heywasistdas · 1 year
Nonconnah - Rainbow Family
Hard to describe this album without getting carried away. Nonconnah is husband and wife duo Zach & Denny Corsa who previously recorded as Lost Trail but changed name about the same time they relocated from North Carolina to Tennessee. Long before I moved to America, I’ve been obsessed with the big open spaces there and art that explores it like Twin Peaks, H.P.Lovecraft, WIlliam Least Heat-Moon…
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heywasistdas · 1 year
review of boycalledcrow - NIGHTMARE FOLK ART
Nightmare Folk Art by boycalledcrow
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heywasistdas · 1 year
Review of ÚATH - ÚATH
A perfect match between darkest ambient producer Ruairi O’Baoighill and folk experimenter Grey Malkin. What we have here is a very complimentary collaboration that sees the two approaches illuminate each other’s work. Ruairi’s otherworldly production and soundscapes make Malkin’s contributions feel like musical spectres wandering through the sonic fog Ruairi conjures. Yet Malkin’s contributions…
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heywasistdas · 1 year
Review of Ben LaMar Gay - Certain Reveries
Walking an extraordinary tightrope between free jazz and song, this album us another testimony to the power of duos. Ben is mainly on his cornet, though he does add a little synth and vocals in there too, and matched perfectly to drummer Tommaso Moretti. It’s a match made with searing chemistry, both artists expressing perfectly together. It hits all my favorite jazz adjectives: questing,…
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heywasistdas · 1 year
Tokio Ono - Individuals
This is one of those albums that you need for stress emergencies. It’s the first album I’ve heard that’s made me think of 16 bit CD-Rom game soundtracks as it does Tangerine Dream. There’s a beautiful sense of melody matched to a big, wide sound. The percussion is spacious, and the mood is very special. It’s hard not to imagine myself on an alien beach, having a wonderful time. What we have…
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heywasistdas · 1 year
You can always count on Riot Season Records to bring something innovative AND heavy. Case in point – Machiavellian Art. A sort of sludge metal Hawkwind. So brutally heavy it could crush a skyscraper yet there’s this space rock core at the center of it. When he’s not doing a crust punk roar, the singer lets rip with some blistering saxophone. There’s fuzzy noises amidst the guitar tsunamis. The…
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heywasistdas · 1 year
Trevor Beales - Fireside Stories
Everyone loves a tale of lost genius that it can be all too seductive when a press release comes along promising such. Add in a dash of Hebden Bridge then wrap it up in the contemporary photographs of Charlie Meecham and the omens were so strong that anything other than a revelation would be a severe disappointment. Thankfully it delivers on the promise and the vinyl is already on its second…
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heywasistdas · 1 year
Salvatore Mercatante - Decas
If you like your electronic music big, dark and elegant then this is going to take you away. Think icy but elegaic synths, crisp drums and warmest, deepest bass. It made me think a little bit of peak Biosphere. That high fidelity sound, the sharp minimalism and intense atmosphere. The rhythm providing more for the composition than the dance floor There’s something immensely immersive about the…
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heywasistdas · 1 year
Human Greed - Black Hill: Midnight At The Blighted Star (Moonsuite Edition)
Was Ist Das? has never done a reissue before but we found the perfect place to start. Very proud to be reissuing Human Greed’s classic 2008 album in a new special edition with the previously unreleased companion album ‘Moonsuite’ on the second tape. The plan is to follow this with similar treatment for “Fortress Longing” and “World’s Fair” and then at the end to offer a nice box to put them all…
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heywasistdas · 1 year
Myriad Valley - Otherworld
We are honored to bring you the debut release from Myriad Valley. How to sum this one up? It’s the sort of psychedelic, devotional, folk horror, acoustic drone music that brings to mind The Third Ear Band, Popol Vuh, Natural Snow Buildings, Flying Saucer Attack and the soundtrack to Blood On Satan’s Claw. Usually all at once. It has that huge, monolithic sound yet at the same time seems devoid…
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heywasistdas · 1 year
Was Ist Das? Soundsystem - personal mixes
For the 17th birthday of Was Ist Das? this special release offered five people their own personalized mix tape. Buyers had a selection of themes they could choose from, though personal requests were obliged too. Each tape was a unique mix and dedicated on the front cover to the buyer [buyers names censored above for privacy reasons] The tapes sold out almost immediately. There may be a return…
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heywasistdas · 1 year
Ned Netherwood - Murgatroyd Hall
Murgatroyd Hall is a short story written and read by Ned Netherwood. Recorded in the great outdoors of Arizona and then mixed with a field recording from the house in Northern England that inspired the story. Murgatroyd Hall by Ned Netherwood WAS57 Author’s note:This was originally planned as a 1 track digital release, 2 track CDR version and then an expanded 2 track subscriber-only digital…
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heywasistdas · 1 year
The Hawkshead Bedroom Orchestra - Winterhacker
Winter Hacker was a special temporary release from The Hawkshead Bedroom Orchestra. The track was to have been included on their forthcoming debut album but was considered too long to fit the running time and reluctant to edit it. they decided upon releasing it as a, pay what you want digital release for just a few days on Was Ist Das? A strange deep psychedelic sludge of a track but with…
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heywasistdas · 1 year
Friends of Junzo - We Love You Junzo
Everybody who meets Suzuki Junzo loves the guy. Everybody who has seen him live drops their jaw on the floor. So when this February he suffered a intracerebral hemorrhage and a subarachnoid hemorrhage everyone was very worried. Junzo is now in a rehabilitation hospital and unable to tour or record music. Proceeds from this compilation will all go towards helping him financially but we want this…
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heywasistdas · 1 year
Josh Doss - Distant Memories
(just updated the label page, though we do still have a few copies left)
We have been quite in awe of Mr.Doss ever since getting the connection via James Jackson Toth. Josh is a exceptionally talented song writer and when he gets together with a band of cohorts, the sparks fly in a classic low-fi rock n roll way. “Distant Memories” continues that same basement echo, outsider rock n roll session feel of his previous album for Was Ist Das? “Don’t Let Your Time Pass You…
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heywasistdas · 1 year
The Lamp - Sentimental Journey
download version cover art The first album by The Lamp was a limited edition of less than 15 and in accordance with the artist’s wishes, all masters were permanently deleted. For the follow up album, a download has been permitted but both download and tape were only on sale for one day (June 20th 2021). As a result, only four cassette copies are out in the wild. in accordance with The Lamp’s…
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heywasistdas · 1 year
A beautiful bed of warm bass supports an exploring stream of electronics and jazziness here. Imagine a nocturnal jam between Cluster and late period Talk Talk remixed by Adrian Sherwood as the score for some 70s crime flick. I know that sounds unlikely, nay unbelievable but that is what seems to be wafting from my speakers and enveloping my room. It makes perfect sense that this is a…
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