hiltonfmbroken · 2 years
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after  being  banned  from  our  other  main  ,  we  have  had  to  make  a  new  one  so  we  could  actually  use  our  IMs  and  tags  .  but  now  that  that  is  done  ,  it  is  time  to  get  back  to  business  .  as  for  now  ,  we  have  gotten  rid  of  our  mun  cap  and  will  be  accepting  every  other  day  ,  starting  tomorrow  night  !  so  get  your  app  in  now  !
also  ,  for  anyone  that  hasn’t  posted  in  character  ,  make  sure  to  do  so  by  tomorrow  !  if  you  can’t  ,  let  us  know  and  we  won’t  post  your  blog  in  the  activity  check  tomorrow  at  8pm  est  !
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hiltonfmbroken · 2 years
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hiltonfmbroken · 2 years
here's aurelia's acc!
follow !
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hiltonfmbroken · 2 years
hello beautiful muns ! just a friendly announcement to let everyone know that we would like you all to post in character before tomorrow night (8pm est) otherwise your spots will be reopened ! 
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hiltonfmbroken · 2 years
𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐓𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐒 , aurelia de la rosa ! the summer has just begun and we hope you are ready to make the most of it ! make sure to get your account in within the next 24 hours or your spot will be reopened . alexa demie is now taken !
*  ──  (  alexa demie  ,  twenty  four  ,  cis  woman  ,  she  /  hers  )  welcome  to  hilton  hills  ,  aurelia  de  la  rosa  !  as  a  well  -  known  socialite  /  social  media  influencer  ,  we  can’t  believe  you  traveled  all  the  way  from  los  angeles  in  order  to  spend  a  few  months  here  .  you’ve  made  quite  the  name  for  yourself  in  the  tabloids  as  being  -  deceptive  and  -  spiteful  ,  but  all  we  have  seen  is  how  +  charming  and  +  introspective  you  are  since  you  arrived  a  few  days  ago  .  if  we  were  to  compare  you  to  anything  ,  it  would  be  glitter  makeup  ruined  by  tears  ,  a  cool  breeze  everywhere  you  go  ,  flipping  off  the  paparazzi  ,  neon  lights  and venomous  words  .  make  sure  to  unpack  in  time  to  make  it  to  the  bonfire  tonight  !  i  hear  they  are  going  to  play  cinnamon  girl  by  lana  del  rey  just  for  you  !  [  diana  ,  twenty  six  ,  she  /  her  ,  est  .  ]
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hiltonfmbroken · 2 years
hi it's me, eb, helping the gals out with the main! we only just recently opened for in character interactions and we still have two mun spots available! come check us out!
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hiltonfmbroken · 2 years
pls unfollow ! <3
unfollow !
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hiltonfmbroken · 2 years
please unfollow !
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hiltonfmbroken · 2 years
ryder is @ rydrfm :)
follow !
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hiltonfmbroken · 2 years
hana will be here!
follow !
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hiltonfmbroken · 2 years
pls unfollow!
unfollow !
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hiltonfmbroken · 2 years
𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐓𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐒 , hana koo ! the summer has just begun and we hope you are ready to make the most of it ! make sure to get your account in within the next 24 hours or your spot will be reopened . jennie kim is now taken !
*  ──  (  jennie  kim  ,  twenty  five  ,  cis  woman  ,  she  /  her  )  welcome  to  hilton  hills  ,  hana  koo  !  as  a  well  -  known  heiress  and  socialite  ,  we  can’t  believe  you  traveled  all  the  way  from  paris  ,  france  in  order  to  spend  a  few  months  here  .  you’ve  made  quite  the  name  for  yourself  in  the  tabloids  as  being  -  antipathetic  and  -  salacious  ,  but  all  we  have  seen  is  how  +  unconstrained  and  +  ebullient  you  are  since  you  arrived  a  few  days  ago  .  if  we  were  to  compare  you  to  anything  ,  it  would  be  the  warmth  of  patchouli  and  vanilla  swirled  with  the  sweet  notes  of  jasmine  and  cattleya  ,   unblemished  cheeks  kissed  by  crystalline  tears  due  to  lack  of  unconditional  love  ,  and  the  flash  of  camera  bulbs  as  she  leaves  blacked  out  vehicles  with  her  lipstick  smudged  .  make  sure  to  unpack  in  time  to  make  it  to  the  bonfire  tonight  !  i  hear  they  are  going  to  play  ice  cold  by  k  camp  just  for  you  !  [  kofi  ,  twenty  five  ,  she  /  they  ,  est  ]
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hiltonfmbroken · 2 years
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*  we  are  now  open  for  ic  interactions  !  again  ,  make  sure  to  tag  hilton.start  and  feel  free  to  post  a  link  to  your  starter  in  the  discord  !  if  you  post  a  starter  call  ,  you  can  do  that  here  or  on  discord  since  i  believe  everyone  is  now  in  the  server  .  if  anyone  has  any  questions  ,  please  feel  free  to  reach  out  here  or  on  discord  .  so  excited  to  start  writing  with  you  all  !
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hiltonfmbroken · 2 years
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*  forgot  to  make  this  post  sooner  ,  but  we  will  be  opening  for  interactions  in  about  an  hour  now  (  at  4pm  est  )  !  make  sure  to  post  your  open  starters  with  the  tag  hilton.start  and  if  there  are  starters  in  the  tag  before  you  post  yours  ,  try  your  best  to  reply  to  1  or  2  !  we  will  make  a  post  at  4pm  just  to  remind  everyone  . also  ,  for  anyone  that  hasn’t  posted  an  intro  yet  ,  please  make  sure  to  do  so  before  4pm  est  tomorrow  (  monday  ,  july  25th  )  .  if  you  need  more  time  ,  please  just  reach  out  to  me  (  anna  )  on  discord  or  send  an  ASK  (  since  our  IMs  are  still  broken  )  so  we  know  you  are  still  interested  in  being  in  the  group  .  if  not  ,  your  spot  will  be  reopened  !
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hiltonfmbroken · 2 years
did someone say ' tattoo ' ?
follow !
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hiltonfmbroken · 2 years
𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐓𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐒 , bailee  seong  weiss ! the summer has just begun and we hope you are ready to make the most of it ! make sure to get your account in within the next 24 hours or your spot will be reopened . yang  hyeji is now taken !
*  ──  (  yang hyeji  ,  twenty  four  ,  cis woman  ,  she/her  )  welcome  to  hilton  hills  ,  bailee  seong  weiss  !  after  living  here  for  twenty  one  years  ,  we  are  so  glad  you  have  decided  to  stay  here  this  summer  and  work  as  a  tattoo  artist  .  a  lot  of  the  other  locals  have  said  you  can  come  across  as  -  loquacious  and  -  obsessive  ,  but  are  also  known  to  be  +  artistic  and  +  genuine  when  you  want  to  be  .  if  we  were  to  compare  you  to  anything  ,  it  would  be  the  buzz  of  a  tattoo  gun  ,  ripped  skinny  jeans  ,  &  a  hidden  stash  of  colorful  canvases  .  make  sure  not  to  be  late  for  your  first  shift  and  clock  out  in  time  to  make  it  to  the  bonfire  tonight  !  i  hear  they  are  going to  play  pma  by  all  time  low  just  for  you  !  [  jade  ,  28  ,  she/her  ,  mst  ]  ( my first app had - and + missing , so i resent it with corrections — sorry ! )
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hiltonfmbroken · 2 years
*  𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒚𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒔  𝒂𝒔𝒌𝒆𝒅  :  how far away is hilton hills from downtown new york?
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we based it on the hamptons , so it would be about a two . . two and a half hour drive .
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