create this post i did LOTS of research and i'll link all of my sources at the end of the post. i just wanted to kind of put everything that i found in here so i hope its helpful 💕🗒️
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wash ur face with a gentle cleanser, pat dry and wait for about 30 minutes. if ur skin appears shiny throughout then u have oily skin, if ur skin appears tight/flaky then u have dry skin.
if u notice a slight shine on your nose and forehead then you have normal skin. if you have a combination skin type, then the skin will get oily around the t-zone.
for skin with acne -> salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, sulfur and mandelic acid.
for dry skin -> lactic acid, hyaluronic acid, ceramides and glycerin.
for pigmented skin -> mandelic acid, niacinamide, vitamin C, and arbutin.
mixing retinol and vitamin C causes irritation, mixing vitamin C and glycolic acid results in over-exfoliation, mixing AHA and retinol causes extreme dryness.
hyaluronic acid + ceramides = repairing skin barrier. niacinimide + salicylic acid = healing acne. retinol + niacinimide = collagen production.
use a cleansing balm to cleanse ur face to remove all the impurities from ur skin
use serums to hydrate ur skin
lather on moisturizer, dont put too much to the point where ur skin cannot produce its own oils, but you MUST moisturize
apply sunscreen everyday, not only on ur face but also on ur neck and hands
face masks 1-2x a week
get enough sleep, drink enough water, and steer clear of overly processed foods
its important to take care of the skin on ur neck for SO many reasons because skincare doesnt stop at ur chin. ur neck reflects the first signs of aging, and its most susceptible to sun damage so show it some love!
use the same products that u use on ur face on ur neck also, moisturize ur neck and always apply sunscreen, lastly, use some retinol to build collagen.
when applying retinol, use a pea sized amount. avoid application around ur eyes and the openings in ur nose, and use retinol in ur night skincare routine only.
retinol should be used nightly (1-2x a week for beginners). hyaluronic acid should be used (2x a day). salicylic acid should be used (1-2x a week). sunscreen should be applied daily, no need to apply it at night and if u can, you should reapply it every 2-3 hours. vitamin C (1x a day in the morning).
for oily skin use -> salicylic acid, niacinimide and mandelic acid.
for dry skin use -> hyaluronic acid, ceramides and lactic acid.
for normal skin use -> vitamin C, glycolic acid, and retinol.
for aging skin use -> peptides, retinol and vitamin C.
for acne prone skin use -> salicylic acid, retinol, and niacinimde.
for combination skin use -> mandelic acid, niacinimide, and glycolic acid.
cream masks are good for all skin-types and it soothes and moisturizes. clay masks are good for oily or acne prone skin and it absorbs oil and controls shine. charcoal masks are good for oily or acne prone skin, and it deep cleanses and unclogs.
sheet masks are good for all skin-types, it nourishes and hydrates. enzyme masks are good for all skin-types and it gently exfoliates and brightens the skin. bubble masks are good for all skin-types and it hydrates and soothes.
gel masks are good for all skin-types and it provides a cooling effect. exfoliating masks are good for all skin-types BUT if u have sensitive skin then exfoliating masks are not for you. exfoliating masks remove dead skin cells and debris.
in the morning (cleanser + toner + hydrating serum + vitamin c + moisturizer + sunscreen) in the evening (double cleanse + toner + hydrating serum + retinol + moisturizer)
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hottiee777 · 5 days
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life lately , 🧘‍♀️
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hottiee777 · 5 days
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hottiee777 · 5 days
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