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Hernia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options
A hernia occurs when an organ or tissue pushes through a weakened spot in the muscle or tissue that normally holds it in place. Hernias can occur in different parts of the body, but the most common types are inguinal, femoral, umbilical, and hiatal hernias. In this blog, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for hernias.
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Causes of Hernia
The exact cause of a hernia is not always clear, but there are several factors that can increase your risk of developing one. These include:
Visit QWIKCURE for the treatment on hernia.
Symptoms of Hernia
The symptoms of a hernia vary depending on the type and location of the hernia. Common symptoms include:
Treatment Options for Hernia
The treatment for a hernia depends on the severity and type of hernia. In some cases, a small hernia may not require treatment and can be managed with lifestyle changes such as avoiding heavy lifting and wearing a supportive belt. However, larger or more complicated hernias usually require surgery to repair them. Visit QWIKCURE for the treatment on hernia. Here are some common treatment options for hernias:
In summary, a hernia occurs when an organ or tissue pushes through a weakened spot in the muscle or tissue that normally holds it in place. If you suspect you have a hernia, it is important to speak with a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment. In many cases, surgery is the most effective treatment option to prevent further complications and ensure a full recovery. Visit QWIKCURE for the treatment on hernia.
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With 100+ clinics stretching across 50+ cities, Qwik Cure delivers advanced surgical procedures performed by our renowned surgeons. We envision changing the healthcare scenario by offering best-in-class medical care. With specializations in laparoscopy, proctology, urology, and orthopaedic surgeries; we believe in creating a collaboration between the healthcare process and administration through the adoption of MedTech!
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With 100+ clinics stretching across 50+ cities, Qwik Cure delivers advanced surgical procedures performed by our renowned surgeons. We envision changing the healthcare scenario by offering best-in-class medical care. With specializations in laparoscopy, proctology, urology, and orthopaedic surgeries; we believe in creating a collaboration between the healthcare process and administration through the adoption of MedTech!
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With 100+ clinics stretching across 50+ cities, Qwik Cure delivers advanced surgical procedures performed by our renowned surgeons. We envision changing the healthcare scenario by offering best-in-class medical care. With specializations in laparoscopy, proctology, urology, and orthopaedic surgeries; we believe in creating a collaboration between the healthcare process and administration through the adoption of MedTech!
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With 100+ clinics stretching across 50+ cities, Qwik Cure delivers advanced surgical procedures performed by our renowned surgeons. We envision changing the healthcare scenario by offering best-in-class medical care. With specializations in laparoscopy, proctology, urology, and orthopaedic surgeries; we believe in creating a collaboration between the healthcare process and administration through the adoption of MedTech!
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With 100+ clinics stretching across 50+ cities, Qwik Cure delivers advanced surgical procedures performed by our renowned surgeons. We envision changing the healthcare scenario by offering best-in-class medical care. With specializations in laparoscopy, proctology, urology, and orthopaedic surgeries; we believe in creating a collaboration between the healthcare process and administration through the adoption of MedTech!
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Qwik Cure is a healthcare company formed by Surgeons with the sole aim to offer a quick and hassle-free surgical experience to patients with advanced Laser and Laparoscopic Procedures.
At Qwik Cure, we offer a hassle-free patient journey right from the first consultation and detailed diagnosis to quick hospitalization and easy insurance documentation. We stay by the patient right from their pickup to drop them at home after the surgical treatment. This ensures hassle-free admissions and discharges from the hospital alongside proper follow-up consultation post surgeries.
Qwik Cure is currently operational across Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and Thane cities with a team of over 50 Senior Surgeons, 25+ Surgical Partners and all major medical insurance companies. This status, however, is just the beginning of a revolution for “quality and cost-effective” surgical treatments.
To know more, please visit:
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Qwik Cure is a healthcare company formed by Surgeons with the sole aim to offer a quick and hassle-free surgical experience to patients with advanced Laser and Laparoscopic Procedures.
At Qwik Cure, we offer a hassle-free patient journey right from the first consultation and detailed diagnosis to quick hospitalization and easy insurance documentation. We stay by the patient right from their pickup to drop them at home after the surgical treatment. This ensures hassle-free admissions and discharges from the hospital alongside proper follow-up consultation post surgeries.
Qwik Cure is currently operational across Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and Thane cities with a team of over 50 Senior Surgeons, 25+ Surgical Partners and all major medical insurance companies. This status, however, is just the beginning of a revolution for “quality and cost-effective” surgical treatments.
To know more, please visit:
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Qwik Cure is a healthcare company formed by Surgeons with the sole aim to offer a quick and hassle-free surgical experience to patients with advanced Laser and Laparoscopic Procedures.
At Qwik Cure, we offer a hassle-free patient journey right from the first consultation and detailed diagnosis to quick hospitalization and easy insurance documentation. We stay by the patient right from their pickup to drop them at home after the surgical treatment. This ensures hassle-free admissions and discharges from the hospital alongside proper follow-up consultation post surgeries.
Qwik Cure is currently operational across Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and Thane cities with a team of over 50 Senior Surgeons, 25+ Surgical Partners and all major medical insurance companies. This status, however, is just the beginning of a revolution for “quality and cost-effective” surgical treatments.
To know more, please visit:
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Qwik Cure is a healthcare company formed by Surgeons with the sole aim to offer a quick and hassle-free surgical experience to patients with advanced Laser and Laparoscopic Procedures.
At Qwik Cure, we offer a hassle-free patient journey right from the first consultation and detailed diagnosis to quick hospitalization and easy insurance documentation. We stay by the patient right from their pickup to drop them at home after the surgical treatment. This ensures hassle-free admissions and discharges from the hospital alongside proper follow-up consultation post surgeries.
Qwik Cure is currently operational across Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and Thane cities with a team of over 50 Senior Surgeons, 25+ Surgical Partners and all major medical insurance companies. This status, however, is just the beginning of a revolution for “quality and cost-effective” surgical treatments.
To know more, please visit:
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Qwik Cure is a healthcare company formed by Surgeons with the sole aim to offer a quick and hassle-free surgical experience to patients with advanced Laser and Laparoscopic Procedures.
At Qwik Cure, we offer a hassle-free patient journey right from the first consultation and detailed diagnosis to quick hospitalization and easy insurance documentation. We stay by the patient right from their pickup to drop them at home after the surgical treatment. This ensures hassle-free admissions and discharges from the hospital alongside proper follow-up consultation post surgeries.
Qwik Cure is currently operational across Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and Thane cities with a team of over 50 Senior Surgeons, 25+ Surgical Partners and all major medical insurance companies. This status, however, is just the beginning of a revolution for “quality and cost-effective” surgical treatments.
To know more, please visit:
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1. What exactly are piles?
Swollen veins in the lower anus and rectum cause piles. They can cause tissue growths in and around the anus, causing significant pain. The size and location of these growths can vary.
External versus Internal
Internal piles form within the rectum and are typically not visible on an external examination. In some cases, however, an external pile may form and protrude from the anus. Prolapsed haemorrhoid is the medical term for this.
External piles are small lumps that form on the anus's outside edge. They are extremely itchy and can be painful if a blood clot forms because the clot can obstruct blood flow. External piles that have thrombosed or clotted haemorrhoids require immediate medical attention.
To know more, please visit: Piles Laser Treatment Cost in Mumbai.
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2. Symptoms
In most cases, piles symptoms are minor and resolve on their own. A person suffering from piles may experience the following symptoms:
Throbbing lumps in and around the anus.
Itching and discomfort in the area around the anus.
Discomfort while passing stools and afterward.
Stools that are bloody.
Many people with piles, however, may not exhibit any symptoms.
When should you see a doctor?
If a person's piles persist after one week of home treatment or if they experience consistent bleeding from their rectum, they should seek medical attention. To know more, please visit: Lasik Surgery Cost in Mumbai.
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3. Causes
Pile formation is caused by increased pressure in the lower rectum. Under pressure, the blood vessels surrounding the anus and rectum will stretch and swell or bulge, forming piles. This could be because of:
chronic constipation.
Diarrhea that lasts a long time.
lifting heavy weights.
When passing a stool, you should strain.
Risk elements
A person's risk of developing piles may be increased by a number of factors, including:
Pregnancy: Hemorrhoids affect up to 50% of pregnant women. This is due to increased pelvic pressure, a higher blood volume, and a higher incidence of constipation.
Age: Piles are more common in older people. Approximately half of all people over the age of 50 develop piles.
Weight: According to research, being overweight may increase a person's risk of developing piles.
Diet: A low-fibre diet may increase a person's chances of developing piles.
Also, Check out: Hernia Operation Cost in Mumbai.
4. Diagnosis
After a physical examination, a doctor can usually diagnose piles. They will examine the anus of the person suspected of having piles.
The doctor may inquire about the following:
Do you have any relatives who have piles?
Is there any blood or mucus in your stools?
Have you recently lost any weight?
Have your bowel movements recently changed?
What is the colour of the stools?
Also, Check Out: Best Piles Doctor in Mumbai.
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5. Prevention
People can reduce their risk of developing piles by making a variety of lifestyle changes, such as:
Eating a healthy diet: Staying hydrated and eating a diet high in fibre can help keep stools soft and make them easier to pass.
Straining when passing stools should be avoided: Straining when passing stools increases the risk of developing piles.
Heavy lifting should be avoided: Heavy lifting is a risk factor for piles. Preventing piles can be accomplished by limiting heavy exertion and practising proper lifting techniques.
Maintaining a healthy weight: Being overweight increases the likelihood of having piles.
Staying active can help food pass through the digestive system more easily and make stools more regular. This can reduce the likelihood of piles.
Also, Check out: Cost of Cataract Surgery in Mumbai.
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