harvesttips · 2 years
How To Protect Your Cigar From Humidity?
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Cigars are a delicate, finicky thing. If you don't treat them right, they'll lose their flavor, burn unevenly and even fall apart in your hand. But if you know what to do, you're guaranteed to have a delicious smoke every time. 
Cigars are sensitive to humidity levels. They can't be exposed to levels that are too high or too low for long periods of time or else they'll start to deteriorate. 
That's why it's important to keep them in an environment where they're protected from the elements while still being accessible enough for you to enjoy them when you feel like it. There are various ways to protect your cigar from humidity
Store In Airtight Container
It's best if you store your cigars in an airtight container so that they don't dry out or get moldy over time. If it's not possible to store your cigars properly then consider keeping them in an airtight baggie instead. Also, place the humidity packs inside the container to maintain the humidity level.
Never Store Them In Refrigerator
Do not store them in the refrigerator! This will cause condensation on the wrapper of your cigar, which will affect its flavor. 
Instead, store them on a shelf or in a drawer that stays at room temperature most of the time (that means if you live somewhere cold like Alaska where it never gets above 50 degrees Fahrenheit outside then maybe don't put them outside either).
Use Humidor
A humidor is a container that keeps the humidity of its contents at a certain level. In order to do this, humidors have one or more humidifiers like Integraboost and hygrometers that monitor and regulate the amount of moisture in the air inside the humidor. 
There are many different types of humidors available; some are handmade from wood, some are made from metal, and others are made from plastic.
Final Words
You should place the cigars in a place where the humidity level is properly maintained. You can also use the humidity indicator cards to check the humidity level. Follow the above tips to increase the lifespan of the cigar.
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harvesttips · 2 years
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harvesttips · 2 years
You need to keep the weed moist free with the help of the integra boost 2-way humidity regulator and store it in the perfect way for its perfect condition. In this way, it will become ready to vape when you wish to.
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Protect your child musical instruments with the help of integra boost so that the instruments remain moisture free when not in use. Make sure you have placed several packets inside the case of musical instruments.
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Silica gel packets for moisture control is very useful in terms of absorbing moisture and keeping different items fresh and moisture free which can help in preserving food , medicines and other stuffs.
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Silica gel packets for food storage consist of small beads of silica xerogel—commonly known as silicon dioxide—which help keep moisture away from products, prolonging shelf life.
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Protect your essential stuff which can be damaged due to moisture such as cameras, mobile phones etc , with the help of silica gel packets for moisture control.
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harvesttips · 2 years
Humiboost offers the best humidity control packs to cure and maintain your valuable harvest. Our solutions are 99% biodegradable, non-toxic, salt-free, and FDA compliant.
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