holyrgbatman · 3 months
Detective Comics #43
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Surly there's a corruption law that allows citizens to speak up, I feel like I've heard of that law... at the least that seems like stupid convenience
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Dope as in drugs not cool
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Well, if Robin doesn't
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The day is saved
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holyrgbatman · 3 months
Batman (1940) #2; Story 4
I love trains
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Just gonna... cut out the racist panels. Don't worry about it.
Batman fights a bunch of dudes on top of the train then swings into one of the cars
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holyrgbatman · 3 months
Batman (1940) #2; Story 3
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Of course one of them is in debt
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The lawyer, in case you forgot cause I sure did. Also, uh, are they tickle torturing him???
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They do show the family being killed off one-by-one but the whole family is unlikable, so eh
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holyrgbatman · 3 months
Batman (1940) #2; Story 2
Always when they make fun of the timid ones
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He… somehow got hypnotized by a fall?
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Does a few crimes, starts a gang...
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Oh thats... a reaction face
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Traumatizing. Dicks' life is very traumatizing.
The reason Bruce was reading the book I presume is cause he visited the museum Mr.Lamb/Wolf is working at and apparently Lamb is always reading the book over and over plus he matched "Wolf" and Lambs car cause of a dent. I'm assuming anyways thats why he's reading it
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And thats that. Another one bites the dust.
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holyrgbatman · 3 months
Batman (1940) #2; Story 1
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What are they, 5?
Just gonna kidnap someone as your leader huh. Also, Crime Syndicate inc, what a name.
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Dun Dun
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Lets be honest, it wasn't going to work out for them. Joker do be like That
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Joker runs away to the Jewel, Catwoman tries to beat him, but she's too late. Robin intervenes but Joker gets the upper hand then... Probably just a hesitation to make purely bad female characters (they have to be commanded or actually a good person), but still shows that thing we see still to this day-that Catwoman isn't a bad person and cares
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Batman falls off, but then comes back as Joker is setting the place on fire. An ending for sure, and Joker isn't going to really die lets be honest.
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holyrgbatman · 3 months
Detective Comics #42
So I thought that since there are so many gothamite comic issues, around 14.1k, I've decided that rather than multiple post of one issue, I would just do one post an issue with a semi-exception to the Batman (1940) series where I will still split up the different stories, though each of the stories will have their own singular post.
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Bruce's face haha.
These panels are so extra. Bob, Jerry wtf lol.
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Do... they share a bed? I haven't shared a bed with my mother since I was much younger than Dick. The exceptions being movie night and everyone just kinda falls asleep by the end.
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Bamboozled again
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RIP his balls
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Oh huh, green skeleton? I get the hat and the skeleton bit, but whats the skeleton being green to do with art murder?
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The bad guy escapes after this
Okay Sherlock
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Twas a fake
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Another criminal bites the dust bullet
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holyrgbatman · 5 months
Batman came in to assist
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holyrgbatman · 5 months
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holyrgbatman · 5 months
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holyrgbatman · 5 months
Mr. Plum is fucking dead
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holyrgbatman · 5 months
That escalated
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holyrgbatman · 5 months
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holyrgbatman · 5 months
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holyrgbatman · 5 months
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holyrgbatman · 5 months
Semi Dick-solo story
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holyrgbatman · 5 months
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Oh dear, having to live at the same place you work. But also, yeah Mr.Greer got fucked over here.
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holyrgbatman · 5 months
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