harringrovefresh · 1 year
can someone please hmu with some recently completed canonverse Harringrove fic recs?
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harringrovefresh · 1 year
stranger things fandom be like “its absolutely deplorable that this teenage boy doesnt break the cycle of abuse completely on his own whilst still living with his abuser. im woke™”
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harringrovefresh · 1 year
I honest to God would have preferred if they’d made Tammy Thompson the canon love interest for Robin in S4. I am so godamn sick of shows bringing in a brand new character with Only Here To Be The Love Interest For Our Queer Character tattooed on their forehead.
It’s jarring and annoying everytime. They never feel like real people.
Give Robin Buckley a ditzy girly-girl girlfriend who doesn’t know she can’t sing for shit 👏👏
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harringrovefresh · 1 year
They’re narrative foils they might as well fuck nasty about it
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harringrovefresh · 1 year
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surfer boy pizza was billy's first job and argyle was one of his bffs growing up and u cant change my mind about this
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harringrovefresh · 1 year
billy: (walking up to steve in the morning while thinking to himself) okay hargrove, stay on the fucking ball. no falling for steve’s cutesy shit today. just because he’s your boyfriend doesn’t mean you have to act like some dopey eyed girl about him. be strong. you can handle this shit. it’s just steve’s romantic crap, you don’t CARE about that junk. be TOUGH. make him WORK for it. ok. here we go.
steve: (grinning from ear to ear) ‘morning, sunshine.
billy: …
billy: i love you.
steve: wow (checks watch) that only took like ten seconds this time.
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harringrovefresh · 1 year
I've been thinking of writing a fic like this where Billy and Robin are 'dating' and at first they both kinda hate eachother but they accidentally outed themselves to one another and made an awkward truce with the premise of a fake relationship and mutually assured destruction if they ever try and tell eachothers secrets.
Max is horrified at first about Robin and Billy dating because she learns within like a week that Robin is actually pretty cool and 'she's way too good for you' but then Robin knowing and accepting him has a huge impact on Billy's mental health even if they dont really like eachother and he starts treating Max better and she ends up helping Billy plan nice dates because "You can't just take her to the movies Billy. She's out of your league you have to treat her better if you don't want her to dump your ass" and so Billy and Robin end up going to places they'll actually have to talk and they bond and become friends and summer comes around and Robin starts working with Steve at scoops and Billy spends way too much time there because he likes hanging out with Robin and Steve in a sailor suit.
And then the three of them hang out more and Billy and Steve get closer and who knows. Maybe the Russian plot still happens but Billy isn't flayed this time and he's freaking out on the surface because Robin and Steve had mentioned Russians but he thought they were joking but now theyve vanished off the face of the earth Max and some chick with powers are asking for a ride and there's a giant fucking spider thing??? Really maxine what the fuck is happening.
Meanwhile the Russian stuff goes pretty much the same only Steves description is a little bit different because there's way more misplaced "I'm totally into the love of my friends life" guilt going on and he misses out pronouns thinking he's #sneakylikeaninja and so Robin thinks it's her he's talking about and still comes out and admits that Billy knows about her and is just helping her out because she said she'd tutor him (it's a lie but she's not going to out billy)
And Steve is super stoked that Billy isn't dating anyone but also sure he's not interested because him not actually dating Robin puts all the time Billy's interrupted one of their 'moments' in a new perspective because mow Steve knows he wasn't pulling away just because he was torn between Robin or Steve but because he's straight
And then they fight some monsters and everyone lives and Billy and Steve eventually figure their shit out after a bit more pining and Robin watching on like 😮‍💨
Robin and Billy go back to school and he goes to her band recitals and makes Max go with him who makes the party go with them and Robin always comes to his basketball games and he walks her to class most days even though she'll tell him its dumb and unnecessary but it's nice and sometimes she'll walk past his algebra class (his leastfavourite) and try and get him to laugh through the glass In the door and just..they have a great and happy senior year feeling safe and loved
Billy and Robin being each other's beards throughout the last two years of high school. They hold hands, "flirt" in the hallways and whenever someone makes a comment or joke about how they don't make sense Billy just stares them down. Robin can feel safe and at ease while trying to graduate and Billy is free to fuck around with Steve because no one questions it now they think he's got a girlfriend
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harringrovefresh · 1 year
Welcome to Harringrove Flip Reverse It!
Are you the sort of person who likes to be nifty with your fan creations? Do you enjoy subverting prompts? Does the thought of a challenge fill you with glee!
This is the event for you!
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Harringrove Flip Reverse It is an event that takes place during the last week of March (27th March - 2nd April). It's very easy (and fun) to play!
Every day during that week, you'll be given five prompts: fluff, angst, nsfw, sfw and trope subversion. Sounds simple? Well, it is... but there's a catch!
For each prompt you decide to fill, you'll be expected to Flip Reverse It! In other words, you must make your fluff prompts angsty, and your angst prompts fluffy. Your nsfw prompts should be safe for work, and as for your sfw prompts... enough said ;)
The trope subversion prompts will give you a very common, possibly even overused prompt... and it's your job to subvert it, in any way you want. Interpret the prompt any way you like, except the traditional one.
You can do as many or as few prompts as you like, no sign-up required! Submit your prompt fill to have it reblogged here.
For more details on the prompt categories, read on...
Fluff:  Take the traditional tooth-rotting fluff… and make it angsty! We’re talking days at the beach that end in disaster, hot chocolate with marshmallows that turn out to be poisoned, sweet little moments that break our goddamn hearts.
Angst:  It looks like it should hurt, but it doesn’t! These prompts may seem dark and whumpy, but they should fill the heart with joy and delight, no angst allowed!
NSFW:   These prompts may look filthy, but in fact they could be read by the most innocent of angels with nary a blush!
SFW:  By contrast… somehow these gentle ideas have become sullied by porn, and there’s no turning back!
Trope Subversion:  These tropes may be overused, but it’s your job to interpret them in a non-traditional way. Maybe they share a bed, but not with each other! Maybe their first kiss was with someone else! It can be anything EXCEPT the usual way of interpreting the prompt.
Interested in taking part? Reblog this post, check out all the nitty gritty details and then get working on some prompts!
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harringrovefresh · 1 year
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Correct Harringrove Tweets
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harringrovefresh · 1 year
Was watching the NYE fireworks with my mum while reading 4th of July harringrove fics and the queen's memorial bit started and...
My Mum: oh come on, they need to do some red white and blue fireworks now.
Me: why would they do the American colors for the queen?
My Mum: youre a fucking idiot
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harringrovefresh · 1 year
Anyone wanna talk dog plot with me?
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harringrovefresh · 1 year
I'm doing it. I'm writing my Neil gets max a dog to spite Billy only for the dog to help Billy fix his relationship with max, get a boyfriend and put his abusive piece of shit father behind bars fic
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harringrovefresh · 1 year
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These tags are PeRFEcT.
One time Billy's trying to nap and the puppy chews a strand of hair of off his head and when he notices he doesn't let him back in his room for two days.
Max doesn't understand why the dog can do pretty much every trick under the sun but never reacts to his name. Then when she cracks the 'Neil's an abusive piece of shit and Billy is best friends with her dog' mystery she finds out that Billy always refers to the dog as 'zeppelin' (zep for short) and as such Zep doesn't realise that his name Is not in fact Zep.
Wanna write a fic where Billy LOVES dogs. He begged for a puppy as a kid until Neil snapped and he realised he'd have to wait until he can move out to get a dog.
But then Neil marries Susan and they move to Hawkins and everything season 2 happens and things are tense at the Hargrove Mayfield house
Christmas comes and Neil and Susan get Max a puppy and Billy is furious but can't say shit and also terrified because what happens when the puppy pissed Neil off? And he knows if he lets Neil know that hes actually stoked about having a dog in the house (even if he has nightmares abour what his dad might do to it and a bitter resentment max gets what he always wanred) then theres no chance of them still having a dog by next year so he ignores it unless ordered to interact with it, and will move away whenever it tries to sit next to him. Or paw at him and he wont shut up to people at school about his little bitch of a sister and her little bitch of a dog and how he hates it.
And Max? Max never wanted a dog. Sure they're cute and all but she doesn't want it to be around chewing up her shoes or her board, she doesn't want to have to waste time she could be at the arcade walking a dog she didn't actually ask for. So she plays with it and she tries to train it but she's not exactly going all out. It's more of a chore and yet this little dog is learning tricks left right and center.
Meanwhile whenever Billy is left alone in the house with the dog he goes absolutely wild trying to train up this dog because if the dog is good and Max keeps cheering when she manages to get it to sit or lay down then maybe he won't bring her home one day to his dad saying it 'ran away'. Maybe next Christmas they'll still have a dog and maybe when he saves up enough to get the fuck out of Hawkins he can take the dog with him because it's not like Max actually wants it anyway.
But because Billy ignores the dog so often when he is giving it attention it's all over him and he gets more than one injury from having a fast growing puppy throwing itself at his face.
Which leads to injuries. And like Billy thinks he should be good at explaining away random black eyes thanks to his old man. But his dad is actually reqlly good at keeping his slaps hard enough to hurt but light enough not to bruise unless Billy is already visible injured from something else and he knows that no one will question an extra bruise on Billy's already torn up face. So usually when someone asks "what happened" about a bruise Billy already has an easy truth to fall back on. For example "got into it with Harrington at the Byers" but now he doesn't have an excuse already in his back pocket and he can't say it was rhe dog because he doesn't want his dad knowing he spends time with it and everyone else 'knows' Billy hates the dog.
And suddenly people (Max and Steve) start worrying when Billy falters before he explains a bruise, when he gets pale when asked why his nose is broken.
And Hopper starts to take note and ask Billy questions and Billy is confused as fuck because his dad's pretty much ignoring him so why is the chief of police scoping around all of a sudden
And just. A dumb yet serious fic about people finding out about Neil being an abusive shitbag because of an over excited puppy. With a side helping of sibling bonding on forced dog walks and harringrove
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harringrovefresh · 1 year
Wanna write a fic where Billy LOVES dogs. He begged for a puppy as a kid until Neil snapped and he realised he'd have to wait until he can move out to get a dog.
But then Neil marries Susan and they move to Hawkins and everything season 2 happens and things are tense at the Hargrove Mayfield house
Christmas comes and Neil and Susan get Max a puppy and Billy is furious but can't say shit and also terrified because what happens when the puppy pissed Neil off? And he knows if he lets Neil know that hes actually stoked about having a dog in the house (even if he has nightmares abour what his dad might do to it and a bitter resentment max gets what he always wanred) then theres no chance of them still having a dog by next year so he ignores it unless ordered to interact with it, and will move away whenever it tries to sit next to him. Or paw at him and he wont shut up to people at school about his little bitch of a sister and her little bitch of a dog and how he hates it.
And Max? Max never wanted a dog. Sure they're cute and all but she doesn't want it to be around chewing up her shoes or her board, she doesn't want to have to waste time she could be at the arcade walking a dog she didn't actually ask for. So she plays with it and she tries to train it but she's not exactly going all out. It's more of a chore and yet this little dog is learning tricks left right and center.
Meanwhile whenever Billy is left alone in the house with the dog he goes absolutely wild trying to train up this dog because if the dog is good and Max keeps cheering when she manages to get it to sit or lay down then maybe he won't bring her home one day to his dad saying it 'ran away'. Maybe next Christmas they'll still have a dog and maybe when he saves up enough to get the fuck out of Hawkins he can take the dog with him because it's not like Max actually wants it anyway.
But because Billy ignores the dog so often when he is giving it attention it's all over him and he gets more than one injury from having a fast growing puppy throwing itself at his face.
Which leads to injuries. And like Billy thinks he should be good at explaining away random black eyes thanks to his old man. But his dad is actually reqlly good at keeping his slaps hard enough to hurt but light enough not to bruise unless Billy is already visible injured from something else and he knows that no one will question an extra bruise on Billy's already torn up face. So usually when someone asks "what happened" about a bruise Billy already has an easy truth to fall back on. For example "got into it with Harrington at the Byers" but now he doesn't have an excuse already in his back pocket and he can't say it was rhe dog because he doesn't want his dad knowing he spends time with it and everyone else 'knows' Billy hates the dog.
And suddenly people (Max and Steve) start worrying when Billy falters before he explains a bruise, when he gets pale when asked why his nose is broken.
And Hopper starts to take note and ask Billy questions and Billy is confused as fuck because his dad's pretty much ignoring him so why is the chief of police scoping around all of a sudden
And just. A dumb yet serious fic about people finding out about Neil being an abusive shitbag because of an over excited puppy. With a side helping of sibling bonding on forced dog walks and harringrove
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harringrovefresh · 1 year
Harringrove social media AU (in a season 2 setting because that is my paradise land) where Billy makes surfing TikToks as a teenager, with a really good following and a promising career as a pro surfer. Until Neil moves the entire family to a landlocked state, and Billy knows it's to punish him.
There could be several reasons for this:
-Billy is becoming too independent from Neil;
-Someone questioned a bruise Billy didn't cover up well enough and now it's all over the internet;
-Billy was caught with a guy he was seeing;
-Billy's mom saw his TikToks and tried to get in touch, Neil had been keeping him from her;
And now Billy's in a town in the middle of nowhere, Indiana, two months into the school year, and everybody expects him to, what, be chill about it? Not care that Neil can just ruin his life and his career on a whim, and there's nothing he can do about it? Billy's raging, Billy's seething, Billy's hurt, and no one wants to or can help him. Susan won't lift a finger or say anything against Neil, looks down every time his dad raises his voice or his hand to hit Billy. And Max- Max is furious with him, blames him for the move like he was the one who decided to pack everything, like he was the one who sold his board and packed the cars and bought the ugly house on Cherry Lane.
What the hell is Billy supposed to do now? He's a senior and he had no plans of going to college, hasn't even thought of applying anywhere. His account is going to die out if he doesn't post anything, and who can guarantee he can raise it from the dead in a year if he makes it back to California once he's eighteen? He needs the TikTok money to make it back to California anyway. He's screwed. He's so screwed.
On the other side of this, is Steve. Steve is a gaming streamer and youtuber, or was- is. He's trying, okay? But ever since- everything, he can't play horror games anymore. He used to stream horror games pretty much exclusively, had whole events for it, charity streams, sponsorships, and then the whole Upside Down thing happened, and he knows his role in it was minor, okay, he knows he was there just for the tail end of it, but a seven-feet tall monster with a flower for a face coming out of the ceiling of the Byers house was both his starting and breaking point, apparently.
His channel was pretty good. Pretty stable. Then he tried to stream Blair Witch about a week after everything and had a panic attack on stream. Things didn't get better after that.
Nancy got him into Animal Crossing, because it's soothing, so he streams that now. And The Sims. Needless to say, his channel took a pretty big hit, as did his reputation. Like Tommy H. says, he turned bitch.
But it's fine, everything's fine. He's got Nancy, he's got a loyal online community that stayed after everything, even if it's small and no one's anywhere near Hawkins. He's got his SAD (Steve After Dark) Streams for when he can't sleep. Halloween is coming up and he's maybe sad he's not doing Spooktober this year, but. Maybe on the last week. Maybe on Halloween Day. If Nancy doesn't want to go to Tina's party.
Billy and Steve collide pretty much the same way. Steve is on edge and Billy is on edge, then the world's ugliest dogs are let out, and Maxine sneaks out, and Billy finds her in a house full of boys and an 18 year old washed out streamer who lies to him about it. Next thing Billy knows he's waking up in a half-destroyed kitchen with an empty syringe two feet from him, car gone, and not a single person in sight.
On Monday, Harrington's face looks bad. It's been a while since Billy's felt this guilty about putting a bruise on someone's face, but he knows he lost it a little, that night. Went too far. He doesn't remember most of it, and Billy doesn't know if that's from whatever drugs Maxine shot him with or from just- anger. Remorse just clogs his throat and he can't breathe. He decides to stay the fuck away from Harrington.
And then Tommy H. just has to take pictures of them, make a damn video, post it to Instagram and TikTok and tag them both. Of course it goes viral.
Billy spends a full week in a state of panic. He fully expects Harrington to press charges now. 
(Steve, similarly, is panicking. He streams family friendly content now. He can't just get into fights. He can't stream until his face heals as it is.)
Billy feels even more like shit when his follower count goes up and his account sees more activity than it has since the move. Like it's a reward for beating up Harrington, or something. It's not right. 
(The same happens to Steve.)
So Billy has an idea. He wants to apologize to Harrington. Wants to make it up to him. Maybe he can help him get his popularity back, get his channel to how it used to be, somehow. And if it keeps his own account alive, well. 
It takes a little convincing, but Steve agrees. Dustin is trying to get him into his nerdy games, but Steve isn't sure he likes them. Steve's been having a hard time, since the second round with the Upside Down. He can't sleep, can't focus, Nancy went off with Jonathan. So maybe he wants a distraction, okay? Maybe he wants something that isn't life or death.
So Billy and Steve start a partnership of sorts. Steve films a couple of youtube videos playing co-op games with Billy. Branches out to TikTok, maybe. Starts bringing Billy to his streams, at first just to hang out and then to take over and play some stuff. Billy manages to burn down Steve's entire 9th generation legacy mansion on The Sims in 30 minutes. Billy and Steve play Dead By Daylight together, and Steve feels increasingly comfortable playing horror games with Billy around. 
It's working so well for Steve, he decides he wants to pay it back. So he teaches Billy to ice skate so they can make content for Billy's TikTok. Steve takes Billy sledding when it snows. Billy films Steve falling asleep in unlikely places during the day and not waking up when Billy piles things on him. 
Steve hunts down and finds Billy's old surfing board that Neil sold and buys it back.
At some point, Steve becomes Billy's best friend. If he could- If they could, Billy would- They could be more, Billy thinks. But they're all over the internet, and Billy doesn't think Neil watches their content, but word can get back to him really easily. People like to speculate as it is. It's a small fucking town. 
The climax would be, of course, getting Billy out of Neil's house. Getting Neil arrested. So Billy can be free.
(Feel free to explore and play with this AU as you like!!)
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harringrovefresh · 1 year
s2 but the events happen over a longer period of time and steve and dustin bump into billy while they’re looking for dart and billy ends up getting roped into that whole mess meanwhile lucas tells max about the upside down and she gets involved that way and the whole time max and billy are just trying to keep it from each other because they don’t realise the other one already knows
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harringrovefresh · 1 year
Steve is woken up by a drunk booming voice singing (or shouting? .. more like)
JINGLE BELLS !! jingle beells jiiingle all the wAay
Oh what fun it is to sleigh.. to ride ..the fuck.. in a one horse.. two horse? open sleigh heEEy
WHAT is it ..?? Drunk neighbors coming home after a night out? In THIS neighborhood??.. Unbelievable
Steve cracks one eye open and glances at the clock on the bedside table
6 fucking 07 a.m. gooooooood
Who the hell is up so early on Christmas day??
LaAast Christmas !!! I gave you my HEART
But the very next daAAaaay
You gave it awaAay
Yooouurr loss .. bitch
Followed by a loud hiccup
Okay, the person who's singing outside clearly doesn't know anything other than refrains only (and the knowledge of refrains is very questionable as well)
What an idiot
Steve hides his head under the pillow and groans Just go away pleeeease
Deck the halls with boughs of hooolly,
Fa la lalala la la lalaAAA.
Tis the season to be jolly,
Fa lala laAA la lalala laaaAaa.
Don we now our gay apparel,
Fa la la lala .. Fuck, gay my ass..
Obnoxious snickering and incoherent mumbling followed by a loud
Did .. did this dumbass just say Harrington???? The voice is oddly familiar too.. No, no noooo, not on Christmas morning, just .. Steve's got no intention to deal with this crap. He just wants to sleep, okay? What the hell??
Steve tightens his grip on the pillow
A moment of silence. A spark of hope.
It's beginning to loOOok a lot like Christmas
Everywhere you goOOoooooo;
Take a look at the .. canes and .. blah blah
A loud sigh
It's beginning to look .. like Christmas
TOOoys in eevery store
But the prettiest sight is the prETTY BOY'S ASS.. EEeevrywhere I goOooo
Steve gets off the bed, in all his morning glory, hair a mess, wearing a tee and his tighty whities, full of rightful indignation
Opens the window and what does he see?
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A completely drunk Billy Hargrove, no less, wearing Santa's costume and making a snow angel right outside Steve's house, bright and early, on Christmas morning
Hargrove must've caught sight of him cause the asshole's mouth spreads into a catlike grin
Voice raspy and syrupy at the same time (How DOES he do that?) and so perfectly wasted
Heeey Harrrington.. Been partying all night at Tommy's, man. You didn't show up so I decided to bring Christmas to you, sleepyhead
.. Sleepyhead ??
Steve's never felt at a more utter, complete loss in all of his entire life
For @withoneheadlight Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! ❤️🎄⛄❄️🎅❤️
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