hotmenpics · 2 years
Just chillin. Nothing much going on at the moment 😂😈
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hotmenpics · 2 years
Love it when a hot suited guy show’s off at the urinal
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hotmenpics · 2 years
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After a long day of face farts as his chair, he sits up slightly, only to let out another fart. I’m completely humiliated, I feel like the chair under his arse. Inanimate and pathetic.  All I can do is grimace as another fart cloud washes over me and sniff it up for him.
“Ahh, you are finally starting to accept your place, fart slut.”
“Yes Sir,” I manage to say, just before he rests back on his chair, sending me back into the pitch darkness under his gassy arse.
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hotmenpics · 2 years
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hotmenpics · 2 years
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hotmenpics · 2 years
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He sits on my face after working all day
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hotmenpics · 2 years
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Sit on my face.
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hotmenpics · 2 years
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He keeps on farting in my face.
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hotmenpics · 2 years
The Teachers new seat-
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You sat sitting there, looking at the new teacher, he wore a tight slick suit. His crotch huge and bulging through his trousers. His ass, fat and big.
'So, you know bout all this new regulation and all?'
You were so confused, and as you were trying to give him an answer, he leant to one side and you smelt a huge odor of eggs and broccoli.
He smiled, as he started to stand up. You couldn't say anything. You were speechless.
He slowly came round to where you were sat and bent over, his big fat ass, blocking the light coming from the window.
You opened your mouth to say something when...
A huge fart erupted into your mouth and into your nose. You sniffed it in, as he looked back.
'Wow, sniffing aswell as your mouth fully open. The last man I had, had to get a fellow student in here, and make me and his friend give him an ass Sandwich.'
He let another one go as he just shimmied his ass nearer and nearer to your face. He stopped when he you felt his ass cheeks on the right hand side of your face.
You tried to turn away as the gas slowly started to permeate out of his ass. No audible sound, just a quick serving of his own manly 'oxygen'.
'So, the new regulation.'
'Its great...'
'I choose you cause you weren't doing well in your exams so, was thinking of giving you a more easy way of earning credit.'
You sat there and looked at him.
'And what's that?' you said as he turned around and knelt, his face right next yours.
'My ass needs a comfy seat, and well, why not make it easier for yourself, and me.'
He rubbed his ass, whilst he spoke.
'You can nestle right in there, trousers off, of course. and give me a lovely service of smelling your new bosses farts.'
'And what if I don't want to do this??' you said.
He stood there, and got your face near to his.
He let a huge burp ring out into your face, it was much better than a gnarly fart, but at least you knew when a fart was to come along hopefully.
'Now, what you up for? Full experience?'
You didn't even talk as he stood at his chair and beckoned down to his seat.
'You can crawl underneath the table.'
He beckoned again, letting one rip as he did so.
You were halfway now under the desk, you got into position face up on the seat.
He then got in position, his ass huge, he stared back.
A knock at the door, suddenly got your face covered quickly. You struggled, your face squashed between the crevice of both his cheeks.
'How is it doing?' said another teacher, who you heard sit down.
You felt his left ass cheek rise up slightly and let out a little toot. He sighed.
The other teacher let out a huge fart too.
'God this is amazing. You better get your trousers off on this one.'
He started to grind on your face.
'Well, he'll be there all the time, everyday.'
'You can see, he's my new cushion and seat, and well, I'm gonna give him a full on male experience, join in!'
The other man got into position on your neck and you enveloped for the next few hours by two men letting rip everything they had.
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hotmenpics · 2 years
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You gulped as you stood at the door. Nothing about your new stepdad should intimidate you, you were an adult as well after all. The one previous time you met him with your mother he seemed friendly especially towards you, but he was so big, masculine, and hairy, so as a gay guy you were a bit hesitant to spend loads of time with him.
But your mother wanted you to stay with him just for one weekend so you'd agreed to keep her happy. You finally knocked and he called for you to come in.
It was definitely a bachelor pad, not really clean, smell of musk and not really any aesthetic.
"I'm in the kitchen!" He called. As you found your way there you were shocked to see his hairy torso on display and only wearing shorts. He knew you were into dudes but hopefully he wouldn't make it weird.
"Hey there!" He said cheerfully as he stepped away from the frying pan to come give you a tight hug. You tried not to breathe in his natural musk too obviously.
"Hi, thanks for having me." Attempting to not to be too familiar.
"No problem buddy I'm just making us some breakfast, you like eggs and bacon?"
He grinned motioning to the pan.
You were starving. "Yeah that's great!" You warmed up a bit.
"Just put your bag anywhere and come help me over here." You were happy to be given a task so as to not just stand about. You made pretty nice small talk as he gave you easy tasks.
"Last thing just grab the toast and cut it into slices." As you did so you heard in a more playful tone. "And while you cut that I'll cut the cheese!"
You didn't pick up on the pun. "Wait there's cheese?" You looked over to see him smirking and a hairy leg lifted towards his chest.
The bassy burst echoed around the kitchen as he sighed letting it out. Once he'd finished letting the stink out he lowered his leg and wafted towards you.
"Hope I didn’t ruin your appetite." He chuckled when the smell finally hit you. It was only one fart but it felt like your sinuses were on fire from the rich rotten shitty aroma.
"Shit man.." You struggled to reply with your mouth tasting tainted. You kept smiling though happy that at least by him farting it made the environment more casual, and stinker of course.
"Hah gotta keep the farts stinking with us boys!" He patted you on the back as he lead you to the table as you carried the food over.
It was delicious as you were both pretty ravenous eating your impressive portions. You couldn't get enough of the bacon but he seemed to not be able to get off the eggs having what must have been a dozen.
By the time you'd both finished he was rubbing his hairy stomach and giving you a sad look. "Phew it's gonna be hard..." You could tell he wasn't serious.
"What is?" You raised an eyebrow.
He cracked a smile. "Dealing with my eggy farts!" He carried his plate away but as he did so pointed his butt in your direction as you still sat.
The flatulence rippled out of his shorts blowing you hair. With it being much closer than earlier and aimed right at you the shitty stench made your eyes water and you needed to grab your nose. But on top of that the deep stench had a new layer of rotten egginess making your nose hairs burn.
"Hah get some of that stink in you!" He laughed walking away leaving you to recover in his foul wake.
After you stuck your head out of a window and finally managed to breathe properly he invited you to chill on the couch as he watched some shitty TV.
"Guess what?" He broke the comfortable silence after a while making you look up from your phone.
"I think I can guess!" You rolled your eyes and held your nose in preparation.
He chuckled as he leaned in your direction. He was wafting it directly up to your nose but you wouldn't let go of your nose knowing the consequnces.
"Hey come on now boy, let go and get a whiff," he sounded a little more sincere after finishing laughing, "you might just like it." He seemed to be so genuine that after he prodded you a little more you let go and took a tentative whiff. Of course you coughed making him laugh a bit.
"Hey that's just a bad as before!" You moaned starting to wave it away to no avail.
"No no!" He seemed sincere, almost serious now. "Get another noseful, that was just the shock." His piercing eye contact persuaded you so you did. It was bad certainly, but now it didn't shock your system, the deep sulfuric rotten egg stench became almost satisfying in how manly its stink was. You didn't cough or gag but your mouth did burn a little. He chuckled seeing he'd made his point.
"You got any gas son?" He relaxed back into the sofa.
As it happened the big breakfast was digesting pretty quickly. You decided you might as well match his cheeky energy so you lifted a leg up.
"Does that stink of an answer?"
No where near as beefy as his but it had good length and as you got a whiff of your own brew it had your own sour twist on the eggy brand of farts. As you smiled eagerly he leaned in pretty close to get a whiff.
"Whew that's my boy," he didn't seem to even struggle with your stink, "but after the weekends up I'll have you clearing rooms!" He grinned as you gave him a tentative look.
You became pretty self aware at how quickly your expectations of the weekend had shifted. "Oh so this is fart camp now?"
He got up and aimed his ass again in your face. But this time you didn't even flinch just waiting expectantly. "I think I've got a stinky answer for you too!"
Without a second thought you took a strong whiff. Maybe too enthusiastically as you had momentarily forgotten just how bad his were your throat once again burning. But again after the second sniff it became bearable and the pure toxicity became impressively enjoyable. "Good one!" You smiled rubbing your wet eyes.
"Don't bask in it too much soldier, we're going shopping for fuel," he grabbed some keys off the countertop, "and on the way you're gonna learn how to hot box!" He winked again. You didn't even wanna say no, farting with this guy was fun, and the stink was a new element of excitement.
"If that's the case let me grab some milk," you winked back leaping up to head to the fridge. As you looked about the fridge you heard a fart echo in the hallway as he waited for you. You bit your lip as you rubbed the length growing in your shorts, this guy was gonna have to slow down otherwise your mother would have a gassy homewrecker for a son.
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hotmenpics · 2 years
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You were really trying to focus on your walk through of the store, but as soon as he looked away your eyes couldn't help but stare at your shift manager's bouncing ass.
"And have you got any questions?" Fuck! You did, but it would be hard to explain that you hadn't been focusing on how to do the first day of your job because you were being a pervert.
"Nope, thanks for your help." You answered as convincingly as you can trying not to blush.
"Great to hear," he gave you a warm smile, "good luck!" God did he have to be nice as well? You tried not to drool as you watched him bounce down the aisle until he turned the corner.
Luckily stocking shelves and helping customers was mostly common sense so you managed to do pretty well for the first half of the day. You were informed that you got a break mid afternoon so you went to the break room to chill.
As you grabbed your food from your locker you assumed it would be busier in the back, but as you walked into the break room you were surprised to see your shift manager being the only other person there.
"Oh hey was this your scheduled break time?" He obviously wasn't trying to sound too accusatory.
"3pm right?"
"Yeah.... shit..." He trailed off as he adjusted his position in the chair.
"It's fine I can come back later." You went to leave not really wanting to piss him off.
"No, no it's your first day, you probably deserve a break, sit down." He smiled as you slowly returned.
You made some idle chat about how the shift was going but as he spoke you could tell he was getting progressively more uncomfortable.
"You alright there?" You raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, yeah, I just-"
The fart obviously needed out as it exploded against his chair and made him moan pretty lewdly in relief. Your mouth was agape in shock but as the noxious stench made it's way into your system you quickly began to wretch and hold your nose.
He finally seemed to close the floodgates and end the flatulence regaining some control.
"Shit, shit, shit, I'm sorry!" He rushed over to you rubbing your back. "I know it stinks, are you okay." It was bad, really bad, but with him warmly rubbing you, you weren't gonna recover too quickly.
"Yeah I'm good, are you?" You weakly responded.
"Yeah I'm used to it," he chuckled glad you were okay, "I usually get given break last by myself so I don't have any victims." He sat down next to you offering some water which you gladly gulped.
"So you're always that gassy?"
"Oh yeah." He leaned in his seat.
The fart was more controlled than the last and no matter how hard he wafted his behind the rotten smell still reached you.
"Hah, that was a small one." he slapped you on the back making you chuckle with him, but also worry about that being qualified as small.
"So why not a toilet? The break room feels a bit public right?" The smell had made you lose your appetite for lunch.
"That was what I planned with my supervisor but after trying it the one staff toilet was uninhabitable for a week, and at least the break room has windows." He went to go open another one even though it was the middle of winter. You were happy for another opportunity for him to show off his ass, even if you now knew what it could do.
You didn't even know what to say this wasn't a situation you'd ever been in before.
"Anyway I'll let you enjoy the rest of the break, hope the smell clears out." He grabbed his things and headed for the door. "And watch where you're looking." He winked as he cocked a leg.
He chuckled as he wafted behind him and closed the door. With that you blushed realising he'd seen you staring, but what was even worse was the topped up fart smell making you gag.
You didn't see him for the rest of your shift and your next day you managed to have a pretty normal first few hours. That was until you were stocking some snacks in a quiet aisle when you heard footsteps stop near you.
You were immediately bombarded with the unforgettable sulfuric stink from the day before and looked up to see the shift manager smugly smiling down at you.
He took a little whiff, "Hey buddy good to see your attitude doesn't stink!" He put obvious emphasis on the last word.
You stood up trying not to breathe in too much of the offensive odour. He was your superior so you weren't going to complain too much but this was a pretty drastic change in attitude.
"What happened to the break room plan?" You wafted the air around you.
"Ever since I caught you looking at my assets I assumed you were a sucker for punishment." He turned to the side and grabbed a handful of ass making you red. "So I thought I'd give it in the stinkiest way possible!"
You couldn't fathom what he was saying, your brain was shifting between disgust, arousal and fear. "Isn't this like harassment?" You stammered.
"Not if you don't want a raise soon?" He winked evilly. "Or I can write you up for all your misplaced looks." He said a lot more threateningly.
You just gulped not knowing what to say.
"That's what I thought." He chuckled as the turned to leave not before pushing his butt back against your bulge.
He laughed as he walked away leaving you in his stinky wake. You were ashamed that the mere contact with his ass left you frustrated and hard.
So this continued for the rest of the shift. If you were alone he'd find away to sneak up on you and push his ass your way and let rip an anal ambush leaving a stench on your body. Or if you were in a bit more of a busy area he would come up put his hand on your shoulder and talk like he was giving advice all while cupping a silent fart and then letting the stink free as close to your tainted face as possible. Sometimes if he just wanted to watch you pant for fresh air he would walk past you in an aisle and look back for the cropdust stench to hit you and make your lungs sting and knees buckle. The stench was tortuous making you wish you just didn't have the sense of smell to have to put up with something so rotten. But any chance you had to look at his ass or even make contact with it almost made up for stink in how attractive it was.
This all culminated near the end of the day when you heard his voice over the intercom requesting to see you in the back. You prepared mentally as much as you could as you went to meet him. He silently led you to a small storage room, just big enough for the two of you.
"You've been doing such a good job today I thought it was time to offer you a raise." He put on a cheeky smile.
"A good job being harassed by farts?" You quipped with your nose still aching.
"Oh don't be like that," he cooed turning around giving you a good look at his bubbly ass barely held back by the tight trousers, "I know you can't say no to this." You gulped as you shamelessly stared mute.
He chuckled looking back at how easily he'd silenced you. "Now you've been so good at smelling my stinkers I've become quite fond of you. Starting tomorrow I'll start asigning you more hours and on top of that pay I'll personally fund a generous rancid raise."
He punctuated the offer.
The gas leaked out making his cheeks ripple just from its force. He leered back as he felt his gas start to spread around the small room as you tried not to breathe still entranced by the dangerous ass.
"All I ask is that you drop to your knees and accept." The man you once thought was nice and welcoming was a sensual stinky sadist.
It had taken you ages to find a job and you were desperate for the money. But this logical point paled in comparison to the toxic scent which you feared could cut years off your will to live. But as he put fingers under his cheeks to shake them your will broke.
You fell to your knees, face level with his ass. "Good boy." He sultrily commended as he stroked the back of your head as it fell into his ass. You hungrily rubbed your face in between the cheeks letting your dick leak pre. But you didn't get much time to enjoy it. His grip on the back of your head suddenly became firm.
"After this I'm just going to say you went home ill after tasting something rotten!" You heard as panic set in.
You could tell he was going to keep going as you heard orgasmic moans coming from the man who was polluting your nose with unthinkably toxic fumes. But after just a short time you had blacked out, your body unable to come with the horrific level of methane and sulfur being forced into it. And as you lay knocked out in his ass you  were promoted on your second stinky day at your noxious new job.
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hotmenpics · 2 years
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hotmenpics · 2 years
“Reblog if you’re a crotch & butt sniffer!”
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hotmenpics · 2 years
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hotmenpics · 2 years
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hotmenpics · 2 years
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hotmenpics · 2 years
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