heavensbusiness · 2 months
Jesus X Honor
The question that seems to puzzle quite a number of new believers is “if Jesus is God, how come didn’t know the hour nor the day?” For a greater context this question stems from Matthew 24:36, a verse in which Jesus warns people that nobody barring God the Father knows when his second coming will take place. This often baffles true believers, because if Jesus is God, doesn’t that mean that he is omniscient? For the avoidance of doubt, a crude definition of omniscience is the ability to have all forms of knowledge; possible, actual, past, present and future If Jesus is omniscient, why doesn’t he know the date of his return to the earth? It probably has something to do with Jesus honoring the heavenly Father. You see in Jewish culture, the father of the groom is the one who announced the date of his son’s wedding. The son was well aware of the fact that he was getting married, but he worked alongside his family members and waited to hear which date was most suitable for his family. The father would then inform both his family, and the public about the date of the wedding. Similarly, Jesus is depicted as the “groom” while the church is his “bride”. He uses this analogy in order to honor his Father (YHWH), by letting the latter announce the date of formers “wedding” (that is to say, the date on which Christ will return to collect His people).
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heavensbusiness · 3 months
I recently read a book called “Honors Reward” and it blew my mind. In his book, Pastor John Bevere breaks down what honor is, how it should flow and great examples of how it unlocks different types of rewards. What is honor? It is to word, thought or deed that adds value/weight to another person. This person could be your child, your workmate, classmate, family member, supervisor, parent or indeed leaders (civic or otherwise). There are numerous examples (1st Samuel 2:30, 1st Peter 2:17, Exodus 20:12) of the command to honor and in Exodus and 1st Samuel, there is a clear reward for obeying this command.
Allow me to share a personal testimony of how God speedily rewarded an act of honoring another person. It was approximately 2 years ago in the month of February, and I had reported for work early and as I was heading to the office, I saw some money on the ground. I picked it up and debated what to do with it, the selfish part of me wanted to hide it in my pocket, as there were no witnesses at the time. My spirit man however, clearly received instruction to look for the owner of the said cash. The money itself was sufficient to buy a KFC pack and a fizzy drink at best.
I walked into the reception area and saw one of the ladies who manned the front desk and so I greeted her. I then proceeded to ask if she had misplaced any money, because at the time, we were the only two people present. She quickly checked her purse and noticed that she was missing her transport money. With great relief, she confirmed that she had lost some money and I handed it back to her. The day progressed and I almost forgot about this seemingly minor incident. As I was heading home after work, I was involved in a minor traffic accident and the man in the wrong was clearly apologetic. I however, was livid! Thankfully, there was a police officer nearby and he ushered both vehicles to the nearby police station. Once we stepped out of our vehicles, the man who was driving the other car took full responsibility over the accident, and offered to pay for the minor damage. The amount we settled on was over 20 times the amount I had found on the ground at work! The reward for honoring my workmate came rapidly and it was generous! No tricks, no scams, just a reward for genuine obedience to the command of honor. Pray that God guides you on ways in which you can honor those around you, in your everyday life.
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heavensbusiness · 3 months
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There has been quite a bit of drama in some churches surrounding the doctrine of “First fruits”. The term seems to have its origins in the Old testament, to be more specific, Exodus 23 and 34, Numbers 18, 2 Chronicles 31 and Deuteronomy 15 and 18. The scriptures indicate that the Israelites gave YHWH a sacrifice of their first honey or wine or crops or flock or indeed, fruits of the year. This was an expression of thankfulness for His provision, and also an act of obedience. You see YHWH had commanded that His people give Him the first portion of whatever it was (fruits/meat), in acknowledgement of His merciful generosity. He did not NEED it. God is incapable of being in need. So why then is there this controversy surrounding first fruits in churches today? Well, the pastors (allegedly) demanding first fruit from their congregation are supposedly taking this money as their own rather than submitting it for the church. The first fruit in this case, being the bulk (100% after taxes) of a person’s January salary. This has caused agitation from both believers and sceptics alike, who are against the idea completely. My take is that what goes into the house of God, should be used for its intended purpose, and if someone wants to bless the man of God personally, it should be done after prayerful consideration and in private!
link to the resource that guided me to the scriptures regarding the first fruits! Credit to Mike Livingstone and Explore the Bible. Go give it a read!
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heavensbusiness · 3 months
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Deciphering negative traits or characteristics is easy, the tricky part is discovering their opposing virtuous counterparts, and focusing on them instead. We can achieve a healthier version of ourselves and more importantly, be more Christ like to others by meditating on the banner scriptures related to the said virtues. Let the Holy Spirit minimize the negative traits while building up the virtuous ones within you. I pray that you are blessed as we go on this journey of growing closer to God, by loving our neighbor as we love ourselves.
Gossip. The opposite of gossip can come in two forms; firstly, one can choose not to speak about someone in their absence, or you could speak wholesomely about their when they are not present. The banner scripture for this virtue is Proverbs 20:19
Pride. The opposite of pride is humility. Rather than focusing on personal glory, we should look to direct praise and glory to God by fulfilling His commands to us. The banner scripture for this virtue is Matthew 23:12
Hatred. The opposite of hatred is love. Loving good and hating evil is an example of biblically approved equilibrium for our lives. The banner scripture for this is John 13:35
Unforgiveness. The opposite of this is forgiveness. Releasing people who have wronged you might not be easy, but it is a command that also looses us to move forward. The banner scripture for this is Matthew 18:21-22
Short temper. The opposite of this is patience. Being slow to anger can defuse so many unnecessary conflicts before they mature. Patience also builds character and understanding. The banner scripture for this is Proverbs 14:29
Addiction. The opposite of this is self-control. The Holy Spirit empowers believers with self-control and addictions have no place within your heart and mind. The banner scripture for this is 2 Timothy 1:7
Regression. The opposite of this is progression. We are meant to progress and not stagnate in every area of our lives; going backwards is not part of God’s blueprint for you. Put God first and then work towards accomplishing what is before you. The banner scripture for this is Matthew 6: 32-33
Poverty. The opposite of this is provision. Poverty is not a badge of honour. It is God’s will that you have resources to survive and thrive, and have extra to share with those around you. Work for resources and be generous with the excess. The banner scripture for this is Philippians 4:19
Laziness. The opposite of this is diligence. Giving up and sitting back because something is too hard is unacceptable. Persevering and fighting through less pleasant spells will yield its own reward. The banner scripture for this is Proverbs 12:24
Bigotry. The opposite of this is tolerance. We are called to (if possible) live in peace with people who differ from us, while not endorsing evil. The banner scripture for this is Romans 12:18
Manipulation. The opposite of this is truth. The truth is consistent and it doesn’t need to be adjusted to fit a heretical narrative. The truth should always be delivered with love, but it should be delivered. The banner scripture for this is Ephesians 4:25
Arrogance. The opposite of this is confidence. There is no problem in being confident in ones abilities, however the problem arises when you overestimate yourself and end up in a shameful position. The banner scripture for this is Joshua 1:9
Ignorance. The opposite of this wisdom. This divine intelligence, foresight, discernment destroys ignorance but it must be deliberately sought out. The banner scripture for this is Proverbs 8:10-11
Bitterness. The opposite of this is forgiveness. Forgiveness is antithetical to the human experience. We want to hurt those who hurt us because we believe that it will somehow make us feel better. This wicked approach to life leaves us with bitterness and we must (not may) forgive those who have wronged us. It is a command. The banner scripture for this is Ephesians 4: 31-32
Vengefulness. The opposite of this is also forgiveness. Revenge is easy, forgiveness is hard. This statement is faulty in two ways; it presupposes that there is more effort involved seeking vengeance than there is in forgiving. Secondly, it is built on the premise that vengeance and justice are equivalent. Forgiveness is letting go of your indignation towards a wrong, whether it is real or perceived. Justice leads to actual healing, but revenge only leads to more pain. The great thing about forgiving others is that God will forgive you too.  The banner scripture for this is Matthew 6:14
Childishness. The opposite of this is maturity. Acting, walking, thinking and communicating in accordance with your age should be your normal. The banner scripture for this is 1 Corinthians 13:11
Envy. The opposite of this is contentment. Settling for mediocrity is different from being grateful for what you have. Please know the difference and put it into practice. The banner scripture for this is Acts 16
Dishonesty. The opposite of this is truth. The truth will in one way, shape or form, ultimately lead to something good. The truth will always lead back to God, because Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. The banner scripture for this is John 8:32
Gas lighting. The opposite of this is edifying. Our speech should build up and strengthen one another; it should never be used to manipulate people into questioning their sanity. The banner scripture for this is Ephesians 4:29
Selfishness. The opposite of this is selflessness. Humbly serving others destroys pride and selfishness, and we should always endeavor to treat others, as we would want them to treat us. The banner scripture for this is Galatians 5:13
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heavensbusiness · 5 months
Johnathan Jones Smith: master counterfeiter
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Meet Jonathan Jones Smith, a master counterfeiter who has been caught with one million U.S dollars in his briefcase. Slight problem; it is all funny money. You see this is the fourth time he has been intercepted by the law, and this is the largest amount of counterfeit currency he has ever been nabbed with. It is not looking good because his bail is set at $100,000 and his lawyers aren’t picking up his phone calls. However, his estranged father, Joshua, swoops in at the last minute and posts his bail. Furthermore, his father clears all his debts and deposits $100,000 into John’s bank account. A tearful John asks his father, “Why would you do something like this?” A wry smile streaks across his father’s face, “son,” comes the reply, “it’s because I love you.”
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heavensbusiness · 5 months
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heavensbusiness · 5 months
Visions of the end Part 1
The following is a true and faithful account of an encounter I experienced a few weeks ago. Before I go into the details, kindly note that I do not do this for fame or approval, but for the glory and fame of our Lord and savior, the prophet, king and high priest who goes by the name of Jesus of Nazareth.
I had a vision of the end. The vision began with the appearance of a being in my room as I slept. I could feel what my body was feeling, but I could not see the face of the man who stood in my room. The being inhaled and I felt my strength leave my body, and my soul was transferred to a different time and place. While I could tell it was the future, I did not know the exact time nor did I know the exact place in which I now found myself. I was in a room that looked like an abandoned classroom, except the walls had suffered extensive damage. It appeared that the walls had been burned or bombed, because the fire damage it had suffered was extensive.
I looked beyond the wall and I saw that it was night time. Different parts of the town were on fire, and there was debris and smoke everywhere. It was a terrible sight that I never want to see again. I didn’t see many people and the town was mostly deserted. Just when all hope was lost, I heard a trumpet, but before I could see who blew the said instrument, I was taken back to my room. The being exhaled, and I could feel my strength return to me. He exited my room and I woke up in a cold sweat. I was terrified by the vivid nature of what I saw. Thus ends part 1.
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heavensbusiness · 6 months
God confounds the wise.
The reason why smart people who aren't Christians can't know God, is because they don't know Christ. They don't know Christ because of arrogance, not a lack of knowledge. See 1st Corinthians 1:27
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heavensbusiness · 6 months
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The Judas problem
Judas is one of the most famous of the Disciples of Christ. His reputation is that of infamy rather than positivity and with good reason. You see Judas is history’s most infamous traitor,  so much so that his name is now used as term describing a duplicitous person. Why should we care about what he did, if his betrayal was all part of God’s plan?
You see the main issue that Judas had was that he was spiritually blind. He was in close and constant proximity to God Himself. Hearing every sermon, listening to every nugget of wisdom and being front and centre of the greatest moment in human history so far. Yet because of his own folly, satan used him to murder the son of God. This should be a warning to all believers who have been in the church for years, yet are blind to the obvious glory and greatness unfolding in front of them. We must search our hearts and ask God to renew our vision, lest we lose sight of the wonder and glory that God has unveiled to us, through His son Jesus.  
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heavensbusiness · 6 months
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The death of a loved one can be an unimaginably painful experience. The feeling of powerlessness and loss can seem almost unbearable. There is however, hope beyond the horizon. We find that hope in the word of God and to be more specific, in John 12:24, where Jesus uses an example of a kernel of wheat to illustrate the connection between life and death. You see, He explains death as more of “comma” than a “full stop”.  This means that when a person dies, their legacy will give birth to whatever they valued in life. The seed must die in order to bring forth a tree which will produce more fruit, that is of the same kind as the seed. A mango seed can only produce a mango tree for example. The question now is less about how terrible death is but rather, how well we are living now. We all need to take stock of our lives and genuinely examine whether or not we are building a legacy worth leaving behind. Death is not the end, people will remember you by your fruit you left behind.
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heavensbusiness · 6 months
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heavensbusiness · 6 months
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Time for some uncomfortable topics; false doctrines. The fifth and final doctrine we are going to look at is that of “men only” in the pulpit. The proponents of this doctrine state that it is shameful for women to act as pastors, claiming that Paul the apostle warns against churches having women preaching. The detractors counter this argument by saying that Paul was speaking to the church at the time it was in its infancy, meaning that as ever, context is important. The truth of the matter is that at the time, women were second class citizens and were treated as such. Is there scriptural evidence to counter this? Yes. Anna was a prophetess who was present at the time of Christ’s birth. Scripture also states that in the last days, God will pour out His Spirit onto all flesh (men and women) Read Acts 2:17. This clearly shows that the gender of the person in the pulpit is less important, than the fact that they have been called to the ministry
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heavensbusiness · 6 months
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Time for some uncomfortable topics; false doctrines. The fourth doctrine we are going to look at is that of cessationism. That is to say, that the miracles, deliverances and work of the Holy Spirit ended a long time ago. This doctrine appears to be an overreaction to the number of famous false prophets across the globe. There are indeed false prophets, false converts and false miracles, but that merely proves that there are genuine versions of the above.
The detractors (of which I am) of cessationism claim that there is no biblical basis to the end of miracles and signs. Furthermore, those who claim that miracles have ceased, often claim that the works of the Holy Ghost are from the enemy. Let us be clear; claiming that something from God the Holy Spirit is a work of the enemy is the unforgivable sin(Mark 3: 28-30). Let us avoid cessationism, lest we blaspheme the Holy Ghost.  
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heavensbusiness · 7 months
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Time for some uncomfortable topics; false doctrines. The doctrine under scrutiny is this time is oneness Pentecostalism. This is more of an umbrella that term that encompasses several doctrines that all deny the truth of the trinity. One such doctrine is called modalism. This doctrine states that God “transforms” from one state into another, that is to say, He transforms from Father to son to Spirit and back again.
The detractors of this doctrine claim that it has no scriptural basis and it is denying the Godhood of both Christ and the Holy Ghost. What is my take on this doctrine? I believe that the trinity is a non-negotiable for any serious believer. Genesis chapters 1, 15 and Matthew chapter 1 are all evidence of the truth of the trinity. God the father, God the son, and God the Holy Spirit are eternal, unique persons with one essence. It should not be up for discussion, and there is no logical argument against the nature of the trinity.
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heavensbusiness · 7 months
Time for some uncomfortable topics; false doctrines. The second one on the list is the doctrine of prosperity. The proponents of this doctrine claim that God wants you to be rich, and that excessive wealth is the proof that God is pleased with someone. Conversely, they also believe that poverty is the result of unbelief and a weak spiritual life. The pastors that propagate this doctrine, believe that for a person to tap into wealth, people must tithe and give offering to them (the pastors) and then God will release millions back to them.
The detractors of this doctrine claim that these pastors are greedy wolves, who are preying on the ignorance of poor congregants desperate for financial relief. They are in essence turning the church into an ATM, rather than a place of communion with God. What is my position on this matter? The scriptures are clear; the love of money is the root of all evil. The love of money, rather than money itself is the problem. If a man makes his money an idol over God, it will lead to his destruction. Yes, the church does need money to operate and function, but when pastors are stealing the church’s money, it is not a good look for all believers.
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heavensbusiness · 7 months
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Time for some uncomfortable topics; false doctrines. First up on the list is the doctrine of hyper grace. This doctrine espouses the theory that once a person becomes a believer in Christ, he or she can live as they desire, with no consequence to their actions. The belief is that since Christ died on the cross and salvation is by faith alone, a human being cannot lose their salvation because they did not earn it. The detractors of this doctrine claim that it comes from the pit of hell and it is meant to spread carnality and disobedience. After all, a child with a handgun will only hurt those around him. What then is my position? I do believe that grace is meant cover the mistakes made by a believer in their walk with God. We are saved by grace through faith and I do believe that a person who is truly saved cannot lose their salvation. However a person who has the Holy Ghost indwelling within them, is a new creation and should want to love and serve God. This desire should result in good works and a changed lifestyle and when we repent, we are asking God to restore us rather than to redeem us again. A person cannot receive salvation and stay the same. Let us examine our hearts and minds and continue to seek the wisdom of the Holy Ghost
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heavensbusiness · 7 months
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The ark of the covenant was the “home” of the spirit of God during the Old Testament times. It was a “box” that emanated a holy light, and the ark was inside the temple. The Levitical priests would have to humble themselves and be ritually clean, in order to enter the temple when communing with God. If a priest accidentally touched the ark, he could lose his life instantly. The ark was on a wooden carrying apparatus in order to avoid accidental death.
In the book of 1 Samuel chapter 5, something weird happens. The enemies of Israel captured the ark of the covenant. It is safe to say, that the loss of the ark was a serious issue. The Spirit of God caused havoc in the territories of the philistines, and many plagues and deaths followed in the areas in which the ark was housed. The philistines played hot potato with the ark, until they realized that they had to send it back to the Israelites to have peace in their land.
In the gospels, something weird happens. After Jesus crucifixion, the veil in the temple is torn and the glory of the spirit of God leaves the ark permanently. This was supposed to symbolize the fact that Jesus had created a bridge, now all men whether they were Jewish or not, could commune with God’s Spirit. We need not belong to any particular ethnic group or creed, but we need only have willing hearts. Jesus in His fulfilment of the prophetic, allowed God’s spirit to be poured out onto all men and women.
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