hedonistaberreta · 25 days
christian rock bands are a backbone genre in the amv scene
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hedonistaberreta · 6 months
Gay culture needs to get genuinely freakish and weird again. There’s tremendous liberation to be had in that spirit. Fuck up gender binaries! Write weird erudite dramas and stage them in strange nightclubs and have drag queens star in them! Embrace both beauty and grotesquerie—in fact crush them together! See what happens! Experiment! Love the ugly, the unpolished, the imperfect, the clownish! Mock at the heterosexuals! Imagine new worlds and new ways of being! Imagine old worlds in new ways! Transmute yourself! Ridicule yourself! Everything’s wrecked, so take the pieces and build yourself a house or an erotic monument or a library or a garden or a bordello! More life! More life!
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hedonistaberreta · 2 years
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hedonistaberreta · 2 years
making pasta with someone u love
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hedonistaberreta · 2 years
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Sandro en Operación Rosa Rosa (1974)
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hedonistaberreta · 2 years
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hedonistaberreta · 2 years
*golpea la mesa* quiero besos
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hedonistaberreta · 2 years
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hedonistaberreta · 2 years
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the things you did plague my mind
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hedonistaberreta · 2 years
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hedonistaberreta · 2 years
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A la vuelta de un viajecito a Quilmes no se porqué pero me pinto bajar en Adrogué. Me olvidé que los 79 ya no terminan en el Nacional y vienen desde Constitución, me quedaban dos puchos y no hacía tanto calor, podía estar con mi camperita de jean.
El solcito de la tarde y lo cansaba que me sentía me hizo moverme mentalmente a cualquiera fecha del 2017, donde salía cansada de informática y debía esperar a que aparezca un colectivo a lo lejos de espora, con un poco de ansiedad ya que no me podía fumar todos los cigarros en la parada, tenía que dejar uno para cuando baje en la 210 y b.b.kid de fondo, como siempre.
Me cuesta demasiado aceptar y superar que las rutinas, las cosas y las personas cambian. No me gusta nada el solo pensarlo, no me gusta pensar en los momentos donde posta estaba bien ya fueron y no van a volver, los momentos que pude recontra explotar no vuelven y se quedan atrás. Todo se mueve, TODO SE ESTA MOVIENDO y aunque yo finja que voy en la misma marea mi cabeza está mirando atrás todo el tiempo, no me permito disfrutar si no va a ser como lo fue alguna que otra vez ni me permito seguir porque no va a ser igual.
Miro la foto y me siento en un lugar muy seguro, la avenida y el colegio a la tardecita, mucha paz y ruido de autos. Seguridad por la sube cargada y seguridad porque flashee que todo estaba bien por lo menos los 40 minutos que tardo el 79 en venir.
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hedonistaberreta · 2 years
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hedonistaberreta · 2 years
Every queer discussion online. I'm tuned out of. Detached from. What is is it this time? Jk Rowling being transphobic? Our entire conversation dominated by anglocentrism? Usacentrism? I am afraid that the hold of an imperial power like the USA can only ripple negatively towards me. Stonewall did not give me my rights. Everyone arguing about semantics in the English speaking world makes no difference to me, who lives in a country where there is only a single, neutral pronoun in which every person is referred to. Americans yelling at the top of their longs, is it filipinx? Filipino? I don't know. It doesn't save me. It doesn't make a difference to me. Can I care about two things at once when people online only care about scratching the surface? When people believe a single person can undo hundreds of years of colonialism seeped into the very structure of the society we live in? I don't have the answers. All I know is that I'm tired of my identity always needing to be compartmentalized, as if being trans, indigenous, disabled, whatever, are things that can be separated and understood on its own exclusive of other parts of me. I'm tired of being seen through tens and tens of filters, consumed, digested and disected. I just Hate this. I'm tired of whiteness, I'm tired of the inherent catering of queerness in an internet dominated by American thought without any form of cultural relativism.
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hedonistaberreta · 2 years
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cool so you can hide ads for knowing too much now
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hedonistaberreta · 2 years
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hedonistaberreta · 4 years
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hedonistaberreta · 4 years
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When I’m having a bad day, I always remember The Wound Man. Sliced, stabbed, punctured, bleeding, harassed on all sides by various weaponry yet still standing tall.my small tribute to iconic medieval image.
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