homeinhereyes · 4 years
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I was finishing up some yard work the other day and saw a plane fly over and immediately thought of you. The sunset was beautiful that day. I hope you’re doing well. Making strides for yourself, progress and most importantly having the mental strength to self-heal. Don’t forget you’ll always be one of the most special people in my life.
Much love.
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homeinhereyes · 4 years
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7/08/2020 8:37 am
Hey, I hope you’ve been well. We’ve decided to take a break. Not so much from each other, but to give you your own time to heal. Not sure how I feel about everything as of late. So many emotions, so many events going on at one time. I would like to say they don’t effect me, but they do.
I just want you to be happy on your own, find your individuality, embrace the person you are, and honestly just be truly happy with yourself and with your life. I know those things seem far fetched sometimes and it’s hard figuring out where to start. But with time comes patience, and with patience, comes understanding. We all have some type of weight that affects us in different ways. We just have to try not to carry certain things with us throughout life, especially if it’s not beneficial. It is possible to heal I believe, you just need to find time to yourself, for yourself. Self love, and self nurturing. I’m still trying to navigate these things myself.
Life, has been interesting, challenging, and great all at the same time. Until we speak again, love.
PS. This picture is from last night, we roamed the city and walked around a lot of the big protest areas and police precincts
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homeinhereyes · 4 years
7:54 AM
I’m in a daze, I find myself just standing there and staring into space when I walk into my garage. I feel so uncomfortable that we are disconnected. I feel so uneasy.
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homeinhereyes · 4 years
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Hi, I hope you’ve been well. It’s been rough between us lately, I’m not sure why.. you haven’t talked to me much, so it’s hard for me to know what’s going on with us, or what’s happening with you. I trust time is on our side. So until time finds us in the same space, I’ll find that space cherished in my head.
P.S. I dusted off the 12 string today for some tunes
Love always
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homeinhereyes · 4 years
5/18/2020 10:11pm
Hi, it’s been a while.
We’ve been going through our own hard times in our own world. Sometimes it’s hard, hard to see over the fence
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homeinhereyes · 4 years
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And there you were, like a beautiful cloud-scaped sunset in the horizon. Closing out my day with smile, providing me with wonder, beauty, and awe. You push all the right buttons and you don’t even know it (otw to get pizza/pasta)
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homeinhereyes · 4 years
Hi, it’s been a while since we talked. We caught up today and cleared up some things that were floating in the air. It was so good to see you. To hear your voice, to see your smile, giggle, laugh, and pout. Looking at you will forever be one of my greatest views. I’ve missed you so much.
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homeinhereyes · 4 years
Hi sweetheart, I hope you’ve been well. Weather is going to be nice these next two days off so I’m taking advantage of it to prep the 4runner for next months Oregon trip. I hope everything is going well on your side of the world. I know you’re probably super busy with the start and opening of things. Hope all is well.
P.S. I almost legitimately killed myself pressing out some bearings yesterday
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If you look at where I circled, those corners were sharp steel corners, I almost slipped lowerering the hydraulic jack and my neck stopped right at one of those corners. I saw a flashback of my life in a second, it was kinda crazy. I’m ok though, not hurt at all. Could’ve been something bad though.
Finishing this up today. Removing skid plates so I can recoat them since they’re pretty wrecked
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homeinhereyes · 4 years
I’m having dinner with my family. I’m having a strong sense of missing you here. I hope your day went well, hope you got to spend time with all the things you love
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homeinhereyes · 4 years
I’ve missed you for the most of today. Hope all is going well with you
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homeinhereyes · 4 years
Love-to find it in the most unexpected time, in the most unexpected places. That’s probably one of the most special things about it. You don’t expect to find it there, or at any specific time. It just comes to you as you realize it. Not by choice, not something that can be forced or fabricated. Just simply put, in front of you.
Unconditional love-how many people in today’s obligations can find truth to the root meaning of that? Who knows. I’m scared to use that word myself, as I barely know love itself, if you ask me.
If I told you, you were to fall in love over a screen face timing, you would never believe me in 100 years. I know, I would say the same. To find something that we have is so special to me. I do get lost in your presence almost everyday, because I still can’t believe I’m face to face-smiling, loving you, and having that reciprocated. I step back and think about what we have, and how crazy it is. I admire it so much, for something like this I didn’t expect to find in this lifetime.
Types-maybe there are more types of love than just unconditional love. Sure. Like the type of love that makes you a little crazy, a little unreasonable, a love so real it makes your heart hurt a little. Something more complex than the mind can understand, more loaded than the heart can handle. A love that makes your already structured life, change. Things that may have seemed absurd before, now seem plausible. A bond so strong it doesn’t need the physical touch to get intense. Intellect so deep that it’s intertwined with the strands of the universe, tying two people together as if they were face to face.
You- distance has been tough. For the both of us, I’m sure. I am a very selfish person I know. I’m really trying everyday to let you be who you need to be. So that can bloom into us, if that ever becomes reality. You mean more to me than any of the people around us will ever know. You are the most specialistststs girl. You have my heart. You have my mind, my soul, and my thoughts. I see the depths of the ocean when I look into your eyes. I’m not a great swimmer, but I’ll dive in (definitely making sure I have my floaties on my arms) I love to make you laugh, shy, awkward, giggle, squint, AND wink. You will forever be my greatest regret not having you sooner in my life. I believe in love, and hopefully love, believes in us.
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homeinhereyes · 4 years
Hi love, I wanted to update you on calebs radio flyer last night but I fell asleep right when I got into bed (which is weird)
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Made some good progression yesterday after I finished up some fab work for another 4runner earlier in the morning. Finally got the shock/upper control arm tower built. This is where the top part of the shock will be mounted to, as well as the upper control arm. I’m using a uniball heim joint (in the upper control arm) ran horizontally to have the best up/down travel
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homeinhereyes · 4 years
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The view from my window pane, it’s 9:30pm and still light out. All I can think about is you.
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homeinhereyes · 4 years
And I love you here too
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homeinhereyes · 4 years
11:47 pm
Hi my love, my dearest. The one I hold dearest to my heart. Currently in my life, I believe you are the most significant person to me. I think about you so much. Some of the things I do myself, for myself, I almost feel like I’m doing it for you too. That’s how integrated you’ve become in my life.
I was playing a little 3 progression finger picking tune on the guitar earlier, and I just thought about you the whole time. I had people over and everyone was just cross talking in conversation. I unknowingly tuned it all out, just heard the strings of the guitar and the tunes it was making, and the vibration of the guitar body against my hip. It’s a great feeling and I love enjoying the simple melodies a guitar makes when played to the hearts content. Even the simplest note. All this while day dreaming about you. That’s all that was on my mind. The feeling of the guitar, the sounds it was making, and you. You, this goofy girl I met in high school (I was even goofier) now on my mind almost all hours of the day. I’m glad we kept in touch, I’m glad we can still catch up like time has never passed and we never grew up. I love this person you’ve become, I love the passions you have. The dedication to the things you do. I respect it, I really do. I love you, so very much. My heart is settled when it finds itself wrapped around you. Until our special moments arrive.
With all my love, yours.
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homeinhereyes · 4 years
I saw two of my favorite human beings today. My heart is delighted.
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homeinhereyes · 4 years
Your dads court date is getting closer, I really wish I could be there through all of it with you, or even talk to you throughout the whole process. It’s a weird time right now. We texted a bit today, and you’re still trying to figure out if talking to me is something that’s good or bad for you right now.
We’re 2 1/2 months into this coronavirus thing now. Athough life’s been good since everything has slowed down. The only thing that gets me is we can’t see each other. Life’s like that though, huh? You can’t have it all. You find the best love, the love of your life, and she’s 1200 miles away. And then an epidemic happens, AND her life’s at one of its most difficult points. This whole thing is crazy, everything, all the things happening. Still, I see you so clearly. Looking at you through a lens, gives me a clarity few words can attain. If I were to be physically in front of you it’d be different. I would want to hug you, and kiss you and be distracted by the ambience around us. But when you’re behind the screen, I can see you without those wants and desires. I just see you right there, in front of me, beautiful as ever. Just like the day you called me unannounced. Thank you again, for all your time, your love and your insight. You really do make me a-whole-nother person. A better version of myself
PS. Here are some pictures from today’s progressions on calebs radio flyer. (I called out of work because I was just tired. Ended up working on calebs flyer)
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