错 cuò - wrong
错 cuò - wrong
- 我没写错,跟着书里写出来的,怎么会错!wǒ méi xiě cuò, gēnzhe shū lǐ xiě chūlái de, zěnme huì cuò - I didn’t write it wrong, I wrote down what’s inside the book, how can it be wrong!
错 cuò - mistake; fault
- 对不起,是我的错。 duìbùqǐ, shì wǒ de cuò - Sorry, it’s my fault.
不错 bú cuò - right; not wrong
- 这本书是你的吗?zhè běn shū shì nǐ de ma - Is this your book? -不错,是我的。 búcuò, shì wǒ de - Right, it’s mine.
不错 bú cuò - not bad; good; well
- 你的字不错。 nǐ de zì bú cuò - Your handwritten is not bad. / Your handwritten is good.
Examples by my laoshi.
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Beverages 饮料 (yǐn liào)
Non-alcoholic :
Bottled Water - 瓶装水 (píng zhuāng shuǐ)
Tap Water - 自来水 (zì lái shuǐ)
Mineral water - 矿泉水 (kuàng quán shuǐ)
Tea -茶(chá)
Coffee - 咖啡(kā fēi)
Soy Milk - 豆浆 (dòu jiāng)
Lemonade - 柠檬水 (níng méng shuǐ)
Coca Cola - 可口可乐 (kě kǒu kě lè) or 可乐 (kě lè)
Pepsi - 百事可乐 (bǎi shì kě lè)
Fanta - 芬达 (fēn dá)
Sprite - 雪碧 (xuě bì)
7Up - 七喜(qī xǐ)
Red bull - 红牛 (hóng niú)
Jiaduobao - 加多宝 (jiā duō bǎo)
Fruit juice - 果汁 (guǒ zhī)
Aloe Juice - 芦荟汁 (lú huì zhī)
Apple Juice - 苹果汁 (píng guǒ zhī)
Blueberry Juice - 蓝莓汁 (lán méi zhī)
Cranberry Juice - 蔓越莓汁 (màn yuè méi zhī)
Grape Juice - 葡萄汁 (pú táo zhī)
Kiwi fruit Juice - 猕猴桃汁 (mí hóu táo zhī)
Lychee Juice - 荔枝汁 (lì zhī zhī)
Mango Juice - 芒果汁 (máng guǒ zhī)
Orange Juice - 橙汁 (chéng zhī)
Papaya Juice - 木瓜汁 (mù guā zhī)
Peach Juice -桃汁 (táo zhī)
Pineapple Juice - 菠萝汁 (bō luó zhī)
Plum Juice - 酸梅汤 (suān méi tāng)
Strawberry Juice - 草莓汁 (cǎo méi zhī )
Tomato Juice - 番茄汁 (fān qié zhī)
Watermelon Juice - 西瓜汁 (xī guā zhī)
Alcoholic :
Beer - 啤酒 (pí jiǔ)
Tsingdao - 青岛 (qīng dǎo)
Heineken - 喜力 (xǐ lì)
Corona - 科罗娜 (kē luó nà)
Asahi - 朝日 (zhāo rì)
Champagne - 香槟 (xiāng bīn)
Vodka - 伏特加 (fú tè jiā)
Wine - 葡萄酒 (pú táo jiǔ)
Hóng pútáojiǔ - Red wine
Bordeaux - 波尔多 (bō ěr duō)
Lafite -拉菲 (lā fēi)
Bái pútáojiǔ - White wine
Sauvignon Blanc - 长相思 (cháng xiāng sī)
Whiskey - 威士忌 (wèi  shì  jì)
Rum - 朗姆酒 (lǎng mǔ jiǔ)
Tequila - 龙舌兰酒 (lóng shé lán jiǔ)
Chinese spirits - 白酒 (bái jiǔ)
Sake - 清酒 (qīng jiǔ)
Cocktails -鸡尾酒 (jī wěi jiǔ)
Cheers! 干杯! (gān bēi) 
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News Channels on Youtube
Here are some radio shows/news channels on Youtube broadcasted in various Asian languages. 
Cantonese: RFA | VOA | Apple News | Ming Pao News
Mandarin: VOA | RFA | NTD Chinese | BBC
Taiwanese Hokkien: 台視台語新聞
Vietnamese: VOA | RFA | Người Việt TV | BBC
Tibetan: VOA | RFA
Khmer: VOA | RFA | Khmer News Daily Playlist
Burmese: RFA | VOA | BBC
Lao: RFA | VOA
Thai: VOA | Thai PBS News | Morning News | BBC
Uyghur: RFA | Istiqlal TV
Farsi: VOA | Euronews | BBC
Dari: VOA | 1TV Kabul
Pashto: VOA | 1TV Kabul
Urdu: VOA | BBC
Indonesian: BBC | Metro TV News
Malaysian: KiniTV Malaysian
Korean: KBS News | YTN News | JTBC News
Japanese: BBC News | ANN News | TomoNews Japan | FNN News
RFA Radio also has tons of radio broadcasts in Burmese, Khmer, Cantonese, Mandarin, Lao, North Korean (!!!), Tibetan, Uyghur and Vietnamese. 
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Chinese Slang 101
Your Chinese might be at the basic level, but you needn’t sound basic. Learn these simple Chinese terms to spice up your routine.
也是醉了(yěshì zuìle): “I must be drunk right now.” Use it when someone is acting a fool and you just can’t.
哥们 (gē men): Bro, bruh, breh, bruv, brah, etc.
卖萌 (Mài méng): To pretend to be cute (as in for a selfie)
亲 (qīn): The Chinese equivalent of “bae”
不感冒(bù gǎn mào): Web slang meaning “no f*cks given”
算了 (suànle): “forget it”
神 (shén): Means “god”; used to compliment someone for having supreme skills at something
520 (Wǔ'èr líng): An abbreviated form of ““我爱你 (Wǒ ài nǐ)” or “I love you”.
你行你上 (Nǐ xíng nǐ shàng): “If you can do it better you do it!”
土 (tǔ): technically means “dirt” but in slang it means “BASIC!”
More slang here.
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Dog breeds vocabulary - Hunderassen (German)
why wouldn’t you want to know that
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der Affenpinscher - the Affenpinscher/ Monkey Terrier der Afghanische Windhund - the Afghan Hound der Airedale Terrier - the Airedale Terrier der Akita - the Akita die Alpenländische Dachsbracke - the Alpine Dachsbracke  der Altdänische Vorstehhund - the Old Danish Pointer  der American Bulldog (but tbh I’d say “die Amerikanische Bulldogge) - the American Bulldog  der Amerikanische Cocker Spaniel - the American Cocker Spaniel  der Appenzeller Sennenhund - the Appenzeller Sennenhund/ Appenzeller mountain dog der Australian Shepherd - the Australian Shepherd der Beagle - the Beagle der Bergamasker Hirtenhund - the Bergamasco Shepherd  der Berner Sennenhund - the Bernese Mountain Dog  der Bernhardiner - the St. Bernard der Bloodhound/der Bluthund - the Bloodhound der Border Collie - the Border Collie der (Deutsche) Boxer - the (German) Boxer die Bulldogge - the Bulldog der Bullmastiff - the Bullmastiff der Bullterrier - the Bull Terrier der Chihuahua - the Chihuahua  der Chow-Chow - the Chow Chow  der Dackel - the Dachshund der Dalmatiner - the Dalmatian  der Deutsch-Drahthaar - the German Wirehaired Pointer  der Deutsch-Kurzhaar - the German Shorthaired Pointer  der Deutsch-Langhaar - the German Longhaired Pointer  die Deutsche Dogge - the Great Dane  der Deutsche Schäferhund - the German Shepherd  der Dobermann - the Doberman Pinscher  der Englische Cocker Spaniel - the English Cocker Spaniel  der English Foxhound - the English Foxhound der English Setter - the English Setter  der Eurasier - the Eurasier/ Eurasian Dog  der Finnische Lapphund - the Finnish Lapphund  der Finnische Laufhund - the Finnish Hound  der Foxterrier - the Fox Terrier die Französische Bulldogge - the French Bulldog der Golden Retriever - the Golden Retriever der Greyhound - the Greyhound  der Grönlandhund - the Greenland Dog  der Große Münsterländer - the Large Münsterländer  der Havaneser - the Havanese der Hygenhund - the Hygen Hound 
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der Irish Red Setter - the Irish Setter / Red Setter der Irish Terrier - the Irish Terrier der Irische Wolfshund - the Irish Wolfhound der Islandhund - the Icelandic Sheepdog das Italienische Windspiel - the Italian Greyhound der Jack Russell Terrier - the Jack Russell Terrier der Jämthund - the Jämthund/ Swedish Elkhound der Kanaan Hund - the Canaan Dog der Kangal - the Kangal der Kaukasische Schäferhund - the Caucasian Shepherd Dog der Kroatische Schäferhund - the Croatian Sheepdog der Kromfohrländer - the Kromfohrländer der Labrador Retriever - the Labrador Retriever der Landseer - the Landseer der Leonberger - the Leonberger das Löwchen - the Löwchen/Little Lion Dog der Malteser - the Maltese der Mastiff - the (English) Mastiff der Mops - the Pug der Neufundländer - the Newfoundland der Norwegische Elchhund - the Norwegian Elkhound der Otterhund - the Otterhound der Pekingese/ der Pekinese - the Pekingese der Pharaonenhund - the Pharaoh Hound der (English) Pointer - the (English) Pointer der Pudel - the Poodle der Pyrenäen-Berghund - the Pyrenean Mountain Dog/ Great Pyrenees der Rottweiler - the Rottweiler der Saluki - the Saluki/ Persian Greyhound der Samojede - the Samoyed der Schnauzer - the Schnauzer der Shar-Pei - the Chinese Shar Pei der Shiba - the Shiba Inu der Siberian Husky - the Siberian Husky der Tibet-Spaniel - the Tibetan Spaniel der Tibet-Terrier - the Tibetan Terrier der Tschechoslowakische Wolfhund - the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog der Weimaraner - the Weimaraner der Welsh Corgi Cardigan - the Cardigan Welsh Corgi der Welsh Corgi Pembroke - the Pembroke Welsh Corgi der Welsh Terrier - the Welsh Terrier der West Highland White Terrier - the West Highland White Terrier der Wolfsspitz - the Keeshond der Yorkshire Terrier - the Yorkshire Terrier der Zwergpinscher - the Miniature Pinscher 
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(fun fact: “Italienisches Windspiel” translates to “Italian wind chime” and if that isn’t an adorable name for a dog breed idk what is)
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猶豫 [犹豫] (yóu yù) - to hesitate
顫抖 [颤抖] (chàn dǒu) - to shiver, shudder, shake, tremble
津津有味 (jīn jīn yǒu wèi) - with great interest, with keen interest (idiom)
暗淡 (àndàn) - dim, dark, dull (colour), drab, gloomy, bleak
凄然 (qī rán) - distressing
恍然 (huǎng rán) - suddenly (understand sth), in a flash
屑 (xiè) - bits, pieces, crumbs; trivial, trifling
不屑 (bù xiè) - to think sth not worth doing, to feel that sth is beneath one’s dignity
草草了事 (cǎo cǎo liǎo shì) - to do something carelessly, to rush through work
倒是 (dào shi) - contrary to what one might expect, actually, why don’t you 
嫵媚 [妩媚] (wǔ mèi) - lovely, charming
隨後 [随后] (suí hòu) - soon after
既得 (jì dé) - vested in, already obtained, vesting
既得利益 (jì dé lì yì) - vested interest
一籌莫展 [一筹莫展] (yī chóu mò zhǎn) - to be at one’s wit’s end, to be unable to find a solution
重操舊志 [重操旧志] (chóng cāo jiù zhì) - to resume one’s old ambitions
得體 [得体] (dé tǐ) - appropriate to the occasion, fitting
Vocabulary taken from「海神家族」(陳玉慧) - 小說30家 
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Me: yeah I’d say I’m pretty good at reading russian
Font that I am unfamiliar with: Hi!
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Chinese Vocabulary from A to Z (p2)
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轮 <lún> WHEEL
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Grammar3 - Question words
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Person: Hey, can you write my name in Chinese?
Me: Yeah, no problem. 我的名字
Person: Holy ShiT
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Some time ago when I first posted this set of phrases, there was a slight mistake in the English translation (YOUR WELCOME instead of YOU ARE WELCOME) - here is the correct version.
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我买茶。Wǒ mǎi chá.
我买了茶。Wǒ mǎi le chá.
I (HAVE) BOUGHT TEA to have enough energy to work on our constantly growing website. Animations like this help us make our lessons both efficient and fun.
Check THIS LESSON to learn more!
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情人节快乐 (Qíngrén jié kuàilè) Happy Valentine’s Day #chineserules
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