heartsings · 3 years
nothing is posted there as of now, but the pages are basically done, so find this multi  OVER HERE NOW.
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heartsings · 3 years
i just want to say i’m not dead and i’ll be likely sort of remaking this blog a little bit soon, so !!! can’t wait to be back to be honest. for now, find me over @servinglies if you’d like !!
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heartsings · 4 years
seven-word sentence starter.
“please, don’t take this the wrong way.”
“know that we’ll still have each other.”
“tell me we’re doing the right thing.”
“you know what i was gonna say.”
“i don’t give a shit what happened.”
“everything is so confusing. i don’t know.”
“sorry. i didn’t mean what i said.”
“you really don’t have to keep apologising.”
“i hate knowing we have to hide.”
“it’s not your fault. don’t blame yourself.”
“this is all out of our control.”
“i think i’m going crazy without you.”
“what am i supposed to say to that?”
“we need to talk. call me.”
“i can’t sleep because of all this.”
“how much more must i be hurting?”
“i’m not the person i once was.”
“c’mon you know it’s not like that.”
“what about all of this is funny?”
“tell me you don’t feel the same.”
“you always seem to make me speechless.”
“you left me here all by myself.”
“is this all a joke to you?”
“i can still remember the good times.”
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heartsings · 4 years
* mini starter call
send a word for a starter. feel free to combine prompts.
‘ dial ’ for a phone call starter
‘ beep ’ for a texting starter
‘ silence ’ for a nonverbal starter
‘ sun ’ for a good morning starter
‘ moon ’ for a goodnight starter
‘ care ’ for a sick starter
‘ hurt ’ for an injured starter
‘ zzz ’ for a tired starter
‘ recovery ’ for a hospital starter
‘ heart ’ for a caring starter
‘ onion ’ for an angsty starter
‘ trouble ’ for a worrisome starter 
‘ boo ’ for a scared starter
‘ lull ’ for a comforting starter 
‘ balloon ’ for a happy starter
‘ rawr ’ for a silly starter
‘ grump ’ for a bad mood starter
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heartsings · 4 years
thanks guys for being patient with me. i shall try to be more realistic with my plans in the future, but honestly every time i feel inspired and willing to do so, something deters my attention from it. i’ve been both too busy and too depressed to get online, but i’m gonna try my best to resume now, so i hope you’ll have me.
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heartsings · 4 years
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— Agatha Christie, from And Then There Were None
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heartsings · 4 years
little women (2019) sentence starters.
“ not a first attempt, i take it. “
“ people want to be amused, not preached at. “
“ what do they write, your trouble-making family? “
“ you can do nothing if you go back. “
“ who will you dance with, ____? “
“ i never dance. “
“ i already feel ridiculous. i don’t want to look it. “
“ i can’t get over my disappointment in being a girl. “
“ ____, would you like to dance with me? “
“ you can laugh if you want to. it’s funny, i know. “
“ oh, ____, you’ll kill yourself for fashion one of these days. “
“ i would love to read what you’re writing, if you’ll trust me. “
“ i feel caught. “
“ do you want to know what i honestly think of you? i despise you. “
“ i despise you. “
“ with every chance of being good, happy and useful, you are lazy, faulty and miserable. “
“ well, selfish people do like to talk about themselves. “
“ you think i’m beautiful? “
“ yes, you like that, you old vanity. “
“ with all these good things to enjoy, you find nothing to do but dawdle. “
“ i’ll be good for you, ____. i’ll be good. “
“ aren’t you ashamed of a hand like that? looks like it’s never done a day of work in its life. “
“ i feel sorry for you. i really do. i just wish you’d bear it better. “
“ i’d be respected if i couldn’t be loved. “
“ has no one ever talked to you like this before? “
“ why be ashamed of what you want? “
“ we can’t do much, but we can make our little sacrifices and do it gladly. “
“ i detest rude, unladylike girls. “
“ i know you don’t care what i think, but you don’t want ____ to find you like this, do you? “
“ i don’t see how you can write such splendid things. you’re a regular shakespeare. “
“ ____, you look tired. were you up again all night writing? “
“ boys scare me, and that big old house scares me. “
“ don’t say such despicable things! “
“ i like strong words that mean something. “
“ i intend to make my own way in the world. “
“ you don’t know what ____ loves. “
“ well, it’s possible to be right and foolish. “
“ i can’t afford to lose this position. “
“ i’m not scared of anyone. “
“ you have always had a talent for getting out of the hard parts of life. “
“ don’t be a baby and whine about it. “
“ i think you’d hate to poke in where you’re not wanted. “
“ i told you i’d make you pay, and i did! “
“ i really did want to hurt you. “
“ don’t let the sun go down on your anger. “
“ you don’t deserve my forgiveness. “
“ i will hate you! i will hate you forever! “
“ if ____ had died, it would’ve been my fault. “
“ what is wrong with me? “
“ i’ve made so many resolutions, and i’ve written sad notes, and i’ve cried over my sins… but it just doesn’t seem to help. “
“ when i get in a passion, i get so savage. i could hurt anyone and i’d enjoy. “
“ you remind me of myself. “
“ i’m angry nearly every day of my life. “
“ i am not patient by nature. but after all this time, i’m learning to not let it get the better of me. “
“ i hope you’ll do a great deal better than me. “
“ there are some natures too noble to curb and too lofty to bend. “
“ i miss everything. “
“ i said hi to the horses. they’re very nice. “
“ what would ____ say? “
“ let me have my fun tonight. i’ll be desperately good for the rest of my life. “
“ i try to be contented, but it is hard. “
“ i don’t want to see you. “
“ ____, don’t be mad at me. “
“ i’m a failure. “
“ why give up? you have so much talent and energy. “
“ talent isn’t genius. and no amount of energy can make it so. “
“ i want to be great or nothing. “
“ i’m of middling talent. “
“ i’ve always known i’m going to marry rich. why should i be ashamed of that? “
“ i believe we have some power over who we love. it isn’t something that just happens to a person. “
“ i think the poets might disagree. “
“ i’m not a poet, i’m just a woman. “
“ don’t sit there and tell me that marriage isn’t an economic proposition, because it is. it may not be for you, but it most certainly is for me. “
“ you look beautiful. you are beautiful. “
“ i love to listen to you read, ____, but i love it better when you read stories you’ve written. “
“ i’m very sick and you must do what i say. “
“ i’ll only plague ____ if i go, so i might as well stay and plague you longer. “
“ don’t marry ____. “
“ i have been second to ____ my whole life in everything. “
“ i will not be the person you settle for just because you can’t have ____. i won’t. i won’t do it. “
“ i won’t do this. not when i’ve spent my entire life loving you. “
“ we barely have enough to feed ourselves. “
“ don’t say that. don’t say that. “
“ i’ve had a very long time to think about this and… i’m not afraid. it’s like the tide going out. it goes out slowly, but it can’t be stopped. “
“ i’ll stop this. i stopped it before. “
“ we… we can’t stop god’s will. “
“ god hasn’t met my will yet. what i will shall be done. “
“ you are your family’s hope now. “
“ please fight. don’t go quietly. fight. please, please, just fight to the end and be loud, and don’t just quietly go away, ____. “
“ thank god you’re home. thank god for you. “
“ we can leave. we can leave right now. “
“ i can make a life for us. “
“ let’s just run away together. “
“ you will get bored of ____ in two years, and we will be interesting forever. “
“ just because my dreams are different than yours doesn’t mean they’re unimportant. “
“ i want a home. and a family. and i’m willing to work and struggle. “
“ i just hate that you’re leaving me. don’t leave. “
“ i’m not leaving you. “
“ i’d rather be a free spinster and paddle my own canoe. “
“ i can’t believe childhood is over. “
“ it was going to end one way or another. “
“ i may not always be right, but i’m never wrong. “
“ i’m just not good, so i’m angry and restless. “
“ you don’t have to stay here, ____. “
“ i have loved you ever since i’ve known you. i couldn’t help it. “
“ i tried to show you and you wouldn’t let me. but i must make you hear now and give me an answer, because i can’t go on like this! “
“ i figured you’d love me, ____. and i realize i’m not half good enough. “
“ you’re a great deal too good for me. “
“ i don’t see why i can’t love you as you want me to. i don’t know why. “
“ i can’t change how i feel. “
“ it would be a lie to say i do when i don’t. “
“ i can’t love anyone else, ____. i only love you. “
“ let’s be happy together, ____! “
“ i can’t say yes truly, so i’m not going to say it at all. “
“ you’ll see that i’m right eventually and you’ll thank me for it. “
“ look at me! i’m homely, and i’m awkward, and i’m odd. and you’d be ashamed of me. “
“ ____, i don’t believe i’ll ever marry. i’m happy as i am, and i love my liberty too well to be in any hurry to give it up. “
“ i think you’ll find someone and love them. and you will live and die for them. because that’s your way, and you will. “
“ you’re much too lonely here, ____. “
“ i ruined our friendship with my temper, just as i ruin everything. “
“ if i was a girl in a book, this would all be so easy. just give up the world happily. “
“ do you love ____? “
“ i care more to be loved. i want to be loved. “
“ wanting to be loved is not the same as loving. “
“ i’m so sick of people saying that love is all that a woman is fit for, i’m so sick of it. “
“ i’m just so lonely. “
“ i don’t despise you, ____. “
“ i just didn’t love you as i should. “
“ the worst fate is to live my life without you in it. “
“ are you in love? “
“ i want to say one thing and then put it away forever. i’ve always loved you. “
“ i think it was meant this way. “
“ could we still be friends though, ____, please? “
“ life is too short to be angry at one’s sister. “
“ i started something, but i don’t think it’s very good. “
“ maybe it doesn’t seem important because people don’t write about it. “
“ writing doesn’t confer importance. it reflects it. “
“ when did you become so wise? “
“ i don’t want you leave. i want you to stay. “
“ i would never leave if you wish me to stay. “
“ i have nothing to give you, ____. “
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heartsings · 4 years
i cannot be trusted when it comes to saying i will write, but in my defense, i keep telling my brain to do it, but all it wants is think about black sails, exclusively.
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heartsings · 4 years
we all agree that clearly giles and ethan rayne were like, a thing, right?
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heartsings · 4 years
life has been wilde, but i’m back. feeling the writing flow after archiving my oldest blog after six years and feeling the relief of a fresh start.
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heartsings · 4 years
catch me still wishing that gunn, fred and wesley could’ve lived together forever in a nice little ot3 corner, as they should’ve.
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heartsings · 4 years
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liv lisa fries as charlotte ritter in the first two seasons of babylon berlin 
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heartsings · 4 years
things would have been so much better if faith’s first watcher never died. i mean, that woman clearly cared enough about her to die to save her, killed by a creepy vampire that stalked her throughout the states all the way to sunnydale, that was killed in the first episode she was in and never spoken of again. makes you wish that one adult that actually cared for this poor traumatized girl wasn’t murdered by a pointless fiend tbh.
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heartsings · 4 years
@wickedlehane​ said :  5, 10- Doyle? (Backstory meme) (   𝘠𝘖𝘜𝘙 𝘔𝘜𝘚𝘌'𝘚 𝘉𝘈𝘊𝘒𝘚𝘛𝘖𝘙𝘠  :    𝘈𝘊𝘊𝘌𝘗𝘛𝘐𝘕𝘎 !   )
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5.   what sort of religion was practiced in their home? did religion play a role in their upbringing?
doyle was brought up catholic, but his family was generally very sporadic about the way they practiced and mostly did it out of tradition and due to living in a fairly small community, rather than actual faith. many of them actually held fairly liberal views that didn’t align with the catholic teachings, but still believed in heaven or hell, which partially influenced doyle’s intense depression following learning of his half - demon nature. other than that, he himself wasn’t really a big believer, and found the whole institution behind religion hypocritical, but he was part of a church choir between ages of eleven and fifteen.
10.    what was the hardest lesson they had to learn as they got older?
learning of his true nature was a lesson in itself. sadly, i think the majority of teaching moments that could have positively influenced his life were yet to come before being cut short by his death. i think he started to learn the most after he got the visions. the incident that brought them on in the first place was a lesson in itself, about himself and what kind of person he might actually be, since he thought he was being punished. but the visions themselves, which he sported for some years before ever finding angel, they taught him a lot. he went through a similar thing as cordelia   —   the pain, not just his own but the people’s who would be shown to him in the visions, they influenced him a lot. then finally meeting angel and cordelia, and learning so much from him in such a short time, loving them both and having them care for him, it was a learning curve that gave him the push to try to go back to his roots, maybe even find some balance between who he used to be, and who he could become, which culminated in his final act.
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heartsings · 4 years
we have to acknowledge jude’s disaster of a haircut. truly, his best hair period was when he was a teen and committed enough to sport the elvis inspired grease molded rocker look, which lasted about as long as his life didn’t become largely consumed by working at the docks, so he and his mum can actually afford to live.
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heartsings · 4 years
me: [lying] honestly
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heartsings · 4 years
it’s very sweet of doyle to wear his heart on his sleeve despite his own personal troubles, and i’m comforted by the knowledge that he loves quickly and truly, and managed to love both cordelia and angel in the few short months after they started angel investigations together.
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