hamatoyoshi-splinter · 10 years
"Load with saturated fats and grease, too. And I try other foods." He defended weakly. It was true. He was eating a lot of cheese lately. "But...perhaps you are right. I should cut back on it." Splinter sighed.
"Sensei, a high amount of cheese in a regular day basis could result unhealthy. For your health maybe we should research a tasty supplement to consumed when you crave cheese"
"I do not consume a high amount of cheese daily, Donatello.” Splinter sniffed, casually brushing off crumbs of something. "And, if i recall correctly, you and your brothers consume a rather large amount of pizza. That’s not very healthy either, and it’s loaded with cheese."
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hamatoyoshi-splinter · 10 years
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"The cheese phone! Truly, an emergency!" MOSHI MOSHI.
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hamatoyoshi-splinter · 10 years
"Hunting...Shouldn't it be fishing? You have yet to anger me, Fishface,but I'm sure threatening my son will get me there."
hamatoyoshi-splinter started following you
"Looks like now the rat hunts for me. Wonder what I did to anger him this time? I’ve not even gotten round to torturing Red as of yet."
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hamatoyoshi-splinter · 10 years
"Sensei, a high amount of cheese in a regular day basis could result unhealthy. For your health maybe we should research a tasty supplement to consumed when you crave cheese"
"I do not consume a high amount of cheese daily, Donatello.” Splinter sniffed, casually brushing off crumbs of something. "And, if i recall correctly, you and your brothers consume a rather large amount of pizza. That’s not very healthy either, and it’s loaded with cheese."
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hamatoyoshi-splinter · 10 years
Lyra sat up & winced at the pain in her ankle. "Great, JUST great..." She looked around. "Weird... 's someone LIVIN down here?" She struggled to stand up. There was a picture on a shelf of- "A family? Living down HERE?" Talk about odd... "Hello?”
Splinter thought over what he should do. She shouldn’t be here, she needed to leave. But he couldn’t be seen… It would frighten her, she would run off, and she would tell. And that couldn’t happen.He would stay quiet for now, but if she attempted to explore past the dōjō, he would have to scare her off.
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hamatoyoshi-splinter · 10 years
Send me "Come and dance" for my muses reaction to yours taking their hands and pulling them onto the dancefloor
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hamatoyoshi-splinter · 10 years
"Mhmmm. Yes, please do." His mind danced with thoughts of such a delicious breakfast. "Where did you learn how to do something like that?" Whoever had taught his son to make something so appetizing, they deserved his thanks.
"Good morning, Sensei." Sad Mikey happily as he began to set up for breakfast. ((Hello.~))
“Ohayō, Michelangelo.” Splinter greeted, taking a sip of his tea. It was the first of the day, one of many.
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hamatoyoshi-splinter · 10 years
She darted into the sewers to evade the Purple Dragons. She was certain she'd lost them, but she kept going just in ca- "EYAAAAAAAH!!" she fell through a hole in the ground, through branches (in the SEWERS?) and landed face first in a... dojo? "Oww..."
In…Out…In…Out… Splinter had his hands folded in lap as he meditated. His eyes were closed and he was focused entirely on the internal. He was shaken from his trance at the sound of a female scream.  He opened his eyes with an exasperated sigh and quickly stood, darting away to hide. From his spot, he could see the girl laying on the ground. Donatello was suppose to have security measures up, but it seems the dōjō was a blind spot. He would speak with his son about that.
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hamatoyoshi-splinter · 10 years
Splinter's eyes widened and her gasped. "Cheese! I mean-" He cleared his throat and picked up his cup again. "That sounds delicious, Michelangelo." Even though he spoke calmly, he was smiling. 
"Good morning, Sensei." Sad Mikey happily as he began to set up for breakfast. ((Hello.~))
“Ohayō, Michelangelo.” Splinter greeted, taking a sip of his tea. It was the first of the day, one of many.
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hamatoyoshi-splinter · 10 years
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How to properly cut cheese.
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hamatoyoshi-splinter · 10 years
His ear twitched in interest. "New ways to make pancakes?" Splinter set down his cup and looked as his son with curiosity. "What sort of new ways?"
"Good morning, Sensei." Sad Mikey happily as he began to set up for breakfast. ((Hello.~))
“Ohayō, Michelangelo.” Splinter greeted, taking a sip of his tea. It was the first of the day, one of many.
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hamatoyoshi-splinter · 10 years
Master Splinter is back!
All past relationships are voided and are no longer in place. I'm giving my Splinter a brand new start.
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hamatoyoshi-splinter · 10 years
"Good morning, Sensei." Sad Mikey happily as he began to set up for breakfast. ((Hello.~))
“Ohayō, Michelangelo.” Splinter greeted, taking a sip of his tea. It was the first of the day, one of many.
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hamatoyoshi-splinter · 11 years
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Even though the world is filled with confusion,
When I gaze at one orchid,
I can forget all my problems.
- Song Sunam
I just had to make a follow up to this old picture after seeing the season finale.
… Yep.
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hamatoyoshi-splinter · 11 years
These M!As where originally from my old blog, but have been resubmitted with new additions.
Deadly Insomniac: Your muse is unable to sleep for a specified amount of time regardless of how many attempts they make, becoming extremely tired, weak and dangerously volatile as a result.
Childlike Innocence: Muse is mysteriously transformed into their younger form for a specified amount of time, accompanied with all the usual juvenile behaviours.
Personality Swap: Muse's usual personality is suddenly switched with another's for a specified amount of time, causing them to act like that person perfectly. Anon decides who.
Cross-dresser: Muse becomes a cross dresser for a specified amount of time, dressing up as the opposite sex.
Animal Suits!: Anon chooses an animal Muse must dress up as for a specified amount of time, imitating it's behaviour and characteristic traits.
Charmingly Flirtatious: Muse becomes a dazzling romantic for a specified amount of time, flirting with everyone regardless of gender, current relationship or sexual preferences.
Deliriously Drunk: Muse becomes excessively drunk for a specified amount of time, acting oddly and hallucinating occasionally. Muse may react to drunkenness however they please.
Shape Shifter: Anon decides what form Muse changes into, whether it be an animal, person, or even an object.
Player: Muse attempts to get in bed with everyone for a specified amount of time.
Lost: Muse becomes hopelessly lost, loosing all sense of direction they previously had. Anon decides what or who they are looking for.
Sex Change: Muse turns into the opposite sex for a specified amount of time.
Habitually Violent: Muse becomes extremely violent and will attempt to pick fights with anyone they talk to.
Leather, Panties and Stockings: Muse is forced to dress up in a very sexual manner for a specified amount of time, becoming extremely horny as a result.
Crossover: Muse becomes part of another fandom for a specified amount of time. Anon decides what.
Sweet Lips: Muse will give a kiss to anyone who utters the words 'sweet lips'. Can be via ask, replies or rebloging.
Docilely Submissive: Muse becomes an adorable little uke for a specified amount of time, as obedient as a dog and as playful as a kitten. Anon may choose who for.
Aggressively Dominant: Muse becomes a sadistic seme for a specified amount of time. Anon may choose who for.
Amnesia: Muse forgets everything about themselves, from their name to what they ate for breakfast.
OOC: Muse becomes seriously out of character for a specified amount of time.
Delusions of Grandeur: Muse starts to believe they are better than everyone, becomes the most important person in their universe and has a false sense of confidence, bragging about everything.
Of Love and Stuffing: Muse starts carrying around a plushy, becoming extremely attached to it. Anon may specify what, or else it is Muse's most loved person, thing, or animal.
Musically talented: Muse must sing everything they say, using lyrics from songs. Anon may specify how long.
Silence: Muse can no longer speak, and must communicate everything in non verbal ways, such as hand signals, ect. Anon decides how long.
Homicidal Maniac: Muse becomes mentally insane, and lusts for blood. Anon may specify how long and a particular target/obsession if they wish.
Am I pretty?: Muse attempts to get everyone to call them pretty, fishing for as many compliments they can get. Anon decides how long for.
Bare it all: Muse must walk around naked for a specified time. They may either be extremely self conscious or not notice at all.
Mirror Mirror: Muse becomes obsessed with their looks. Anon specifies how long for.
Cozy Cuddles: Muse tries to hug and cuddle as many people as possible, until specified amount of hugs have been given. Anon decides how many hugs are needed before M!A finishes.
Attention seeker: Muse becomes desperate for attention from whoever will give it to them.
Abhorrence: Muse absolutely hates one person, refusing to speak to them or being extremely spiteful towards them.
Unrelenting Obsession: Muse becomes terribly obsessed with one person, anon decides who.
Time for Change: Anon picks a specific feature of Muse that is to be changed for a specified amount of time, such as hair colour, clothes, ect.
More will be added as I make them up. Feel free to add your own if you wish.
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hamatoyoshi-splinter · 11 years
Nightmare Chasers
"Leo had always been there to chase his brothers’ nightmares away; Master Splinter had always been there to chase away Leo’s."
An animated-ish comic test featuring Splinter and Leo fluff ;u;  It loops continuously, so do not be dismayed by the blank screen at the end!
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hamatoyoshi-splinter · 11 years
Did I really decide to come back to my Splinter blog on the day I decided was his birthday? Yes, it seems so.
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