harbinger--of--dawn · 10 months
Sumerian Veteran: *has severe PTSD but doesn't know it because the term won't be invented for another 5000 years* I fight the same battle in my dreams every night and my relationship with my family has fallen apart.
Sumerian Healer: *saw hundreds of veterans with the exact same affliction before* You're cursed by desert demons.
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harbinger--of--dawn · 10 months
One quiet day on the farm, the Little Red Hen found some wheat seeds and decided to make bread.
"Who will help me plant these seeds?" the Little Red Hen asked.
"I would." said the Horse "But I'm a workhorse, and I'm too busy moving carts around."
And so the Little Red Hen planted the seeds by herself. And they grew into bountiful golden crops.
"Who will help me harvest the wheat?" the Little Red Hen asked.
"I would." said the Dog "But I'm a guarddog, and I'm too busy keeping away burglars and predators."
And so the Little Red Hen harvested the wheat herself and made it into flour.
"Who will help me bake the flour?" the Little Red Hen asked.
"I would." said the Pig "But I'm a mother of 5 newborn piglets, and I'm too busy taking care of my young."
And so the Little Red Hen baked the bread herself into twenty beautiful loaves.
"Who will help me eat the bread?" the Little Red Hen asked.
"We would." said the Farm Animals. "But we're ashamed, for we didn't do anything to make the bread."
"Nonsense!" said the Little Red Hen. "You, Horse, helped move around the stones that built my oven. You, Dog, kept me safe while I worked. And you, Pig, are raising a new generation of Farm Animals, who will too contribute to our Farm one day. You've all helped me so much by simply being you."
"Besides," the Little Red Hen added. "I couldn't possibly eat all the loaves on my own, most of them would go to waste. Come, eat with me."
And so the Little Red Hen and the Farm Animals ate the bread together. And all saw their own, and each other's, worth.
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harbinger--of--dawn · 10 months
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harbinger--of--dawn · 10 months
you know you're good at your job when every single person tells you "thank god you're back"
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harbinger--of--dawn · 10 months
we’re gonna be ok btw
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harbinger--of--dawn · 10 months
do you all remember in the early 2010s where people were talking about freeing the nipple and that mixed-gender sports should become a thing and the removal of period tax and all of that and then some people realised that would mean trans people too ans they instantly decided to revert to bioessentialism 101 and now i have to see grating sentences like Well maybe jeopardy should be gender-segregated because males have a biological advantage in pressing a button
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harbinger--of--dawn · 10 months
More male characters who are interested in their mother's legacy. As a trope there's a lot of sons and daughters who follow in the father's footsteps and there's yes, girls who honor their mother, ect. But let's have more dudes who are like. Stumbling on their mom's secret fairy cottage or some shit. And they're like aight gotta make the tea
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harbinger--of--dawn · 10 months
CGI animators should unionize next. normally, their jobs would be too precarious to strike, since studios would replace them without a second thought, but if it's part of this larger general film strike, they might finally have meaningful power to better their working conditions
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harbinger--of--dawn · 10 months
does anyone remember that artist that was like “i’ll sexualize anything i’ll even sexualize a stop sign” and it was just them drawing a stop sign head on an anime woman body because like honestly that’s so embarrassing you can’t even do it properly
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harbinger--of--dawn · 10 months
TIL The Double Empathy Problem theory suggests social difficulties experienced by autistic people when interacting with non-autistic people are due to reciprocal differences, not an inherent deficiency, most autistic people are able to display good social reciprocity with most other autistic people
via reddit.com
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harbinger--of--dawn · 10 months
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harbinger--of--dawn · 10 months
top surgery tip 1)
get yourself used to sleeping on your back (and possibly elevated depending on your surgeon) BEFORE surgery.
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harbinger--of--dawn · 10 months
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harbinger--of--dawn · 10 months
I think Americans in general should maybe start taking xenophobia more seriously. Because with the. Everything going on in the world right now. It's gotten really really bad. And while lefties might not be reactionary to the same extent as republicans it's still very much prevalent. I went to dinner with my family recently and the stuff they said about my cousin's family who emigrated from Russia made me feel like I was losing my mind. He's 2 years old. How are you going to discriminate against a baby with a clear conscience. Then you read the news and it's like "China is spying on you with TikTok and weather balloons" and you hear people on all angles of the political compass repeat it. Are you hearing yourself right now. Are you for real
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harbinger--of--dawn · 11 months
today a first grader walked up to me, set a piece of paper down on the table in front of me, and said “homework time! it’s your homework.” and i said “alright, what do i have to do for homework?” and he said “hmmm… draw the best dinosaur you can do.” and so now i have that on my plate for the evening
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harbinger--of--dawn · 11 months
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Certain words can change your brain forever and ever so you do have to be very careful about it.
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harbinger--of--dawn · 11 months
I've seen the use of the "crazy sjw feminist" stereotype from gamergate days die down a little but one thing that remains ever present is the way fat activists are treated. Anything they say is dismissed and ridiculed, they have insults hurled at them with so much cruelty and disdain. The moment a fat person asks any group of people to change their worldview on fatness, it's immediate insults and brick walls. This includes left leaning people. Everyone loves to gang up on fat people, it hasn't changed a bit.
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