history-optional · 2 years
How to crack exam with history optional?
History is a marks-fetching subject. Every year among successful students a large number of students are those who have History as optional paper. The syllabus of history is definitely lucid and clear. So, the study of History requires an ability to underline ‘the continuity and changes’ in political, economic, social and cultural spheres. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a scientific view towards this subject. In the teaching of History, Manikant Singh, director of THE STUDY, has developed a unique methodology of teaching and learning. THE STUDY, premier institute of civil services preparation, has made an indelible mark. First of all, we could find out the limitation of the system of teaching and studying history. On minute observation the following limitations were seen:
Students are keen to get maximum marks but they have no depth of knowledge of the subject matter. They do not know that it is an essential process to reach the depth to obtain maximum marks.
Teachers have a keen desire to finish the courses of study at the earliest.
Students do not get standard materials during preparations.
Most of the students are not conversant with the writing skill in spite of the fact that they study history. So they cannot write sound answers to many standard questions.
The main thrust is on collecting information. Though the knowledge of facts is necessary for standard writing, the presentation of facts is also very important in this regard. In other words, it is necessary that the students have an analytical outlook.
Writing skill is ignored both at the levels of teaching and study. Therefore, THE STUDY has devised a strategy of preparation under the guidance of Manikant Singh, in view of the above limitations. On the process of preparation of history, the institute puts stress on the following facts:
First of all, our concentration is on infusing interest among the students.
Special stress is given on timely test and examination in preparation for Preliminary as well as Mains Examinations. Our strategy has been successful as evidenced from our performance of the last few years—a claim underscored by increasing numbers of students making a beeline for admission into the THE STUDY.
The preparation for Mains Examination is done in three stages. In the first step, students are acquainted with the complete syllabus and during this we go through the extensive process of study. In the second step, students are taught selected topics and the skill of writing history. After that in the third step, regular practice is enforced for cultivating the habit of standard writing.
World history is the most difficult and important part of history but most of the students do not have a good grasp of the subject and consequently they do not obtain good marks. So, we put special stress on developing a better view of world history. In view of the problems of students regarding the section on world history, particularly the short notes, we have prepared a study material starting from the Renaissance up to the Second World War. THE STUDY also provides high quality of study material, which takes into account both the continuity and the changes, enables the students to deal with the questions on short notes.
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history-optional · 2 years
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