hallomuffin · 6 years
Retail Recess
I am going to embark on a 30-day retail recess. The reasons are as follows:
Save Money. The biggest reason. This year, we have a wedding, a honeymoon, and we are house hunting. We need to really knuckle down and save seriously. I’ve never had this many financially-burdensome events in my life before, and it freaks me out a bit, so I want to be as prepared as possible. I also don’t want to be worried we won’t have enough.
Buy Less. I’ve noticed how easy it can be for me to go down the slippery slope of retail therapy. Once I start rationalising “just one more” purchase, I start wanting and buying more. I don’t want to buy for the sake of buying. I want to really mindfully consume and acquire and appreciate what I have.
Want Less. I am tired of browsing websites and fantasising about beautiful clothes that I don’t have. It is tiring, you know, wanting things all the time. I feel unfocused and distracted. I feel anxious. I want to just feel at peace with what I have, and spend all that extra energy doing something more fulfilling. I want to free up mind-space.
Make More. In that vein, I want to make more. This is the year that I’ve set aside for myself to make art just for me. And I want to limit my distractions as much as possible. 
So my approach has to be tailored to suit my needs and to counteract my foibles. Here are the ways I want to redirect my nervous shopping-wanting-energy:
Draw my outfits. My “What I Wore” illustrations from my 20s (gosh!) were a bit hit. I loved doing them. They were quick, fun exercises that helped me draw faster, looser, capture details and gestures, as well as document my own personal style evolution. It captured two of my favourite things: drawing and fashion. I’d love to get into the habit of doing this again, and sharing it with others through the interwebs.
Compile a visual inventory of my wardrobe. Related to the above point, I’ve begun doing quick illustrations of my clothes. My aim is to have an illustrated inventory of everything I own (maybe even underwear and socks, if I’m feeling pedantic!). This will keep me busy, and also refocus my attention on what I already have. I’m sure I’ll realise how much I own, and that I don’t need anything new! It’ll also help me see gaps and double-ups in my wardrobe, so that I can plan more mindfully for future acquisitions.
Make inspiration boards/images. Pinteresting outfits and making moodboards and drawing fashiony images always make me excited about what to wear. It’s a good way to get style inspiration and to keep things fresh.
Mend, clean & maintain my wardrobe. I have a few things that need a bit of alterations in order to be just right. I can comb my winter knits, get things hemmed, fix some stitches. I can condition and polish my shoes. I can wash my sneakers. All the things I can do to remind me why I love the things I have.
Selling & donating things I don’t like/wear/need. A frequent cull to keep things relevant for my tastes.
Try a bit of beauty stuff. Maybe have a bit of a self-care routine involving face masks, moisturising, facial cleansing, make up... 
Don’t shop for clothes. Of course!
Inspiration The Lovely Laura Life Style Bee Unfancy Capsule Closet
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hallomuffin · 6 years
2018 Wishlist
This year, I want to approach my wishlists differently. Last year, I had a wishlist for each season, and I felt that allowed me to make excuses to buy more clothing that I didn’t really need. I want to spend less on clothing this year and appreciate what I have more, so a year-long wishlist seemed the best approach.
Clyde Jacket in Clay Cotton Canvas by Elizabeth Suzann.
Clyde Culottes in Clay or Navy Cotton Canvas by Elizabeth Suzann.
Florence Pants in Rust Silk by Elizabeth Suzann.
Green or Navy Wool Crew Neck Thick Sweater.
Oatmeal Linen Midi Skirt from Not Perfect Linen.
Patterned Wrap Dress.
Boyfriend Jeans.
Long Sleeve Cotton Top in neutral colour.
White Sneakers.
Cream or Navy Bra from Pansy Co.
Chalk Rib Top from Kloke.
Let’s see how I go with sticking to this!
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hallomuffin · 6 years
Closet Mission for the New Year
As this year draws to a close, I’ve had a moment to reflect on how I’ve progressed with my wardrobe/personal style, and how I hope to move forward.
I definitely spent less than last year.
I was more selective with my clothes.
I am much better at identifying what suits me tastes and body and makes me feel good.
BUT I slipped off the track and allowed myself one too many unplanned purchases. And I always found a way to justify them. This resulted in feelings of guilt. Many of the items are still loved and will be long-lasted additions. But I could also have lived without them!
I notice that I have a tendency to identify a gap in my wardrobe - and then urgently feel the need to fill the gap. This obsession becomes all-consuming for, like, a week. When left alone, it eventually goes away. But when I feed it (browsing pinterest for inspo, instagram, fantasising about outfits, thinking about buying the thing), it gets out of control and I really do end up convincing myself that I need it.
Shop Less. Be stricter with budgets. Save more for fewer things. John and I have big things to save for, and it’ll give me greater peace of mind. I should also spend less time scrolling through instagram, because that is such a killer!
Appreciate More. Learn to be more appreciative of the clothes I already have. Have a curiosity about my personal style, and a willingness to be creative and try new things. Have Gratitude. Learn to live more with less.
Mindfully, Mindfully.  Be more forgiving when I stray. Recognise the triggers for my desire to shop, to quiet that anxiety and find other ways to redirect that nervous energy.  
Stick to the Plan. Be more solid with my wishlists. I spend so much time planning them out, it only makes sense that I stick to them. This year, there were too many times that I allowed myself to make a purchase that wasn’t planned for, just because I wanted it. Plan for the unplanned too. Perhaps allot myself a “free spend” budget for surprise/impulse purchases.
Be Creative. Find news ways to express my love for style. Draw my daily outfits. Illustrate clothes that I have, clothes that I want. Find a way to channel this passion in a more productive, self-fulfilling way. And share it with others. Perhaps I can blog more. Perhaps I can make a separate instagram account just for photos/drawings of my outfits.
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hallomuffin · 6 years
Summer Work Capsule
Long time no post! I’ve been wanting to check in with my wardrobe for a while, since I kind of went off track and was less mindful than I wanted to be.
I recently got a new job (hooray!), and now my needs for a day to day wardrobe have changed a little bit. I now work in an art gallery that also serves as a retail space, and my clothes need to be quite practical but also presentable. I thought I’d put together a little capsule for work and see where the gaps are.
Job Title Retail Gallerist.
Daily Activities
Managing the store front. Greeting customers, answering queries, putting through transactions.
Running up and down stairs to fetch artwork.
Packing artwork for deliveries -- very physical and strenuous! 
Daily maintenance of gallery, including vacuuming, dusting, wiping, cleaning, re-hanging, straightening, re-arranging stock.
Climbing stairs, ladders.
Reaching high, bending down, being on my knees, moving around quite a lot.
Sometimes sitting for a while, putting through online orders or doing work at the computer.
Doing errands outside - carrying deliveries to the post office, taking the rubbish out.
Clothing Requirements
Must be comfortable. I don’t want to feel restricted or self-conscious at all. Nothing tight or clingy. Elastic bands and boxy, relaxed cuts are good.
Must be reasonably modest. I don’t want a top with a scoop neck that gapes too low when I’m bending down, or something that shows my midriff. 
Must allow a range of motion. I will be reaching, bending, kneeling, running, moving.
Must be rugged and easy to wash a lot. I will most likely get it quite dirty with dust, grime, and lots of sweat. Weekly washes.
Must be breathable! Parts of the job can be quite physical and therefore I get really hot and sweaty. Particularly important in summer, because the gallery doesn’t have much aircon, and the door will always stay open to allow hot summer air to come in. 
Must mix and match well, as I’ll be rotating them.
Must allow me to feel happy and confident. I am still presenting myself to customers on a daily basis, so I’d like to look put together and myself.
Petra Top in Flax Hemp
Kloke Dusty Pink Tee
Gorman Silk Apron Top -- probably avoid wearing this at work on very hot days, as I sweat profusely and I’m not sure about sweating in my silk top so much! It kinda gets gross and wet.
Lauren Winter Linen Turnaround Top -- wore this to work once, and it kept sliding up to show my stomach! Urgh! I can only wear this with true-high waisted bottoms. The ones I wore didn’t go up to my ribs and therefore there was a gap.
Clyde Pants in Natural Cotton Twill -- my absolute workhorse pants. I wear them 2-3 times a week. I always reach for them. 
Blue Linen Pants
Uniqlo Navy Culottes -- unfortunately getting a tiny bit snug around the waist.
Kamm Pants -- I’ll see how comfortable these are after they’ve been altered. I’m not sure they’re great for an eight hour day with a bunch of movement though, or even sitting down for a while.
*Clyde Pants in Olive Cotton Twill - ordered a pair of these after I realised how I love and wear the above. I am sure these will be lived in as well!
*Clyde Shorts in Natural Cotton Canvas -- another new addition! I only had one pair of shorts, and they were silk ones from Grana, and I felt they weren’t very appropriate for work... so I got what I hope to be a super rugged pair!
Dresses & Jumpsuits
Georgia Dress -- a great effortless thing to chuck on when it’s hot, but the collar is a little wide and it doesn’t have any pockets.
Light Blue Shirt Dress -- I hope this will be a keeper! Good for work, presentable, lightweight, pocketed.
Kuwaii Navy Jumpsuit -- Generally an all-rounder. I’m wondering if the wide leg pants will get in the way when I’m packing, though.
Lauren Winter Sea Green Jumpsuit
I believe the most important additions have already been made in the form of the Clyde shorts and pants. Now I just need a couple of more lightweight, durable summer tops. I will be sweating so much, and I’ll probably only wear them once each during the hotter days. 
A tee, in blue or green.
Maybe a second tee.
A linen, sleeveless top. 
Perhaps a linen jacket for chillier mornings.
Excellent deodorant.
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hallomuffin · 6 years
Winter Wardrobe Reflection
Super late, and totally in the middle of summer right now, but here we goooo.
— Everlane Oatmeal Turtleneck Jumper - By far the biggest workhorse in my cold weather wardrobe. It went with everything. The fit was relaxed yet flattering and effortless to throw over anything.
— COS Forest Green Coatigan - Year two with this baby and still going strong. Goes with absolutely everything. And the knitted nature means it's no fuss and not bulky.
— ES Clyde Pants - My babies. I love them. They go with everything. They lightened up all my dark clothes.
— Uniqlo Navy Heat Tech Turtleneck - Wore this as a fitted top to balance out voluminous bottoms. Will replace it with the merino version I just bought.
— Kloke Chalk Merino Turtleneck -  Perfectly versatile and a workhorse. Will consider tailoring the neck to become a mock neck for next season, though.
— Uniqlo Heat Tech Thermals - Could not live without these. They add longevity to my summer pieces.
— Uniqlo Dark Green Sweater - Tried to make this work for the second year running. I just never reach for it. The cut does NOT feel flattering on me. I don’t feel good in it. The quality is lacking. It’s too dark of a green. 
— búl 3/4 Sleeve High Neck Top - It was honestly just too cold, and and when I’m cold I prefer to stay away from cold-feeling fabrics. I tried layering under it once, but wasn’t feeling it.
— Aritzia Sweater Dress - it seemed perfect in theory, but it clung to my belly too much, the neck was way too high/voluminous, it was too warm to layer under coats, and I felt self conscious wearing it on its own. I just didn’t feel good in it.
— Indigo Dylan Coat - I absolutely loved this. My favourite coat. Didn’t wear it as much as my coatigan because it seemed a little heavy duty for the weather some days, and our winter was milder this year. But it is definitely a forever coat!
— Clyde Billow Skirt Cotton Canvas - I got decent wear out of this. It is stiffer than I anticipated, but it certainly kept me warm. I liked wearing it with a sweater over the top and stockings under. Will try to wear it more next winter.
— Everlane Oatmeal Turtleneck Jumper - As above. A total winner and wardrobe hero.
— Everlane Cashmere Crop Mock Neck - Wore this quite a lot, too! Not as much as the turtleneck jumper, but it was a great, versatile and warm layer that was not at all bulky.
— Aritzia Sweater Dress - A failure, sadly. It shows me that I need to be ever vigilant about silhouettes. I need to be honest with myself when buying things, and not just hoping it’ll fit me differently.
— Terilyn Boots - Sadly, not a winner.I thought these would be forever ankle boots for me, but they’re actually a little too big. My feet slide around in them, even with socks. The opening is a little wide. I find my toes clawing a little when I walk in them.The glove-like fit of the leather actually works against me because it slowly pushes my feet out of the shoe. I might have to resell these (but who will buy size 34?!).
— Kloke Chalk Turtleneck - As above - WINNER. Totally versatile.
Need more long sleeve cotton tops to layer under knitwear. I’d like to get more mileage out of my knitwear. I was also too warm sometimes with my heat tech.
Maybe enough turtlenecks. I don’t like neck to be too chunky, also. I prefer the mock neck style.
More crew neck tops/jumpers.
I would like an in-between coat: something that's warm and substantial but not wool. (Perhaps the Clyde Jacket?)
After wearing more wool, heat tech feels so restrictive. I get easily sweaty in them and they attract odour. I want to switch to more merino over time.
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hallomuffin · 7 years
A really helpful link from Kuwaii about caring for their clothes & shoes, that can apply to any item in your wardrobe.
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hallomuffin · 7 years
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Kloke Merino Turtleneck & Elizabeth Suzann Clyde Billow Skirt
Recent mindful additions. My wishlist is all checked off for winter. Now to stop shopping for a while and save. :)
The turtleneck is a perfect base (or top) layer in a warm neutral. I’ve worn it under a dress and my jumpsuit, and I am sure it’ll be in high rotation as the weather gets colder.
The skirt is so lovely - and so substantial! The weight of the cotton canvas is something I’m not yet used to, but I’m excited to wear this after I get it hemmed. Previous winters, I avoided wearing skirts because I just felt like I was wearing nothing and was always so cold. This time, it’s gonna be different.
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hallomuffin · 7 years
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This is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while now! I have had the compulsion to draw my outfits and clothes ever since embarking on this wardrobe curation journey, but I was lazy and kept putting it off. Today, I sat down and finally did this little doodle. It’s loose and unrefined, and I absolutely did not use a single reference for any of these clothes haha. I wanted to draw things based on my memory alone.
Dabbling with my watercolours, it became apparent to me that it’d be quite hard to accurately represent colours in my wardrobe. This is far too bright and saturated, but I guess it’s a good start. Also I have no idea what’s going on with my scanner. I think the paper was a bit crinkly. Maybe next time I’ll place a heavy book on it? 
Anyway, enough about the art. Onto the clothes!*
Row 1, left to right:
Forest Green Wool Coatigan - COS
Dylan Wool Coat in Indigo - Meraki Collections
Camel Wool Duster Vest - Seed (c/o my sister!)
Dark Green Cropped Leather Jacket - DANAE
Navy Rain Jacket - RAINS
Row 2:
Oatmeal Wool-Cashmere Ribbed Turtleneck Jumper - Everlane
Dark Green Wool Mock Neck Jumper - Uniqlo
Pale Brown Wool Turtleneck Sweater Dress - Aritzia
Navy Wool Sweater Midi Dress - Witchery
Rust Wool Sweater Midi Dress - Witchery
Row 3:
Deep Blue Cashmere Mock Neck Jumper - Everlane
Olive Wool Mock Neck Top - Uniqlo
Navy Heattech Turtleneck - Uniqlo
Olive Cotton Trousers - Uniqlo
Natural Cotton Twill Clyde Work Pants - Elizabeth Suzann
Row 4:
Beige Wool Turtleneck - Kloke
Navy Cashmere Jumper - Dunedin
Peach Wool Scarf - Country Road
Navy Skinny Jeans - Nobody
Tan Cotton Canvas Midi Skirt - Elizabeth Suzann
Row 5:
Navy Wool Beanie - Muji
Tan Cashmere Beanie - COS
The Sandys in Undyed Leather - Sevilla Smith
Black Ankle Boots - Bared Shoes
Navy Culottes - Uniqlo
White Sneakers - Birkenstock
* Not included are the heap of Heattech thermals I will be wearing under all of these as it gets super cold.
I’m excited to start wearing these clothes as the colder weather creeps in. I also look forward to layering my spring clothes with warmer garments to increase their longevity and transeasonal utility. 
I am usually really bad with layering - I tend to only weather summery clothes in hot weather, and winter clothes when it’s super cold. It’s hard with in-between weather. I should really learn how to layer better.
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hallomuffin · 7 years
Winter Wishlist
As labels begin to bring out their AW17 collections, I’ve been tweaking my winter wishlist. I’ve had this in my draft section for months, actually, and made additions/deductions over time. Just having a list written down really helped curb my urges to want new things and buy shit. It kept me focused.
With that said, here is my list of wants and wishes for the upcoming cold season. I’m really trying to only have a few thoughtful investments this year, keeping in mind that I want quality and longevity, and that winter clothes are usually much more expensive. I’ve also already made some headway on this list, thanks to end-of-season sales.
1 - INDIGO DYLAN COAT by Meraki Collections (Purchased with 10% discount, $495) - XS/S - Last winter, I got by wearing one forest green coat(igan) pretty much every single day. That reflected in the wear and tear of the item - some pilling in high friction areas. This year, I’d like to invest in a second coat, something a little more structured to contrast the drapey knit nature of my coatigan. My only con for this amazing coat is that it is only 65% wool - but honestly, that’s probably warm enough for Melbourne mild weather. Plus, I’ve been getting much better at layering warm, thin sweaters underneath now.
2 - CLYDE BILLOW SKIRT COTTON CANVAS by Elizabeth Suzann (Purchased with store credit, $130) - Khaki / S - My second big ticket purchase. I really felt that I was lacking something more feminine last winter, and sometimes felt too androgynous in my trousers and knits. (I suppose a trade-off of having pixie hair!) This is the perfect skirt: full, billowing, giant pockets, elastic waist for comfort, some structure yet movement. Great for wearing tights underneath!
3 - RIBBED WOOL-CASHMERE TURTLENECK by Everlane (Purchased, $160) - This is the perfect turtleneck jumper! It appears to be a really good quality one for heavy wear, in a highly versatile colour. I also really like the relaxed fit and split hem to allow for layering, movement and tummy freedom.
4 - CASHMERE CROP MOCK NECK by Everlane (Purchased, $170) - I only began to really appreciate thinner, warmer layers last winter. Cashmere is great for layering as it doesn’t add bulk, but keeps you toasty. Plus I really like this boxy silhouette - so comfy and easy to wear, without restrictions across the tummy!
4 - BIANCA DRESS by Wilfred Free - XS / Heather Root - (Purchased, on sale for $160) - Last winter I felt that I had too many things that were fitted, and wanted a relaxed turtleneck sweater dress that I could just throw on. The warm neutral will work with everything in my wardrobe - and will prevent me from going too dark!
5 - TERILYN BOOTS by Sevilla Smith - EU34 / Baroque Sahara (Gift from John for Christmas, $370) - I really wanted a second pair of ankle boots, so that I can alternate between my black ones and these ones. These are also a different cut - much lower than my black boots - which gives it a bit of a change.
6 - WIRE MERINO SKIVVY CHALK by Kloke - XS ($169) - A lightweight yet warm underlayer in a soft neutral. Perfect for layering and taking spring clothes into colder weather. It totally looks grey on this website, but I saw it on another, and it looked rather warm-toned. I’m going to check it out in person and see.
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hallomuffin · 7 years
Cold Weather Closet Prep
I have no records of what I wore last autumn, so I can’t really reflect on it. But I wrote a thing on last winter’s wears, so we’ll just call this a cold weather closet prep.
My jumpers weren’t quite right. I purchased my knits primarily based on colour and less on fit. The result was that I avoided wearing them in the end because they hugged the wrong places, weren’t very easy to layer, and were just unflattering. 
I also got sick of wearing so many dark colours. While I had sorted out a colour palette that I was happy with, I realised months in that it was mostly filled with navy and dark green, with black accessories. Surprisingly for me, I felt a bit depressed by this. 
I wanted to inject a little bit of femininity in my otherwise rather androgynous/tomboy style. I guess I was mostly wearing bulky knits and pants, and with my short hair often tucked under a beanie, I felt a little too boyish. 
So this cold weather season, I’ve purchased a couple of key knits with much better cuts. I have made a conscientious effort to include more warm, lighter neutrals. I will also be including a versatile midi skirt into the mix.
Do a Closet Edit for all my autumn/winter gear.
What did I wear most last autumn/winter?
Green Wool Coatigan
Navy & Rust Wool Sweater Midi Dresses
Olive Mock Neck Wool Top
Olive Ankle Length Pants
Oatmeal Cashmere Beanie
Black Ankle Boots
Black sneakers
(A shitton of thermals.)
What pieces am I most excited to wear (again)? 
Last winter I really liked pairing my olive mock neck with my navy culottes, my midi sweater dresses with sneakers, and my ankle boots with pretty much everything. This cold season, I look forward to getting more wear out of my ES clyde pants and skinny jeans. I’d like to layer more dresses over pants. I am excited to incorporate my new duster vest into the mix, since it seems to be a perfect transeasonal item. And maybe more turtlenecks under spring dresses to get more mileage out of them.
What should I avoid buying? What didn’t get worn last cold season?
No more shit from Woolovers. It was great while it lasted. Other than the knits on my wishlist, no more of those. I really do have enough. I get so worried about being cold, and so excited about buying knits, but then so many of them turn out to have really poor fits for me. I need to be more conscientious. 
No more thermals or heattech. I have enough to last me until I die, really. 
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hallomuffin · 7 years
Summer Wardrobe Reflection
Since Spring was virtually non-existent and blended quickly into summer, I thought I’d do a reflection on the warm season in general. 
What I’ve been wearing the most:
Linen pants
Clyde pants
Georgia dress
Linen jumpsuit
Dusty pink tee
COS peach midi dress
Wraparound top
Emma kimono
Denim jacket
White sneakers
COS long sleeve navy top
Country Road navy longline cardigan
Uniqlo navy bomber
Tan Sandys
Black Sandys
What I have worn the least:
Silk skirts - I think they were too floaty and lightweight for days with springtime temps, and on super hot days, I opted for linen instead.
Gorman mint midi dress - It feels like more of a special occasion dress, surprisingly. Maybe I should try to wear it more for casual things.
Alpha60 mint shift dress - Sadly, I think this is too small for me in the bust. While I love the cut and colour, I just haven’t reached for it much. I wore it once to a wedding in Malaysia last year, and I remember feeling self conscious in the boob-area. Maybe time to let this one go?
Blush jeans - A little too thick for hot days. I should try to wear them more for coolr days, though!
Bul blue tee - Whenever I felt like wearing a tshirt, I opted for my dusty pink one instead. Probably because I really love the cut and feel of it. I don’t think I enjoy how the blue tee sits on me, and it’s an awkward length. 
Bul spaghetti strap shift dress - I’ve worn it only a few times, but each time it didn’t feel quite right. I felt a little too naked underneath, as I had to go braless.
I was often too cold. I need to reinvest in my jackets and get more lightweight long sleeves.
Turns out I was just fine with one pair of sandals. This was largely because I wore my tan Sandys more than any other shoe! They are so versatile.
I really enjoyed my linen pants but they were perhaps a little too roomy/loose and erred on the frumpy side. Maybe a more structured style wideleg pant.
Too many oversize/loose silhouettes. Needed to tighten it up a bit.
Overall, though, I was pretty happy with what I had to wear for summer.
I probably have enough tops now. Some really nice pants would be a great addition.
I really like wearing knits, even in warmer weather. I just find them very comforting. 
The Thing that Got Away
Almondine Mid-Sleeve Roller Filippa K - I’d seen this during winter and thought it’d be a perfect transitional piece. The turtleneck, mid-sleeves and cashmere blend would add warmth where required but the tencel would keep it really lightweight and breathable. Plus the colour was so lovely - a warm muted blush. I ended up not buying it because I figured it was overkill and I really needed to stock up on short sleeves (which was true). But looking back on it now, I think I should’ve purchased it. There have been many days that were a bit cooler than anticipated, where I could’ve layered it under a jumpsuit or a dress, or even worn it on its own.
Midsleeve/Longsleeve Top - A neutral, fitted, mid-to-long sleeve to wear as a transitional layer.
Wide Leg Linen Pants - I loved wearing linen bottoms, but I think a pair in a more tailored cut would be a great addition. I can switch up the voluminous silhouette. Perhaps a pair of Florence Pants from ES?
Cream or Blush Midi Skirt - I don’t really have a flowy summer skirt to wear. My old Scanlan & Theodore skirts, while beautiful, are either not the right length (not midi), or a colour I don’t wear much (grey). Perhaps something in linen or cotton. Or even a raw silk?
Oversize Cropped Tee - Or a “normal length” tee for me. One for layering over dresses.
Sleeveless Linen Dress - A dress with more structure, perhaps, than my Georgia Dress.
Chambray Jumpsuit - I loved my jumpsuit and wore it so much. I’d really love another one! (I hope this comes back in the denim! D:)
Soft Cup Bra - I love my bralettes but there were times when I felt I was a bit too nippy with my lightweight tops. I’d like a bra I can opt for when I want a smooth silhouette.
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hallomuffin · 7 years
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The Night Jacket & The Dena Dress
A couple of the recent additions to ze wardrobe. 
The Night Jacket in denim was an exciting, albeit stressful, purchase. Biya and I have talked about how jackets seem like a weighty investment because they are an outer layer and are meant to be ultra versatile and timeless. It’s kind of weird, because I don’t feel this pressure when buying any other type of clothing. However, I definitely noticed my lack of jackets and felt it was a prudent purchase. This one is lightweight enough to take me through summer, spring and warmer autumn days. 
My Emma Kimono has been wonderful, but I definitely felt that I needed a neutral blue to wear over everything. A twist on the classic denim jacket. This has a lovely loose silhouette with kimono sleeves. (My Japanese-inspired aesthetic lives on.) Although perhaps it has called for me to calm down on this silhouette and look to others now.
I’ve worn this a few times now and I really like it!
And I bought a special occasion dress! Yay! The gorgeous Dena Dress was a custom order in a new fabric (although it is now listed in a variety of fabrics). It is SUCH a beautiful dark moss green. Unfortunately it is roomier than anticipated, and the off-shoulder neckline threatens to expose me to the world. I’ll need to get it altered before I can wear it. Maybe get it taken up a notch, too. I can’t wait to wear it to a wedding in March! 
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hallomuffin · 7 years
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So, the challenge has come and gone. It was certainly an interesting exercise. I was definitely getting a bit bored of wearing the same clothes over and over again by the end, though. Ten items is too few for me to feel satisfied with my wardrobe.
The day before the challenge began, I quickly sketched as many combinations of outfits as I could think of. I actually come up with fifteen possibilities (I’m sure there are even more).
Most of these outfits were not worn out, as the days between work and other outings, I was just chilling at home.
Outfit 1 - Georgia Dress + Sneakers - A simple, effortless combo. I love my Georgia, even more so now with the slightly shorter length of the dress. It is so great for hot days!
Outfit 2 - Wraparound Top + Wrap Skirt + Sandys - I really like wearing these two together. The emphasise on the wrap silhouette makes me feel feminine and chic.
Outfit 4 - Linen Jumpsuit + Sandys - I LOVE THIS JUMPSUIT. Any and every iteration of it. With and without the belt. With sneakers or with flats. It is just so fucking comfortable, flattering, chic and makes me feel a million bucks. It is amazingly versatile and suitable for a variety of occasions: lounging at someone’s place, playing with a baby, going out to a show, going to a gallery opening, sitting around in a park, etc.
Outfit 5 - Petra Crop Top + Linen pants + Sandys - This one was rather pleasing to wear. I really like the crop top and how substantial it feels despite being sleeveless. The lightness of the pants balances it out. 
Outfit 7 - Wraparound Top + Linen Jumpsuit - I tried to include some layering in my challenge, and this one actually turned out quite nicely. A good way of getting extra wear out of my top, but also adding a bit of extra warmth to my sleeveless jumpsuit (without wearing a tee underneath, as I’d normally do). It felt kinda avant garde.
Outfit 8 - Emma Kimono + Georgia Dress - These two were made to be together. What a comfy silhouette that still felt pulled together.
Outfits 13 & 14 - Georgia Dress + Skirt/Pants - Aha! I got to finally try the concept of wearing a dress over bottoms for summer. I’d tried this towards the end of the winter, purely out of a desperation to wear different combinations of the same shit. (I wore my navy sweater dress over blush jeans.) And I’d quite liked it! There is honestly something so sophisticated about wearing a dress over bottoms. You feel extra cool, too. The linen pants gave it an extra Japanese-chic feel. The skirt gave it a lovely softness. I will be trying more of this!
1 - GO EASY ON THE LOOSE SILHOUETTES - Many of the items in this challenge were quite loose and oversized. While I normally revel in this kind of silhouettes, I was kinda craving something more fitted/tailored by the end of the challenge - particular in the form of pants. How interesting, considering I’ve been straying from fitted things lately. I guess balance is important.
2 - JUMPSUIT LOVE - As mentioned above, I FUCKING LOVE MY JUMPSUIT. I definitely would like to add another jumpsuit to my wardrobe. They are just so, so versatile and perfect for a lazy dresser like me. Plus they’re an alternative to my favourite of dresses!
3 - A PRACTICE IN SEPARATES - This exercise forced me to wear my separates in a more considered way. It was good practice for me, as I tend to just gravitate towards shlopping on a dress and calling it a day. I have developed quite a fondness for separates over the past year, probably partially due to the more mindful acquisitions of them into my closet.
4 - COLOUR BALANCE - I love wearing blue, probably more than any other colour. But having warm neutrals thrown into the mix made everything more palatable and interchangeable. I wanted another colour by the end of the challenge, though - like a peach or a green.
5 - LINEN IS WONDERFUL - Seriously. I am a total convert. It is such a comfortable and breathable fabric.
6 - I GET COLD VERY EASILY/MELBOURNE WEATHER LOL - I don’t know why I always forget this. But the forecast for the ten days started off with super hot summery weather, and turned into COLD RAINY WEATHER. Damn you, Melbourne. I had to swap a jacket in every now and then because the light linen layers, bare legs and short sleeves just weren’t cutting it. Long sleeves and jackets are the unappreciated heroes of my closet and I should pay more attention to them.
7 - SUMMER WARDROBE GOING SWELL - Overall, I’m really happy with the state of my warm weather wardrobe. Mostly everything is in a harmonious palette, things can be mix and matched, and it’s all comfortable, simple and chic! I just need to be mindful of including a few more transeasonal things for the colder/unpredictable days.
8 - CONSIDER ACCESSORIES AND MAKEUP - I felt pretty fucking samey on a lot of the days, as I was mostly makeup-free and wore little to no accessories. Occasionally I would throw on a bit of blush or drape a necklace, and it really lifted the outfit. It has made me realise that I’ve really overlooked quality jewellery for the past few years (focusing primarily on colourful little earring studs).
9 - I LOVE MY SANDYS - They are the fucking best. Beautiful, versatile, comfortable. The tan, almost neutral-coloured leather goes with everything!
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hallomuffin · 7 years
10x10 Summer Challenge
10 items, 10 outfits, 10 days. 
I’m excited to be doing this fun challenge with Biya, started by StyleBee some time ago. I feel like it’s a really good opportunity to get to know my clothes better, and have a better appreciation for what I already have.
Weather Forecast - I’ve had a look at the weather for the next ten days (starting tomorrow) and the weather is predictably unpredictable. Oh, Melbourne. It ranges from 23-38°C, with a rain (or a chance of it) on several days. Keeping things airy, layerable and comfy is the way to go.
Activities - Over the next week and a bit, I have a couple of social engagements, including visiting my niece, going out to dinner and a show. In between I’ll just be chilling or running errands. I’ll also be going to work, but I won’t be including that (more below).
Keeping It Easy - This is my first time doing this challenge, and I didn’t want to overthink it. So I’m gonna try to keep it quite simple in terms of outfits and colours.
I chose 3 tops, 2 bottoms, 2 one-pieces, 1 jacket, and 2 pairs of shoes.
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1 - Linen Tank Top, Country Road - This one’s a little older, maybe a couple of years now. I really like it, but I haven’t worn it enough. It was one of the first linen things I ever owned. (The quality is noticeably not up to par with my other linens, though.)
2 - Petra Crop Top, Elizabeth Suzann - The weather is finally warm enough for me to wear this beauty! I recently had it taken up just about an inch, so that it sad properly on my petite frame. I’m a little concerned the armholes are a bit snug, but we shall see.
3 - Wraparound Top, Lauren Winter - Probably my favourite top at the moment. It’s just so beautifully designed. A great weight for warmer weather, too.
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4 - Linen Pants, NotPerfectLinen - Really love these pants. They are just so comfy to throw on, and the chambray colour seems to go with everything. 
5 - Wrap Skirt, Alpha60 - I haven’t made enough of an effort to incorporate this skirt into outfits since I bought it a few years ago. That was probably because I was totally lacking in any nice tops back then. I want to wear this more!
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6 - Georgia Dress, Elizabeth Suzann - This dress is just ideal for throwing on when I’m feeling lazy, or it’s going to be hot and I don’t want anything to stick to me, or I’m going to be lounging around at my sister’s place.
7 - Linen Jumpsuit, Kuwaii - Yay! I love this piece so much! I recently had it altered so that the straps would be slightly shorter, and had the hems taken up on the legs, too. It was a little too low cut for me previously, but now it should be perfect. Can’t wait to take it for a spin! 
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8 - Emma Kimono, Elizabeth Suzann - It’s been flickering between slightly-too-cold and way-too-hot weather lately, and I hadn’t found as many opportunities to wear this kimono. Also, there have been days where I felt I could probably get away with just a long sleeve top, but then found myself overheating in the sun. Good to have a removable layer when I know I’m going to be exposed to varying temps during the day (or extreme aircon!). This should help my outfits transition to evening-appropriate wear, as the degrees drop.
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9 - Sandys, Sevilla Smith - My favourite shoes right now. :) They TRULY go with everything. I love adding a pop of tan to my outfits. It’s like having a nude shoe. These will be great for day to day wear, but also when I want to look a bit fancy as well.
10 - Leather Sneakers, Birkenstock - I was really torn between these or my sandals, but figured these will be good for days that are rainy or involve extended amounts of walking.
And there you have it! My outfits probably won’t be anything particularly different, but I am going to have fun all the same. I can see already that I lack looser fitting tops that can be worn over dresses or jumpsuits, to add even more outfit options. Food for thought.
I’ve chosen to exclude work clothes from the mix, as I have a specific wardrobe for that (all black clothes). I am also excluding a raincoat (which I may or may not need depending on the weather). Other exclusions are accessories and bags. Also admittedly, some days I may not even leave the house, but I’ll make an outfit up anyway.
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hallomuffin · 7 years
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The Harper Tunic & Clyde Pants
And here they are. They are infinitely more lovely in person. The cotton twill was such a great choice - it really does feel like denim. Structured, sturdy, but with a softness that will grow over time with wear and washing. 
The Clydes are SO comfortable to wear, and also so flattering. I knew I’d have to cuff the legs - it’s such a great way to balance the volume of the hips. The pockets are luxuriously large. The waistband is thick and comfy. I’ve tried sitting around in these and there’s no constriction whatsoever. I can’t wait to wear these with a number of tops! 
The Harper is the surprise, here. After I made my initial order, I was worried about how it would sit on me. But I actually love it. There’s something indescribably charming about it - particularly that huge, amazing pocket! 
Together, they will become my new uniform. I feel weirdly chic and artistic when I wear it.
On a side note, the Linn Tee is going back to ES. While the flax linen is gorgeous, and the make was of course great quality, I didn’t love the shape on me. It seemed a little too voluminous and shapeless. The shoulders sloped a little too much. I don’t know. But I’m happy to have met it, and to say goodbye. I’ll use the store credits for something else. :)
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hallomuffin · 7 years
Special Occasion Dress
Ah, this category has always eluded me. I never knew how to shop for special occasions, and when I did, it was always under pressure. The purchase tended to be overbudget and underwhelming. When I wasn’t able to buy anything, I’d borrow from my sister’s expansive wardrobe. The latter was obviously very wallet-friendly, but I tended to play “dress-ups” rather than feel myself. Clothes always had to be adjusted somehow because our body types are so different, and I was never comfortable in my outfit.
Earlier this year, we were invited to a wedding in Malaysia. I didn’t really have anything appropriate to wear. My dresses err more on the informal side, and aren’t suitable for evening occasions. So I spent hours and hours and hours researching occasion wear, trying to find a simple design with the greatest longevity, and decided on a silk slip dress. I felt that all of my findings indicated it was likely to be a timeless, feminine and flattering option.
I was wrong. Firstly, I chose an orange trust colour I do not love. Secondly, I was very self-conscious in that dress. It clung to my figure and I felt like I seriously had to suck in my stomach to feel okay. I also did not like how my boobs looked without a bra in the dress, and ended up wearing a rather uncomfortable bra instead. All in all, I didn't feel good even though others told me I looked good.
So this time, I want to set some guidelines for my occasion wear, now that I've learnt them the hard way.
I must be comfortable. 
I must feel great in it. 
Nothing fitted or tight or clingy.
Avoid zips and buttons where possible.
Preferably silk (or silk-like), but crisp cotton or linen is acceptable.
Preferably not backless or spaghetti straps, unless the fabric is stiff enough to skim over my bust.
Waist should either be loose and free, or bound by a sash/tie/belt.
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The Marlena Midi in Silk Crepe by Elizabeth Suzann. This is the front runner for a few reasons: it is probably excellent quality and make, it is the most timeless cut, it is the most simple, and it is the most versatile. The silk crepe makes it ideal for occasions of all degrees of formality, and the reversible neck means I can play it up. The fabric is opaque and durable, which means I won’t have to be afraid of ruining it. The straight cut is flattering and freeing, though I can belt it if I require more shape. The other great thing is I can incorporate this into my everyday wardrobe by layering it with a tee or turtleneck, or even pants. For colours, I’m leaning towards this nude, because it’s a refreshing step back from the darker hues. Or perhaps the beautiful navy - a classic, really.
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The Palma Dress in Gold by Jesse Kamm. (Another view here.) A beautiful piece. The A-line cut is a classic and flattering on all figures. Like the Marlena, the Palma has a reversible neckline - a high neck on one side,a nd a deep V on the other. The dress comes with pockets (!!) for practicality, and is made of a silky rayon crepe. It can be worn four ways - two necklines, with and without the accompanying obi belt. The gold colour here is bright and warm, and a hue that I’ve always been drawn to (I used to have a bright mustard maxi in my wardrobe that brought me so much joy, until I couldn’t fit into it properly anymore). But the seafoam is also so lovely - a neutral with a hint of green. 
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The Dena Dress by Aliceanna. I was fortunate enough to stumble upon this very recently and fell in love. The off shoulder cut is definitely having a trend moment now, and I was previously quite cautious about my approach to it. But I simply cannot deny my love of this cut, and that it has indeed been around for centuries. What is so charming about this dress is its simplicity and architectural qualities. The one above is made of a raw silk, but future iterations are to be in a crisp linen (I’m looking at a lovely moss green). The boxy cut allows you to focus on the neckline and sleeves. It is effortlessly romantic and feminine. However, it is less versatile than the above cuts, admittedly. And linen is less of a commonly accepted evening wear fabric - though can be made suitable with the right accessories. (And also, who cares? Who made these rules anyway?)
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The Pleated Dress by Black Crane. The dress of my dreams! Look at that full, pleated skirt! And that amazing colour. And there are hidden pockets, also. This particular colour was sold out long ago, but I understand that Black Crane makes a different version of this dress every season (with long sleeves in winter). While it is cotton, I definitely think this would be appropriate at a special occasion event with some formal shoes and sparkly earrings. And then just throw on your sneakers and you can wear it on a normal day. Comfortable, flattering, timeless. On my forever wishlist.
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The Bias Long Slip in Moss by Organic by John Patrick. Ah, the slip dress. A reminder of the 90s, but contemporary and classic all at once. I love the simplicity of it and I love how it looks on pretty much everyone else. But I just wasn’t comfortable in mine. Maybe I haven’t found the right colour/cut/whatever? John Patrick specialises in sustainably made clothing, and sources all the fabrics himself. This cotton cupro has a soft, silk-like quality and is endlessly comfortable. Better yet, it wicks away moisture and is machine washable. Oh, slip dress, I hope to find the right one for me one day. So simple, sophisticated and a bit sexy, really.
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The Rise Dress in Navy by Miss Crabb. I think a really great addition to a special occasion capsule is a mini dress - something that sits above the knee. I have certainly been way more drawn to midi lengths over the past few years (despite years of wearing tiny miniskirts in my youth), but I really appreciate the flattering cut of a short dress. This one has a flowiness and longer sleeves to balance out the shorter length. I also love that it has volume and can be worn with or without the sash. With some pointed shoes and red lipstick, you’d be good to go for any occasion, be it brunch of evening soiree.
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hallomuffin · 7 years
Loungewear Wishlist
An expansion of my previous post. This is an ongoing forever wishlist, spanning all seasons, of clothes I’d love to wear at home.
1 - JOUNICH SWEATSHIRT RIB by BaseRange - (Purchased, $180) - A twist on the classic sweat, the ribbed texture and brushed organic cotton offer so much comfort. The length means that it’s sort of a tunic on me, too, and can be worn with leggings. (My bum is covered!)
2 - PLAIN LEGGINGS by Bhumi - (Purchased, $50) - Organic cotton jersey. A classic. You wouldn’t believe how difficult it is to find good quality, ethically made leggings that aren’t black. I almost caved in and bought a black pair, but insisted with my search because I can’t really wear black anymore. It reminds me too much of my work uniform, and doesn’t inspire serenity within me.
3 - ORGANIC JUMPSUIT by VegeThreads - (Purchased, on sale for $150) - The grey marle version of this jumpsuit looks SO comfy. The great thing about this jumpsuit is that it has been designed to be worn outside, so the fabric is durable and rugged, as well as pliable and soft.
4 - MAHABIS CLASSIC KIDS by Mahabis - (Purchased, $84) - I am not sure if these are a gimmick, because there is potential for that. Or they could be the greatest invention ever. There are tons of positive reviews on this product, so I just had to give it a go. It comes in a CHILD SIZE for my CHILD FEET! I ordered the mint green with the ivory sole, because I was after a breathable, summer-friendly slipper. (I already have my uggs for winter.) I am excited to receive these.
5 - HEMP JERSEY ALINE CREW TEE DRESS by Good Studios - ($89) - During summer, our place gets really warm, particularly inside the studio where our computers are huffing and puffing. On days like this, all I want is a short, lightweight layer to wear so I can be covered up (no more, no less) but also mostly naked. Right now I still have my two t-shirt dresses from Italy (one purchased from H&M, and one purchased from a random market). I’d like to replace them with better quality things. 
6 - NUDE LOOSE SWEAT by BaseRange - (Purchased, $70) - An easy sweat with a loose hem. The pinky-nude is a comforting and uplifting colour to wear. I can alternate between this and the Jounich Sweat.
General desirables: 
An oversized, flowy tee in raw silk.
A loose, long sleeve top.
A sweatshirt in cotton fleece.
A thick, oversized, longline wool or cashmere cardigan.
An oversized cashmere turtleneck.
Cashmere joggers (Grana sells these sometimes?).
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