hotelhyena · 1 year
I think this one was the last video in that series, I just wanted to share these before my country bans TikTok.
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hotelhyena · 1 year
Did I neglect to mention that my country deciding to ban Tiktok is just fucking stupid?
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hotelhyena · 1 year
Stupid tiktok ban…
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hotelhyena · 1 year
Putting these out there before my stupid country bans the app…
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hotelhyena · 1 year
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hotelhyena · 3 years
I’m not a hotel employee but I have no idea who else to ask. I went on a road trip with my father during the pandemic (I had no choice in going) to check on dying grandma who has severe dementia. We were 75% through the states to get to her before we stopped by a hotel by I-95. Upon request for a room for 2, the women asked for proof of me being his daughter in a very fantic manner (something that didn’t happen with every other hotel we checked in during the trip). The only identification I had was my passport but it was buried who knows where in the car. After asking for identification multiple times to our fumbling I just showed her some the info I had punched in in case of medical emergencies. Only then did she let us book. I think she thought I was an underage prostitute or something bc a bathroom near by was plastered with abduction posters. I thought I looked enough alike to my father but oof did that hit our egos. Maybe it was my short of shortish clothes I wore due to the hot weather...Is this normal??? I wonder what shit she’s seen...
In my experience, that’s not abnormal at all actually.
I-95 in particular has a long-standing reputation for smuggling drugs AND people, I know this because I grew up in a State where it crosses a border near my hometown.
Not many Americans have passports either, they’re not cheap and can take a while to process. I’m guessing that, because of this, she may have been additionally confused. Yeah, if what you’re saying about all the posters there is also true, then she acted in the right.
It may have been awkward and uncomfortable, but she was doing her job.
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hotelhyena · 4 years
Dear Valued Guest,
This particular situation is akin to “Heard it from a friend who... heard it from a friend whooooo... heard it from another”
Now you’re hearing it from ME: NO.
Had a lady all mad that I dont have rooms but "Expedya shows ya do!" Lady Expedya doesnt have an up to date record of what rooms we got available so when I say I sold out I'm not the one lying to you, its expedya!!! Like I explained five times and she still kept saying "I dont understand" like???? How hard is it to understand a THIRD PARTY website doesnt have as up to date info as the FIRST PARTY source? And if you werent gonna believe me then why did you call to begin with????
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hotelhyena · 5 years
Dear Valued Guest,
We apologize for that leftover Halloween decoration, we must have missed it somehow. By the way, room service is offering a braised pork dinner for tonight only, free of charge.
One notable memory form my hospitality days was when a woman called up furious because we didn’t inform her that a dead body had been found in our parking lot.
I’d been there a few months at that point and to my knowledge, no dead body had ever been found on our property, let alone recently and I told her as such but she didn’t believe me, saying her daughter (probably a university student) told her about it.  I’m sure your daughter knows more about our property than I do, ma'am.
She was just so … nasty about it.  Even if that HAD happened do you really think we’re gonna call guests up and be like “Thank you for choosing [HOTEL NAME], when you arrive please be sure to ignore the tape outline of a body in the parking lot.  Apologies for the inconvenience. :)”
She hung up on me and the entire thing was baffling and I don’t understand why she was so mean about it or why she acted like I, personally, withheld information from her.  Like, you’re talking to a human being who WORKS somewhere you’re apparently terrified of, how about a little (not so common) courtesy?
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hotelhyena · 5 years
Dear Valued Guest,
Go the fuck to sleep.
"are you sure this is a queen bed???" Yes sir I'm quite sure. "Oh... Ok well I don't know it doesn't really look it..." What, do you want me to go over with a tape measure and measure the damn thing for you? Aside from the fact that it is a queen sized bed are you really getting ripped off when you're getting a bed at all at one in the morning??? What's the issue???
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hotelhyena · 5 years
Dear Valued Guest,
You make (a mess all over) your own bed, you lie in it.
TW // for bodily fluids I guess? Last night a dude got drunk and projectile vomited all over his hotel room. He called the front desk DEMANDING HK services. We are a 2-star hotel with like 100 rooms. I told him there was no housekeeping service at 2 AM. And because there was an event going on in town our hotel was sold out, meaning we couldn’t move him either. And like. I would have had more sympathy for the dude had he not proceeded to cuss me out. Like. Dude. I didn’t do this to you. YOU did.
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hotelhyena · 5 years
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Macabre glass set. Click here to view!
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hotelhyena · 5 years
I bet there’s gonna be a meeting about this at work soon...
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hotelhyena · 5 years
Dear Valued Guests & Employees,
You have no fucking clue how crucial the Housekeeping staff are to our day-to-day operations, maybe don’t piss them off yeah?
Most of the team called out yesterday leaving us with two housekeepers. We're a 200 room hotel. My other coworker took 10 hours to do a short board meaning we had to call in a coworker on her day off and I had to do multiple boards. Fuck this place.
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hotelhyena · 5 years
Dear Valued Guest,
I work night audit at a hotel, and we’re supposed to ask for ID if someone asks for an extra key for their room. It’s in the handbook and everything; I’ve found it. However, I’m the only one who actually does it. I’m not just going to stop doing it, because I don’t want to be responsible for someone getting robbed or worse because I gave someone access to a room they had no business being in. Well, people get pissed off at me when I do. “No one else has asked me for ID!” I’m not my coworkers’ keeper. “I’ve been staying here for two weeks! I’m on surveillance!” Congratulations. This is the first time I personally have seen you. I don’t know you from a hole in the ground. It’s for your safety and everyone else’s. I had a half-hour meltdown last night because I’m so sick of looking like an asshole because I’m the only person in the damn place who does their job right. I have too much other stuff going on in my life. I do not need this shit.
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hotelhyena · 5 years
Dear Valued Guest,
I promise you our housekeeping staff has seen way weirder shit, but thanks for playing.
everytime I stay at a hotel I take a bite out of the soap bar to confuse the cleaning staff
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hotelhyena · 5 years
Dear Valued Guest,
While we appreciate that you chose to stay with us, a 5 minute search on Google could have answered this question ahead of time. Unfortunately, there’s no app for common sense.
I hate it when guests at my hotel ask me “is it safe to go outside in this area” Like??? We’re a three-star hotel smack in the middle of the Capital City, it’s the middle of the night, use your best judgement! If you genuinely think it’s okay to walk down the highway at 3 AM, I’m not sure what to say to you. If I say “no, you really shouldn’t, it’s not entirely safe” I get treated as if I, personally, am responsible for big city crime. I still warn people against it, but man. I’m tired =_=
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hotelhyena · 5 years
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