hanamaryam · 6 months
“I can touch them?” Hana’s voice broke from the longing of it all. Would it be better or worse to hug her mother now only to lose it again later?
“Do you want to meet them? I mean, you’ve met them both before, but—” Hana turned to look at Beatrice properly and promptly broke off her sentence. “Bea? What’s wrong? Do you need a Healer?”
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Bea was green. Her steps were faint and miscalculated. Her hands rarely left a surface she could steady herself of. This was hell, a degree of her own magic eating away at her insides. Virgil had always been the one capable of grounding her, and without him here, death overwhelmed her, blew her pupils wide and made it impossible to think straight. "Death lives here." Her voice was weak, too, as she finally gave up and slid down to sit on the floor, uncaring of the pretty dress pooling around her so unbecomingly, knees up to her chest. "I think you can even touch them."
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hanamaryam · 6 months
where; the foyer whomst; open
When Hana first saw them, she thought she'd imagined it. It had been quite a strange day after all. Then she moved a bit closer and saw them in detail.
"Mom?" She asked, tearing up. She hasn't holding Beatrice's hand, how was this happening? "Grandmother? What-- how is this possible?"
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hanamaryam · 7 months
This was not what Hana had expected in a library. She'd come in here hoping for some information on these masks and this place, not for a verbal assault by some raging ghost. "Tell me about it." She muttered back. "There's another exit around back, but it involves going back past that mad man."
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open; masquerade
A finger pressed to a lip, eyes peeking through a crack in books on the bookshelf Duri crouched behind, eyes glancing for only a moment at her new companion before they returned to the seemingly unhinged man tossing the place about like a whirlwind. The mask on her face covered her eyes in lace, making vision difficult but not impossible, and she didn't want to make a mistake and give herself away. After a moment, with the cacophony of noise in the room, she leaned, voice low. "I don't know how to get back out. The door I slipped in seems to have locked behind me, or gotten jammed up."
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hanamaryam · 7 months
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hana's mask
verdict: she's a bit fond of it
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hanamaryam · 8 months
! (any muse of mine)
send me ‘!’ to see how your muse appears in my muse’s GOOD DREAMS
In all of Hana's daydreams where her plans work and she becomes Minister of Magic, Enes is there right along side her. She finds it hard to imagine her success without him there to enjoy it as well.
Winnie is often there as well, as a literal dragon.
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hanamaryam · 9 months
✿ Hana and Enes
Enes was one of the few non family members invited to attend Hana’s grandmother’s funeral
Hana does in fact keep a list of all the times Enes has been right and they’ve been wrong. They plan on never showing it to him.
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hanamaryam · 10 months
“Weddings aren’t really my strong suit. Most people invite me to funerals. All of my dresses are black and sad.” Beatrice also simply didn’t care for weddings as a general rule, the merriment made spirits dance in ways that was devistating to watch. She had spent enough time around lingering spirits to know that even they loved a good party. She didn’t say this, however, and simply shrugged. “You should take someone who is advantageous to you. That’s what you like, right? Advantage?”
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“I think Narcissa would be at least slightly amused if you showed up to her wedding in black.” Hana admitted. The young woman seemed to prefer the color and Hana couldn’t blame her. “I probably should take someone more politically advantageous, but I’d rather take you. I am happier when I spend time with you, which can be advantageous. It usually makes me less likely to trip men down stairs.”
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hanamaryam · 10 months
where; the shop whomst; beatrice @xkilljxy​
“I’ve been invited to attend Miss Black’s wedding.” Hana said, infinitely more casual than she felt. It wasn’t as though she and Beatrice had a great history when it came to weddings. “Would you like to go with me?”
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hanamaryam · 11 months
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Syrus blinked once, but beyond that he gave no indication that their words had surprised him. With both hands resting against the counter, he turned his head and gave the door behind him a hard, slow look before he turned back to them. He wouldn’t have trusted his brother negotiating for penny stocks, let alone with the funds of the wealthiest families in society, so he shook his head curtly at their suggestion. 
“That won’t be necessary. Burke is indisposed at the moment and my brother is often happier that I handle business matters.” The latter was a lie. His brother would be furious and Syrus would find his fury amusing. “Hana Shafiq, I presume? New head of the Shafiq family. I am unsure whether condolences or congratulations are in order, but you can be assured of both”. He nodded politely. “Do you happen to have your copies with you?”
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“You’re better at it than he is, anyways.” Hana said, matter of fact. Perhaps she should include a clause that all dealings went directly through Syrus. The elder Borgin exhausted her, and Walter deserved someone who actually listened when he spoke. 
“Both are appreciated.” Hana meant that. Losing her grandmother hadn’t been easy, but at least she had something to do with her time now. Well besides the Court obviously. And wooing Beatrice. She pulled her copies of their agreement out of an inside pocket and placed them on the desk. “Of course. I came prepared. Do you have yours?”
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hanamaryam · 11 months
“hana. hmmm.” regan considered it through pursed lips, pressed into a thin line. “it doesn’t suit you.” she decided. “as neither you nor the Court is in any way privileged or entitled to the knowledge of my private affairs which do not affect my capability or means to perform in my duties at wor-k, no. they should not. anything else would be judged as nothing short of harassment.”
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Hana scowled. She thought her name suited perfectly. It meant happiness in Arabic, and she’d always been a bit fond of it. “So you’re not permanently ill, then?” What a disappointment. “I’m very relieved to hear. The Court wouldn’t be the same without you.”
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hanamaryam · 11 months
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He snorted with laughter as she grumbled. Enes was quite certain that she had passed many tests in her time, but it was amusing to see her worked up over nothing. These men didn’t matter. She would eventually give up letting them get to her. “Both would be rather lengthy conversations, and I’m starving. Could we at least eat while I recount every piece of sage advice I have ever offered?” He asked, gesturing to the pub behind them. He didn’t care what he ate, so long as it was something. “I believe they wish to meet their granddaughter, and the woman who has captured my affections.” His twisted smirk said enough. The words might have been his father’s, but Enes’s eyes shone wickedly with them. “They want to meet Guinevere.” 
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“You’re such an ass.” Hana complained without any heat behind it. There were very few people she spent time with that weren’t horrible in at least one way. A pub would work as good as any. She moved towards the door and assumed that Enes would follow. “Of course they want to meet your daughter, she’s an absolute delight.” Hana loved that baby girl more than she knew how to say. At his next statement she turned to face him, grin matching his own. “They want to meet Guinevere? Oh, please tell me I can come. I will pay you, Enes. I will pay you so much money to watch that happen.”
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hanamaryam · 1 year
“Yes, like an aura. Around the edges of conscious. Settle in and take up space. It’s a fascinating thing, but grim for most. I think Winnie might be the only exception.” Her shrug threw away the comment as if it were completely normal, and she moved the crushed herbs into the pot simmering over the low flame, slowly stirring them in and watching the liquid in the pot turn a startling shade of purple. “I was aware of that, Hana, but why would anyone tease someone else about a crush? There are far better things to make fun of people for. Your friend Enes seems uncreative if his teasing boils down to mocking feelings.”
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“That is fascinating. I wonder why. You should tell her, next time you see her. I think she may enjoy it.” There was a forcefulness about Winnie, a sheer determination, that Hana admired. Having such a relationship with death seemed something that a dragon-human would take pride in. Hana’s blush hadn’t gotten any better, but in fact seemed to get a bit worse. “Oh thank Merlin, for a moment there I had this fear that maybe I wasn’t half as obvious as I’d thought. I imagine because it makes me do silly things like keep all your letters in my nightstand and give you flowers and puppies for gifts. It’s not so much the feelings he teased, but the way I act on them. Though he did help me code and disguise the letters, so no one could read them but me. That was very sweet of him. My siblings can be very nosy. Plus then no one could ever blackmail me or you over them.”
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hanamaryam · 1 year
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“They’re testing you, Hana.” Enes would be the head of his family upon his father’s death and he would receive no pushback. He knew that things were different for Hana. She was seen as a woman, and somehow still, they were not regarded as highly in society as they ought. He almost felt embarrassed for those who underestimated her abilities. “So often I am, so often I am ignored.” He faked a sigh. “Depending on how south the visit with my parents goes, I may be forced to take you up on the offer.”
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“I’ve passed enough tests without them.” Hana grumbled. No, it didn’t matter. Everything she had accomplished so far stood for itself. At the mention of his parents her eyes sharpened and her lips thinned. “We can talk about all the ways I’ve ignored your sage advice after we talk about your parents visiting. What could they possibly want after all this time, besides me finding a way to revoke their visas?”
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hanamaryam · 1 year
Bea only shrugged. Her lack of sharing skills weren’t something she didn’t care to talk about so freely and openly. Admitting she was selfish was about as far as she was willing to go. “She’s a fascinating woman. The way that death clings to her is the most intense case I’ve seen.” She finished with her grinding and looked up finally. “Why would he tease you?”
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“Death can cling to people?” Hana asked. How interesting. Bea always taught her something new. “I pity the fool who crosses her, so I suppose it does make sense.” Hana flushed under Bea’s gaze. Well she really only had herself to blame for this embarrassment, but Hana had rather thought Beatrice knew. “Probably the somewhat massive crush I have on you, I imagine. Sorry, I thought you knew.”
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hanamaryam · 1 year
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“Perhaps not poking your tongue out behind their backs might be a start.” Enes drawled, rolling his eyes at her childish actions, whilst inwardly applauding them all the same. “I am not good at advice Hana, but I can tell you one thing; they will never take seriously someone who does not take themselves the same way. You do not wait for them to give you their blessing or acknowledgement, because it will never come. You want to be taken seriously?” he sighed, “stop concerning yourself with the opinions of lesser men and women.”
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Hana considered this advice. Enes was her best friend and most trusted confidante for a reason. When he spoke, Hana listened. “You’re right, I shouldn’t. It never used to bother me, but then Grandmother was still alive and everything felt different. That doesn’t change the fact you’re right. You know, if you ever wanted a different job I’d pay you handsomely to be my advisor. You almost always talk me out of my stupider decisions.”
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hanamaryam · 1 year
“I didn’t do it to be admirable. I did it because I’m helplessly selfish.” Bea shrugged, and returned to her work, grinding the herbs in her bowl into a fine powder. “Enes… I’ve met him. He had a baby recently, did he not?” Her eyes darted up, a hidden little smile on her face. He had had a baby with Winnie, the fascinating one that death liked to hang around. Bea liked her. “I don’t punch people. I mentally torture them.”
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“Not a fan of sharing? I can’t blame you there.” At the mention of Iyana, Hana’s smile grew less mischievous and more fond. “Yes, with the woman who is also a dragon. Their baby is absolutely lovely, and Enes is so happy. I’m surprised he didn’t mention meeting you. Before I got terribly maudlin, he loved teasing me about you.”
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hanamaryam · 1 year
“If I recall correctly, I believe I told you that I would not be the other woman, anyway, so I’m not sure if that counts.” And she had stood firm to that. Even now, she was cautious with Hana, careful and guarded, though perhaps not nearly as much as she might have once been. “And I did not say that I had grown attached to you, just that attachments in my line of work are dangerous.”
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“You did, it was frustratingly admirable. It makes much more sense to me now than it did then. Still, asking was umm... how did Enes put it? Dumb? I believe he said something along those lines.” Enes always told Hana exactly what he thought, and Hana loved him dearly for it. “Attachment was implied.” Hana grinned at Beatrice. “At least a little bit of attachment, or you probably would’ve punched me by now.”
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