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In the 90s #Skittles have became one of the most #recognized candies in America when it started the Taste the Rainbow marketing campaign. What was an unknown #British candy just 20 years earlier turned into an #American sensation under the Wrigley umbrella. According to a New York Times article, #Skittles are the second most #popular chewy candy, next to #Starburst. They're also the most #popular candy among #teenagers and children. While most Skittles sales are of the #original in the red #packaging, they've come out with more #varieties in recent years. You can now find #Tropical, Wild Berry, and Sour Skittles, #among a few other #flavors. With Mars acquiring Wrigley, Skittles is #now part of one of the three largest #confectioneries in the world. Fitting, for a candy that is so immensely popular.https://leadmy.pl/p/srjJ/iAT3/G8E0
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