still not over sasha velour's lypsinc in the final
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i wanna meet my jake peralta
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Are you absolutely sure he's not back?? Like he could me hiding amongst us. YOU could be Julius Cesar in disguise, I could be Julius Cesar in disguise, the person reading this may be Julius Cesar in disguise. We may never know.
Is Julius Caesar back from the dead yet?
Day 753,385: no.
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Ok so u know there's a lot of people that are like "omg people get sooo offenden nowadays".
That's bullshit. People got offended the same way in every moment of history, we as humans are emotional (like when in the middle ages someone insulted u so u challenged them to a duel and killed them).
The difference is that NOW everyperson has voice and it can be heard (specially via internet). That's why a lot of people say that now everyone gets offended easily. Bitch, now we can complain about some of the stuff that hurts us without getting murdered. Oops.
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