hiitsgigi · 3 years
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The Sun.
Remain within the promised light of a new day. Golden rays like healing hands will chase away the darkness. Know that the sky will not forever be blanketed with clouds. Keep your faith in that which is to come.
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hiitsgigi · 3 years
Breathtaking 😍
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Art of Secret of Mana - Hirƍ Isono
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hiitsgigi · 3 years
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hiitsgigi · 3 years
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King of Swords reversed and The Lovers
The heart has its reasons, whereof reason knows nothing.
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hiitsgigi · 3 years
I needed this 💜
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Wednesday, June 23, 2021 Good morning! Today, we look at Mental Loads, Perception, & Feeling Insecure Tarot of the Day: Five of Pentacles
This Five appears when you are feeling “at a loss” in a situation where you once felt “in command”. The cause, is likely a set back in something you were working on yourself, and that has emotional as well as financial results.  It may have you feeling alone; as though ‘everyone’ else is managing well and you are the only one with issues/ mistakes /concerns.
Try not to let Ego have too prominent a place in your assessment of how things are. Resist any urge to feel insecure or keep things to yourself. Instead, reach out to people who can provide a fresh view. Requiring help with a set back does not mean you are inadequate; rather it means you are wise enough to know when to seek assistance. Remember that change can give us needed time to re-evaluate our priorities, so try to focus on what you gain from this change rather than seeing it as a loss or mistake.
💚 If you are feeling stuck, or overburdened at work today, it may be time to seek a new position. This is a great time to check your contacts, and reach out to people who work in your field and love their jobs. Review your priorities, and seek something that will accommodate them.
💙 If you are single, recently ended a relationship, or are considering ending one, remember to consider your highest good; don’t say yes to anything that doesn’t feel right, and don’t make unnecessary concessions because you feel ‘unworthy’. You are lovable and deserving.
🧡 Wherever you find this five, today, remember that it may be playing with your perceptions and ego, a little so, take a minute to breathe before making any decisions or, avoid making them (where possible), until you are feeling more yourself.  Until then, know that you’ve got this because, you’re awesome, and tomorrow, you’ll remember that, as well. Gun a-màireach (until tomorrow) Peace out, Lovelies

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hiitsgigi · 3 years
I am a work of art 😌 Just not a modern work of art hahaha 😅
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Stomachs of the Renaissance
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hiitsgigi · 3 years
♌ in 1ïžâƒŁđŸ 
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Check out Masterlist I for more informative Astrology posts.
Do not copy, plagiarize, reword my work.
Mercury is named after the Roman deity who served as a messenger to the gods. Within Astrology, Mercury symbolises communication and logic and the way we process things and also our relationships with siblings but we also look at the 3rd house for that. It also shows how you process sensory information from your unconscious. Also it can show how we can trick others and use our intellect to our advantage. How we interpret information is found here.
Aries Mercury
“The powerful communicator”
The truth behind your so said bluntness and direct communication is because you care, you care deeply and you just want the best for your loved ones, you’d hate to see them repeating the same cycles so you’ll tell it how it is even if it brings them sadness at first you know it’s better in the long run, you’re a very reliable friend more than given credit for, even if you’re not the type to want to talk all the time you will always be loyal to the people that stimulate your mind. You are very agile thinker, you can come up with so many things at once and you get so excited about whatever you’re passionate about you may go too far on things before actually mastering it, you get very excited when it comes to your hobbies you’re probably the type to be texting your friends quite often about random new things you find interesting. You love a good challenge so you don’t always like the easy stuff for your mind you wanna be riddled so you can level up. You like stuff that isn’t always so easy figured out and you may get obsessive over it until you have it figured out, you’re restless. When you find something stimulating you will stick with it forever. But in another hand, you may become competitive with your knowledge at worse you may become petty or jealous when other people objectively may know more than you or are better than you at something that stimulates you and you are passionate about. You may get headaches when you think a lot as Aries rule the head and you can also give other headaches with your powerful words.
Taurus Mercury
“The sensual communicator”
The truth behind your laidback nature is because you have learnt that not everything deserves your words or focus, you’re someone who has got their eyes on the prize and you become very set on what you want which makes you someone quite unbothered to things and quite guarded. You are someone a lot of people can rely on and people may ask you for advice quite a lot because they’ll know you’ll give them practical and rational advice. Even if you’re quite emotional, your rationality makes you know always what’s best in the end of the day you have learnt you only got your back which could make you guarded with people and your circle, as you prefer to have a trustworthy circle of people. When you love something you give your love intensely and with your energy it’s 100% or 0%, meaning you either give no energy to something or give all your energy, which means you’re someone who may get drained quite easily in communication and may be introverted at times especially out of nowhere, people may worry about you at times because of your introverted nature and the way you tend to deal with things alone, the least you wanna do is release your problems on somebody, this can make you truly hard to know because of your stubborness. You are not blunt but you don’t beat around the bush either, you’re honest. You are interested in the finer things in life especially words you may be into poetry. In youth, you may have crushed on things easily in your youth. You may have a beautiful voice and could be good at singing.
Gemini Mercury
“The Dual Communicator”
Because you are someone with so many thoughts running through their head, you may be a little scattered and may need to work on scheduling things so you don’t get stressed or nervous easily. You are great at absorbing information like a sponge and you may be prone to having some sort of psychic clair of just knowing things, you are also great at bullshitting people and you can easily bullshit an easy on a book you haven’t even read because of your rapid grasping of things and intelligence. You may say the most random things yet everyone would believe it because it comes from you. You are hungry for information and you tend to be everywhere! You may have a lot of social medias or a lot of interests (Like the type to have a lot of back up accounts or something like that) it may be hard to get to truly know you because you have a lot of interesting layers, not in the closed- minded way but more so that you tend to change a lot and may be seen as unpredictable to others. It is likely that since a young age you were advanced in ways of intellect, you were most likely reading books at young age or something that was seen as wise beyond your years and that could have been seen as impressive. But the gift of being hungry for knowledge can also mean you may grasp new things and forget the old, which could have made you not so good on final exams or tests unless you were to study pretty hard which means you could be forgetful at times and people may not always rely on you. You are very generous person and you are always willing to communicate with others because of basic respect, you may have a lot of acquaintances because of your likeable nature yet you may lack emotional bonds, so you may be a little detached from the world. You may talk with your hands & your body could move a bit when trying to make a point.
Cancer Mercury
“The protective communicator”
When some people think of Cancer they automatically think of the crybaby stereotype, which just isn’t true here. Cancer mercuries have a way of feeling their surroundings especially their loved ones and when they talk or speak it’s like you can feel the emotions and wounds they have experienced because they have such ways to their words. These people remember stuff they don’t wanna remember but will forget the things that didn’t touch them at all. They have vivid memories of emotional times for example they could randomly think of a cringey moment they had years ago or remembering the time they had an absolute worse mental break down out of nowhere. These people tend to be more introverted in socializing while they can be social they have to recharge quite a lot. They work best when they are around the people they love. Communication matters a lot to them make sure you’re clear with your intentions around a Cancer mercury because they need that healthy influence and because they’ll be able to sense your fakery even if they don’t believe it at first. Even though they have an emotional nature, they would rarely show it openly they are quite guarded. When communicating they could attract people who think they need saving or support, when really it’s just because they have deprecating humor at times. But once they are in with you and trust you they are the type to always stick by your side and comfort you with their words.
Leo Mercury
“The Grand Communicator”
These people show their ways of love and affection with their communication, if they like you they’ll show it in obvious but subtle ways. These people will make you feel like you are their best friend even if you just met them because of their warmth love. While they can be obsessive with what they find interesting hence they will never let anything go so easily, they get hooked onto crushes or what stimulates their mind and will give a lot of focus to it. These people need to have a sense of joy and fun when in a learning environment or else their focus will drift somewhere else which they find more interesting. Actions are better than words for these people so if you love them you better show it cause they won’t take your bullshit of words if you are not giving them the love you said you have. When they communicate you may be easily pursued by them because a Leo mercury attracts attention to what they say because of their charm meaning they should always pay attention with what they say because people will over- blow whatever they say, sometimes it’s hard for them to keep secrets as people may find out because of their interest in a Leo mercury. They are the type to check up on those who they love quite often because attention is a part of their love language disregarding the Venus sign the individual they may have. So don’t be surprised if your Leo mercury friend checks up on you quite often even if you haven’t talked in so long, they never forget about the things they once loved. A worse manifestation of this placement is that they may be hesitant to listen to other’s people point of view because they may always believe they are right. (Underdeveloped)
Virgo Mercury
“The restless but logical mind”
Virgo mercuries have a way of communicating that is very put together. Even if they don’t communicate / talk much they’ll make sure that whatever they say makes complete sense and hard to argue agains’t, this placement reminds me of those kids who constantly won spelling bee’s. Virgo mercuries tend to be high achievers at young age meaning never giving themselves and their mind and break, constantly looking for the logic and truth to things they can easily get lost in detail and get overwhelmed easily and at times appear detached from the bigger picture. Even when in complete chaos with emotions.. Virgo mercuries strive to handle things maturely with logic hence why so many people rely on them or look up to them for wise advice. With this beautiful trait they have of being very in touch with details and every side to things, they can easily unleash their overthinking side. With their overthinking side, they overthink the smallest things because the smallest things mean a lot to a Virgo Mercury, they’re all about small services and actions which is why it’s hard to fool a Virgo Mercury. They are the type to over-think basic actions and needs and maybe even texts basically basic things because of their tendency to scratch beneath the surface. If they are suspicious of someone or something best believe they will do all their research maybe even stalking in order to get the most fair logical answer, because almost all their suspiciousness never go wrong even if they over-think it, that’s why Virgo Mercuries should learn to trust themselves more and learn more self-confidence. Don’t be afraid to voice out your opinion because of dark thoughts of your mind. Prone to intrusive thoughts. Their mind may work like “If you don’t touch the floor right now your phone will disappear”
Libra Mercury
“The justice mind”
A Libra Mercury strives on peace for day to day routines in order for their mind to feel calm. If things are out of order, best believe a Libra Mercury may have a breakdown. While yes they see two sides of the story, they can easily loose themselves in trying to be balanced this is why Libra Mercuries learn it’s okay to just say “fuck it” and be chaotic just for a bit, after-all air mercuries do get bored quite easily as long as they don’t get the blame for it, they can actually be quite big trolls. They generally grow up with a good sense of objective intelligence and being able to solve things from different perspectives, this could make them good at Law or anything that requires to prompt things from different views and stand by it. While they operate wanting justice they may find themselves in constant complicated situations because of their indecisive nature and their kind nature, they may not want to choose a side in a tough situation and may end up loosing both things for not sticking by one. This can affect friendships negatively or positively depending if the individual would want to work on being more decisive and less flighty, friends may not rely on them because they may want to be loyal to a lot of people if more negatively manifested, but friends could find them very loyal and someone that is a good backup, so it goes literally two ways with this placement when it comes to affecting partnerships. They strive on knowledge and they are the type of people to love what stimulates their mind. They may like romance books / shows. Weirdly enough though, they may enjoy watching chaotic things in order for a good laugh even if they would never actually be that way. A Libra Mercury is a good friend to have if positively manifested, they will always have your back.
Scorpio Mercury
“The impassioned mind”
A true Scorpio Mercury is hard to figure out. They move in silence and are naturally quite private but will display what they wanna display so they don’t draw in suspicion. They have high emotional intelligence as well as very strong intuition but too intense that therefore it can easily go down in a destructive path, they can fall into bad patterns and can easily become a prisoner in their own mind of dark thoughts and intrusive thoughts, perhaps even sexual thoughts, one of their worse fears is someone who can see right through them and their thoughts. They suspect everyone and their intentions but wouldn’t want the same to happen to them so they’ll make sure they seem high vibrational. When a Scorpio Mercury loves they love hard and they will keep your secrets and their own quite safe, they’re quite trustworthy unless they’re wronged harshly. They have always thought of things quite deeply, perhaps in a simple math problem they were over-analyzing everything and all the outcomes, but they can also drift away from reality and think thoughts like “What is the purpose of this?” “Why am I here?”. They always find out things they don’t wanna find out, this is a gift but can also be somewhat tricky to manage. Hiding things from them is just foolish, they have strong intuition even if they deny it because of their kind heart and because they have guides that tend to reveal all sorts of information to them. They have an obsession with what stimulates them and it can go too far, they’re the type to be glued to things they love and may become quite ruthless and stubborn to let go of things that aren’t good for them. They find meanings in things quite easily they’re the type to keep a book they don’t even read just because of their mind thinking it’ll be useful at some point. While being quite loyal, they never reveal themselves 100% and only trusts themselves in the end of the day, you rarely ever know a Scorpio mercury, and they like it that way they don’t wanna be too vulnerable. Others may find them intimidating or blunt with their words, and they can give off the wrong impression. They like to play with power, because they easily gain it. People easily trust them, though they can be quite sneaky.
Sagittarius Mercury
“The expansive mind”
These people are going to give you the best time of your life with their nonjudgemental and kind nature they’ll make you feel just at home. They have an open-minded mind and are open to whatever comes at them, though with this attitude they may have hard time dealing with the darker truths and darker thoughts and they may refuse to deal with their own negative problems and they try detaching from it quite a lot until they can’t anymore, they kind of try to disappear from negative thoughts. They are very objectively intelligent and will always shock you with how much they know and the random facts they can somehow pull and it’s usually random facts as well. People probably question them like this “How did you know all this?”. Though, they tend to be insecure of their own incredible knowledge because Mercury is not comfortable being here. Always trying to do the “right thing” they can easily get taken advantage off by people who do not have the best intentions because they tend to have the tendency to try to see the best in everyone. They are the type of people to be open to people venting to them and telling them their problems because of their big heart and their wise advice and they tend to have this incredible non-biased advice because of their knowledge. Perhaps growing up, they were interested in much larger things and were probably the kid hyper-fixating on things to solve because they get a thrill out of it, though at the same time they usually get stressed quite easily. from stuff like that and can easily get lost in knowledge and details. They may be the type to ignore red flags unless individual’s chart indicates otherwise. They’re always open to new experiences and friends and things that turn them off the most is judgmental picky people and people who are arrogant. They tend to laugh easily especially at the most random things and they are the type to send their friends random things out of nowhere especially facts and knowledge. Oh but do not tell these people what to do, they do not wanna commit so easily unless they’re truly interested in something because they could become flaky and at worse manifested unreliable. They do not like being blunt but like to be as honest as possible. Their attention span tends to be quite low, they have hard time focusing on things. Stuff like meditating could be hard to adapt because of their mind always thinking things ahead.
Capricorn Mercury
‘The Cautious Mind"
A Capricorn mercury has a reserved mind meaning they only share what needs to be shared. They also attract respect when they talk and can easily intimidate others with their directness and people may mistake their honesty for being rude or lacking tactfulness. A Capricorn mercury moves in silence they focus on their own stuff and barely has any interest in drama, they’re too unbothered for that. It is hard to truly get to know a Capricorn mercury because they truly are private and reserved people, though they may not openly share this but most of their knowledge comes from experiences and karma throughout their life. More often than not at one point they may have experienced such pessimistic and sad thoughts, they could have felt truly alone at some point. A Capricorn mercury only strikes with their words when needed too so when you push the limits over a Capricorn mercury you better run, they’re not as forgiving as they seem, while they are kind they have boundaries for themselves to maintain their peace. They are calculated people, they think throughout their actions quite a lot which usually makes them very loyal people and if they have siblings they could be quite protective over them or their siblings are protective over them. They may have had to mature earlier on in life so they may give off old soul vibes and maybe even teacher vibes. Since they’re so calculated they are very good with methods that they have to focus on for a while and they are great planners, if they have to study hard for a certain thing they will. While they can be social, they need to retreat from the social world quite a lot and usually for duty. They love the social life but they would never prioritize it over their duty and future. A trusted soul but will move in calculated silence. They truly keep their word and adore people that keep their promises and take responsibilities on their wrong doings, but they have a certain limit with foolishness.
Aquarius Mercury
“The unorthodox mind”
An Aquarius mercury has a vivid imagination and an eye for creativity. Their minds can be never ending fairytales. They may struggle with simple concepts simply because they are simply thinking much more farther ahead. They may not be able to solve a simple math problem per se but can somehow manage to be a president. They are easily bored and distracted with what’s more interesting so they need to learn to commit to day to day things. While they are quite social they may struggle with actually opening up and may prefer to be closed off simply because it’s hard for them to find someone who actually fits with them not to mention they struggle with feeling accepted and at times may feel neglected for their ideas and concepts, as if they have never fit in once. Since they’re so innovative, people will be in awe of their mind and they may attract copy-cats but with their kind nature they may not be the type to always call them out. These people probably say things because they felt like it and may attract intense and random reactions from people, people may think they’re super strange or super fun and interesting. They have random but fun sense of humor, they’re the type to send random memes as comfort or random things in general. There is an air of detachment when they speak as if they were super accepting and this is why people are drawn to them and love asking them questions about them and who they are and their motives, simply because they don’t loose their shit at what others consider strange. They may be drawn to the occult or things people would probably be scared to indulge in. Even though they have a kind aura, getting to know them is a hit or miss you either fit in with an Aquarius mercury all the way or you’re thrown off by them, it’s either 0 or 100% with them.
Pisces Mercury
“The artistic and sacrificing mind”
A Pisces mercury has incredible knowledge and has a bunch of thoughts running through their head & bunch of ideas yet they are prone to being insecure of their own knowledge and may prefer validation over their thoughts to feel sane. A Pisces mercury probably grew up thinking of the future quite a lot and was probably that one kid who preferred art class more than math class, more so they were probably the type to zone off during a math test. Pisces mercuries have such wise and old intelligent mind and wisdom as if they were here for many life times. They tend to just know things because of their old soul and because of their incredible intuition (which you guys have to stop doubting) they tend to have the clair of just knowing things and feeling things. A Pisces mercury is very sacrificing, once they recognize they are talented they won’t hesitate to help others with their talents and kindness, which is why Pisces mercuries are prone to being taken advantage off. While they are incredibly wise when they truly are in love with something they are blind to red flags, they may be the type to defend something so much even if it’s wrong as long as they love it. A Pisces Mercury has an eye for what is beautiful, they are drawn to aesthetics & poetry. They are also drawn to people who have more gentle approaches more so than blunt and ruthless approaches, as they’re quite sensitive in energies. They have a very creative sense of humor probably those jokes you couldn’t have imagined so easily but makes you crack up so much. Pisces mercuries may struggle with things that they do not have interest in so this could make them floppy students because they simply can not focus on things that don’t make them vibrate in a higher vibration. A Pisces mercury may have a complicated relationship with siblings, they may not know how they stand with them sometimes. If better manifested, they could have a compassionate and intuitive relationship with siblings as if they know how they feel energetically, but if not they could have manipulative siblings. If a Pisces mercury unleashes their worse side they can be quite manipulative with their words to get what they want and they may be prone to listening to their own lies or believe others easily, even if they know someone is lying or being two faced they may struggle standing up for themselves. Also they have the gift of manifesting things quite easily if they were to speak it to existence, words of affirmation help a Pisces mercury a lot. A Pisces mercury has a wild imagination, but misunderstood so easily. People are surprised when they finally stand up for themselves because they usually hold back on more blunt approaches and then misunderstand their intentions as a whole, people can’t read them easily or they assume things easily about a Pisces mercury.
Âź Hillarysss 2021 all rights reserved (only I own this content, you do not have the right to publish this anywhere else or reword or take this work whatsoever)
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hiitsgigi · 3 years
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hiitsgigi · 3 years
people are bad and all but when a stranger holds open a door for you and when a stranger picks up something you dropped and when a stranger smiles at you from across the street and when a stranger on a hike wishes you good morning and when a stranger hands you a rose and when a stranger lets you have their seat and when a stranger stops you to compliment your outfit and when a stranger gives you the 5 cents you’re missing and when a stranger jams their foot in the tram door so you can make it and when a stranger says bless you when you sneeze and when a stranger helps you with directions and when a stranger gets you something from the top shelf... maybe we are worth saving
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hiitsgigi · 3 years
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Self Care Tips From Tumblr: When you feel like everyone hates you, sleep. When you feel like you hate everyone, eat. When you feel like you hate yourself, shower. Someone out there feels better because you exist. 
instagram / patreon / portfolio / etsy / my book / redbubble
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hiitsgigi · 3 years
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31 notes · View notes
hiitsgigi · 3 years
126K notes · View notes
hiitsgigi · 3 years
I have bittersweet experiences with Aqua women...
a dumb question-> what's the sign you hate because of one fucking person. MINE IS SAGITTARIUS BECAUSE OF AN ASSHOLE BOY
*that's for fun ofc*
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hiitsgigi · 3 years
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Six of Pentacles and Ace of Swords
All right, one of you is going to cut it in half, and the other will decide who gets which piece.
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hiitsgigi · 3 years
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11K notes · View notes
hiitsgigi · 3 years
𝔟𝔞𝔰𝔩𝔠 đ”Ąđ”ąđ”€đ”Żđ”ąđ”ąđ”°
❊ aries degrees: 1, 13, 25
❊ taurus degrees: 2, 14, 26
❊ gemini degree: 3, 15, 27
❊ cancer degrees: 4, 16, 28
❊ leo degrees: 5, 17, 29
❊ virgo degrees: 6, 18
❊ libra degrees: 7, 19
❊ scorpio degrees: 8, 20
❊ sagittarius degrees: 9, 21
❊ capricorn degrees: 10, 22
❊ aquarius degrees: 11, 23
❊ pisces degrees: 12, 24
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hiitsgigi · 3 years
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Wildflowers in the woods, April 2021
High-res downloadable versions of my photos are available here
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