heartcalculator · 5 months
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Priscilla (Sofia Coppola, 2023)
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heartcalculator · 10 months
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heartcalculator · 10 months
Self Care Habits
• don’t judge others if you don’t know them personally.
• appreciate the little things
• compliment yourself daily
• change self-destructive behaviors
• let go of things or people that disturb your peace.
• write your thoughts down in a journal
• love your body and take care of it
• eat healthy or nutritious foods
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heartcalculator · 10 months
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heartcalculator · 10 months
it’s eating !!!!
Clair de Lune
A short, sweet tale of dancing in a forest.
There we were, in a moment that could be cut from a renaissance painting. It was an early august night in the forest—where the sky had taken on a haze of muted alabaster. Even though our surroundings were a bit cold—especially for the beginning of august, I saw your laughter, warm on your face, and it seemed to provide heat to our entire little atmosphere.
I felt the mingled heat of our palms and the svelte sensation of our fingers intertwining together—working as an anchor as we tried and failed to dance to the melody of clair de lune. Carefree twirls disheveled our hair—and your feet trampled over mine.
 I remember as I threw back my head in laughter—it allowed me to catch a glimpse of the sky which had ridden itself of the thick clouds—allowing the stars to beam at their highest point. Much like your smile, it was a beautiful sight.
Unlike the wilderness part of the forest, that particular area had been perfectly accessible. There were no unkempt bushes or surprise thorns. The floor was soft and fluffy, tips of newly developed moss were spread around evenly—small pink flowers  littered at the edges of them. It was ethereal—and peaceful. 
I can still feel the peace I had felt in that exact moment when you pressed your forehead against mine as the sound of the song in the background began to come to its end. As I leant against you—it was almost as if I could hear your murmured thoughts.
Those were the memories we had created together. Some memories are recollections of joy and laughter, some are recollections unhappiness and strife—but that’s simply just the essence of life.
As each day passes by—a certain thought never fails to smack me upside the head like a rogue tennis ball.
There was no where else I’d of rather been.
A/N: Claire de Lune came on my playlist while I was drinking my Earl Grey, and I had to jump up and make something of it...hope you enjoyed 🤍.
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heartcalculator · 10 months
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shes just so me
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heartcalculator · 10 months
Writing can be much like a marriage, absurd as it sounds. When you truly love something, in this case your idea, you stay devoted to it, and not a single soul can convince you to abandon it.
If you aren't devoted to it, you'll get bored quickly, and most likely will cheat.
In this case, you're cheating on your first idea for the second one, and you'll eventually have an affair with the third one. 
THIS CAN EASILY be avoided, but it takes your cooperation and self-control. Writing takes time, it's not an easy process, nor is the preparation.
If you blindly just come up with a story idea and act on it without honestly asking yourself if it's what you'd want to do, you'll lose focus. That's why taking plot suggestions can be a bit rocky, because if you're writing to accommodate someone's suggestion, chances are, you aren't really feeling that idea.
You could be, but let's pretend you aren't, cut me some slack hahaha.
I also want to say that it's important to remember that your ideas are your ideas, they live in your head, and won't go anywhere. Unless you kick them out, ha.
Take notes of them when you need to, but they aren't going to run away, so fight the urge to start a new story every other day as if they are.
Writing is stressful enough when it comes to one story...so I wouldn't advise setting yourself up for probable failure by overloading yourself. Start a reward system. Once you finish one project, reward yourself by starting the next.
So all in all, step one to focusing, is establishing a solid idea that you TRULY want to carry out. Let's talk about how we can carry on from there.
"A tired horse can't race.", is a classic.
If you aren't in the mindset to write, you aren't in the mindset to focus, and you won't get anything done. It's important to set writing timewindows. There's a time to write, there's a time not to. Like I said before, your ideas aren't going to run away. Taking your time with not only your work, but yourself, is not illegal.
If you're tired, you don't feel like writing, you're only trying to write something to fill an empty void because you feel as if you can't survive without it, or maybe you're only trying to stubbornly prove to yourself that you can perfect a story in as little as a few weeks... because you're trying to live up to your unhealthy self-set goals, you aren't in a writing mindset.
And that's alright. Just be aware, and ready to acknowledge that. Giveeeee yourself those in-between breaks.
When you write in with that mindset, chances are you won't like the results, and you'll start this never-ending cycle of story attempt after story attempt.
As a writer, I know what it's like to question my worth. You know, "well are you really that good, you can't even finish five chapters".
Stop those thoughts before they start, by simply remembering that once again...your ideas will not run away, breaks are not illegal, you aren't less of a writer just because you don't feel like writing every waking hour of the day, and you should dictate what you write. You don't have to jump on the trend train.
I hope this has been helpful to your troubles if you're having them. If not, maybe you'll remember this in advance and will escape this cycle. Either way, I hope it helps someone.
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heartcalculator · 10 months
The Simple Solution Of Not Stealing - A Ramble
Weeeellll hey. Today…as the title says , and also by request—we're going to talk about ways to channel your own creativity, and not live an e-life ripping off the hard work of other creators.
Stealing…is not a mistake. Of course you get your off the wall coincidental similarities, but most of the time, it's a conscious choice. A conscious choice to blatantly disrespect another creator, and a conscious choice to be so unhappy with your work, that instead of taking the time to grow—like the person that was stolen from most likely did—you resort to riding a wave of deceit.
To these individuals, here's a question for you to ask yourself.
Is it worth it?
At the end of the day, you're nothing more than a mirror of who you stole from. Being a creator is about just that. Creating your own Identity. I don't doubt you feel a pang of guilt when you take compliments for something that wasn't yours…or maybe you don't, I don't know. But either way—it's a horrible solution for pacifying your own lack of creativity.
When a creator says "yeah I make (whatever that creator makes) to bring people joy", that's sure as hell not code for "sure, take my work and pass it off as your own so you can receive false validation!!!!".
Being a creator is not for the lazy—and this even applies to being lazy with yourself. Meaning, instead of taking the easy way out by snatching fabric from another creator, you need to learn to access your own thread and spin your own. 
The bulk of the thread—is gaining self awareness. It's alright to not feel creative. Hell, I don't feel creative every day. But I don't take that as a queue to go see what I can steal from a mutual. What I do—is sit back, take a break, and surround myself with inspiration.
That's where self awareness comes in. WHAT'S INSPIRATIONAL TO YOU? WHO ARE YOU? Don't be lazy, take the time to access yourself.
After making stealing from people a hobby I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't actually know who you creatively are, and that's alright. It's not too late to recognize your mistakes and turn it around. 
I'm not sugarcoating, because that's another problem. It's essential to be aware that what you're doing/have done is WRONGGGGG, IT'S NOT CUTE, and you definitely should feel ashamed. I'm not saying feel so ashamed that you hide away and never attempt to create ever again…but feel ashamed enough to change.
You are not the victim, and you have no right to act as such. The creator you stole from is the victim. So if by any chance you've been caught and the creator had choice words for you—oh well. You deserved that, suck it up—and move on. Start the journey of growth.
No matter how many how-to guides you read, it still starts with you. You've got to be willing to allow yourself to try things out. If you're afraid you're not good enough—remember that as creators, we all start somewhere. It's completely alright to not be the cream of the crop right away. 
A huge part of discovery—is error, in my opinion.
Plus, people will have a hell of a lot more respect for someone that learns to tie their own shoes rather than take their neighbor's tied ones instead. I've been stolen from before, and I know plenty of fellow creators that have…and it really doesn't feel nice. 
So the simple solution to not stealing…in a more straightforward approach; stop being lazy, go sit in a park and…meditate, I don't know…do something, because being a thieving sewer rat really isn't the move.
Step out your comfort zone…be alright with failing, and you'll build your way up to the tier of who you were oh so "INSPIRED" BY.
Maybe then, someone will come along and get "INSPIRED" by YOU and you'll see how it doesn't at all feel like flattery. 🤣.
In wattpadopolis, the word "inspired" seems to be code for "yeah I took your shit, now what 🤣"
But anyway...
That's that. I know this doesn't apply to anyone following me, so when you see this you're probably gonna be like "who hurt you" 😭☠️. I just was given this amazing topic idea by @ue-projectz  and couldn't not take the opportunity to speak on it. 
Thank you~ ❤️.
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heartcalculator · 10 months
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heartcalculator · 10 months
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heartcalculator · 10 months
happy birthday!!! (i couldn’t comment 💀)
★. we love when it’s my birthday <3!
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heartcalculator · 10 months
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❛ @negative-azure , An entire conversation to be had. I think that a lot of the time .. that’s why people are so quick to jump ship on their WIPS or abandon the process of completing a book as a whole because they don’t see it picking up or getting attention and that makes them not want to write or conform to what they think will bring them an audience. Instead of writing what they want to.
I can’t count how many times people have said “ I’m not going to be writing so and so anymore “ because people don’t have the couth or the vision to see a project all the way through. Issa’ fine line between having writer’s block with something you started , no longer being interested in continuing it , and abusing and misuing your platform because of the attention your work gets fo’show !
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heartcalculator · 10 months
eye hate you (via wattpad).
You're a Lilypad, With angels wings, You fly, Icarus, But somehow, You drown in your pain.
Maybe loving you is all the same, Till I blame you for the past, Mistakes I've made in the future, Except—I don't know what I've done.
Will you kiss me again? Be my friend? Or look me in my eyes?
I hope you still sympathize. My feelings (do you remember)? Eye hate you, Though eye love you—still, You're a hard pill to swallow.
So, I choke on you, Until your love traces to the back of my throat, Warming my heart ever so gently.
Do you get me?
I hope you understand, My hate letter to you, Know that bitterness, Always runs the opposite way, From the truth.
Who would've known, That I loved you, Once before the torture, Of letting my pride get in the way.
Oh, how you broke my heart, Time and time again, Here you are, my friend, Befriending my flaws, Tell me who you are?!
Cherry-picked souls, Who knows the agony, Inside a dying head— Or maybe we died years ago, And we (you) moved on.
How many times, Do I have to hate you, To love you?
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heartcalculator · 10 months
as the media begins a public outpouring of grief at the passing of shuhada sadaqat, the artist known better as sinead o'connor, i’d ask us all remember three things:
first, sadaqat formally converted to islam and changed her name to shuhada sadaqat in 2018 (though continuing to perform under the name sinead o’connor). 
second, sadaqat was a survivor of magdalene laundries, having been sent there for shoplifting and truancy at the age of 18. magdalene laundries were state-sanctioned, chruch-run “homes” for over 30,000 women who were “incarcerated for transgressing the narrow moral code of the time,” as well as girls with mental health issues, pregnancy outside of marriage, petty crime, and social dysfunction. conditions were abysmal: girls were treated with violence and aggression, corporal punishment was common, and it was almost impossible to leave without outside help. many women remained in these “laundries” for many years. investigations were presented to the united nations committee against torture after finding that these laundries and their exploitation amounted to human rights violations and torture. the discovery of a mass grave at one such location in 1993 became a national scandal. 
third, when sadaqat protested child sex abuse in the catholic church during her snl performance in 1992, in which she tore a photograph of john paul ii and threw it at the camera with the words “fight the real enemy,” she was met with mockery and ridicule and almost entirely blackballed. this was before the catholic church had acknowledged or apologized for systemic child sex abuse and nearly a decade before the boston globe broke their investigation of allegations against paedophile priests. because she was a woman who had the audacity to speak the truth about a corrupt system. shuhada sadaquat was more than an artist.
edit as of 27 july: the original post has been edited to better reflect sadaqat’s name change (and i apologize for the unedited reblogged version). 
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heartcalculator · 10 months
word (via wattpad).
Some say I have a way with words, But I can't wrap my head around, The fact that I have none— I let my silence reign and rain, On the deaf parts of my soul.
But then again, I never waste my words, On someone who doesn't deserve them, Including myself.
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heartcalculator · 10 months
A Motivational Ramble For Writers
I think most motivational speeches aren't necessarily motivational in the long run because unfortunately, they lack so many aspects of reality. Yes, of course hearing all the longggg metaphoricalllllll poems and forty different beautiful ways of phrasing 'you can do it' may be motivational for that day, maybe even the next week. Still, I don't at all think that's going to open your mind in a way that genuinely allows you to FEEL motivated.
So I'd like to maybe change that. Of course, my words are only as effective as you allow them to be, but I'm going to share narratives that have personally helped me. I'm aware everything doesn't work for everyone, but I truly hope this provides motivation.
To condense a righteous "my writing journey" monologue into a simple sentence, I've been a new author before just like every other, and yes I can definitely relate to what you go through before finding yourself—and the courage to put yourself out there.
For starters, I need you to ask yourself why you're afraid. Don't tell me you aren't, because I'm almost sure that's not true. And if I AM wrong, think back to the times you have been, and reflect on them.
The reason I say I'm almost sure that's not true… is simply that to be unmotivated, you need to have something holding you back. It's obviously not the sheer desire not to write, because if that were the case, you wouldn't be reading a writer's motivation post would you.
I think you're afraid of going against the grain. 
I think you're afraid that by going against the grain, you won't succeed in that genre.
I think you're afraid that if you do experiment with genres, you'll not gain an audience, or lose the audience you've already gained.
I'm quite aware it's not just easy to stop being afraid, but I'm going to put it bluntly. Stop being afraid. You need to plant that seed. Water it as slowly as you'd like, but plant it.
You as a new author will never in a million years get anywhere when you stick to one genre. Sure, people may shower you with compliments about your skills with it, but sometimes you need to throw away that comfort in validation, and open your mind to a bit of criticism—which in the writing world, is essential for growth. Don't tell me you aren't good at drama if you've never attempted it. Don't tell me you can't attempt it because you think you won't do well.
Did I like it when I was told my storytelling ability was not really put together to handle a romance? Absolutely not. Especially since I had WAY too much confidence at the time, because I surrounded myself in a criticism-free shelter. 
But anyway, no I didn't like that. But I'll tell you I didn't let it make me throw a piss fit and quit, I just sucked it up and moved on to the next genre, as I did with all the genres imaginable. I can now confidently say I suck at everything but psychological drama. And that's from a place of honesty, I'm at peace with that fact after…many trials and errors haha.
So in the most loving way possible, author to author, e-friend to e-friend even though we probably have never spoken… suck it up, and grow from what you had to soak in. 
Quit letting inevitable criticism get you down, and stop being afraid of possibly receiving it. Especially if you're a fresh new writer. I know it's hard to hear stuff like that, but as you haven't yet allowed yourself the time to experiment, it's important to take criticism a little more seriously than you would when you've been writing for a while. Don't let it make you put your story down, or let it give you depressive writers block.
My first-ever critic meant to be somewhat-insult was "You think you're all that because you know how to use metaphors, but this is really just a heap of just that. Metaphors. There's no story here whatsoever."
Yes, I vividly remember that because wooooo did it piss me off. But you know what? I look back and wish I could hug that person because reading my old work, that was true. But once again, I used that anger to reverse that curse. And even sometimes I find it still rings true, but I'll continue to work on it.
So authors, get angry. Get STEAMING. Get PISSED. But in the midst of that, you need to have the hunger to prevail. If you're just sitting behind your screen angry steaming and pissed, that person won for the reason they all along had. To make you quit. Yeah, sadly people get off on that. It's unfortunate that some criticism will be rude especially when people have the convenience of hiding behind a screen—but it's reality.
YOU NEED TO WIN by using that as fuel to NOT QUIT, BUT SUCCEED. Because just like me, you'll probably find that early-on criticism was almost always true. They could have worded it…nicer, but it usually rings true.
So now, I want you to remember every insult you've ever received if you can. Let it brew…let it make you want to succeed, and not quit.
Writing…is a learning process.
You never stop learning, so drop that mindset if you have it. Criticism isn't always meant to be malicious, so drop that mindset if you have it. You aren't this writer against the mean, cold world because someone pointed out imagery isn't your strong suit, drop that mindset if you have it.
People want to help more than tear down, mostly. I do, anyway. Obviously you have your trolls in any environment…but lots of people mean to help, and when you have hostility against criticism—you'll automatically take it negatively.
So anyway, I hope this has been slightly more motivational than the general YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU SET YOUR MIND TO DRINK WATER rants.
Because one more piece of advice, that's a lie. If you aren't good at romance you just aren't, that's alright. Put your energy into the genre that you ARE good at. You can't force it. So get to experimenting, stop being afraid, you will find your niche. If your audience leaves because you're doing essential experiments, I wouldn't bat an eye over those toads. You'll find a new and solid one. It's a process.
Get to writing, I believe in you.
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heartcalculator · 10 months
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