hijazrahmancmp-blog · 5 years
Evaluation for Michelle
Evaluation for Michelle’s work
I made an interview for my final piece. I had two of my classmates participate in it. I had two parts to my interview. Firstly, I had Stacey and we got up to five minutes with her, then me and Luke got up to seventeen minutes so he was the largest chunk of my interview.
When I made my interview for my final piece I had two of my classmates work with me when made it so I had two parts for my interview, The first being Stacey that took five minutes, then i had luke after her that look around about seventeen minutes to record so that took a large chunk of my interview.The interview took a long while to edit but the outcome was worth it. I had the camera on them as I asked questions (I asked the questions that i made a post about and some more).
Like/Dislikes/Improvements for next time and problems
What I liked about is that I got a small amount of experience of editing from this and since I had no experience in editing before I think I did a god job. I also like the fact that it went longer than I expected it to be. I liked some of the questions that didn't stop on a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’, it made the interviewee answer a long answer. What I didn't like about it that my editing has not come out as good as I would have liked. I didn't have enough knowledge of how everything works so it took a long time to edit, more than it should of. What I could improve on next unit is my editing skills,if I learn a lot more about editing using Premiere Pro I could make a better film.
The problems that came from this is that my work corrupted multiple times with audio files, I had re record them multiple times since they file was corrupted, also when I was doing the video and audio recording with Luke the camera cut out mid way, I had to add the “please stand by frame” for all the missing video footage but I still had the audio while I had the frame up until I had the video footage.
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hijazrahmancmp-blog · 5 years
Step by Step for Peter
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Firstly, I made a new document on photoshop and made it landscape then added gradient  with the colours of purple (#811c5e is the colour code) and a orangey/gold (#ffb400 is the colour code)
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Next, I added some “buildings” in the mid-ground to give it more an urban city look and to give it the look of being in a populated area. After that I gave the gray buildings a black outline to make then stand out a lot more. For this I used the ‘brush tool’, ‘eraser tool’ and the ‘bucket tool’, I roughy drew the lines of the buildings with the brush tool then stragented the lines by holding ‘shift’ with the eraser tool. When that was done I use the bucket tool to fill it in. after that i used the brush tool to give the buildings the outlines it needs.
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After that I  focused on the foreground and added the top of a building.  On the right are two chimneys to give the rooftop some more character and instead of it being a plain roof top. I used the same brush tool and drew it in and used the eraser tool to rub off all the extra parts that I didn't need.
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Next,  I asked one of my classmates to get into the pose,  I wanted to have a figure in the image and I asked her to pose as a superhero landing. But before I got the image, I took a picture of her in front of a white screen, then I used photoshop to get rid of the white background and added her here.
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Next, I had to the image and the layer that its on by going on effects then going on colour overlay then clicking on black to give it more of a silhouette look to fit the theme of my design.
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After that I wanted to fill in the right side a lot more, for the top right I added a  triangle because it looks aesthetically pleasing to me and added smoke coming out of the chimney. I feel that the area now doesn't look empty. I added the smoke by using the brush and eraser tool, I had a large sized brush to make it a lot easier for me to do the smoke. Next I had to do the triangle for that I made it rough then trimmed it down by making the lines a lot straighter as it goes down the angle how I did that is by zooming in and fixing it up pixel by pixel.
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Next I added the cape by drawing it using the Brush tool and then distorted it by using the ‘Distortion tool’ so i can change the way it looks and to try and make look a lot more natural going to the back of the silhouetted hero giving her a classic red look to so people can see the cape stands out and look a lot more cooler with it having a bit more colour to it. After that I used the ‘Text tool’ so I could type the title of “Comikaze” since it sounded a lot cooler and it was original, Then after choosing the name I gave it an orange colour and added a black outline to give it more of a bold look. Next, I  added the slogan of “READ, SEE, EXPLORE” to give a small idea to what they are going to get when they come.
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Lastly, I added final bit of information for the event, for example, where they can book their tickets. This is the type of information that would need to be on the poster to enable people to know where it is and when it is.
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hijazrahmancmp-blog · 5 years
Peters final piece evaluation
I have finished Peters poster and I’m happy with the outcome. I went for the stereotypical superhero landing with the the person being one of my classmates that I got  to pose for me. I silhouetted her to give it more of a simple look, I silhouetted her by going on effects on her layer then went on colour overlay since, I haven't used colour overlay no where else since she was the only image that I took the rest was when I used the ‘Brush Tool to draw the rest in. I went for a simple look by not having a lot of detail but having the right information by telling people what they need to know with a bold title.
Like/Dislikes/Improvements for next time
I am happy with the background, I made it into a gradient that gives more of a sunset look by using purple and orange also the foreground looks alot better because it looks like a rooftop.
What I don't like about my poster is the mid ground it looks like a city but it looks rough, I'm also a not a fan of the font the colour that I chose and I wish I could change it lastly I didn't like smoke from the chimney.
If I could do this again I would of re-done the mid-ground and to make it look like better buildings and maybe add some landmarks to give the landscape so it will be easier to find out where in the world the city is in. I would improve the pose of my classmate and maybe have different poses instead of choosing one, next I would improve the fonts by downloading more fonts online and change the colours that stand out but looks good with the overall design as well. Lastly I would improve the smoke from the chimney on the right by making it look like a proper smoke cloud.
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hijazrahmancmp-blog · 5 years
Darek ZabrockI
Darek zabrocki is a concept artist from Gdansk in Poland. He started drawing from the young age of three and was always passionate about it from a young age. He always wanted to improve his skills by learning new techniques in different parts of art. He drew every day “The day without producing one single piece of art was a wasted day for me” (Quote taken from: https://www.darekzabrocki.com/about ). He switched from being a traditional artist to be a digital artist then became a concept artist.  A few years later when he was exploring different techniques for digital art he started to work for large companies and the entertainment industry.
Why did I chose him?
I chose him because I want to capture the types of images that he captures and that he makes into his art. I am used to using Photoshop and feel confident in using this software..
To see some of his art go in this site out https://weareplaygrounds.nl/artist/darek-zabrocki/
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hijazrahmancmp-blog · 5 years
Fyre Festival
On April 28–30 and May 5–7, 2017 at the Bahamas on the island of Exuma the Fyre Festival was taking place. It was a massive failure for all the attendees.  It was meant to be a “luxury music festival” that was founded by Billy McFarland and a rapper called Ja Rule.  They also had a lot of popular influences who did not say initially that they were promoting it and that they were getting paid for it.  At the festival it had a lot of problems such as food, accommodation and the no show of artists this caused the festival to shutdown.
In the online advertisement that was made for the festival it made it look as if you will live the celebrity life by giving you an experience of swimming in vibrant blue seas, music, golden beaches, sunshine, luxury accommodations and food but none of that was given to them and they were given terrible tents and sandwiches or a slice of pizza instead of the food that they were promised.
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The image above is the food that they have been given and the sleeping arrangements. 
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hijazrahmancmp-blog · 5 years
Colour Harmony
Colour Harmony is used by a lot of people including graphic artists, painters and photographers in their art pieces.  Colour harmony looks into the property of certain colors that go together for an image to look pleasing to the eye.
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hijazrahmancmp-blog · 5 years
Gregory Heisler
Heisler is a photographer who has a large amount of enthusiasm and curiosity this  pushes him to a hands on approach to create images. His ideal portraits are in many magazines such as “ESQUIRE, GENTLEMEN'S QUARTERLY, GEO, SPORTS ILLUSTRATED, ESPN, and THE NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE” he also does private portrait commissions too.
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hijazrahmancmp-blog · 5 years
Editorial Photography and Set Design
Editorial Photography
What is editorial photography?  Editorial photography is when the photographer is given a task by their client.  It is only a small brief that they have to follow.  When you are doing editorial photography there a lot of parameters that have to be followed like: money, set design and safety.
Regarding the money;  you need to talk to the client about what their budget is as they will have to pay for it.  With the budget you need to pay for models and props for the location,  set design these will cost more money for you to get everything right.  Lastly, you need to think about safety if you are going to a location you need to have safety checks (risk assessment), to see if it is safe for the models and you. On top of that you need to have the filming/photography rights for some of the locations that you wish to use.
Set Design
This helps you read the image with colours and makes you follow the “story” or makes you look at the full image. Sets can be simple using polystyrene and with a blank colour.  Sets can be complex and they can still keep the story, also you can use colours for the product to represent the product and the brand.
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hijazrahmancmp-blog · 5 years
Adobe Premier Pro
In John’s lesson I had to teach myself how to edit in Premier Pro.  I used a YouTube video to help learn all that I needed to know, from the layout of the software, cutting clips into the parts that I need and how to add transitions from clip to clip.  I only watched 10 minutes from the 20 minute video, I’ve learnt a lot form it.
Video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hls3Tp7JS8E
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hijazrahmancmp-blog · 5 years
Light Diffuser
In Peter’s class we used a light diffuser and took a picture using the diffuser. I took two pictures, for the first one I had two of my classmates Stacey and Mason looking into the camera with the light coming from the left. For the second picture, I had Stacey, Mason and Lottie but still had the light coming from the left.
I compared both of the pictures and the first one was the best, since the light from the diffuser was a lot more dominant and stronger than the second picture.  In the second picture the light was more spread out and dimer, this was because I used a different phone.
Out of both pictures the first picture that I took was the best and came out the best.  In the second image the diffuser was a good length away because I had more people to fit in the frame.
Image 1
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Image 2
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hijazrahmancmp-blog · 5 years
Target Audience
Going to Comic Con and other conventions is for people of all the ages. They go there to have fun and a good time. The ratio for men and woman is “54% identifying as male, 44% as female and 2% as other”  (https://variety.com/2018/film/features/comic-con-hall-h-women-sexism-gender-gap-1202874821/ ).  
From this it tells us that Comic Con is not strongly for guys even a lot of girls go to it too and it has a larger audience than a lot of people think.
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hijazrahmancmp-blog · 5 years
Bird Box Challenge - Michelle
In the lesson i had to make a small film piece that was meant to show someone else's viewpoint. on my idea, I was with my partner Stacy push me in a while I was blindfolded and sitting in a wheelchair.  Then I had my other classmate Noah push me as Stacy took shots of me from different angles to give me multiple angles to work with in editing. When I was sitting in the wheelchair I didn't feel safe at all since I couldn't see or move by myself, it felt like I was a hostage been taken against my will
Problems and how did i fix it
From the footage that I got it was blurry because I forget to set up the camera after Stacy had used it.  How could I fix this?  I could do this by checking the camera with test shots before it was used in the film piece.
Sheet work
External senses include the traditional five:
1: Sight
2: Touch
3: Taste
4: Smell
5: Sound
Which of the senses above are important for an audio narrative?:
1: Sight
2: Sound
3: Touch
What do these mean?
Thermoception: Sense of Temperature
Magnetoception: Sense of Direction
Nociception: Sense of Harm
Equilibrioception: Sense of Balance
Proprioception: Sense of Awareness
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hijazrahmancmp-blog · 5 years
Celebrity Endorsement
Chanel No 5 perfume celebrity endorsement is to create seduction between a man and a woman. So they had to have a man that is well known, a man that is attractive and a lot of the female audience will like. They chose Pitt since he is all of that and a lot of the male audiences like him.
Peter gave us homework to find celebrity endorsements. So what is celebrity endorsement?  Celebrity endorsement is a “form of brand or advertising campaign that involves a well-known person using their fame to help promote a product or service.” (http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/celebrity-endorsement.html)
For example, by using Brad Pitt for male perfumes - it will draw a lot of the male fans to buy his product.  This is because if he uses it then they would want to use the perfume as well.
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hijazrahmancmp-blog · 5 years
Photoshop GIF
In John’s class we were told to make an animated GIF.  We had ten pictures of a skull, we had to load Photoshop and put the window into ‘Animation.’  After that we had to download the ten images and we dragged them to Photoshop all of the images were numbered 1-10 so it was easier to put them in order.  We put each image on different layers.  After that we opened up ten frames using the animation tab.  For frame 1 we hid all of the layers except the first layer.  We did the same thing for the second frame - we hid all of the layers except the second layer this went on for all the frames hiding all the layers except the one that was right for the frame.  To save the GIF we went on File > Save on web and devices.
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After we had done the small GIF for John we had to make our own for our festival so I made one going up to 221 frames.  I used a sprite sheet that I was given for my course last year.  I got rid of all the sprites that I didn’t use and kept all the parts I used.  As I was making my GIF I made it on the wrong canvas size,  it was too big and the the resolution was too high.  So it took too long to process and to download. I had to re-size the canvas and to lower the resolution to make it work.  At the end the GIF wasn’t changed so it will jump from one font to another. Making this GIF took me around 14 hours and I had to reset multiple times since the file kept on getting cropped so that made making the GIF took longer to save and convert. Under this is the GIF that I made and below that is the sprite sheet i used for the little running man.
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(sprite sheet)
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hijazrahmancmp-blog · 5 years
Peter’s Homework
For Peter’s lesson we had our pictures judged by some of the students in our class. We were put into small groups of four. The picture that I got judged on was one I had taken of a building. I got a lot of good and bad feedback for it.
Student 1 said that it was “well coloured and bright but there was too much brown, needs Photoshop editing to improve the colouring”.
Student 2 said  “like the blue colour makes the building stand out, if the tree branches wasn’t there it would look a lot clearer and had no focal point”.
Student 3 said “bright, too much brown – clumped together, no rule of composition, tree in the way, clear photo, goes well with architecture work”.
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hijazrahmancmp-blog · 5 years
Documentary Recording Style
Documentaries are on the more factual side they give a much deeper look into a bunch of topics like society, history and a lot more. Documentaries can sometimes tackle real life issues and educate the viewers as to what is happening. A lot of smaller filmmakers making documentary films think this will be a simple idea, but it is harder and a lot more goes into it than other projects. It is a good idea though! The type of gear that you will need; Video Camera.  A camera is one of the most basic pieces of equipment needed for any bit of recording and you will need one with a high quality or a good lens. Tripod/Camera Rig. Both of these are good and necessary pieces of equipment that you need to record. Both of them will give a more professional and much better camera movement. Microphone Kit. Having a microphone will help you get a much clear voice and the high-quality mic will be much better quality that you’re going to get from the camera mic. Lighting Gear. You will need to get the right lighting for your video so it will look much better and it will not be as yellow from the indoor lights and it won’t be as blue from the outdoor lights. Portable Digital Audio Recorder. When you have the mics you need the right equipment to capture the audio. One of the most reliable ones out there is the ‘XLR Audio Recorder’ the price is £300+ but they are good if you have the money to use. But the Mic, Digital Audio Recorder, camera and the lights may all run on batteries - so remember to bring extra batteries for them just in case you run out. File Storage. By having something like a hard drive (preferably 1TB) and or a large SD card you then have a way to transfer the copies to a computer to edit. Computer and an Editing Software. The last part of the equipment you will need is a computer so you can edit your final video and edit all the clips together. When making and recording a documentary you need to follow these main steps:- Step One: Think of your Topic.When you think of your topic make sure that it is something that you care about and that you are interested in. You will be a lot more encouraged to carry on and less likely to give up on it. When you are bringing all your ideas together you will need to think about the purpose of your documentary, the target audience and the filming location. Step Two: Research.Learn about the subject that you chose because it will give you a much stronger understanding of the subject and will give you ideas to talk about. There are a lot of documentaries that talk about the same subject so you have to change yours and make yours different from all the ones out there. You need to ensure that your facts are accurate. Step Three: Planning If you plan everything you can keep a schedule of everything and make sure that you follow the plan. You have to plan the core story point and story structure by completing elements for the story and characters. It depends on the story’s direction - you might do all the footage and add other moments to change it all up. Step Four: Budget To make it good quality you will need a crew to help you with the editing, recording and to help direct.  Therefore, you need to have a budget to pay them and you will need to pay for a lot of other things such as equipment, props, post-production editing and many more. Step Five: Shooting and editing Once you have got to the place you want to shoot, you start shooting all the essential parts.  Then record extra transition so your documentary looks a lot better and more professional. After that you go to edit by syncing audio to the mouth movements. In the editing phase you can add background music, introduction clips for the beginning and also add credits to the end.
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hijazrahmancmp-blog · 5 years
Peter Hatter's Homework
Iwan Baam is a Dutch architectural photographer he was born in 1975.  To progress his photography career he went to the Royal Academy of Art in the Hague. Baan's love of art started when he was 12 years old, this is when his grandmother gave him his first camera.  After studying at the Academy he went with his interest in publishing and documentary photography, working in cities in Europe and New York.  With his photography he uses more of a bird’s eye shot of cities and/or urban areas - he also takes images of buildings from a side-view too.
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