highlnderbrn · 2 years
i *probably* should be trying to get back to this blog, instead i have an oc idea. a ballet dancer coming ur way yes.
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highlnderbrn · 2 years
and, by the way, today is jamie’s birthday. send him cute things on inbox !!!
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highlnderbrn · 2 years
im SCREAMING ive just watched outlander season’s finale and good god how bloody long for next season???????
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highlnderbrn · 2 years
GOOD MORNING PEOPLE ! , today is Outlander sunday and I will remind you there might be spoilers from season 6 reblogged in this blog, though they will be tagged under “ol spoilers.” tag that you may blacklist if you do not wish to get them. love, from yours truly, luh !
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highlnderbrn · 2 years
I love chill roleplay partners that don’t mind when you go mia for a while and totally understand that some weeks you’re just busy and some days you’re not even busy you just don’t want to deal with the world in general/don’t want to do a thing and who don’t think that just bc you haven’t talked in a week or two that means the plot is dead and who don’t need to be in daily contact with you to enjoy writing/talking/plotting with you and I love that when we finally have so time time to talk/rp we just pick up right where we left off and it’s never weird or awkward God bless u guys
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highlnderbrn · 2 years
mutuals feel free to add me on my new disc.o: lady lallybroch#7659
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highlnderbrn · 2 years
What doesn’t kill you gives you a lot of unhealthy coping mechanisms and a really dark sense of humor.
Jamie Fraser (via incorrect-outlander-quotes)
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highlnderbrn · 2 years
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I have the hands of a stonemason. I think calluses on a man’s hand are deeply erotic. Aye? Well, I if I dinna have calluses down there, it’s no fault of yours, believe me. Your short hair is also…very arousing. Do you really think so? Aye. It is but one of the things that draws me to you. What are the other things?
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highlnderbrn · 2 years
hi people i miss u sm, i miss jamie and all my muses god this last few weeks were hard on me 
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highlnderbrn · 2 years
GOOD MORNING PEOPLE ! , today is Outlander sunday and I will remind you there might be spoilers from season 6 reblogged in this blog, though they will be tagged under “ol spoilers.” tag that you may blacklist if you do not wish to get them. love, from yours truly, luh !
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highlnderbrn · 2 years
hey…how’s my portrayal? ♡
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highlnderbrn · 2 years
I am very concerned with some people who take a certain Jamie storyline of book 3/season three as something sexy and completly okay, because if you’re not capable to identify what the hell happened there and how WRONG and not okay it was, imagine if it happens to you somehow. and i’ve been thinking to also somehow write it off my portrayal for my mind’s sake or either just ignore its existence. 
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highlnderbrn · 2 years
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highlnderbrn · 2 years
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Scenes from a Marriage, 2021
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highlnderbrn · 2 years
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highlnderbrn · 2 years
Outlander Rp Meme
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“Why do we desire, above all other things, that which has the greatest power to destroy us?”
“the ability to feel is a strength, not a weakness.” “ah,but you were not a pawn. All along, you have been the queen.”
“I love you wholly. I love you eternally. I love you so dearly it frightens me. I fear I could not live without you. I could see your face every morning upon waking for a thousand years and still look forward to the next as though it were the first.”
“Walking along a blade’s edge was only fun until the blade stopped being a metaphor.”
“When the world failed me, I could always lose myself in my work.”
“If you must stare at something for hours on end, I’d prefer it to be me alone.”
“I was alive in a way I never had been before, in a world that no longer felt stale but instead crackled with breathless promise.
”But isn’t absurdity part of being human? We aren’t ageless creatures who watch centuries pass from afar. Our worlds are small, our lives are short, and we can only bleed a little before we fall.” “They looked like a pair of cupids who had decided they liked shooting people with real arrows better. They were horrible. I loved them so much.”
“Soft and sharp at once, an aching tenderness edged with sorrow, naked proof of a heart already broken.”
“Our worlds are small, our lives are short, and we can only bleed a little before we fall.”
“Didn’t they realize their lives were worth more than the dubious affection of one silly man?”
“You are like a living rose among wax flowers. We may last forever, but you bloom brighter and smell sweeter, and draw blood with your thorns.”
“This wasn’t like me. So many years of being cautious, and in a matter of minutes I’d started slipping up.”
“I couldn’t decide whether the idea owed itself to vanity, a depressing lack of creativity, or both.”
“An extra twenty-four hours was nothing. Yet, it was everything. I might live more tomorrow then I did all the years of the rest of my life combined.”
“Very few things escape my attention in the springlands—even the plucking of a flower.”
“I love you wholly. I love you eternally. I love you so dearly it frightens me. I fear I could not live without you. I could see your face every morning upon waking for ten thousand years and still look forward to the next as though it were the first.”
“Perfect subjects make for less interesting work.”
“Are you in love with me?”
”Is that so terrible? You say it as though it’s the most awful thing you can imagine. It isn’t as though I’ve done it on purpose. Somehow I’ve even grown fond of your - your irritating questions, and your short legs, and your accidental attempts to kill me.“
“I wondered if my head and heart would ever reconcile, or whether I’d just cursed myself to relive this moment for the rest of my years, half assured I’d made the only choice available to me, half always whispering if only, the whole of me filled with bitter regret.”
“But that was the problem with the old me, I was coming to realize. She’d accepted that behaving correctly meant not being happy, because that was the way the world worked. She hadn’t asked enough - of life, or of herself.”
“The thought of seeing judgment - or worse, disappointment - on her face when she looked at me next made me want to curl in on myself and never face the world again.”
“i recoiled from the image.”
“Flower masks boggled at us, inscrutable. They spun dizzily and with delirious abandon, no longer playing at being human, parodying a mortal ball like a nightmare masquerade.”
“Isn’t absurd a part of being human?”
“I can see how you were a writer once.”
• shapes that reminded me of a famous painting of a maiden drowning in a lake at dusk, sinking into shadow as her dress billowed weightlessly after her.  Once, it might have taken my breath away. Now there was no beauty in the world, no pleasure, that could shake me from the bleak understanding of what awaited me. •
“I said I was a virgin not a monk.”
“You have my name and my family, my clan, and if necessary the protection of my body.”
“Listen to me. if you ever raise a hand to me again. I will cut your heart out and eat it for breakfast, do you understand me?”
“I am your master…and you’re mine. Seems I canna possess your soul without losing my own.”
“Blood of my blood, and bone of my bone. You carry me within ye and ye canna leave me now, no matter what happens. You are mine, always, if ye will it or no, if ye want me or nay. Mine, and I wilna let ye go.”
“I do know it, my own. Let me tell ye in your sleep how much I love you. For there’s no so much I can be saying to ye while ye wake, but the same poor words, again and again. While ye sleep in my arms, I can say things to ye that would be daft and silly waking, and your dreams will know the truth of them. “
“let’s see how stubborn you really are.”
“For where all love is, the speaking is unnecessary”
“Don’t be afraid. There’s two of us now.”
“Ye werena the first lass I kissed.But I swear you’ll be the last.”
“does it ever stop? The wanting you.”
“Where did you learn to kiss like that?”
“I swore an oath before the altar of God to protect this woman. And if you’re tellin’ me that ye consider your own authority to be greater than that of the Almighty, then I must inform ye that I’m not of that opinion, myself.”
“Sometimes our best action result in things that are most regrettable.”
“And if your life is a suitable exchange for my honor, why is my honor not a suitable exchange for your life?”
“Gentle he would be, denied he would not.”
“Overall, the library held a hushed exultation, as though the cherished volumes were all singing soundlessly within their covers.”
“Life among academics had taught me that a well-expressed opinion is usually better than a badly expressed fact, so far as professional advancement goes.”
“As though, knowing that everything is possible, suddenly nothing is necessary.”
“It was in a way a comforting idea; if there was all the time in the world, then the happenings of a given moment became less important.”
“I wanted ye from the first I saw ye – but I loved ye when you wept in my arms and let me comfort you.”
“You are mine, always, if ye will it or no if ye want me or nay. Mine, and I willna let ye go.”
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highlnderbrn · 2 years
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                                                in  dreams,    i  have  lost  the  war              ⎯              in  memories,    i    opened  my  eyes    &    so  i  found  you  again  !    
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HATIGAVE                    ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯                                indie.        selective.        multimuse.                    as    loved    and    adored    by    mani
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