horusas · 6 years
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bone - a - sera , signor - eh. can i - ah get - ah you somethin’ ta’ drink a brand new roleplay blog for jesse mccree of overwatch ? if you’d be so kind as to like / reblog this if you’d be interested in interacting, that’d be mighty appreciated. ( low activity || est. 04.14.18 || penned by maren. )
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horusas · 7 years
i might……. bring this blog back……… Very Soon…..
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horusas · 7 years
╰ ‘✦* ‘ wundertater.
With her hand free, Angela took over holding the cloth over the wound. The bleeding was slowing thankfully and would make the application of the butterfly stitches much easier. She lifted her eyes slightly, watching Fareeha rise to her feet before walking over to the sink. She watches quietly and patiently as she moves to retrieve what was asked of her. Angela couldn’t help but smile slightly, a small warmth in her chest beginning to bloom. Despite a hardened exterior she showed on the battlefield, Fareeha was truly kind and caring individual.
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“I shouldn’t need more than four. I’m glad to know we have more though. I haven’t quite finished taking stock of everything we have.”
Moving the cloth out of the way, some more blood began to ooze out of the wound, but Angela was quick to open the box and start putting the stitches on. She held each one in place firmly, going along her hand with her eyes narrowed in an attempt to see them better. After the third one was applied, she broke the silence again.
“Thank you for your help, Fareeha. You really didn’t have to do anything, but I appreciate it.”
             taking  to  resting  on  a  knee  ,  eyes  watch  carefully  as  the  doctors  tends  to  her  own  wound  ,  attention  completely  focused  &  ready  is  she  to  jump  in  if  needed  .  not  that  she  doubts  angelas  skill  ,  but  just  in  case  she  needed  an  extra  pain  of  hands  .  once  it  was  clear  that  enough  butterflies  had  been  used  ,  she  picks  the  box  of  stitches  back  up  &  rises  from  her  knee  .  a  soft  ,  amiable  smile  pulls  at  dark  lips  before  she  turns  toward  the cabinet  &  putting  the  box  away  .  
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             ‘  there  is  no  need  to  thank  me  .  as  you  said  ,  there  really  wasn't  anything  to  do  .  though  ,  if  you  do  needed  help  with  taking  stock  or  anything  ,  i  would  be  happy  to  help  .  ’
             returning  to  the  doctor  ,  she  offers  a  hand  to  aid  in  standing  .  truth  be  told  ,  as  overwatch  was  just  getting  setup  ,  preparing  to  run  again  ,  the  security  chief  had  nothing  too  much  to  do  .  most  of  the  duties  that  had   been  given   to  her  she’d  already  wrapped  up  .  any  bit  of  work  she  could  get  ,  she  was  willing  to  take  at  this  point.
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horusas · 7 years
“anything, just call me, okay?”
✨ ‘ FIVE WORD STARTERS. | closed.
             the  only  response  at  first  is  nothing  .  her  head  bowed  as  she  sat  atop  her  bed  ,  hunching  forward  with  legs  spread  &  elbows  resting  on  top  of  her  knees  .  after  a  moment  ,  a  sigh  is  forced  past  her  chewed  upon  lips  ,  head  lifting  so  that  her  gaze  may  meet  that  of  her  teammates  &  reveal  a  tired  yet  kind  smile  that  graced  her  lips  .
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             ‘  that's  very  kind  of  you  ,  lena  .  i  will  keep  your  offer  in  mind  ,  thank  you  .  ’
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horusas · 7 years
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i  shoulda  said  this  sooner  but  i  just  wanted  to  thank  you  all  for  being  super  patient  with  me  ??  this  blogs  start  up  has  been  ,,  real  slow  due  to  school  +  things  like  Anxiety  ,  so  thanks  for  just  bein’  chill  &  all  <3  things  are  probs  gonna  be  this  slow  for  awhile  ,,,
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horusas · 7 years
ignte replied to your post: fareeha makes me very happy but TINY fareeha makes...
tiny fareeha is a blessing
she rlly i s,,,, what an Cute but also a lil shit
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horusas · 7 years
fareeha makes me very happy but TINY fareeha makes me SUPER happy
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horusas · 7 years
Protective sentence starters??
because visualizing muses in these situations generally equates to puppies guarding each other and its wonderful
“No, don’t do that it’s not safe.”
“You’re scared of that, aren’t you?”
“Don’t touch her/him!”
“It’s cute that you tried to protect me and all, but you’re like a foot shorter than me, you know?”
“I will always step in between you and something like that.”
“Why? Because I don’t want you to get hurt, that’s why!”
“Do you think just because my feet don’t touch the bottom of the pool that I need a floatie?”
“The stepping stool is unnecessary.”
“I’m not apologizing for what I said to that asshole/jerk… He/she was saying terrible things about you.”
“If you say another word about her/him, you’ll regret it.”
“I don’t want to put you in that type of environment.”
“Make sure to tell me if you get worried, or nervous, or claustrophobic, or-”
“You could have been hurt.”
“I indirected him/her on Twitter for your honor.”
“I think you should leave this type of thing to me.”
“I’m gonna protect you.”
“You can hold onto me if you’re scared, you know?”
“I’m not leaving you alone.  Not now, not ever.”
“Let’s all watch a different movie.  This one freaks her/him out.”
“I get where you’re coming from dude, but honestly shut the hell up and don’t talk about her/him that way.”
“She/He isn’t an object.”
“She/he told me what you did, and all I’m gonna do is tell you to stay away.”
“You don’t know anything about her/him!”
“What?  You think that was funny?  You just insulter her/him, and expect me to laugh?”
“I’m not gonna let you put up with that.”
“Really, if you told me to I’d go punch them for you.”
“Wait, let me walk you home.”
“I’ll drive you, please– please don’t go like this.”
“It’s dangerous.”
“I’m worried about you.”
“I meant it when I said I would protect you.”
“I’m not stepping aside until you back up.”
“It’s too cold for you to come out here without a jacket on.”
“I’ll go see what the noise was.”
“Stay on the phone with me.”
“Promise me you’ll be safe.”
“I don’t feel comfortable with you going there on your own.”
“He/She did what to you?”
“I won’t let you go through something like that again.”
“I’m not perfect, but I’m trying my hardest to do everything to keep you safe.”
“Stay behind me.”
“I promised your mom to make sure you didn’t do anything stupid tonight.”
“I love you.  Of course I’m gonna defend you like that.”
“No, he/she isn’t good enough to take you out.  Trust me, I know.”
“Are you planning to stay glued to my side this whole evening?”
“I’ll be okay, because I know you’re back here ready to step in if I need you.”
“Thank you for always sticking with me.”
“I’m really worried about her/him, but I don’t think he/she wants me to call.”
“I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you.”
“Like, I don’t expect to ever have to take a bullet for you, but I would.”
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horusas · 7 years
╰ ‘✦* ‘ wundertater.
@pharahorus cont
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With all of the construction going on around the base to make it more suitable for a group of people to live there, it was no surprise that there were sharp objects around every corner. In her haste to get to the medical bay to continue with her work, she had turned a corner too sharply and sliced the back of her hand. It wasn’t a very serious wound and she could have dealt with it on her own, but she was glad that Fareeha happened to walk by. It didn’t hurt to have an extra pair of hands.
“I was probably just going to bandage it and use some of my biotech, but you are correct. Butterfly stitches would certainly do well here. They should be in the cabinet above the sink. Would you be so kind as to grab them for me?”
              ‘  of  course  .  ’  hands  slowly  release  the  woman’s  injured  hand  ,  letting  her  place  pressure  on  it  instead  while  the  egyptian  got  up  to  grab  what  was  needed  .  mind  was  fast  in  an  attempt  to  calculate  just  how  many  stitches  she  might  need  ,  hues  never  leaving  the  rag  atop  the  wound  as  she  tried  to  get  an  answer  ,  before  head  shakes  lightly  to  dismiss  her  thoughts  &  opting  to  just  grab  a  whole  box  .  now  does  gaze  break  away  ,  scanning  over  the  medical  bay  before  landing  on  the  sink  &  then  raising  to  the  cabinet  that  resided  above  it  .  quick  was  she  to  get  into  motion  ,   making  her  way  over  there  &  opening  both  doors  for  eyes to  look  over  each  shelf  with ease  .  upon  finding  more  than  a  single  box  of  butterflies  ,  she  pops  the  one  closest  to  the front  open  to  check  the  remaining  supplies  .  deciding it was  good enough  ,  she  heads  back  to  the  doctor  &  places  the  box  down  .  
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             ‘  i  believe  there  is  an  adequate  amount  to  work  with  ,  but  should  we  require  more  ,  another  box  is  waiting  in  the  cabinet  .  ’
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horusas · 7 years
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horusas · 7 years
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the Sibs™ 
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horusas · 7 years
╰ ‘✦* ‘ aniimcs.
@pharahorus | continuation. 
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❝ sure. ❞ finality pierced his tone, indifferent towards the truth. ❝ shouldn’t be, I’ve survived worse. ❞ extremities tugged idly at the charred remains of his jacket ; tearing into the fabric—- tossing aside the once pristine sleeve. contrasting his words, clothes never seemed to be as lucky. 
// optics scan over the small burns littering his flesh, a mutter all it took to vanish such blemishes from his skin. wounds mended, new skin taking the damaged place. ❝ good enough. ❞
             eyes  watched  him  carefully  ,  not  daring  for  even  a  second  to  look  elsewhere  as  she studied  his  injuries  herself  &  then  his  lack  thereof  .  questions  sat  on  the  edge  of  her  tongue  ,  a  small  ,  burning  desire  to  be  asked  ,  but  they  would  not  be  spoken  ———  not  now  ,  at  least  .  there  were  things  of  higher  importance  that  had  to  be  done  first  ,  such  as  getting  him  elsewhere  .  
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             extending  a  hand  to  aid  him  in  standing  ,  hues  quickly  scan  their  surrounds  as  her  mind's  attention  shifts  to  a  way  out  .  ‘  that's  good  .  are  you  then  able  to  move  on  your  own  well  enough  ?  because  our  next  priority  is  getting  you  somewhere  safe  .  ’
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horusas · 7 years
╰ ‘✦* ‘ slcyer.
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             her smile, albeit small &. easily disguisable, helped ease ruby’s anxiety around the armoured lady. she seemed kind — not like the villains who kept trying to hurt ruby.  ‘  nine outta ten ? i’ll take it  !  ‘  little red returned her own bright smile, freckled cheeks pink from the small compliment she received.  ‘  y’know, i think you should reconsider letting someone on your back. think about how high &. far we could go together.. since my power is speed, after all.  ‘
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             the  small  girls  reaction  gets  a  little  chuckle  out  of  the  women  with  the  eyes  of  a  hawk  .  she  gives  a  small  nod  ,  a  bent  finger  raising  to  press  the  side  of  her  knuckle  against  her  chin  ,  feigning  thought  over  the  idea  although  her  mind  was  already  made  up  .  ‘  i  still  don't  think  it  is  all  that  safe  for  you  ,  even with your  . . .  power  ?  besides  ,  i  wouldn’t  want  to  risk  getting  someone  i  don't  know  &  as  young  as  you  hurt  .  what  are  you  doing  out  here  by  yourself  ,  anyways  ?  ’
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horusas · 7 years
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today  was  rlly  sorta  bad  for  me  &  i  apologize  ,  i  just  can’t  force  myself  to  write  tonight  cause  of  things .  but  at  least  these  icons  exist  .
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horusas · 7 years
“this isn’t what i wanted.”
             there  is  a  struggle  to  hold  her  mother’s  gaze  ,  forcing  her  back  to  straighten  up  ;  shoulders  back  &  head  raised  high  ,  though  ,  try  as  she  might  to  keep  this  facade  up  ,  it  did  not  last  long  ———  not  under  her  mother’s  watchful  eye  .  the  held  breath  in  her  lungs  is  forced  out  in  the  form  of  a  sigh  ,  good  posture  crumbling  &  eyes  being  lowered  to  the  ground  .  she’d  expected  a  conversation  like  this  one  after  she  received  ana’s  letter  ,  knowing  of  her  eventual  return  &  trying  to  prepare  herself  to  face  something  like  this  along  with  accepting  the  fact  that  her  mother  was  no  longer  dead  .  countenance  shifts  as  a  certain  memory  from  when  she  was  much  younger  runs  through  her  mind  ,  brows  furrowing  which  gives  off  the  impression  of  thought  as  she  remembers  a  time  she’d  told  her  mother  about  her  dream  of  following  in  the  sniper’s  footsteps  ,  into  the  military  ,  into  OVERWATCH  .  however  ,  her  excitement  at  the  idea  was  crushed  &  ruined  once  her  mother  displayed  her  disapproval  at  the  idea  .  years  later  ,  after  losing  her  mother  ,  she  followed  her  dream  in  a  slightly  altered  path  after  the  fall  ,  but  she  cuts  her  thoughts  short  before  hues  find  themselves  slowly  closing  .  another  sigh  passing  her  lips  before  she  speaks.
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             ‘  i  know  …  it’s  what  i  wanted  .  ’  
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horusas · 7 years
“it’s just a cut, really.”
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             a  sigh  accompanies  light  shakes  of  her  head  ,  hands  carefully  holding  the  medic's  own  ,  a  small  rag  being  stained  red  as  blood  leaks  from said  cut  .  thumbs  press  down  &  apply  gentle pressure  to  her  cut  ,  gaze  lifting  to  look  around  for  bandages  &  perhaps  a  box  of  butterfly  stitches  .
             ‘  i  did  not  expect  i'd  have  to  play  doctor  today  ,  but  i  think  ,  regardless  ,  butterflies  would  be  helpful  .  it  is  too  trivial  to  waste  serious  supplies  on  it  ,  but  i  think  those  kind  of  stitches  would  help  in  healing  it  quicker ,  unless  you  have  another  solution  .  ’  
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horusas · 7 years
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;; hi there !! would you kindly scatter this promo if you’d be interested in roleplaying with an independent ruby rose from RWBY ?  just like / reblog this post !
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