herr-zyme · 23 days
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Today I offer them... tomorrow who knows.
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herr-zyme · 25 days
Can't forget my favorite frog.
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herr-zyme · 1 month
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It's been the hottest of minutes since I've drawn this whore
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herr-zyme · 2 months
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🌹 48 Roses 🌹
OCs belong to: Rosch - @slemhosta Nigel - @askfordoodles Narcy - @dr-narcissa-igma Zyme - @the-c0nquerer-w0rm
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herr-zyme · 2 months
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quick doodle before work ; O ; wanted to test some layer settings and gradients
@herr-zyme / @the-c0nquerer-w0rm
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herr-zyme · 2 months
Oh for you Schatz? I'll serve you whatever you want. ;)
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Apparently I completely forgot to post this. Anyway-
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herr-zyme · 3 months
Ah! How interesting! A farmer were you? Oh I'll bet you're good with your hands.
Wunderbar! Show me where I can clear up a space that's dark and damp then. While I'm at it, I should open up a space in the garden for produce. If you want to grow any of course. I sure wouldn't complain if you did. I've only grown flowers before. Hey! I could even get you a cute little gardening outfit.
Ah I love a man in uniform~✨
Oh yeah, and don't you worry your pretty little head about those antennae! I've got a few ideas.
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paging one of the many, superfluous doctors on this island. is this normal? should i eat them, will anyone pay me to eat them and what seasoning should i use when i inevitably eat them?
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herr-zyme · 3 months
Ugh! That looks awful! I certainly wouldn't eat them even if they were edible.
Never really liked mushrooms myself but hey if your arms can cultivate them, perhaps next time you can grow some lions mane for my tea.
...Just don't tell me where it came from. I'll forget about this eventually.
Right, right, this was a medical question. Yeah I don't know Schatz. You're not exactly normal yourself. You could always come over and have me take a look. I do offer free medical care, as per your contract. Though in my professional opinion...you definitely need a shower.
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paging one of the many, superfluous doctors on this island. is this normal? should i eat them, will anyone pay me to eat them and what seasoning should i use when i inevitably eat them?
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herr-zyme · 4 months
Happy Birthday my darling!
You probably have lots of offers already, but I would love to treat you to a Birthday and Valentines dinner tonight, if I may. 💖
Nova! No! No of course not! Not at all I would love t-!
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Aheheh...uh I-I mean I have so many offers, actually. Sooo many! Such a shame I will just have to disappoint them all!
I look forward to dinner with you tonight. You may wine and dine me Schatz ✨
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herr-zyme · 4 months
Happy birthday superstar!!
Here 1000$! Go have fun ti buy what you want
$1000 of under the table money? Shameless funding for my any desire? You know what? I will treat myself with this!
...Now what to buy with it? What do I actually want?
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herr-zyme · 4 months
I heard it was your birthday, was it not? Pity it's on an important holiday. Though, oddly enough it looks like you have plenty of people to spend it with.
...Happy birthday. I'll be sending you something in the mail later.
Why yes it is! It's a whole day to celebrate me! ✨
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...And well, Valentine's too I guess. I've got a few crystal sculpture flowers to hand out for the occasion. Why bother getting the real deal when they'll just wilt and make a mess? Who wants rotten flower petals all over the floor? Not me that's for sure.
Oh? A gift? For yours truly? I can't wait! This is so exciting. Tell me what it is- no!
No no no don't tell me actually. I want it to be a surprise. Or do I? Yes, yes keep it a secret.
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herr-zyme · 4 months
We have beers, wines and whisky in this bar! ^w^ (Not sure if your character can be inside of these places...? sorry if not, ^w^U)
Well I should hope so, it's a bar. Imagine how ridiculous it would be to have a bar without at least beer!
I'm not going to go, obviously, but if anyone wants to fetch me a bottle of wine I'll pay for it. None of that cheap stuff either! And maybe a pretzel that doesn't suck. Nothing is worse than a bad pretzel.
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herr-zyme · 4 months
Have you considered turning the power crystals into powder and adding it to your serum?
Of course I have! I've seen a bit of what those things can do and I've heard about how powerful they're supposed to be. It crossed my mind once in a while as a booster of sorts for the serum, perhaps giving strength beyond my limits even if only as quick as a shot of adrenaline. Though that would involve me having to study the properties of these crystals. Now I'm not a gemologist myself, but I do know someone who can help me. I know the first obstacle is figuring out the toxicity of the body absorbing them as well as solubility. If it's safe for the body to absorb, then I absolutely can't be having a build up of sediment in my bloodstream.
But we'll see! Perhaps I can convince my favorite patient to test out powdered crystal injections for me. I pay Rosch to let me cut into him and practice putting him back together after any unfortunate accidents he may have, but I'm sure with a nice bonus he wouldn't complain about it.
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herr-zyme · 4 months
It's been long time, right, doctor? How are you doing? Are you busy with your allies in the bar playing the cards, or....doing anything evil...or...everything evil? XD
Oh it's you again! Hello there, Schatz!
I'm doing just fine, doing great. Experiments proceeding as planned, seeing the usual people. All is-
Hey wait a minute since when did we have a bar? Not that I enjoy going to the bar, but have I not been invited there?? Not that I really wanted to go anyway but it would have been nice to be invited!
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herr-zyme · 4 months
What you think someone should never Said?
What do I think someone should never say? Odd question, but I guess I've never thought about it before. I mean, I know there's some things you're definitely not supposed to say. Never though?
Well I've got no idea! Though if no one ever said squirrel again that would be nice. I can barely even pronounce it.
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herr-zyme · 4 months
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Some sketches I did today of my favorite bastard
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herr-zyme · 4 months
...Hah! Ahah. Very funny joke. Now who is doing this? Who put this thing in my house?
Do you Belive in Ghost?
Oh such a silly question! Of course I don't believe in ghosts. But hey I do believe that superstitious nonsense is good for earning quick money as a tourist trap. Slap a "haunted" label on a place and people are all over that.
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