hcmebrew-blog · 7 years
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“Well, I heard something about a Dungeon Master. You running some D&D session or something?” She’s trying not to say that she’s interested in a potential game of Dungeons and Dragons. Ibuki’s trying to look cool, but we know the truth.
“You look kinda freaked out. What’s up?” Ibuki, you just kinda popped outta nowhere. Most people would freak out, to be honest.
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Oh for the love of--!
“No, I’m.. I am not that kind of Dungeon Master. It is meant in the literal sense, mortal..” She grumbled, her own hand slapping to her forehead as she let out an aggravated groan. At this point, she figured this was going to be some sort of trend..
“You also just.. appeared in front of me in a flash of light. I usually get some warning.”
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hcmebrew-blog · 7 years
“It’s simply natural that I lose my name when I give up my identity to become fate, Katie.” He couldn’t help but bring it up, what with the topic of names. From the way he so casually said it, it was clear that it was for reasons far from malicious intent, and that he also didn’t  exactly feel a need to expand on what he meant by having lost his name.
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“If you must address me by anything, simply call me Fourth.”
There was a long silence after he spoke. Everything seemed to tense, making her appear as stiff as a board while she processed what he’d just called her. Anyone that knew her actual name should have been dead ages ago. It was certainly quite a wake-up call that she might be meddling in things she really shouldn’t be.
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“U-Uhm, right.. Fourth.. yeah.”
Okay, Xatria. No need to panic. No need to stir up old memories, either. 
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hcmebrew-blog · 7 years
She certainly had no plan to drop her guard, but she could stand to relax, at least a little. Xatria seemed to be a bit more lax than the other god she knows, which was probably a good thing. She relaxes a bit… not that you can tell. 
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“All right, fine… sorry if I’m a bit… ‘wary’ when it comes to gods. Something I learned well from someone else.”
Namely, something she learned from her mentor when he kicked the shit out of her for attitude.
Well, she supposed that was better than nothing. An admittedly awkward chuckle slipped past her lips when she heard her response. 
Well, it wasn’t like it was a bad idea to be wary of gods. Not that she was an actual one, mind you.
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“Well, that’s certainly a good lesson. I, however, are far more lenient than most other gods you’ll meet. Humble beginnings and all that.”
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hcmebrew-blog · 7 years
“Maybe I will, it might turn out to be more useful than you.” It was only after that came out that she realized that might be interpreted as an insult.
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“Well, guess I’ll just be un-summoning you now. See ya later, maybe. Probably.”
. . .
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“I’m sorry, do you want to repeat yourself, child? I don’t believe I heard you correctly.”
Angering demi-gods. Check that off the bucket list.
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hcmebrew-blog · 7 years
She pauses, as if actually considering that, and then frowns at a memory of the last time she had some other people tried to wing a large-scale roleplaying thing.
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“That’s a horrible idea, just letting you know that right now. Isn’t there a TL;DR version somewhere?”
Maybe this lady wasn’t the right person to ask, after all…
Well, what was she supposed to say? It’s not like she had much clue of what DnD actually is...
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“Well, you must be doing it poorly then. I mean, you can just.. look that up on your.. interweb thing, right?”
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hcmebrew-blog · 7 years
“It’s because that’s usually what people mean when they claim that they’re a dungeon master. Blame the 90s or whatever, but don’t ask me.”
She still didn’t get an answer, or rather one that she wanted. Not that she actually really noticed any of that other babble that only led her to more mild confusion.
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“…Okay, so, how do I get into it if I’m broke, lazy, or a little bit of both?”
There’s a long silence when she’s told the other has no means of purchasing nor has the patience to actually read.
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“Wiiiing it?”
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hcmebrew-blog · 7 years
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“Well, there’s the player handbooks, then about.. dozens of source books, then if you’re looking to DM there are loads of supplementary campaign books.”
She’s trying to not admit she doesn’t know what the internet is.
“Also, why does everyone assume Dungeon Master means I play DnD? I..I am a literal Dungeon Master. For the real world.”
@hcmebrew liked a post for a starter.
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“So… say I wanted to get into DnD, where do I start?”
There was a tiny beat.
“You know, for someone that kind of doesn’t have friends outside of the internet.”
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hcmebrew-blog · 7 years
“Cool, how do you spell that?”
She was staring at her smartphone screen now, looking for a name that sounded like that.
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“’Cause I ain’t seeing a name like that under the main deity category.”
She grumbled, somewhat annoyed at being treated so casually.
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“Then you’re definitely not looking hard enough.”
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hcmebrew-blog · 7 years
“Sure I can, I’ve done it a few times to get their accounts of some of their myths and stuff for some of my papers.”
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“But if you don’t wanna give your name I guess you’re just scared of being proven wrong.”
“You.. are a very stubborn girl.”
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“Fine, you mere mortals may know me as Xatria.”
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hcmebrew-blog · 7 years
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“If you’re a deity than why aren’t you under the deity category on Voca, whoever the fuck you are?
‘Sides…I could just summon a stronger deity, probably.”
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“Tch.. w-well, it’s because I became one using unorthodox methods.” What the fuck is a Voca? “Besides, I doubt a measly mortal can call forth deities.”
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hcmebrew-blog · 7 years
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“Weren’t we just having a dick-measuring contest between whose summons were stronger or something?”
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“Oh right, let’s see.. Deity or schoolgirl? Oh, I wonder which.”
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hcmebrew-blog · 7 years
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“Japan’s not a continent.”
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“It’s not? Hmm, your.. Earth’s continents are odd. Where I’m from, islands were considered their own continents by default.”
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hcmebrew-blog · 7 years
Whisper whisper
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“Wait, it’s not? It’s an island. Islands can be parts of other continents?” Whisper “Well, fuck me sideways and call me Mike.”
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hcmebrew-blog · 7 years
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“Wow; can’t believe I rule over an entire continent now. Amazing.”
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“You should have picked a better continent. Like Japan. Lots of monsters there that would just love you.”
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hcmebrew-blog · 7 years
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“If you’re a god than I’m the queen of Africa.”
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“I am too a god, pipsqueak.”
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hcmebrew-blog · 7 years
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“Would ya? Would ya really?”
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“Y-Yeah! You dare insult a god?!”
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hcmebrew-blog · 7 years
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“Kay. I’m just gonna summon me Darkeater Midir and completely wreck your shit, kay?”
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“I-I’ll summon Gwyn, Lord of Sunlight! I-I’ll do it!”
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