honourguided-blog · 6 years
PSA:  I don’t care if it takes you two days or two months to reply to something… I understand that life outside of Tumblr can get hectic sometimes, and I understand that you need to put real life issues first.
Take as long as you need. And never feel bad about having to drop something with me, if you need to. Its okay. I will always understand!
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honourguided-blog · 6 years
Send 💤 to fall asleep on my muse!
Or send 😪 for mine to fall asleep on yours
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honourguided-blog · 6 years
And yet, you kept going.
a reminder; e.d. (via whenpoetsbleed)
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honourguided-blog · 6 years
ah, castle town. the source of market competition and raging consumerism. goods from all over come together here while hylians bark prices at impromptu auctions and gorons try to sell cooked rocks. beedle prefers the less crowded approach of a traveling market, but when it’s time to replenish stocks, he has little choice on where to go. besides, the money talks, and it never shuts up in town.
          deals cut and made, he picks a spot away from the hustle and bustle to set up a “stand”. meaning, of course, that he has a length of wood across his knees as a counter and a blanket on the ground before him with his goods displayed for purchase.
                   “Come one, come all! Beedle’s Shop is open!”
      Donning his soldier attire, he’s been positioned near the congested marketplace on this day, tasked with the job of making certain nothing mischievous took place. It was overly crowded, as per usual ; patrons swarmed stalls and merchants hollered advertisements of their products. Adrian personally was  NOT  a huge fan of of the market, preferring a place less busy to guard. However, he did not have a say in the matter.       With an air of professionalism to his posture, he remained silent for the most part, quietly observing the activity around him. His gaze eventually fell on one figure setting up shop  away  from the others. With a quirked brow, he shrugged, wandering closer. A girl dashed up to the man--Beedle, apparently--wondering about butterflies.           ❛   Why set up all the way over here ? Why not somewhere closer to the crowd ?   ❜
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honourguided-blog · 6 years
A chuff of breath, indistinguishable between an admission that Adrian got him annoyed and something exasperated (scathing?). “I merely hoped that someone claiming to be a knight would show more decorum and care for others.” Two can play this game, buddy, and Kakyoin is not afraid to go for a low blow or two.
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Now that it’s brought up, though, Kakyoin isn’t actually positive what he expected to happen to his shirt. Definitely not some variety of violence, though. (Thesis: Caring about the welfare of strangers is a waste of time. Work Cited: This entire conversation.)
“What a magnanimous offer, despite my clothing offending you so deeply. Thank you for deigning to return my own belongings back to me.” Translation: it’s a comfortable shirt, you bastard.
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         ❛   I don’t claim to be a  knight,  I am a soldier. There’s a difference.   ❜      There was a bitter edge to his tone that he desperately tried to hide. Oh, how he wished to be of the Royal Guard, yet he was forced to remain a soldier ( for now, he planned to gain rank eventually ). His attitude had nothing to do with his title, for there were far less friendly beings amongst his peers.
                       ❛   I said  try  to. I can change my mind, or it can ‘ slip ‘ into a fire.   ❜
           It was a hideous shirt, he would be doing society a favor. Regardless of his words, he’d still return the piece of fabric eventually, or have Amelia do it for him since she was the sibling with the award winning smile and amiable personality. 
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honourguided-blog · 6 years
Repost and fill in the answers you most associate your character with to each question.
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1. ANIMAL: horse 2. COLOR(S): plum, gold, silver 3. MONTH: october 4. SONG: ashes remain - right here 5. NUMBER: fifteen  6. DAY OR NIGHT: day 7. PLANT: violet 8. SMELL: smoke 9. GEMSTONE: agate, garnet 10. SEASON: spring 11. PLACE: castle town 12. FOOD: spicy peppers 13. ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: scorpio 14. ELEMENT(S): fire 15. DRINK: coffee
TAGGED BY: stole it from myself TAGGING: anybody who wants to do this !
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honourguided-blog · 6 years
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“so they always say. what a cliche!” she isn’t surprised if her eyes one day decided to pop out of her head, the amount of eye-rolling can’t be healthy.. one thing this mule and his “bravery”  has made quite clear for her. midna seats herself upon a branch, her back leaned against the tree and fingers entwined behind her head. a feline gaze lingers on the knight, holding him captive with her gaze. “. well bask in your honor while you’re still breathing. though i am not sure it will last long.  they say that pride and stubbornness lead to certain death.” 
            In the heat of battle he chose to outright ignore the imp-like creature, tearing gaze away to focus on his opponent. A shadow monster unlike any of the enemies he’s fought before----the soldier wasn’t certain how to dispense with it. Parrying a blow with his sword, he regained composure only to forced to counter in the seconds that followed. It was proving to be more tedious than he hoped. With a snarl, Adrian’s attention returned to the  ugly  creature sitting in the tree.        ❛   Suppose I do need some assistance, what is it that you’d require of me in return ?   ❜
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honourguided-blog · 6 years
❝ I’m not getting drawn into this mess. There’s an army after you. ❞ (took a one-word liberty :>)
legend of the sword | accepting | @losteidolon
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          ❛    Look,  you need to let me hide out here for a few minutes until this all blows over. Nobody is dragging you into this mess, I promise.   ❜       It was not  his  fault that somebody left the last piece of apple pie unattended. It was from the new bakery that had just opened in town, made fresh that very morning. His fellow soldiers left the delectable treat unguarded, Adrian saw his chance and seized it. He had absolutely no regrets over what had transpired, despite being chased. 
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honourguided-blog · 6 years
❝ Why have enemies when you can have friends? ❞
❝ I thought you’d be taller and would have a beard. ❞
❝ I see you’re trying to get me to do something razzle-dazzle with that sword. ❞
❝ There’s an army of you, there’s only one of me. ❞
❝ I’ve talked, I’m happy to talk, but there is no way… that I am fighting. ❞
❝ Hang that up, don’t want it getting creased. ❞
❝ It should be clear by now that whatever you and your friends think I am, I am not it. ❞
❝ It’s all yours, son. Though I warn you, it’s got quite a bite. ❞
❝ You wanted to know what gave me such drive? It was you. ❞
❝ I am here now because of you. You created me. And for that, I bless you. ❞
❝ You’re no longer dealing with the man you previously met. ❞
❝ You’re no longer a myth. You’re starting to mean something. ❞
❝ You are resisting the sword. The sword isn’t resisting you. ❞
❝ You want him to think big? Give him something big to think about. ❞
❝ They’re fighting in your name. ❞
❝ How do you get money from a Viking? ❞
❝ You have won, [ NAME ]. You have won. Now, play with me. ❞
❝ When people fear you, it is the most intoxicated position a man can possess. ❞
❝ You know what happens now. You’re quickly becoming a legend. ❞
❝ This lot’s been trying that for years. Good luck doing that for them. ❞
❝ And once you finish it, how are you supposed to get to the middle? ❞
❝ Let me show you what your uncle will do if you do not accept. ❞
❝ The sword is yours now, son. Take it. ❞
❝ Long live the King! Long live the King! ❞
❝ I’m a little old for finger-wagging and speeches. ❞
❝ Can you just get around to telling me exactly what it is you want? ❞
❝ It’s quite dangerous being one of you lot, isn’t it? ❞
❝ You’re good with animals, aren’t you? ❞
❝ Never met one of you in the flesh. I thought you’d be taller…  ❞
❝ You have to break his old self completely, wear him down. ❞
❝ You’re playing with fire, [ NAME ]. ❞
❝ I’m not killing the king before he’s even become one! ❞
❝ Pick it up. Pick it up with both hands. ❞
❝ If you want that sword so much, your lordship, you can keep it… ❞
❝ Now, that would have hurt a lot more if I’d left the ring on. ❞
❝ It was [ NAME ] who murdered your father ❞
❝ Did you see everything you needed to see? ❞
❝ I need you to do as I tell you. I need to get you and the boy away from here. ❞
❝ You sharpened the blade. You created me. ❞
❝ Why has the water dropped? Why does the sword reveal itself now? ❞
❝ As your power increases, so do to the forces that will oppose you. ❞
❝ The born king will come. It is inevitable. ❞
❝ You felt it, didn’t you, my power? ❞
❝ I’ve never had any power or any desire to achieve it. ❞
❝ Don’t worry. You will soon understand what all the fuss is about. ❞
❝ What you didn’t account for is what you can do with this sword. ❞
❝ You wanted the prophecy, this is your prophecy. ❞
❝ The man who pulled sword from stone, behold, your born king! ❞
❝ Because for the first time, there is something you don’t know. ❞
❝ What gave you such drive? you felt if, the power, didn’t you? ❞
❝ I’m not getting drawn into this mess! ❞
❝ There are rumors, the legend of the sword, of a king other than yourself. ❞
❝ Listen to me, I need you to do as I tell you. ❞
❝ If I go down, you follow him. If he goes down, you follow me. ❞
❝ Did you see everything you needed to see? ❞
❝ Are you scared? You should be. ❞
❝ You make sense of the devil. ❞
❝ You put me in that brothel. You cut me on the streets. ❞
❝ But doesn’t it make the palace burn well? ❞
❝ No, I mean I’m sorry. You’ve made a mistake. ❞
❝ I’ll step off this throne and you can deal with me as the man you previously met. ❞
❝ Well, now that’s out the way, let’s eat. ❞
❝ I understand there’s been a change in the leadership. ❞
❝ I am confident that you will still honor the agreement made. ❞
❝ I’m prepared to extend the deadline by a week. ❞
❝ We’ve been wondering what you were doing in here. ❞
❝ I like it. What is it? ❞
❝ I’m not getting drawn into this mess. There’s an army of you. ❞
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honourguided-blog · 6 years
did i talk shit? absolutely.
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honourguided-blog · 6 years
Kakyoin probably shouldn’t roll his eyes like some exasperated kindergarten teacher at this guy, and yet here he is regardless, doing just that. “Is green not your colour? Tragic.”
He’s usually better mannered than this, but can Kakyoin really be blamed for snark when his act of casual altruism is met with this? Come on now. People are supposed to be nice, or something like that. (Admittedly, people only rarely do what they’re supposed to– a never-ending source of frustration for Kakyoin, but that is an issue for a different day.)
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“It’s nice to know that you treat other people’s belongings kindly. Really warms my heart when I meet polite guys like you. Are you this kind to everyone who tries to help you, or am I just lucky?”
No, he’s not extra grumpy that his style is being insulted, not at all, why would someone say that.
        ❛   Oh, have I struck a  nerve  ? You said it yourself, it’s not like we’ll ever see each other again. Why would I want to keep it in my possession if that’s the case ?   ❜      Threatening to burn it may have been an extreme on his end. Was he being ungrateful ? Absolutely. He’s normally not so ignorant to others, especially with anybody who may be assisting him in some way. He’s simply having a bad day and it’s getting the better of him in the worst manner at an inopportune time. Plucking at the material once more out of spite, he forced his hand to fall slack against his side.        ❛   You’re just lucky. Look----if you’re  really  that upset over your  ugly  shirt, I can  TRY  to return it. I’ll even clean it for you.   ❜              Ill-mannered temperament aside, he could at least  attempt  to do something for the male in return for his thoughtful actions. It’s because of him that the soldier doesn’t have to parade around with mud plastered to his attire, after all. 
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honourguided-blog · 6 years
i’m the type of person that if we’re roleplay partners and i really enjoy your writing i’ll follow you anywhere. seriously. you mention you’re starting a new blog? gimme that url. you have this new OC you want to try out? come at me bro. i may not know who the hell your character is, or a damn thing about the fandom, but i’ll still follow. i don’t care what character you play, i just want to write with you.
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honourguided-blog · 6 years
don’t forget to smile while intimidating someone.
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honourguided-blog · 6 years
“Your sister? Oh, no, I simply saw it and thought what a wonderful gift it would be for you. She had no knowledge of the purchase, though I’m certain if she saw it she’d be just as delighted as I was when I found it.” She speaks innocently, green eyes shining as if it were the most natural present in the world to offer him. 
She blinks twice at his statement – she has an inkling this may not turn out well for her, but when she sees the bright cloth in his hands she has to suppress her laughter. …Whatever his cost, it will be worth it.  
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“ – Alright.” She says with great determination. “Though I will remind you if it’s anything too eye-catching I’ll be found and sent back to the castle, no doubt! So do choose wisely.”
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      ❛   You’ll be fine, I assure you. Wait here with Baron, I’ll be back in a few minutes.   ❜      Returning the forsaken bow to the Princess, Adrian takes off, jogging in the direction of his home. He already knows the piece of material he’s going to give Zelda to wear in exchange for the bow, a vivid picture of the shirt already in mind. It’s one of his, gifted to him when he was younger. It should fit, if not a little big.        Sweeping through the house ( it’s noted that he has to clean at some point ), the soldier makes a beeline for his dresser. A wicked grin alights countenance as he pulls the sought after fabric from a pile----a bright shirt adorned with floral designs, colours a complete contrast to each other. One of Amelia’s ‘ gifts ‘, he’s only ever worn it once before forcing its existence from his thoughts. 
         In total, the trip to get the shirt and return to the Princess only took about 20 minutes. Smile still bright, he offers the material the very moment he reaches Zelda and Baron.                                                        ❛   Here you go.  ❜ 
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honourguided-blog · 6 years
✍ + 5
…being complimented.
He’s obnoxious, cocky in most cases, barely tolerable. He’s been training to be a soldier for years, it merely fluffs his pride when somebody acknowledges his skills or accomplishments. If it’s a soft compliment like saying he looks nice, it will catch him off-guard. He won’t blush, but there’s a good chance he’ll become awkward, hand carding through his hair as he offers a quiet thanks and a small grin. 
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meme | accepting
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honourguided-blog · 6 years
For every ✍ + a number I receive, I will share one headcanon for my muse about...
…their sleep schedule.
…being touched.
…how long they hold grudges.
…how sensitive they are to insults.
…being complimented.
…being alone.
…meeting new people.
…getting sick (a cold, flu, etc.)
…their handwriting.
…how easily they make friends.
…how educated they are.
…the type of music they like.
…a beloved toy or pet they had as a child.
…where they see themselves in ten years.
…what really scares them.
…how good they are with technology.
…how they would describe their personality.
…what makes them happy.
…what they think the meaning of life is.
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honourguided-blog · 6 years
Apparently “spite” is not an ‘appropriate answer’ to “What motivates you?”
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