holistichealthnews · 8 months
Tackling Serious Gas Pain: Causes, Remedies
...and When to Seek Help
Gas pain can be more than just a minor inconvenience. For many, it's a debilitating ordeal that can disrupt daily life. But fear not: understanding its origins and the remedies available can help manage and often alleviate this distressing discomfort.
Causes of Gas Pain
Dietary Choices: Consuming foods that are high in fiber, like beans, lentils, broccoli, cabbage, and carbonated drinks can lead to increased gas production.
Swallowed Air: Habits like drinking through straws, chewing gum, or eating too quickly can cause you to swallow excess air.
Digestive Disorders: Conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s disease, or lactose intolerance can lead to increased gas and associated pain.
Bacterial Activity: Sometimes, undigested food can reach the colon and ferment, causing gas production.
Home Remedies for Gas Pain
Peppermint: Drinking peppermint tea or taking peppermint oil capsules can help relax the muscles of the intestines, allowing gas to pass more easily.
Ginger: A natural anti-inflammatory, ginger can help reduce gas pain. It can be consumed as a tea, in food, or as a supplement.
Chamomile Tea: Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, chamomile can help reduce the discomfort caused by gas.
Over-the-counter remedies: Products containing simethicone can help break down gas bubbles.
Dietary adjustments: Monitor foods that may be causing excessive gas and consider reducing their intake.
Exercise: Regular physical activity can help stimulate the passage of gas through the digestive system.
Stop eating Taco Bell: ‘nuff said.
Eat Slowly: Taking your time when eating can reduce the amount of air you swallow.
Limit Gas-Producing Foods: If you're prone to gas, consider reducing your intake of foods known to cause gas.
Stay Hydrated: Drinking water throughout the day can support healthy digestion and reduce the risk of gas pain.
Avoid Artificial Sweeteners: Some people may experience gas from sweeteners like sorbitol, found in some sugar-free foods and drinks.
When to Seek Medical Help
While gas pain is usually harmless and temporary, it can sometimes indicate a more severe condition. Consider seeking medical advice if you notice:
Prolonged Abdominal Pain: Continuous pain lasting more than a few hours.
Other Symptoms: Severe diarrhea, weight loss, or bloody stools accompanying gas pain.
Recurring Pain: Regularly recurring gas pain or bloating.
Onset After Starting New Medications: Some medications can cause gas pain as a side effect.
In the grand scheme, gas pains are just one of those quirky things our bodies do. Embrace it, manage it, and laugh about it. After all, we're all human, but it can also be a distressing experience. 
A combination of home remedies, preventative measures, and being attentive to your body's signals can help manage and alleviate the discomfort. Remember, persistent or severe pain should never be ignored, and a healthcare professional's advice can provide clarity and solutions.
Contact us today if we can help. Just click here or call 405-387-3838.
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holistichealthnews · 8 months
First Aid at Home, Family Care Clinic, or Hospital
Making the Right Call
In moments of minor accidents or sudden health issues, it's crucial to evaluate the situation and make an informed decision: can this be handled at home with first aid, is it more suited for a family care non-emergency clinic, or does it require a trip to the hospital or emergency department? 
Here’s a guide to help you make that distinction:
Handle with First Aid at Home
Minor Cuts and Scrapes: Clean the area with mild soap and water, apply an antibiotic ointment, and cover with a bandage. Change the dressing at least once a day or whenever it becomes wet or dirty.
Mild Burns: First-degree burns that only affect the outer layer of skin can often be treated at home. Cool the burn under cold running water, then apply a burn ointment and cover with a sterile non-stick bandage.
Sprains: Use the R.I.C.E method: Rest, Ice, Compress, and Elevate. If the swelling doesn’t reduce in a day or two, consider consulting a doctor.
Insect Bites and Stings: Remove the stinger if present, wash the area, and apply a cold pack to reduce swelling. Over-the-counter pain relievers or antihistamines can also help.
Visit Your Local Family Care Non-Emergency Clinic, Tri-City Family Care
Persistent Pain: If you have pain that doesn't subside with home remedies or over-the-counter pain relievers, it's wise to get it checked.
Minor Fractures: If you suspect a minor fracture (like a toe or finger), your local clinic can often evaluate and provide necessary treatment.
Mild Asthma Symptoms or Breathing Issues: If not severe but persistent, breathing issues can be evaluated at a clinic.
Flu-Like Symptoms: Persistent fever, dehydration symptoms, or prolonged illness can be assessed more thoroughly at a clinic.
Minor Allergic Reactions: Skin reactions or mild symptoms not causing breathing difficulties but still causing discomfort.
Hospital or Emergency Department Visit Required
Deep Cuts or Heavy Bleeding: If the bleeding doesn't stop after applying direct pressure for 10-15 minutes or if the wound is gaping or deep, seek medical attention immediately.
Severe Burns: Burns that blister, have a whitish or charred appearance, or cover a significant part of the body need urgent care.
Serious Broken Bones: Especially if the bone pierces the skin or if the injury is in a major body part.
Difficulty Breathing: Any sudden or severe difficulty breathing is a medical emergency.
Chest Pain: Unexplained chest pain, especially if associated with other alarming symptoms, requires immediate medical attention.
Signs of Stroke: Remember the F.A.S.T method: Face drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulties, and Time to call 911.
Severe Allergic Reactions: Signs of anaphylaxis like difficulty breathing, a rapid or weak pulse, and swelling of the face and throat are emergencies.
Head Injuries: Any significant blow to the head, especially if accompanied by concerning symptoms, is serious.
In moments of uncertainty, it’s always better to err on the side of caution. While some issues can certainly be managed at home with a well-stocked first aid kit, some need the expertise available at a family care clinic, and others require emergency care. 
Always have a direct line to your local clinic or family doctor for advice in unsure situations. Prioritize your health and safety—if you need a clinic, click here or call 405-387-3838. For serious emergency situations, call 911.
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holistichealthnews · 8 months
The Protein Predicament: Animal, Plant, or Both?
By Dr. David B. Clark DABCI, NMD, DC  
The importance of protein in our diet is a well-accepted fact. It’s crucial for growth, cellular repair, and immune function. However, as much as health experts agree on the necessity of protein, the ‘how much’ and ‘what kind’ of protein are points of disagreement. Should we get our protein solely from plants, animals, or a combination of both? How much protein is ideal?
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Understanding Protein
Protein is a macronutrient made up of smaller units known as amino acids. These amino acids are categorized as essential (cannot be synthesized by the body) and non-essential (can be synthesized by the body). The primary point of divergence between animal and plant proteins lies in their amino acid profiles and other associated nutrients.
Animal Protein
Animal-source proteins, including meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy foods, are often referred to as complete proteins. This means they contain all essential amino acids in sufficient quantities. Moreover, they are rich in essential nutrients like vitamin B12, iron, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids.
Plant Protein
Plant proteins, derived from legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds, are generally not considered complete proteins because they lack one or more essential amino acids. However, by combining different sources of plant protein, you can still obtain a complete amino acid profile. Additionally, plant proteins are rich in fiber, antioxidants, and are generally lower in saturated fats.
It’s true that plant proteins typically require more effort to be completely digested compared to animal proteins. This is due to the presence of certain anti-nutrients like phytates and oxalates that can inhibit absorption. However, cooking, fermenting, or sprouting plant foods can significantly improve nutrient availability.
Nutritional Requirements
The average adult should consume between 3 to 4 ounces (approximately 80 to 110 grams) of protein daily. For pregnant or nursing women and individuals over 65, the higher end of this scale is recommended. Around one-third of your daily caloric intake should ideally come from protein sources, whether animal-based, plant-based, or a mix of both.
Ethical and Environmental Considerations
Beyond the nutritional aspects, many people consider the ethical and environmental implications of their protein choices. Animal farming often has a more significant environmental impact in terms of land use, water consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions. On the other hand, a diet overly reliant on monocrops like soy can also pose sustainability challenges.
Whether animal or plant protein is better for you can depend on numerous factors such as lifestyle, pre-existing health conditions, ethical beliefs, and nutritional needs. There is no one-size-fits-all answer.
At Health+Plus Clinic, we recommend a balanced approach to diet and nutrition, focusing on whole, unprocessed foods. If you have specific dietary concerns or health conditions, consulting with a healthcare provider for personalized guidance is always the best course of action.
Contact us today at 816-625-4497 or visit our contact page to schedule a consultation and learn more. Wherever you are in the Kansas City area—Oak Grove, Independence, Grain Valley—we’re just a short drive away!
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holistichealthnews · 9 months
Hormone Therapy: Do You Need It?
By Melissa Abramovitz APRN/FNP-BC    
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Alarming Trend
Recent studies have highlighted an alarming trend. Over the past few decades, hormone production in individuals has seen a significant reduction compared to historical levels. Take testosterone, for instance, a hormone often associated with male sexual health but also essential for women. In the last 50 years, men’s average testosterone production has fallen by a shocking 50 percent. Concurrently, the healthy equilibrium between various hormones has been disturbed, impacting overall health and wellness.  
The complex interplay between hormones is a dance of fine balance. A drop in certain hormones like estrogen or testosterone, for instance, increases the risk of conditions like diabetes. Research among Type 2 diabetics has shown that elevating these hormones to healthier levels can significantly improve blood sugar control. Moreover, maintaining optimal hormone levels can reduce the risk of serious health issues, such as dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and cardiovascular diseases, demonstrating the holistic role hormones play in our bodies.  
Notably, our external environment and lifestyle choices can significantly affect hormone production. Chronic stress can reduce most hormone production, suppressing the immune system over time. Similarly, depression can lead to lowered hormone levels, further impacting overall well-being. Dietary habits, such as high consumption of sugars and other carbohydrates, can disrupt your body’s hormone balance.  
Environmental Concerns
We also need to be mindful of the numerous environmental toxins that result in hormonal imbalances. Certain herbicides mimic estrogen, confusing our bodily systems, while various food additives and chemicals used in manufacturing processes can upset the delicate hormonal equilibrium.  
Do You Need Hormone Therapy?
So, do you need hormone therapy? It’s a question worth considering, given the critical role hormones play in our health. If you’re experiencing symptoms of hormone imbalance, such as unexplained weight changes, mood swings, changes in appetite, or fatigue, it might be worth having your hormones tested.  
At Health+Plus, we have experienced Health Care Providers ready to guide you. They can help assess your hormone levels and recommend personalized treatment plans, which may include hormone therapy, if necessary.
Remember, maintaining a balanced hormone level is not just about mitigating symptoms; it’s about optimizing your health and enhancing your quality of life. Don’t wait until symptoms worsen.  
If you are interested in learning more, call 816-625-4497 or use our contact page. We would love to help you take proactive steps today to ensure a healthier tomorrow.  
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holistichealthnews · 9 months
Your Health+Plus Journey: Answering Your Questions
By Dr. David B. Clark DABCI, NMD, DC  
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One of the most common questions we encounter is about insurance. Does Health+Plus accept insurance? The straightforward answer is, we don’t. We are a pay-per-service facility, ensuring that our healthcare providers can deliver optimal patient care without the constraints often imposed by insurance companies. We firmly believe that healthcare is a deeply personal matter and should not be dictated by external entities.  
Despite not accepting insurance, our fees remain affordable and offer remarkable value for the wide range of treatments and therapies we provide. Furthermore, it’s important to note that many treatments offered at our clinic aren’t covered by insurance at most health facilities. For more detailed information about our pricing, please refer to the pricing information listed here on our website.  
Next, many prospective patients are curious about the range of conditions we treat. At Health+Plus, our providers see a broad array of patients daily. We manage chronic illnesses, including cancer, diabetes, and Lyme’s Disease, and conduct wellness exams and yearly check-ups. Regardless of your health status, we are committed to providing you with the highest quality of care.   Our practice’s rich history also piques interest among our patients.
Health+Plus first opened its doors in September 1978 under the guidance of yours truly, Dr. David Clark. My decades of experience in holistic medicine ensure our practice is grounded in deep medical knowledge coupled with the understanding of whole-body wellness.
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Speaking of holistic medicine, what does it really mean? Simply put, holistic medicine is all about seeing the body as an interconnected system rather than focusing solely on isolated symptoms. Our philosophy at Health+Plus is founded on this holistic approach. As such, we conduct comprehensive physical exams and extensive blood panels during your first visit, ensuring we gain a thorough understanding of your health status.  
Lastly, many patients wonder about the duration and number of treatments required. After your initial examination, we’ll provide a tailored treatment plan based on your laboratory and examination findings. This personalized plan outlines recommended treatments and the optimal timeframe to complete them, providing you with a clear roadmap to improved health.  
We hope that this To Your Health blog post has answered some of your questions and provided more insights into our holistic medicine approach at Health+Plus. Don’t forget we have numerous articles on this blog for you to peruse at your convenience.  
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 816-625-4497 or visit our contact page if you have any more queries or if you’d like to schedule a consultation. We’re looking forward to joining you on your journey to balanced health and wellbeing.
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holistichealthnews · 9 months
Embracing Functional Medicine: A Journey Towards Balanced Health at Health+Plus
By Dr. David B. Clark DABCI, NMD, DC  
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During the conference, an intriguing discussion with a colleague led her to ask if my practice embraced ‘functional medicine.’ Unacquainted with the term, my response was honest yet curious, “I don’t know whether I do or not. What is it?”   She urged me to describe my patient care approach, and upon hearing my description, she beamed at me and said, “That’s Functional Medicine!”  
This revelation was enlightening. Although the term ‘Functional Medicine’ was novel, the concept was something I had incorporated into my practice for over four decades. This underscored the evolving healthcare landscape transitioning from a symptom-suppressing model to a more holistic, preventive approach.
In stark contrast to ‘mainstream’ medicine, which primarily focuses on diagnosing diseases and suppressing symptoms, functional medicine endeavors to detect an organ or body system’s imbalance or malfunction before it morphs into a severe disease. The ethos of functional medicine hinges on the commitment to restoring the body’s normal function and arresting any potential health deterioration.  
At Health+Plus, we are staunch advocates of the functional medicine approach. We use various methods to evaluate organ function, primarily through laboratory biomarkers derived from blood and urine tests.   These tests act as an invaluable tool, enabling us to compare your results with physiological normal ranges. Any deviation from these healthy ranges signals a malfunction. Upon detection, we tailor treatments and lifestyle recommendations aimed at helping your body regain normal function.  
Our focus on restoring normal function and addressing deficiencies forms the backbone of our preventive healthcare approach. By identifying and addressing conditions like fatty liver disease or pre-diabetes early, we can prevent the development of full-blown diabetes, offering a robust, effective, and proactive healthcare solution.  
At its core, ‘Functional Medicine’ encapsulates the essence of holistic medical practices. It stands as a beacon of hope for a healthier future where healthcare extends beyond mere disease management to nurturing an environment conducive to optimal health. As practitioners of functional medicine, we at Health+Plus eagerly await guiding you towards balanced health and wellbeing.  
Consider this my personal invitation for you to make an appointment and meet us at Health+Plus. Our devoted team is committed to helping individuals lead their best lives in the most robust state of health possible. Reach us at 816-625-4497 or visit our contact page.  
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holistichealthnews · 9 months
A Man-to-Man Talk About Testosterone
Testosterone is a fundamental hormone that plays a crucial role in men's health. It influences everything from mood, libido, and energy levels, to bone and muscle mass. Over time, it's natural for testosterone levels to decline, typically beginning around the age of 30. 
However, abnormally low testosterone can lead to a variety of health issues, which may affect both physical and mental well-being. Fortunately, there are various ways to address this condition. In this blog post, we'll dive into what men can do about low testosterone.
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Understanding the Symptoms
Before we get into the solutions, let's talk about the signs of low testosterone. Symptoms include:
- Reduced sex drive or sexual dysfunction
- Fatigue and lack of energy
- Depressed mood or increased irritability
- Decreased muscle mass and increased body fat
- Difficulty with concentration and memory
- Reduced bone density
If you're experiencing these symptoms, it's recommended to consult a healthcare provider who can conduct an accurate diagnosis.
Lifestyle Changes
Dietary improvements: Nutrition plays a pivotal role in maintaining testosterone levels. A diet rich in lean proteins, healthy fats, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can promote overall health and hormone production. Avoid excessive alcohol and processed foods, which can negatively impact testosterone.
Exercise regularly: Regular physical activity, particularly resistance and high-intensity interval training, can stimulate testosterone production. Exercise also helps in maintaining a healthy weight, which is important as overweight and obesity are linked to low testosterone.
Adequate sleep: Quality sleep is essential for hormone production, including testosterone. Make sure to prioritize good sleep hygiene to improve your overall health and testosterone levels.
Stress management: Chronic stress can impact hormone balance, including testosterone. Techniques such as mindfulness, yoga, meditation, and deep-breathing exercises can help manage stress levels.
Medical Interventions: If lifestyle changes are not enough, you may need to explore medical interventions. 
Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT): This treatment involves administering testosterone directly into the body via injections, patches, or gels. TRT can be very effective, and we offer it here at Tri-City Family Care. 
Medications: Certain medications can stimulate the body to produce more testosterone. They are often considered before TRT and can be an effective treatment for some men.
Counseling or therapy: Low testosterone can often lead to mood changes, including depression and anxiety. Speaking with a mental health professional can provide support and effective strategies for coping.
You're Not Alone
Living with low testosterone can be challenging, but it's important to remember that you're not alone. There are numerous strategies to manage this condition, ranging from lifestyle changes to medical treatments. If you suspect you may have low testosterone, the first step is to reach out to a healthcare provider. Together, you can develop a personalized plan that best suits your needs and lifestyle.
Remember, taking care of your body is a holistic process. Balanced nutrition, regular exercise, quality sleep, and stress management not only help with low testosterone but also promote overall health and well-being. Let's embrace these positive habits and foster a healthier future for all men.
Click here or call 405-387-3838 to arrange your first or next visit—and be sure to be prepared with your list of medications, symptoms, and questions!
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holistichealthnews · 9 months
Microbiome Diversity: The Key to Unlocking Optimal Health and Immunity
In recent years, scientific research has shed light on the importance of the human microbiome in maintaining overall health and bolstering immunity. The microbiome refers to the trillions of microorganisms that reside in and on our bodies, working symbiotically with our cells to regulate numerous bodily functions. As functional medicine practitioners, understanding the critical role of microbiome diversity is essential for guiding our clients toward optimal health and immunity.
Definition of the Human Microbiome
The human microbiome refers to the collection of trillions of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microbes, that live in and on our bodies. These microorganisms reside in various areas, such as the skin, mouth, gut, and reproductive organs, forming complex ecosystems that interact with each other and with our bodies.
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holistichealthnews · 9 months
Tips for a Successful Healthcare Appointment
In today's busy world, your health often ends up taking a backseat—and that’s why you should visit your healthcare provider regularly for checkups or issues that pop up. When it comes to healthcare appointments, at Tri-City Family Care, we believe it’s essential to not only see us regularly, but also to make the most out of the time you have in our office. 
Here are some handy tips to ensure a productive appointment and to help you take charge of your health.
Before Your Appointment
Prepare Your Medical History: A detailed and updated medical history is crucial to your care. Especially if you are a new patient, make sure to document any existing conditions, medications, allergies, or past surgeries. Remember to include any herbal supplements as they can interact with prescribed medications. 
List Your Symptoms: If you are going for a problem-focused visit, list all your symptoms, no matter how insignificant they might seem. Write down when they started, what makes them better or worse, and how they impact your daily life. 
Write Down Your Questions: To ensure you don't forget to ask anything, jot down your questions. They could range from clarifications about your symptoms to queries about prescribed medication or tests. 
During Your Appointment
Be Open and Honest: Honest communication is the key to a successful appointment. Don’t downplay your symptoms or lifestyle habits. Remember, your provider is here to help you, not judge you. 
Ask Your Questions: Don't hesitate to ask your prepared questions. If something isn't clear, ask for clarification. Understanding your health condition and treatment is crucial for good care.
Take Notes: Write down important information during the consultation. It's easy to forget details, especially when discussing complex medical issues. 
After Your Appointment
Follow Up: If you've undergone tests, ask when and how you'll receive the results. If you need a referral to a specialist, find out the process. 
Implement Provider’s Advice: Make sure you understand your provider’s instructions regarding medications, lifestyle changes, or follow-up appointments. If something is unclear, don't hesitate to call the office and ask. 
Keep Your Records Updated: After the visit, update your medical history with any new medications, allergies, or medical conditions. This record will be valuable for future appointments or in case of emergencies. 
Remember, taking an active role in your healthcare journey makes a significant difference. Being prepared for an appointment not only maximizes the productivity of the visit but also empowers you to take control of your health. So, the next time you visit your healthcare provider, keep these tips in mind and step confidently towards better health.
Tri-City Family Care of Newcastle is your partner in health, and we’re happy to help you get the quality of care you deserve. Click here or call 405-387-3838 to arrange your first or next visit—and be sure to be prepared with your list of medications, symptoms, and questions!
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holistichealthnews · 9 months
Just what is functional medicine?
What is a naturopath? Just what is functional medicine? Natural medicine? What is holistic medicine? Dr. Clark tells all in this video!
If you are interested in learning more or you want to schedule your wellness screening, call 816-625-4497 or use our contact page. We would love to meet you and see what we can do to help.
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holistichealthnews · 9 months
Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy: Is it Right for You?
As we age, hormone levels begin to decline. This is accelerated by stress, poor diet, and environmental toxins. Hormone imbalances can begin at any age. ​ Common effects of low hormone production or hormone imbalances include difficult weight loss, insomnia, fatigue, poor concentration, memory loss, attention deficit, low libido, difficulty with erections, immune problems, joint swelling, increased cardiovascular risk, PMS, menstrual problems, difficult pregnancy, loss of strength, and accelerated aging. ​
Bio-identical hormones are safe to use over the long term when recommended according to your individual needs. They are used to replace hormones that your body no longer makes enough of.
The providers at Health+Plus recommend bio-identical topical hormones to help replenish deficiencies and restore balance. We’ll also recommend dietary and lifestyle improvements to help you feel your best.
Check out this video with our own Dr. David Clark to learn more, and contact Health+Plus to make an appointment.
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holistichealthnews · 10 months
Understanding Risk Factors: Taking Control of Your Health
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Understanding Elevated Risk
“Elevated risk” refers to an increased likelihood that something unfavorable could happen. For example, if someone has high blood sugar levels— a sign of pre-diabetes— their statistical risk of developing full-blown diabetes may be 2.5 times higher than someone without those signs. However, an elevated risk doesn’t guarantee a particular outcome will occur. It simply implies that the chance of a negative event is greater.
Reducing Risk Factors
The good news is that many health risk factors can be decreased through lifestyle modifications. Consider the pre-diabetes example. By consistently changing your diet and developing healthier eating habits, you can often bring your blood sugar levels back to normal, reducing your risk of developing diabetes.
Similarly, factors like high cholesterol and high triglycerides can increase the risk of heart attacks or strokes. They don’t guarantee these problems, but they do increase their likelihood. By changing your diet, exercising regularly, and considering nutritional supplements (with professional guidance), you can lower your risk and improve heart health.
We’ve previously discussed fatty liver disease here. It is also a risk factor that can be reduced with proper diet and monitoring.
The Ladder
Think about climbing a ladder. The more often you climb a ladder, the higher the possibility of falling. But this doesn’t mean falling is inevitable. If it did, no one would climb ladders!
The same principle applies to health risk factors. They increase the likelihood of negative outcomes, but they can be effectively managed to minimize the associated risks.
Our Approach at Health+Plus
Here at Health+Plus in Oak Grove, Missouri, we offer comprehensive evaluations led by Dr. David Clark and Melissa Abramovitz APRN/FNP-BC. These assessments include checking for potential risks of chronic diseases. We use lab test results, physical examinations, and lifestyle factors to provide personalized recommendations to help individuals lower their risk. Our focus is to empower individuals to take an active role in their health and make informed choices to reduce their risk factors.
Understanding Risk = Taking Charge of Your Health
Understanding risk factors is key to taking charge of your health. An elevated risk doesn’t guarantee a negative outcome, but it serves as a signal to make positive changes. By modifying your lifestyle, improving your diet, exercising regularly, and seeking professional guidance, you can actively reduce your risk factors and promote a healthier future.
Remember, you have the power to make a difference in your own well-being. It is not out of your hands.
Interested in learning more about natural health options we offer at Health+Plus Clinic? Call 816-625-4497 or visit our contact page. We would love to meet you and help you take your first step on the ladder to better health!
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holistichealthnews · 10 months
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10 posts!
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holistichealthnews · 10 months
Uncovering the Benefits of Simple Exercise
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Here at Tri-City Family Care in Oklahoma City, we believe that the best medicine is taking care of yourself before you become ill. Eating right, regular checkups, and making self-care a daily regimen strengthens your body's immune system and resilience, enabling it to better fight off infections and recover more rapidly when you get sick. One key component of self-care is regular exercise. 
We can hear the groans! But wait—don’t stop reading. Exercise may not be what you think it is! 
At the heart of physical fitness is a truth that can easily get lost in the cacophony of high-intensity workout trends, ultra-modern gym equipment, and avant-garde exercise routines: simplicity often reigns supreme. The fundamentals of exercise — think walking, stretching, jumping jacks, and push-ups — might seem old-fashioned or basic, but they are still some of the most effective ways to maintain a healthy body and mind.
You don't need a pricey gym membership, specialized equipment, or a vast amount of space. Most importantly, anyone, regardless of age or fitness level, can do these exercises. 
Here are some key benefits of incorporating simple exercises into your daily routine.
Improves Physical Health
Simple exercises like brisk walking, jogging, or cycling can significantly improve cardiovascular health, helping to reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke. Regularly performing strength-training exercises, such as squats or push-ups, can increase muscle mass and bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis.
Promotes Mental Well-being
Exercise isn't just about maintaining physical health. It's a boon for mental health too. Physical activity releases endorphins, often referred to as 'feel-good hormones', which can alleviate stress and symptoms of depression. Moreover, it aids in better sleep and improves cognitive function.
Helps in Weight Management
You don't need to run a marathon or engage in intense boot camp workouts to manage your weight. Simple exercises can help burn calories and boost your metabolism, aiding in weight management.
Enhances Flexibility and Balance
Basic stretching exercises and yoga poses increase flexibility, improve posture, and enhance balance. Improved balance and flexibility are essential for everyday activities and reduce the risk of falls and injuries, especially as we age.
Boosts Energy Levels
Engaging in regular physical activity can enhance your overall endurance, helping you feel more energetic throughout the day.
Promotes Longevity
Incorporating simple exercises into your daily routine can add years to your life. Research consistently shows that regular exercise reduces the risk of premature death, primarily by reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
Encourages Consistency
Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, simple exercises are easier to stick to. They can be seamlessly incorporated into your daily routine, making it more likely that you will remain consistent, which is key to reaping the benefits of exercise.
In a world where we're constantly being pushed towards 'more', 'faster', and 'harder', the idea of simplicity in exercise can seem counterintuitive. However, the science and our bodies tell us otherwise. By returning to the basics, we can all enjoy the profound benefits of exercise, no matter our age, fitness level, or lifestyle. 
So, the next time you feel overwhelmed by the dizzying array of exercise options, remember: a brisk walk around your neighborhood, a simple yoga sequence, or a few sets of bodyweight exercises may be just as beneficial, if not more. Embrace the power of simplicity, and your body will thank you. 
Tri-City Family Care is your partner in health, and we’re happy to help you develop a regimen. Click here or call 405-387-3838.
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holistichealthnews · 10 months
Whole Body Vibration Therapy: A Natural Approach to Increased Health and Well-Being
Whole body vibration helps increase circulation and lymphatic drainage, tones muscles, improves balance and coordination, stimulates the release of hormones that decline as we age, increase bone density, improve joint mobility, help with bladder control problems, help with diabetic neuropathy and enhances metabolism by burning calories.
This treatment is beneficial for patients with Diabetic Neuropathy by increasing blood flow to the feet. Also, exercising on the whole-body vibration for 10 minutes is equivalent to one hour in the gym!
What Is It?
Whole body vibration (WBV) therapy is a natural, non-invasive treatment that has been shown to have a variety of health benefits. WBV therapy involves standing or sitting on a platform that vibrates at a high frequency. This vibration causes the body to move in a way that stimulates circulation, lymphatic drainage, and muscle toning.
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WBV therapy works by stimulating the body’s natural healing mechanisms. When the body vibrates, it causes the blood to circulate more quickly and the lymphatic system to drain more effectively. This can help to remove toxins from the body and improve overall health. WBV therapy can also help to tone muscles, improve balance and coordination, and stimulate the release of hormones that decline as we age.
WBV therapy has many benefits, including:
Increased circulation
Improved lymphatic drainage
Muscle toning
Improved balance and coordination
Increased bone density
Improved joint mobility
Help with bladder control problems
Enhanced metabolism by burning calories
WBV therapy is a safe and effective treatment that can help to improve your health and well-being. If you are interested in learning, just contact us at our Oak Grove location today. Call 816-625-4497 or use our contact page. 
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holistichealthnews · 10 months
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: A Treatment Option for Many Conditions
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) involves breathing oxygen in one our pressurized oxygen chambers here at Health+Plus Clinic. This process encourages oxygen to be quickly absorbed and dissolved into the bloodstream at an expedited rate.
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Especially those affected by most mental and psychological trauma, mental conditions, physical ailments, surgery and scar tissue, burns/burned tissue, ligament and tendon injuries, open sores, macular degeneration and a variety of conditions, including:
Slow-healing wounds
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Diabetic foot ulcers
Radiation injuries
Shortness of Breath
Decreased Lung Function
Cerebral palsy
Alzheimer’s disease
Multiple sclerosis
Parkinson’s disease
Hearing loss
Traumatic brain injury
Heart Disease
Immune Suppression
How it Works
HBOT involves breathing 100% oxygen in a pressurized chamber. The pressure inside the chamber is higher than normal atmospheric pressure. This higher pressure causes the lungs to collect more oxygen. Thus, getting more oxygen to the tissues that need it can help the body heal and fight certain infections.
The extra oxygen in the blood can also help to:
Promote the growth of new blood vessels
Increase the production of collagen
Increase the production of white blood cells
Kill harmful bacteria
Reduce inflammation
Improve the function of the immune system
The benefits of HBOT include:
Faster healing of wounds
Improved blood flow to the brain
Reduced inflammation
Increased energy levels
Improved mental clarity
Better sleep
Reduced pain
Improved hearing
Increased vision
How We Do It
HBOT treatments typically last for 60 minutes. You will breathe pure oxygen in our pressurized chamber. There are two types of HBOT chambers: monoplace chambers and multiplace chambers. Monoplace chambers are used for individuals, while multiplace chambers can accommodate multiple people.
HBOT is a safe and effective treatment for a variety of conditions. If you are considering HBOT, contact us at our Oak Grove location today. Just call 816-625-4497 or use our contact page. 
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holistichealthnews · 10 months
Earwax Removal: A Safe and Effective Way to Keep Your Ears Clean
Now hear this: if you feel like your ears are full of earwax, we can clean them right up for you!
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Earwax is a natural substance that helps to protect the ear canal. However, too much earwax can cause a build-up, which can lead to several problems, including:
Hearing loss
Ear infections
If you are experiencing any of these problems, it is important to have your earwax removed by our healthcare professionals at Health+Plus Clinic here in Oak Grove.
Earwax removal has several benefits, including:
Improved hearing: Earwax can block the ear canal and reduce hearing. Removing earwax can improve hearing.
Reduced tinnitus: Tinnitus is a ringing or buzzing sound in the ear. It can be caused by earwax build-up. Removing earwax can reduce tinnitus.
Reduced ear infections: Ear infections can be caused by earwax build-up. Removing earwax can reduce the risk of ear infections.
Improved comfort: Earwax build-up can cause itching and discomfort. Removing earwax can improve comfort.
Earwax removal is a safe and effective way to keep your ears clean. If you are experiencing any problems with your ears, it is important to have your earwax removed by a professional. Call 816-625-4497 or use our contact page to make an appointment.
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