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Lauren Bacall with Howard Hawks backstage during the filming of The Big Sleep - 1945/1946
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I made more lousy pictures than any actor in history.
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He hated to admit it, but she d i d have one hell of a point. However, he had this WILD notion that no one would mind very much if they were unavoidably detained; unable to make it to the set on time, this o n c e. Every-god damn-body else showed up late, and simply skived on filming whenever the fuck they felt like it.. “ – Not particularly. ”
“You’re sure? I wouldn’t want to get in trouble.” Betty was still such a hard worker (and perhaps deep down filled with a bit of a ridiculous notion that she’d lose her job if she didn’t do everything exactly the way she was suposed to), that she was almost never late. 
“Okay then, I’ll give into my impulse.” With a bright smile, she leaned over and kissed him gently, letting her somewhat tense form relax.
[ Betty~ ] ❝Never resist an impulse, Baby. Especially if it's terrible.❞
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“Well normally it wouldn’t be so terrible, but considering where we are?” The fact that they were both needed on different sets when she wanted nothing other than hours alone with him wasn’t sitting so well with her, and she was contemplating something she normally chastized herself for.
“Think they’d miss us if we slipped away for the afternoon?”
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I hate to say it, but I’m considering dropping Kate because I don’t have much muse for her anymore.
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[ Betty~ ] ❝Never resist an impulse, Baby. Especially if it's terrible.❞
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“Well normally it wouldn’t be so terrible, but considering where we are?” The fact that they were both needed on different sets when she wanted nothing other than hours alone with him wasn’t sitting so well with her, and she was contemplating something she normally chastized herself for.
“Think they’d miss us if we slipped away for the afternoon?”
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: ❝You know how to whistle, don't you, ____ ?? You just put your lips together, and blow.❞
: ❝It's clear you're screwy.❞
: ❝Hello, friends and enemies.❞
: ❝Insanity runs in my family. It practically GALLOPS.❞
: ❝Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.❞
: ❝I sort of figure dying's like being in love; you can’t quite imagine it until it gets right up on top of you.❞
: ❝Here's looking at you, Kid.❞
: ❝Oh ____, don't let's ask for the moon. We have the stars.❞
: ❝____, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.❞
: ❝Why don't you come on up and see me sometime??❞
: ❝I still claim I was tight the night I proposed to you. If you had been a gentleman, you would have forgotten all about it. But not you!❞
: ❝I look old, but that's because I've worried alot. Actually, I haven't yet reached the legal age of consent, and if you don't get outt'a here I'm gonna yell for help.❞
: ❝Sometimes angels rush in where fools fear to tread.❞
: ❝The only people who grow old were born old to begin with.❞
: ❝Tell you what, I'll toss a coin. Heads you stay, tails you go.❞
: ❝Never give a sucker an even break and always keep an eye on your pals.❞
: ❝I'm going out to get some popcorn and pink lemonade. I've just seen a three-ring circus.❞
: ❝My pet, resting's the sort of thing you've got to work up to gradually. -- Very dangerous to rest all of a sudden.❞
: ❝I was born when she/he kissed me. I died when she/he left me. I lived a few weeks while she/he loved me.❞
: ❝When I find myself in a position like this, I ask myself ' what would General Motors do?' And then I do the opposite!❞
: ❝I don't approve of, but I like people who think in terms of ideal conditions. They're the dreamers, poets, tragic figures in this world, but interesting.❞
: ❝It's like watching a strip tease. Don't ask how it's done, just enjoy what's coming off.❞
: ❝Look, you can't do things like that! Now, I don't know how I can explain this to you. But, it's not only against the law, its wrong!❞
: ❝Sir/Madam, you are a cock-eyed liar!❞
: ❝My only comment would be highly censorable.❞
: ❝Where did you get that face? Hollywood?❞
: ❝Most of the miseries of the world were caused by wars. And when the wars were over no one ever knew what they were about.❞
: ❝You should be kissed, and often, by someone who knows how.❞
: ❝You were right. When your head says one thing and your whole life says another, your head always loses.❞
: ❝You see, in every man's/woman's life there are pinpoints of time that govern his/her destiny.❞
: ❝I have a feeling this is going to be the beginning of a beautiful hatred.❞
: ❝Never resist an impulse, ____. Especially if it's terrible.❞
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Lauren Bacall, c.1944
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Person A is in bed reading a book. Person B enters and climbs into bed with them. Without looking up person A raises their arm so that person B can crawl under and snuggle up with them. Person B falls asleep.
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Moulin Rouge Starter Sentences
“One day I’ll fly away.”
“When will love be through with me?”
“Things aren’t always the way they seem.“
“It was silly of me, to think you could fall in love with someone like me.”
“What’s his/her type? Wilting flower? Bright and bubbly? Or smoldering temptress?”
“S/he suddenly had a terrible desire…to go to a priest and…confess his/her sins.”
“Why live life from dream to dream…and dread the day when dreaming ends?”
“It’s not that I’m a jealous man, I just DON’T LIKE OTHER PEOPLE TOUCHING MY THINGS!”
“It’s nothing. It’s just an infatuation. It’s… it’s nothing.“
“S/he will fight for me.” 
“We should be lovers, and that’s a fact.“
“You’re going to be bad for business. I can tell.”
“Come what may, I will love you until my dying day.”
“There’s the most divine creature waiting for me…”
“My soul has left me; my heart has left me.”
“Oh ____, why couldn’t you be tall and handsome?”
“I never knew I could feel like this, …like I’ve never seen the sky before.”
“Because s/he doesn’t love you!”
“We’re creatures of the underworld. We can’t afford to love.“
“I couldn’t go through with it! I saw you there and I felt differently! I couldn’t pretend!”
“That’s all right. You don’t have to pretend anymore. We’ll leave. We’ll leave tonight.” 
“His/her eyes upon your face…his/her hand upon your hand…his/her lips caressing your skin…It’s more than I can stand!”
“You’re free to leave me, but just don’t deceive me!”
“I owe you nothing. And you are nothing to me.“
“Suddenly the world seems like such a perfect place…”
“We have each other…that’s all that matters.”
“Suddenly my life doesn’t seem like such a waste.”
“I don’t need you anymore! All my life you made believe I was only worth what someone would pay for me!“
“And in the end, should someone die?”
“But a life without love? That’s terrible…!”
“Yes, you know…a private…poetry reading…”
“He and his beloved city and his time shall live again….“
“The difference between you and I is that you can leave anytime you choose. But this is my home.”
“Come back to me, and forgive everything..”
“I have to find the will to carry on…” 
“You’ve got to carry on without me, _____.”
“The show must go on.“
“Tell our story, ______, that way I’ll always be with you.”
“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.”
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Cute Starters
"I'm glad your home."
"How was work?"
"Did you have fun tonight?"
"Get back in bed."
"Hey, I have a cold sore! Don't kiss me!"
"My favorite character died..."
"What's your favorite flower?"
"I'm baking a cake for us!"
"Happy Anniversary, ___"
"Aren't you going to give me a kiss?"
"Will you cuddle with me?"
"I had a bad day."
"Can't we just stay in bed today?"
"Don't make me use puppy-dog eyes!"
"Don't use the puppy-dog eyes!"
"Let's watch a Disney movie together..."
"Do you love me?"
"Will you marry me?"
"May I have this dance?"
"My back still hurts. Will you rub it?"
"Get up! It's morning!"
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"You look a bit tired, why don't you just stay home today?"
"I'll take care of you."
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The starter will be randomly generated from under the cut. There are 140 options that very from random sentences to lyrics to quotes. Spans all genres. 
Keep reading
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put ‘loaded question’ in my inbox:
and i’ll generate a number 1-45 for a question my muse will ask yours. angst, fluff, smut, humor, etc.
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I [ loved ] her,     ——  not for the way              she danced with          my a n g e l s,              but for the way       the ( sound ) of her name            could silence my              D E M O N S
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If you get this, that means you make someone happy! Send this to ten other people on anon - or not anon - once you get this, and who knows, you may just get one back! (◕‿◕✿
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Thank you bby, I love you so much! 
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"It's pie, and it's sitting on the stove if you'd care to go get some." Or more likely, she'd be the one to jump up and get it.
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“If you’re absolutely sure…” she trailed off, flashing a teasing grin at him. “But I do actually have dessert that hasn’t been eaten by anyone.”
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“If you’re absolutely sure...” she trailed off, flashing a teasing grin at him. “But I do actually have dessert that hasn’t been eaten by anyone.”
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