hgvtrucklover · 5 hours
POV you tried to join a forum for Norse mythology enthusiasts
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hgvtrucklover · 5 hours
I was trying to explain to my grandma what being bisexual meant and saying that I looked at ladies butts and she was all “You’re not GAY everyone checks out ladies rear ends” and my sister was like “I have never wanted to look at a ladies butt” Later my grandma called me and was like “I THINK I MIGHT BE A LITTLE GAY”
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hgvtrucklover · 19 hours
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Bro balls collection part 1
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hgvtrucklover · 1 day
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hgvtrucklover · 1 day
there should be a hotline for me to call autistic people with specific hyperfixations every time i have a question
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hgvtrucklover · 1 day
so i just learned that people fucking dove inside a god damn iceberg and good to know that even for cave divers, who in my opinion are already a special kind of unhinged, and i say that with all affection, there are people even more unhinged than that
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hgvtrucklover · 1 day
im laughing so hard because no matter what song you listen to 
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spiderman dances to the beat
no matter what song ive been testing it and lauing my ass off for an hour
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hgvtrucklover · 1 day
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hgvtrucklover · 1 day
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hgvtrucklover · 1 day
When it comes to testimonies of the generations that went through the Nakba, I have compiled a small but very rich list of resources to help keep their testimonies alive.
The website Palestine Remembered has a huge archive of over 600 videos of lengthy testimonies from Nakba survivors that are grouped according to their districts and towns.
The Nakba Archive is a big project conducted by AUB which includes interviews of first generation palestinian refugees in Lebanon.
Almashriq also has voice recordings of testimonies of Palestinian Nakba survivors who were internally displaced and the interviews are grouped according to the area where they were expelled to.
Israeli NGO Zochrot has a database of testimonies including video recordings of Nakba survivors that is regularly updated.
Lastly, written testimonies are equally important and photographer Anne Paq shared her series dedicated to pairing testimonies of Nakba survivors along with photographs of them and their grandchildren.
We all must be committed to keep these stories at the forefront of our discussions on Palestine, despite Israel's constant efforts to bury the truth (both literally and figuratively).
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hgvtrucklover · 1 day
imagine youre a teenager and one day you decide to steal a car because it looks fast and sleek and you want to travel on the road. so you go on a trip in your stolen car and you love it so much that you dedicate your life to the road. you spend your years travelling, visiting new places and picking up hitchhikers, all in the same car you stole, which at this point has become old and run down and needs refurbishing every now and then, but you never replace it because you live in this car now and it's your home. at one point your actual house was demolished and your family members are dead. the people you've hooked up with in your car have broken up with you and gone away. youve changed many times as a person, but your shitty car has stayed the same, the one constant in your hectic life. it's the last one of its model after they stopped manifacturing it: that's how old it is. then one day, your car suddenly breaks down in the middle of the road. you go out to get help and find a lady who weirdly knows all about you. she knows all the places youve been to and the people youve gone there with. as you talk with her more, you begin to realize that, somehow, the soul of your car—the one that's sitting broken outside—has transferred into the body of a human woman. your car is alive and now speaking to you, and she remembers all the moments you two have spent together, every word youve told her when you thought you were alone, every desire and complaint youve expressed to her in the middle of the night. your car is speaking to you, and she tells you that however much you love her, she loves you equally back. that you never really stole her all those years ago because she wanted to travel with you, and she wouldn't change you for anyone else in the world. you speak with your living human car, and you realize that, hey, she's kind of funny actually, and you might be a little bit in love with her, and she might be a little bit in love with you. but the desert you're stuck in is also sentient and evil, so your human car dies in your arms in order for her soul to transfer back into the machine and drive you away. so now you're back on the road with your car the same as always, except now you know she's sentient and maybe has feelings for you, so you sometimes let go of the wheel and let her take you wherever she wants. that's what happened between the doctor and the tardis in that one episode
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hgvtrucklover · 1 day
In one misfortunate year I ended up getting into several car accidents. It cemented my general fear and anxiety in cars, because in each case I was either in the car but not driving or driving safely when suddenly something hit me.
One was my ex driving in an unfamiliar city and cutting someone off on accident that resulted in a sideswipe. Another was getting rear ended when I came to a required stop.
The last was when I had a green arrow at an intersection. I turned and was smashed into by someone running a red light, T-boning my little car.
Dazed and in shock I tottered out of the car to behold a crusty older man eating a donut step out of the offending vehicle. A fire truck arrived to block us off from traffic since my car could no longer move under its own power.
“Were you on your way home from work?” The firemen asked me.
I shook my head, struggling to focus on them, “No,” I said vaguely, “I was on my way home from volunteering at the animal shelter.”
In an instant they were closing ranks around me, glaring at the ambivalent donut man who would dare to hit a tiny frail angel who volunteered at the animal shelter. They asked if I needed to get anything out of my car. I did.
“It’s… uh. It’s a little weird though.”
They gestured for me to proceed. I grabbed a bag with snacks and books and filled it with things I couldn’t just leave in my car. Last out I pulled my cutlass.
“Is that a sword?!”
It was. They were instantly like giant puppy dogs, excited and delighted but trying to mind their manners. The bravest said, “Can we…?” I held out the sword. They whooped with delight, unsheathing and marveling at it.
“Why do you have that in your car?”
“I honestly don’t remember, it’s just a fun thing to have at a party now.”
“Is your wrist okay?”
My shock was wearing off and I realized I was cradling my wrist to my chest. “Oh.” I rummaged into my bag and pulled out a wrist brace.
“Wh….why do you already have that?” I was starting to confuse the firemen. I volunteered with cats, had a sword offhand, and kept a wrist brace in my car bag.
“Sometimes I try to hold books in a way that sprains my wrist? So I have this in my car just in case.”
They stared at me. Maybe, like my wife, they assumed it was for masturbation induced injuries. They handed my sword back as the tow truck arrived and thanked me for letting them play with it. They gave donut man one last glare and drove their big truck away.
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hgvtrucklover · 1 day
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hgvtrucklover · 1 day
A surprisingly helpful bit of social maneuvering I've figured out from trial and error: Throughout your life, you are going to need things from people. Often, it's going to be on a deadline. And when that deadline passes, you generally want to know what's going on. So, you need to ask them.
There are two kinds of people, broadly, in this situation. The Shameless will tell you what the holdup is, with absolutely no regard for if the reason is "good enough". This is actually very helpful, because you get the real reason immediately, and can start working on a solution.
The Ashamed is trickier. People who are Ashamed are people who were often told they were giving excuses when they were trying to explain, and they'll often avoid you until they solve the problem on their own. This causes them and you a lot of stress, and often takes a lot longer to solve.
Long term, the strategy for dealing with people who are Ashamed is to provide a supportive environment where they're comfortable sharing any problems they're having with getting things done. But, there's a way to at least partially short-circuit that:
Provide an explanation for them.
One example might be "Hey Susan, I noticed that I don't have your report yet. Are you busy with other projects?" The readymade explanation signals that you're willing to accept an explanation, which is the big anxiety point.
Sometimes, you still won't get an honest answer- especially if the honest answer isn't "good enough" by the standards of the person who traumatized them. But, I've found that it often at least gets you a lie that lets you give them some slack or work around the problem.
Let's say that Susan has actually completely forgotten that she needed to do the report. She's horrified at herself, and completely unwilling to admit the real problem. But, she can now safely reply with "Sorry Jennifer, I've been swamped, and it got lost in the mix. I can have it to you in two days. Does that work?"
From there, so long as Susan gave an estimate for when she can actually do it, she and Jennifer can hash out a solution.
It's not a perfect solution, but it works astonishingly well for how small of a change it is.
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hgvtrucklover · 1 day
i cant get over the king charles portrait. they made that thing to age in his place. that painting hangs in the house of a too-friendly family you find in the post apocalyptic wasteland who inexplicably has a ready supply of fresh meat. if mario jumped into that painting he wouldn't find a charming platformer he would be flayed and hanged like a medieval criminal by an unseeable force in a droning red void. that painting is a color blindness test for people who work in IT but believe in the divine right of kings. that painting is going to weep the sequel to blood. after he dies charles is gonna crawl outta that thing like sadako.
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hgvtrucklover · 1 day
This is Suad Ahmad. You can read her full story here.
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Suad is a successful engineer and professor from Gaza. On top of her professional accomplishments, Suad found out she is pregnant. Sadly, a week later, the occupation began bombing Gaza and planning an invasion.
Suad’s home and workplace were destroyed, and she and her husband’s family were displaced. While living in a cramped tent and subjected to the elements, Suad became extremely sick with gastroenteritis, a dangerous condition during pregnancy. Food is scarce, and they are all suffering malnourishment.
Suad’s due date is coming very soon, and she wants her baby to have a better life than the one she’s living now. She is trying to evacuate to Egypt, where she and her family will be safer and healthier.
The campaign has been open for several weeks, but has received almost no support. We are trying to get Suad and her family evacuated before she gives birth, so we have only a few weeks left. Please help give Suad and her family a better future. If you cannot give, please reblog this post and repost the link across all of your social media accounts.
Thank you
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hgvtrucklover · 1 day
"Scientists should be working on curing cancer instead of doing [Thing]" just get funnier and funnier to me over time because
there's so many papers and studies about curing cancer that they drown everything else out. God help you if you're trying to research something that has ever been considered applicable to cancer research.
"cancer" is a whole category of diseases that includes hundreds of different things
The way i understand it, "cancer" is a consequence of cells aging and being exposed to stresses over time. The goal is to stop it from developing too early, curing cancer IN GENERAL is a bit like trying to cure entropy
the amount of progress we've made on treating and preventing cancer even in the last few decades is so insane, it's a lot more impressive than "curing" a single disease would be.
different scientists aren't interchangeable. What's a meteorologist going to do for cancer research
If we didn't have the other scientists, we would die a lot more of the other stuff
there WAS that one guy who programmed an AI to categorize different types of cookies and pastries that ended up being great for detecting cancer cells, so YOU NEVER KNOW
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