hildiadis · 6 months
🌙 * ― 𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒: 𝐂𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐌𝐀𝐒 𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ( a collection of various settings for drabbles or prompts, or both! )
001. under the mistletoe, placed sneakily above a doorframe. 002. in front of the fireplace, cuddled up under a blanket with a hot drink. 003. in a mountain lodge, snowed in from a heavy snow storm. 004. on an ice rink, careful to dodge the bustling crowd that stumble and rush past. 005. at a busy dinner table, food piled on the centre and family chaos ensuing around the house. 006. at a quiet dinner for two, an intimate meal and magical moment for a special couple. 007. standing in front of the christmas tree, decorating it with an assortment of baubles, lights and tinsel. 008. lifting up a smaller frame to put on the finishing touch on the christmas tree: the tree topper ( a star, an angel, or something else! ) 009. setting out the snacks for santa and his reindeers. don't forget the milk and cookies for christmas hardest workers! 010. in the kitchen making the deserts for the big day, and perhaps even making a mess too! 011. in the dining room building a home: a gingerbread home! decorate the home and make it one fit for a little gingerbread man. 012. at the mall, waiting in line to sit on santa's lap and spill your christmas gift wishes. will you be deemed naughty or nice? 013. sitting down with some company to wrap all the christmas gifts, preparing for the big day. 014. sitting down to exchange and open gifts, anticipating what gift you may get. is it something cool or just another pair of socks? 015. out on the streets doing christmas carolling, blessing the streets with the sweet voices of heavenly haromies. 016. in the snow rolling a big ball to build a snowman, bringing it to life with makeshift features and wrapping it up with a warm scarf. 017. in the trenches of snow forts, amidst a war of a snow fight! who will win? 018. falling into soft snow to create snow angels, flailing wildly on the ground. 019. traversing the treacherous conditions of icy pavements. will you laugh as they fall or lend them a hand and go down in solidarity? 020. jamming out to a christmas song, and inflicting the pain of holiday songs on someone else.
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hildiadis · 6 months
Send 🔪 to walk in on my muse standing over a dead body.
Send  🔪+ Reverse for my muse to walk in on your muse instead.
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hildiadis · 6 months
send “🌿🍒” (or "mistletoe") for my muse's reaction to standing under a mistletoe with your muse  ♡
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hildiadis · 6 months
send “🌿🍒” (or "mistletoe") for my muse's reaction to standing under a mistletoe with your muse  ♡
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hildiadis · 6 months
-- click the little heart for a lyric based starter
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hildiadis · 6 months
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--- fairest lady of a house of queens.
Private, selective Eowyn from Lord of the Rings franchise. Adored by Ni.
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hildiadis · 6 months
starter call 2.0   feel free to combine prompts !
for  a  happy  starter .
for  a  melancholy  starter .
for  an  excited  starter .
for  an  angry  starter .
for  a  soft  starter .
for  a  silly  starter .
for  an  angsty  starter .
for  a  violent  starter .
for  a  romantic  starter .
for  a  sexual  starter .
for  a  comforting  starter .
for  a  threatening  starter .
for  an  argumentative  starter .
for  an  action / adventure  starter .
for  a  flirtatious  starter .
for  a  loving  starter .
for  a  hostile  starter .
for  an  envious  starter .
for  a  fearful  starter .
for  an  injured / sick  starter .
for  an  urgent  starter .
for  a  celebratory  starter .
for  a  reunion  starter .
for  a  lazy  starter .
for  a  protective  starter .
for  a  domestic  starter .
for  an  intimate  starter .
for  a  weather - based  starter .
for  a  surprised  starter .
for  a  malicious  starter .
for  an  illegal  starter .
for  a  concerned  starter .
for  a  tense  starter .
for  a  sentimental  starter .
for  a  hopeful  starter .
for  a  hopeless  starter .
for  a  guilty  starter .
for  an  embarrassed  starter .
for  an  anxious  starter .
for  a  desperate  starter .
for  a  disappointed  starter .
for  an  aggressive  starter .
for  a  cautious  starter .
for  an  impulsive  starter .
for  a  resentful  starter .
for  a  suspicious  starter .
for  a  conflicted  starter .
for  a  provoked  starter .
for  an  awkward  starter .
for  a  dishonest  starter .
for  a  fatigued  starter .
for  a  grateful  starter .
for  a  flustered  starter .
for  a  vulnerable  starter .
for  a  manipulative  starter .
for  a  professional  starter .
for  a  mischievous  starter .
for  a  relieved  starter .
for  a  cooperative  starter .
for  an  uncooperative  starter .
for  a  moody  starter .
for  an  impatient  starter .
for  a  competitive  starter .
for  an  encouraging  starter .
for  a  sensual  starter .
for  an  interrupted  starter .
for  a  clumsy  starter .
for  a  tearful  starter .
for  an  affectionate  starter .
for  a  cozy  starter .
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hildiadis · 6 months
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Guinevere's yellow green dress & coat in Camelot
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hildiadis · 6 months
𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐘 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 (a collection of prompts for muses who just love to flirt. Feel free to adjust phrasing and gendered terms as necessary) 
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"Let me distract you."
"Let's misbehave."
"I can't stop thinking about you."
"Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back."
"I'm putting you on my to-do list."
"I'd look good on you."
"Don't bite your lip, I want to do that."
"Do you have a name or can I just call you mine?"
"I seem to have lost my number, can I have yours?"
"You're even more beautiful than yesterday."
"Shouldn't you be in my bed?"
"Trouble never looked so goddamn fine."
"You're a bad idea, but I like bad ideas."
"Maybe we should just kiss to break the tension."
"If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun."
"You're a shy little thing, aren't you?"
"Let's flip coins. Head, I'm yours. Tails, you're mine."
"Smile is the second best thing you can do with your lips."
"Your lips would look so much better on mine."
"You know we should save some water, shower together."
"You like me because I'm a scoundrel."
"I'll do anything for a woman with a knife."
"The fastest way to shut me up is to kiss me."
"I just want you to be happy! And perhaps a little bit naked."
"I like my bed, but I'd rather be in yours."
"Are you cake? 'Cause I want a piece of that."
"Your shirt has to go, but you can stay."
"You owe me a drink because when I saw you I dropped mine."
"You must be tired, because you've been running through my mind all day."
"Maybe making out for a few minutes would help us figure things out."
"Stop saying things that make me want to kiss the hell out of you."
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hildiadis · 8 months
--- I am here now. it's very much wip but I am hoping to successfully shrug through that issue
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hildiadis · 11 months
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--- fairest lady of a house of queens.
Private, selective Eowyn from Lord of the Rings franchise. Adored by Ni.
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hildiadis · 1 year
PROMPTS FOR THE DRAMATIC SACRIFICE *  adjust as necessary, send 'reverse' for the reversal of action prompts
go! i'll be fine! just go!
it's too late for me!
we'll find another way to do this!
you'd better get out of here!
i'll come back for you. i promise.
one of us has to survive this.
i'm not leaving you here!
no, no, no! not like this!
leave me here. it's all right.
go! live another day!
i'll carry you! get up!
there has to be another way!
i'm the only one that can do this.
do me a favor, will you? tell [name] i love them.
i'll only slow you down.
this isn't funny. wake up. please.
it's no use. i have to stay here.
listen to me! this is your last chance!
i always loved you.
get up! please get up!
i'll find another way!
i love you! please! don't go!
i can't lose you!
this is it, then.
i'll hold them off!
it was supposed to be me.
i'm going back for it!
keep running! i'll catch up!
if you stay, you'll die. do you understand?
no! i'm not leaving you here!
i'm not letting you die!
please wake up. please.
[ shot ] sender takes a bullet meant for receiver
[ punch ] sender takes a punch meant for receiver
[ arrow ] sender takes an arrow meant for receiver
[ sword ] sender takes an attack with a sword meant for receiver
[ poison ] sender drinks a poisoned drink meant for receiver
[ magic ] sender takes a spell meant for receiver
[ push ] sender pushes receiver to safety, sacrificing themselves
[ stay ] sender stays behind to fight the enemy, allowing receiver to escape
[ injured ] sender is too hurt to flee, so receiver is forced to leave them and keep moving in order to survive
[ replacement ] sender offers to be killed in place of receiver
[ captured ] sender offers to be taken captive in place of receiver
[ realization ] the battle is over, and right as sender and receiver begin their celebration, they realize sender is mortally wounded
[ door ] a trap doors is about to close. sender shoves receiver to safety in the nick of time before the door shuts forever
[ game ] during a high-stakes game, sender loses on purpose in order to let receiver win
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hildiadis · 1 year
An Extremely Self-Indulgent Meme
Physical prompts based around some of my favorite tropes / physical actions in threads. Send this   + reverse   to change which muse does which action.
tw for implied violence in some
❰❰ PIN ❱❱ sender pins receiver during a fight/training
❰❰ HURT ❱❱ sender is hurt protecting receiver
❰❰ CARRY ❱❱ sender carries receiver bridal style
❰❰ LIFT ❱❱ sender carries receiver over their shoulder
❰❰ MEDIC ❱❱ sender bandages receiver’s wounds
❰❰ SUPPORT ❱❱ sender comforts receiver after a loss / traumatic event
❰❰ THREAT ❱❱ sender holds a weapon up to receiver as a threat
❰❰ SAVE ❱❱ sender saves receiver’s life
❰❰ CRY ❱❱ sender cries in front of receiver
❰❰ DANCE ❱❱ sender invites receiver to slow dance
❰❰ HAND KISS ❱❱ sender kisses receiver on the hand or wrist
❰❰ CHEEK KISS ❱❱ sender kisses receiver on the cheek
❰❰ HEAD KISS ❱❱ sender kisses receiver on the forehead
❰❰ EMBRACE ❱❱ sender embraces receiver
❰❰ HANDS ❱❱ sender’s fingers graze the receiver’s fingers
❰❰ CUDDLE ❱❱ our muses cuddle
❰❰ BED ❱❱ our muses share a bed
❰❰ BRUSH ❱❱ sender plays with / brushes receiver’s hair
❰❰ GAZE ❱❱ our muses make extended eye contact
❰❰ ALMOST ❱❱ our muses almost kiss but don’t or are interrupted before they do
❰❰ ARGUE ❱❱ sender ends an argument with receiver with a kiss
❰❰ ARM ❱❱ sender puts their arm around receiver
❰❰ PULL ❱❱ sender pulls receiver close to them
❰❰ BACK ❱❱ sender touches receiver on the back
❰❰ SHOULDER ❱❱ sender touches receiver on the shoulder
❰❰ LEAN ❱❱ sender leans against receiver
❰❰ CARESS ❱❱ sender caresses the receiver’s cheek
❰❰ HAIR ❱❱ sender pushes receiver’s hair away from their face
❰❰ TILT ❱❱ sender tilts the receiver’s chin with their hand
❰❰ CHIN ❱❱ sender tilts the receiver’s chin with their weapon
❰❰ LEG ❱❱ sender’s leg touches the receiver’s leg under the table
❰❰ FOOD ❱❱ sender feeds the receiver
❰❰ WALL ❱❱ sender pushes the receiver against a wall
❰❰ FREE ❱❱ sender frees the receiver from restraints
❰❰ TACKLE ❱❱ sender hugs the receiver so hard they almost fall over / do fall over
❰❰ DYING ❱❱ sender finds the receiver near death
❰❰ PANIC ❱❱ sender comforts the receiver as they have a panic attack or get overstimulated
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hildiadis · 1 year
feel free to change pronouns / terms / tense as needed!
❛ You’re okay. You’re safe. It’s okay. You’re here with me. ❜
❛ It’s only a few weeks. I’ll be back before the snow melts. ❜
❛ A lot can happen in a few weeks. ❜
❛ I did what I had to do to survive. If I didn’t, I’d be dead. ❜
❛ If you wanted to be babied, you should’ve asked [name]. ❜
❛ You are a strangely dislikeable person. But you do have your virtues. ❜
❛ Such bravery. Such spirit. Such…contempt. ❜
❛ My dear, I think we can make this so much simpler if we agree not to lie to each other. What do you think? ❜
❛ What is to prevent, say, an uprising? That can lead to revolution. And then, in a fraction of time, the whole system collapses. ❜
❛ You should imagine thousands upon thousands of your people dead. This town of yours reduced to ashes. Imagine it gone. ❜
❛ Tell me. At what point did he realize the depth of your indifference towards him? ❜
❛ I don’t want to kill you. I want us to be friends. But if not friends, then allies. ❜
❛ That was nice acting. Almost thought that kiss was real. ❜
❛ All you need to do is give a few speeches, wave to the crowds, and enjoy your time in the spotlight. ❜
❛ I’m really not in the mood for a lecture. I’ll apologize to [name] later. ❜
❛ You don’t have to apologize to anybody. Including me. ❜
❛ If you can stop looking at me like I’m wounded, then I can quit acting like it. ❜
❛ I’ve never been very good at friends. ❜
❛ She was too young, too gentle. And I couldn’t save her. I’m sorry. ❜
❛ Wait! No! Leave him alone! ❜
❛ I never meant for anyone to get killed. ❜
❛ I’m sorry. I didn’t know what to do. He threatened to kill my family. ❜
❛ Well, I have family, too. Okay? People that I need to protect. ❜
❛ Come here. You’re gonna be okay. I promise. ❜
❛ It was just a dream. I’m sorry. ❜
❛ Will you stay with me? ❜
❛ We could get married. ❜
❛ Eyes bright. Chins up. Smiles on. I’m talking to you, [name]. ❜
❛ Everybody who’s anybody is here. And they all want to meet you. ❜
❛ It’s appalling. Still, if you abandon your moral judgment, it can be fun. ❜
❛ Well, maybe it was you who inspired me to come back. ❜
❛ She’s not who they think she is. She’s not a leader. She just wants to save her own skin. It’s as simple as that. ❜
❛ I agree she should die. But in the right way. At the right time. ❜
❛ It’s moves and countermoves. ❜
❛ It won’t work. Fear does not work as long as they have hope. ❜
❛ They’re gonna hate her so much they might just kill her for you. ❜
❛ If we leave right now, we can be far away from here by tonight. ❜
❛ [name] threatened to have you killed. ❜
❛ You know how I feel about you. But I can’t think about anyone that way right now. ❜
❛ The only thing that I can think about every day, every waking moment, is how afraid I am. There’s no room for anything else. ❜
❛ You haven’t hurt people. You’ve given them an opportunity. They just have to be brave enough to take it. ❜
❛ We have to go before they kill us. They will kill us. ❜
❛ People are looking to you. ❜
❛ I don’t want anyone looking to me. I can’t help them. ❜
❛ Look, you’re new here. Trust me, I’m trying to help you. ❜
❛ Thought you’d be gone by now. ❜
❛ I’m not going anywhere. I’m gonna stay right here. Cause all kinds of trouble. ❜
❛ How can we live like this? How can anybody live like this? ❜
❛ You understand that whatever I do comes back to you. I don’t want you to get hurt. ❜
❛ You don’t have to protect me. ❜
❛ If you cannot contain [name], then I will have to terminate her. ❜
❛ And you’ve come to, what? Ask me to… die? ❜
❛ What’s it say that [name] was here 45 minutes ago begging to save your life and you only just now show up? ❜
❛ You could live 100 lifetimes and never deserve that boy. ❜
❛ There are survivors. There’s no winners. ❜
❛ Do whatever you can. [name] lives. Not me. Promise me. ❜
❛ How could any of us even trust each other? ❜
❛ It’s not about trust. It’s about staying alive. ❜
❛ You look pretty terrifying in that getup. ❜
❛ I haven’t dealt in anything as common as money in years. ❜
❛ I’m an open book. Everybody always seems to know my secrets before I know them myself. ❜
❛ So what do you think? Now that the whole world wants to sleep with you? ❜
❛ I guess we just try to figure out who we trust least and work our way backwards from there. ❜
❛ There’s always a flaw in the system. ❜
❛ How are we gonna kill these people? ❜
❛ God! Does anybody actually believe this? ❜
❛ You know, I’m getting totally screwed over here. ❜
❛ Well, you know what? Fuck that! And fuck everybody that had anything to do with it! ❜
❛ Just be your usual self. Actually, be your happier self. ❜
❛ Make him pay for it. ❜
❛ We’re a team. Aren’t we? ❜
❛ You both deserved so much better. ❜
❛ Any last advice? ❜
❛ Stay alive. ❜
❛ Remember who the real enemy is. ❜
❛ I don’t want to be with anyone else in there. Just you. ❜
❛ Look at this. They’re holding hands. I want them dead. ❜
❛ Good thing we’re allies, right? ❜
❛ Well, I guess we’re not holding hands any more. ❜
❛ I don’t care about any of them. ❜
❛ Be careful. There’s a force field up there. ❜
❛ Oh, my God. You were dead. Your heart stopped. ❜
❛ Someday I want to love someone that much. ❜
❛ We should set up camp. Take turns sleeping. I can take first watch. ❜
❛ That thing I did back there for [name]? That was called “saving his life.” ❜
❛ If I wanted to kill either of you, I would’ve done it by now. ❜
❛ Don’t worry about anything else. I’ll be right here with you. It’s okay. It’s okay. ❜
❛ She sacrificed herself for me and I didn’t even know her name. ❜
❛ They know they’re outnumbered. I doubt they’ll attack again. ❜
❛ They can’t hurt me. There’s no one left that I love. ❜
❛ Love is weird. ❜
❛ I don’t want to be the one that shoots first. ❜
❛ They’re not gonna make that same mistake again. ❜
❛ You know and I know there’s only one person walking out of here. ❜
❛ If you die and I live, I’d have nothing. Nobody else that I care about. ❜
❛ See, this is why no one lets you make the plans. ❜
❛ We couldn’t tell you with [name] watching. It was too risky. Better for you to know nothing. ❜
❛ You have been our mission from the beginning. ❜
❛ This is the revolution. ❜
❛ You promised me that you would save him over me! ❜
❛ You promised me! You’re a liar. ❜
❛ You’re okay. You’ve just been asleep for a few days. ❜
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hildiadis · 1 year
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--- fairest lady of a house of queens.
Private, selective Eowyn from Lord of the Rings franchise. Adored by Ni.
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hildiadis · 1 year
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tamsin egerton in camelot - requested by anonymous
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hildiadis · 1 year
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@iilvecchio sent: ❛  the  most  dangerous  thing  we  can  do  is  forget  how  to  feel .  ❜ || 𝑺𝑶𝑭𝑻 𝑻𝑯𝑶𝑹𝑵𝑺 𝑽𝑶𝑳. 𝑰 (accepting) || Baelfire & Eowyn
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“Is that truly such a bad thing?” The words escaped her before she could swallow them whole. There was a raging storm inside her, threatening to break down the walls she’s built. At this precise moment, she would give much to get rid of the trepidation that was her constant companion. “Feelings are not always good or welcome.” 
Eowyn couldn’t recall all the nights she was tormented by fear and the unknown, all the days she spent in doubt and fear. While she logically could appreciate his words and see the validity in them, there was a dark pressure building up in her chest. 
“People devoid of feeling can often be called ruthless, but isn’t that another form of freedom? To never doubt and be sure in your choices, isn’t that the makings of a good leader? Feelings can often promise liberation, but in a blink of an eye it becomes a prison.” 
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